The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 01, 1948, Image 2

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    ng Out The Vintage
stogie Fan Findtm
If You Smoke, Don
r 1
1 F
' li
' I
if I
Well Fired, W§|n
gear’s bonffi
ih Memorial
This year’s
hot time ih Memo .. .
day, generated quite a bit of
Whether the steaik
direct result of the locij
say. We do say that : <p its
alone, this years blaze was i
trom the
t Thurs-
i \! ■. :.j
n was a
we can’t
in merit, |
should do—-
behaved flame
did what all good febnfii
burned with a brig]
and served as a fo
of school spirit. |
This year’s bonfire
Whittington. conflagrattti^
face of adversity. Built |
normal period, it had to gb bp fast to meet
a deadline. | ; ’ii
W, Study of tWliustin Attitade . .
''' ' Hi
nil of a Dick
g^ew in the 1
All|these extra problems had to be off
set, by extra effort. This effort was put
by a grfeat many individuals and
ups. They were so numerous that space
knowledge prohibits our mentioning
all here. “ 7
j To all of them however, we would like
;o^ deliver a group message of apprecia-
;i<jjn. Your efforts were appreciated from
Dther quarters too. The last objective that
received such flattering aerial attention
ivas Ploesti.
' ill:
/_ • ' - ’ ■
Abdication Department
Dear Know-it-all:
ybc you and al l
tamin' cai
v |! - ■?! . V*ijg .fi . 11
We have returned frott^another Corps
trip and have settled dchyh^with pleasant
memories—-most of us $kl tea
| Some were not so ; |pky jas to get
through the weekend umw^red. It seems
that a few hoodlums wbr# Ait to spoil the
Aggies’ weekend, or jit i§|i^ry ItO spoil it.
From several dlffowihV soUruos,; most
of them reliable, have ewif wjr ^
gies beirlg Heaton oii and
clubbed, at points add liiiiuoh iiiWayithat
they .were defdnseleflh imniit|di|tj atjujoks.
One notable sto^y,!||§i'll innfUrmed,
states t hat two. Aggies wore walking along
the street by thems|lve|j||Siuid^|ly a car
pulled up: gldtlgsidi thetn; t tree; jboys
'jumped out and attentpitC(( to get their
garrison ea'iis. In so dijii|jr, the boys beat
one of the Aggies in the lace avid then re*
•treated to their car.-; 'lllr !
ilaiy night are familipr with what happen-
?di there. Several university students tried
toi jnake trouble by giving cheers and
naking unpriritablej comments, particul
arly offensive to Aggies with dates.
I One very large TU student, identified
\v several Aggies, iiihade himself ^grticul-
trly obnoxious. It is hoped that he is not
w O tUypIcal TU ,tud.nt. ;
When we hottivoi these thinurfi. wo a re a a
you and al your book-
d tell me something that
en ! wondering aibout ever
came to A&IV! as a fresh-
than ih thh “dark yeajrs.” What do
teasipjiers; sip?
Dear Kletch:
Obviously, Fletch, you two.per-
dontod on the troops last Turkey
When we hoar of those things, wo are
ntgaled; It la difficult to understand why
ivrr one hundred Aggies can atten a TU
wbr one hundred Ajggic
>ej) rally and act like college students, and
/el Tegaa University students cannot at-
d our yell practice and act the same
Sportsmanship fyas gone a long way
game, botfaiwe thoy al wont around
niiswolrihg quostionK \dth olio word
you Mow..
. A. An pllflcr
l)c«r Amplifier 1
11 How coipo?
llollvnr HhNKneaty
Hoar llollvar:
I BocmiHO, my dear S iuirnn»ty, tho
hdltori Hays sol If II wpitju't fbr
tho oditor’s say-so, \ihpro would 1
Such n stupid (piostionl You
his year in the Squthwest Conference
bols and student bod-
However, a weekend
viljth most of the scl
eg doing their part.
sound, Bolivar, as if you Just fel
head! If
out of a well on your head! if you
don’t think I’m right, ask swim
mer Art Howard.
A. Amplifier
Dear Feller:
Who Ure you?
