Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1948)
>4A , ‘r ■MW :> ■J "f>.v ! ff*. __ > • v it ^ "T" .i;£ ■i ■;.v b 1 - ? -•Vi" ;J } f ' « ■ *C H Opener fr KlCHSUiM-f Villanova ~. -pi A&M (74) (feet in air), just after he tackled halfback Joe Rog* tjuarter action of the game in Philadelphia: In th^ play also are )n the ground); end John Bogan (84) of Villanova, and back lowers wasn’t hurt oh the play but was injured later in the game. Wildcats Break Halftime Tie With Two TDs In Third Period By DON ENGELKING > / 1 r- Led by a speedy 225 fullback named Ralph Pasquariellb and a 155 pound quarter back named William Doherty, the Villanova Wildcats came from behind to'romp passed the Texas Aggies, 34 to 14 hei*e on Franklin Field. A pfcss interception by Aggie End Wray Whittaker on the third play of the game gave the Aggies an early lead. ' , , * * ■ Whittaker snatched Andy Gordon’s short aerial on the Villanova 48 yard line and scampeied to pay uirt auer omy MONDAY, Villanova Formalions,, Experience Cause By ART HOWARD Loss Saturday Over thrice fourth^ of the •fei-n- ... - • 1 • r • ‘f- A&M Athletes Televised Station WFIL- /The Aggie football sq^ad and theii; coaches were the subject of tAvo television prof and Friday nights. _ ; TV pul on both f — r r — practice t\Vo weeks before tfe did, Thursday night Aggie foot- a stronger! team thap everjloric ex- aihd they got in a practice game bailers Odell Stautzenhurgcr, An- " ew „1 por ^ vfith Columbia last week. dy Hillhouse, and Jim Winkler publicity dirdCftcjp. A&MJ said ^ m Added to that was the fact that were on a program along with that eastern sporty:vi-itcrs jrated .j ^ggie. players saw their first ' “ * terback entries pickq(d A&5f ajs Ifuard the flarxers Pasquariello tAvo television programs Thursday “ '♦eek, and so dm the |jn re through the . middle. and Friday nignts. Sta —r* J , The Philadelphians also started TV pul on both shows. But, Villanova turned oujt to be 1 nractico t\Vo weeks before We did.: TK. the Wildcats as ■one of . the est teams ip (hat • afte rong- college action Saturday, while V(l- Sat- j Ionova had 20 seasoneil lettermenJ j This ^loes not mean that this Coach Bob Gary and Publicity any ma gie ends! moved iii shoveled the ball 1 . S . on Nee jttriER for Reading? for Sewing? V j j |t> Then fry fhe NEW r~i . Director William “Dub” King.. At the j Friday practice session movies (were taken and'’then play ed oyer the air waves through tele vision. The shots were of the team running plays, and other shots of individual .players and the coaches. There are plenty of television sets in the east, and interest in rtijkitih- urday’s coh'lejt.: P- tV • From the radio'account, Ag- kriter is making excuses for the -gie; ends sounded v|ry wesklwhen! A&M team. Wc got beat, beat they were unable tb stop Villano- Iratfter badly. The score shows ; va’s ehd sweeps! King staled’That ?hat. But the mistakes which the Wildcats pulled a flantdr for- iwere,made Saturday are not like- *uatioit ; wHch threw! tho Agfdes off 3y to be repeated., balance in the! *#>pd hi m The I Coach Stiteier is just beginning i this new form of news coverage ’ eastefrtiips werfe iipt expected to tjb fipd out which of his men are seems to be high. i ( $ - r^Alse this fonniation, and Coach ttiq best. The only place where he ' The game was televised by the V Stiteter had nolt infilled t ie! team (jjan find that odt.iis in an adtual same station, along with ipre-game > bn a defejrise for ii ' • ffamc.- It £ill ..take several mor? activities including ‘Dog* r Dawson, / Even hith the jflankin ? half- games,, and^hiaybe several more Walt Perrine, and William “Dub” . backs ;w de, VSIlagava threaten- fdjosses, before he can get the Ag- r King. qd the; vender/of jfffie'-Iiiie!with\ | gie team clicking Smpothly. I - i 4- . - their bfuising f*llback, Ralph ^ 1_ . ] lello. Kijiaj estimated the ! ’ ' j vMoire than 200 cowboys have fallback' was as fsbt as Single gkme attendance record entered the Various contests to he 1 on our tejam. If h s Ag- (fur the. Arizona U. football stadium htfld at the 23rd annual Madison the Wildcats ||s set last year when the Square Garden rodeo, Sept. 29- one minute and 54 seconds of the first, pieriod. The Aggies preceded show the way during most of the first hah by surprising the easterners with a, much better ground\attack than expected. The