Annabella I’umphandlo
Skunk Hollow, Kentucky
(Writ by hand')
Dear Anna India:
I'm sure, Miss Pumphnndlo, that
Day, Has you been h Austin you you can’t toad, since you obvious-)
I Would huvo learned i s I did that fy engaged your old dominecker
J tjeasipners sip'soup, A.11 the nippers hen to w
must nave been nunity after the For
rite your letter to me
your infornmtlan, I am A
Amos Amplifier III. the sagesti
sage this side of Sadie’s Switch]
Sidewinder County, and Smoke-;
house ddnutlon,
Although your qiicstlon Inter*)
esta me, 1 dare not ell mb further
on the limbs of my family treel
for fear of winding up In tho
blasphemy of my colorful hut eon*
mlvlug (/hortM In Hoem 202,
Your unMcruptrlous
t prognosticator,
A. Amos Amplifier
i 1
Between thie Bookends
The two AggiW got&e licen ic number « k e 1116 P ast on© eoti^ easily have undone
all! the good ttyit has been accomplished.
of the car and turned' over
authorities. It was ~ E
Whether he Was
to be determined,
was almost run ddWWItv Saifijiels’ car of such foul P la y are not . typical
that same night. 'JM \ !| > | university students
; ■ ' :J j 1 Hi ; i llij , : ■ ted
Another tale which flomes
people involved says ; that; a gre
students formed a blockade across a side-
Iw A 'i«.. J'- , 1 .. 1 « .F ’
i 1
els’ ; car. ) har ^ ^ ^ S: uijt wkat opinion
rj has yet TU student js regarding sports-
editors 1 manship. We like to'think that the people
jjk .
. However, t|he attemp-
bombing of our bonfire was condoned
njd paid for by some of the frats on the
'W campus. . -h
We hope that these people Were of the
European Integration Urged
In Ward’s ‘The West at Bay’
ih the
walk in Austin and ;|ri|||p n|afa the Ag- ; miinority, and thgl by next yeir the ma
gics walk in the street. This group did not
;meet with much success.
1 ' I 1 ! r i| I |' ml " |l[ j ;
Another Aggies fwah/walkifig past a
dark alley. He, apparenti|%;pdt too much
) faith in Austin people fcWtng civilized and
as a result was clobbere&Uike the rest'.
All who attended; ydll practice Wednes-
' ,0 *11. r L;f '
j . ofii
: Mam
ty can mend their own fences. This
e group of people is coming down here
:iejct year and if we conduct ourselves like
Wmal, intelligent college stupetns per-
laps they will see the folly of tjheir ways.
Then maybe we’ll get .a better recep-
iqn there in ’50.
The Passing Parade . !..
: : -i. ■!>! ^j. liTli |: , ,
, Ireland.and the Asso- <
es /hii|ttle ftem
terriqtH |oined t
From Belfast, I^el
ciated Press epmes
Frisk, a bull ter*rie ( F, ioined the staff
of the Ulster Food office today, to sniff
out black market practleop. j J 4 j
/Authorltiea. suH)Weii; Ipaany JhlrdlK are
gent to England illegaH^lahelled
ttccpggoriea, Frjgk Will work an-
day gt the dork a, HiJudjfhg pa
as auto
fht hour
Is await'
’ After announulni thi|tha eily govern-
ments collected mor#tn||t|y lastiyear than
ever before, the Cenatis Bsreau Mids What
Ik no doubt peiffectll’ % order |fj)r a sta
'' 'wtimrn
’ ^ ’aoLtmat
| ‘J 1 ! • <> I') JV • j' *
n| shipment. Any that interest Frisk will
)el opened.
f 1 ' , ;j .■ j-ij j 1 . j.-. '■ . •
We are wondering if, after a hitch in
hj> food office, we couldn’t borrow Frisk
'oj* the sovereign state;of Texas.
| r V| i I : v j '
I Aa gmelly ns some (>f our state activity
Mtomea, the pooch coiilH l»o on semi-ro-
IPement most of the time.
’ ! The West at Bay, by Barbara
. Warq. Norton & Co., New York,
i 1948.
Europe has been the focal point
of two great wars—running sores
of chronic depression, for the past
(140 years. [;j ;
, Shortage of Yankee dollars, and
with it, paralysis of international
trade s the chief symptom of Eu
rope's present crisis.
‘lotv to pjace Europe on a
stable economic footing is the
problem Barbara Ward, young
(34) and brilliant foreign af-
i fairs editor of the London Eco-
nomist, presents and resolves in
West at ‘Bay.
Atnerica’s role in the reconstruc
tion j is known 'to all as the Mar
shall Plan, or ERP. Under
program, tho 16 non-Commur
itions of Europe have joined to
iatc tboir economic needs, to
ce their budget at a level
[•enough to insure political stk-
bifitV. , !
j Miss Wdrd sees in this coopclr--
atioq the sfleds of something gre ilt-
fr—p }Vestern Association simj kr
to tho United States of Kuropc
pomilaHaed by Winston Churchill,
| Without [Kuch a union, tho hod
ton) civilination is foresq^n
m hura Wiml
Sidney M,
Horvlco firnt. uh
of the
irbitldent and then mm HiHTeUtry
(dfile Hock HoUry Cluj) cave pm M5 yegM.
t jwouid be Interesting to know the exuet
t but ACtUdily M’bolly jvdight of the Knglinh pOttM ho hnn CohMum-
Hgt iitl^tttlko spent imore. fdidurlng that time.
—4— 1%—>
Tie Battalion] official
City of College
JEf ^ “
-••• •
4. Battalion
of the Agficdl
ished five tiD i<
esf a ’
and Mechanical College, of Texas
week artd circulated every Monday
tion periods. During the Summer
g holjidayB and eKadi „
iday, Wednesdi y and Friday. Subscriptwn rate
j ed herein
Entered as stcond-ilass matter Post
Office at ColleRe Station, texaa,. Under
the Act of Congress of March 3, ’ IjtO..
' ——
Netifs contributionalm
Goodwin Hall. Classified
Office, Room 209, GoodWiri /
xclusively to thi
d m the
all other
Membe- of
The Assqpia :e<3 Press
by telephone
placed hy
ff : if
' J
jmmer STh
44^0 per
lise for republicatidn
ib the papdr and local news of spon
matjter herein ere also reserv
and the
The Bat-
■k ? 1 1 * , \
11 I.0HT A HaH?/
KdH|ir, Th« BaHalluij:
Deail Bji'i i
Oh .Sunday, Novcm
1 picked up a hltch-hii
Texas litid brought hljm
When 1 let him nut he U
aipper bag in my nuwrniohlje.
outside of the bag hks the mir
VMitchdll” painted oij it With no
talist nations.
It involves no fundamental
changes of European society’s
complexion, other than the revi- i
val of the “brotherhood of man”
and other Christian principles.
Fat chance!!
The West at Bay is the first
book published in America by Miss:
Ward. Throughout it her reason-;
ing is excellent, her clarity su-j
perb. She is at her best when de
scribing what the U.S. and Eu^
rdpe must do in order to make the
ERP a Success. But her primary
assumption that Europe and its
present social order is basically
good can Be questioned seriously.
IPjmfe trf Hip*
“Finally brethren, be strong in
the Lord, and in the power of
his might." Eph. SslO
The soul of the Christian is a
continuing battleground. The pow
er of Satan is in unceasing oppo-
sition against the will of Jesus
Christ in the heart oif the believer.
No) one of us can by our own
strength prevail against the* great
adversary. Only as we connect
our lives with the power offered
to Us through Jesus Christ can we
endure tho temptations that »ro
js, We
oobpeintiqn a he proposes
i- with all the exeellont stwtistitts, ever haforq us, We acquire power
plwult and brogrants stripped aside to dvercomt temptation and to do
r-ls cooperation between the eojU the work of a Christian
as by faith
we olose the gap between our weak*
ness and the strength of God.
(Read Eph, III HI-1(1)
Durijig odr conversation he atg-
. ■ V
Ing with wild life,
[dent at Teg-
in conserval In work deal-
ted tha|t>hc was a s
as A&
,i , - ■ i
all news dispatches
ecus origin publish-
Repivaented nationally by If itional Ad-
vertfsing Sorvipfl Inc., at New York City,
diicaffo, I^» Angele*, and Sac Francisco.
444) or at the editorial office, R >om 201,
'one (4-6324) Or at the Student Activities
Harvey Cherry, John
Clark Monroe
Mn- Nancy Lytle ■■■
Bill Bnilngaley
T. Nanney
Alfred Johnston
Andy Davis
Alan Curry
Kenneth Marak. Sam Lanfoi
Frank Welch. O. W. Jr-
Chuck CabanUa Charles
^•h.e*e..^ t U^, C )•
"■■■ 11 " l " ■ •■•() *-
Don. Engel king
'Back" "
Spoede, Itiii Fotta,
Andy J
Matula, FVed
His home is either
Texas or some place
j If tl^re is any 'W
, find th|s boy’s'addri
glad to mail him the
fort on your part to
this sttjdent would
tigation A
the H
al Branch,
las, Texas
rilil y<| 1 I
•Jill ■ -L ;■ "■
TON, O., Dec.
ton, believed,to be
for a
ickel, is gtvi
city co;
Nl. Mary’a Chain*!
w»n. DEC,
WED. thru SAT.