Villanovians * hao labeled the Aggies as a passing outfit and were a bit unpreparea when the Farmers unleashed*.their iunning game in the first half. The Wildcats soon came to life, however, and were able to tie the score late in the first half when an Aggie fumble by; Bobby Goff on the Aggie 17 wi)s recovered by Vincent O'Sullivan, Viilano- va’s second string tackle. The Main Liners needed only three plays to score in after O’ Sullivan’s recovery as Robert Po- lidor carried the ball to the six yard line and Pafjquariello carried thq ball over on 1 his seepnd try. Thisy game tying • score came with only 2 minutes and 15 seconds re maining in the second quarter. Thomas Clavin booted the extra point, his first of four for the af ternoon to send the game into a tie. During the first half the Ag gies looked like the team to win as they held possession of the ball the majority of the time. The turning poiqt of the game came during the second quarter after an Aggie touchdown drive had fizzelled out on the five yard line. r Starting on their own 47 where Villanova kicked but of bounds the Aggies began the unsuccesstul march. Aggie Quarterback Jimmie Cashion lateraled to Bobby Goff who slanted off tackle and went 21 yards before being brought down on the Villanova 1 32. On the next play Jim Boswell went through the line for ten yards and another first down. Preston “PeeWee” Smith carried to the 18 and Boswell picked up jtwo more off tackle. '-v>. ni w : . i Page 3 •T j 11 SAI A midnight yell praCti hundred and fifty Aggies typical tfteue 01 a emps wick Hotel in this city 0: H season look Saturday mo up on tne team a cmuices Luckuy no accii caused in this sc« old city by the sign: seniors in their boots. There w liity Aggies present at the the Pnuaueiphii, and New tork Aa:M Chios[Jwi well represented 1U the game James Otis, ardent, Aggie made the trip as usual. Two elements usually seen; at jiM games missing m- Phimd ^uia were “Lou” Loupot and r>|r ..y Downs. Their absence .xpiaineu. All tour of the I C|)rlris xcd Leaders made the Ut_ The Villanova band came pr betore the game followed by iheir mascot —a wildcat— In cage. It resembled the LSU tig I aboi lave While Aggie end ANDY HILLHOUSE (89) looks on, linebacker HULIN SMITH (53) closes in to stop Joseph Rogers (20), halfback on the Villanova squad, after a five yard gain in Saturday’s season opener of' the 1948 Aggie football schedule. down on the five and then Pas- quarielio made his second of three touchdowns as he carried over center for the score. Gavin's second extra: point sent the hom®team out in front, 14 to 7. £« r< J* ? aine<1 lyohinx The _ Aggies could W get i;ame at a glance Hirst/downs I'By rushing By passing Villanova A&M .......... 11 - 9 .—- f® 1 Nil yaj-ds gained rushing started m the second bal$ as the , Bassos attempted much-improved Villanova team Hasses completed kept possession of the ba 1 most ^rylrJl^S pacing Ox tile time. > ‘ Punta numlier v . The Wildcats looked like a Yard average championship team in the last two' .]* un ‘ ba !* y . ,ir j , “ - stanzai as William Ddhcrtjr, Pas-; ^" t " ^ covcreti ; : quariello and COr.»ran the tifed ! Opponent's recovered 'With the ball resting on the 16 Aggies ragged. IlSbi^u'IXr Old m llicj ; 'f to their (lank- Wildcats played New Mexico U. i Oct. 24: 4—^ ir i t I t ■ r- improved. non-glitter, steady ray flubreseeiii,t any 2W1 161 for Stodv? / for Work? V T12W14 tube desk lajn / “rr . I 1 TRU-tEST Basistor Bqllast 4 .-improvement inp deride of flL 1 lighting j toward dchi element jio non-dlitteT 8$ linalit n witH diffused whiti rays, giving. ah eosejrof visit and lessened teye strpi i\, -i" " V\ . i SWANECK AHjusiabie nnn — lets you swing the tube cano’py and angle the light where desired, on the page, while your eyes are at j ease in the shadow, giving clarity of vision .thru long periods of reading, study or work, with lessened ootic strain! & -i’! as a ^wall $l3i83 I* If you impij’qy sol iifllf finished I 1 justable s' 1 4* and select We Ac progiT e mflel ‘ iccept p* MODEL l-X v. (4 MODEL 3X ,l JUNIOR EX1CUTIVE lentirei tuba, llqlit ; excellent readin bed; *erve; table I ** Lqt price iedefa! Ux. 1: itou call kqe Uiwe KEW EKA improved steady j»y ilaocewttit tfcSIt Tamps \ in practical use in my room atA-K Puryear Hall). 