I "SS.. o
you can ride
&<> a titt&
»y C. C. MVNItoB ,
If your roommHte la one of thoao wl
tilt plenaure in life la laying a imoke-
of Bl Ropo nuthber 6 fo/ aroutid yOur
why not try and get hurt to take
oldering hemp out to one. of the lotal
king tots for a machine uge cure? ,
A certain patriot, John Kainersky uy
name, of New York Was a chewer of the
itioians trademark, and as he was driv-
happily along puffing on his cigar mis-
’ortune stepped in to put an end to his
His car became entangled with that of
ther driver, and while the gallent John
as out investigating the damage a third car
tly nudged the Kainersky jalopy* The
alopy in turn nudged John, and the upshot
f-the whole affair was that John swallowed
e stogie. [ /
No comment was forthcoihing from the
poared^W Ilftkd
fast ahojigh thq
caught the hit
were M nien, but
nearby farmers
■ ^ 1 Isljor so
und rani Not
id till
Hat they
■ _ ... _ ___ icoihing from
ruggling Yankee, but a doctor who thrust country are utl^er the
einikht WOdld )e
them. |Tne farmer couljl
women only.exp aired
remarks were not r Hi
pays to lock your
what will be conlnf in
T 4*
The Daughters
tion won’t like it,
English people aelieve tt
a British colori), This, fs
by a recent poll (tl
by the colonial oiffide.
We wonder how mu
it Am
ed] twe
me to
ou cant
r car
re so
tho still
lis lights into John’s throat commented that
had never before been called in to attend
i case of singed tonsils. ' , - I ,
r /it.
Rattling windoWs have, in the past, al
ways been a source of trouble, |but after hear
ing of a recent escapade ip Germany it
/ould pay us all to investigate before cover
ing our heads with pillows to drown out
(excuse me) shut off the noiie.
It seems that the male shortage is get-
I pay, old bean,ipaw
omplng f|
sty grt
ed thefranka
lives for thd ‘
On|| Was; i
school student
b |i , /
rt this
lion ?
|11 > ou?”
• *
ng you
the [current
ft r the re\
ing the German femmes a bit perturbed twenty dollars; I’d be ti
and they decided to do sometjhing about it. sans catsup janri mustard, !
^o, late one cold Bavarian evening as the The real old America
rlan hills, throe opstrated by ai secohd inf
re '
jry high
4 $20.00. [(For
M tp Bat two,
rfet was dem-
Ipjil In Georgia
ptl stomach. Ho
tiiug th)L t|dbit.
Hide Rule Contest -tTrr
The antiitftl freshman
conteftt will be held sltnuHanoouslv
iii the auditorium of Building T-
180 uhtl in Room 303 of the ME
Bbildinp: at 1 p. m. Thursday, J.
K. CaddesS, chairman for the con
test has announced.
A first Ond second prize for the
i, i ,,, lU i ed « smiiH lplaque livarlnu a-com
Itanoouslv 1 ,rt *j'd®tlon from the luiiid iif Hh
ii ■;
-'i • • • 44
Learn to snore in tho dnytimik Aimnzb j*
your friends; How? SimplelJn'aicare
fully avoid NoOoz Awaksnork. When
tablet t
prleo by., tho
moon rose over the cold Bavarlap hills, thrfee
figures in men’s clothing weife seen appro- who h|)d|a |ionj*fU8ti galv;
aching the window of a farmhouse. On the accepted a mere; $160 for
ipner side of the window, sb the account He, oicp.lained hlk.cufejWilB
/ent, was the room of the farmer's son. The statement," I wanted lA ljlgp the inflation
three figures approached the Window, bang- amonijJ(h«'.l|FhiwtoijjpporIndwKi a
on it, and when the farmer himself ap« worthy r|8fts|hif j ■ ^
< nmdi? In thqi oi)nU*iit ilcimiVmtmL.hiaddws said;
amt swoml WlSf lb , Tbd dWH'tlJ ctpimmy i
. oach dopiii'tiurnt of the unglni'W!- i« niiidvciy .iit|t tol' TIhii'm
f I Irtg Hohool mmi which jHSlonta .tMmlwr Id,
let tot 1 mirsaay wii»«. awardeiu ; t
J • I pach rim|,rs|tant will la| ; awssjet. [ t - [D .;
I !
AnnnS u mma*
!!f Hi ( ■■■■■■■HMfaHHiH
. 21
‘■'Ar, -l
• ,•
I liH I
Over Canady's Pharmacy
I 1 [Bmla • 1
PHONE 2-6494
..people take* a KoDoz Awakttttr tohlot thoy
wake up fast, f<*el alert. Harmless as
oofflee. 25c at dtrugj stores: '
College Shoe Repair
North Gate