1/1 h [J [Hi i-, .4-; - [I , / ntEEitECUTIVB , ■ ^ An attracHihi dignified desk,or table lamp, suitable for offie* and home use. One fube, heavy base, choice of two finishes, in praeficel Hemmertene Brown Enamel (bated on) at list price of $>18441 complete with tuba or in beautiful two-tona Bronze Plate et Rat price of $184* complete with tuba; prices IncfuAs Faderal tax. - x/'i , demand the NEW /BRA ributed by AM-CO-EX, Inc., If 'your dealer can not supply you, defdesired and order direct; shipment will be made by prepaid parcels post. r8onamecks.r ' ■'A. -4 AM-CO-EX, I»c. chandislng Items for Bettor giving. H. TAUJOTT President .S'. : ■ Cashion again lateraied to Goff who carried to a first down on the 8 yard strip. Goff then wept to the six and on second down Boswell lost two. On the third down Goff carried down to within four yards of pay dirt. > | On fourth down Herb Turley came in to try for a field goat hut too much time cost the Farmers a five yard pfnalty; With the ball resting on the 9 Turley went back to kick but two Villanova line men rushed in and partially blocked the place kick. , 1 ... ■ Steve Romanik picked up the kick on the 5 and lateraled to Al fred Schmid who carried back to the VUftnova 29. Pasquariello then made a fancy run to the Aggie 42 before being hauled down from behind. Andy Gordon passed to Daniel Brown who went ell the way to the Ag gie 22 before being stopped. The Aggie defense then straightened out and held] the Wildcats to only nine yards iri the next three plays. .On the third play after the Aggies took over on downs Goff made that costly fumble which Villanova recovered on ,the Farm er seventeen. Three plays later, the Wildcats made their first 'score of the game. The second half was all Villa- nova’s as the Wildcats scored af ter only three minutes were gone in the third quarter. Doherty returned Goode’s punt Pasquariello culminated ji 90 yard VillanoVa scoring drive in the third quarter with a beauti ful 25 ferard skirt through the entire Aggie team for his third touchdown of the day. ★ . The fourth Villanova tally came in the early stages of the fourth quarter when Doherty passed to John Bogan in the end zone fori a 40 yard scoring drive. The • touchdown play accounted for 71 yards. Little Charlie Royalty, 155 pound Aggie scat back, brought the 35,000 fans to thrir feet af ter eight minutes and 39 seconds of the last quarter, with a beau tiful 93 yafid punt return. Roy alty weht all the way behind perfect blocking with Goff get ting in the key block. Royalty’s tally and Herb Tur ley’s second extra point boot from placement made the score Villa-, nova 27 A&M 14. Villanova came right back a; made their final score on a tained drive that started/from their own twenty after Goode’s kickoff sailed out of the end zone. Andy Gordon's screen puss to Rogers netted the final eighteen yards. Goode and Goff were .outstand ing on both offense and defense -for the Aggied. In the line Guard Max Griener and end Wray Whit- [Fumbles own recovered Fumbles opponent recovered Yards ,lo»t- penalties of the T and then went r A<i then ■T from hi, own 43 to the Aggie 38.' i taker looked pood in the first half Polidor picked up three and Joe and Andy Hillhouse looked great thd way to the 20 jdurinp the. second half. made another first / Rogers wont all yard, strip; Polidor er the y-ime most of th© /(See AGGIES, Page 4) V i INLAID LINOIM J MANY DIFFERENT PATTERNS ■f ^. -di •c. Our workmen will lay your linoleum skillfully, efficient^, quickly aft d courteously. j - CHOOSE YOUR NEEDS FROM OUR ‘ FULL LINE OF PATTERNS J.j . 4i:/ -/;■ • i- i -h-.v r ~' _ • Clayton Furniture Cb. J. ferreri CFerreri Biyan, Texas B- r " 41 v New Radiance for your shoes .. /.. after we’ve resoled and heeled them. Get our “Bret Gleam” shine too! , J ONES Boot & Shoe Shop (BOUTHSIDE L omy not quite as laige. Both teams came out on aieln at 2:2? p. m. Easteiln dur-j light saving time. The Villlapc squad was wearing white Jje»s< ; wnn. blue numoers and goljd ire sers.i t he Aggies Were in Mardonj jjejr- seys with white numbers Sni" pants. 'j . rranklin Field is a horke-rth is shaped, double tiered stad|iu|nt with a seating capacity Of 000. This game drew aboqt (OuO paid admissions. There temporary bleachers at th|e end of the field and on the tta surrounding the playing field. The Villanova band ionrjed with a smaller A&M on elict seven thousand, nine Pnuadeipnia tne, wdcjoeau. xue »»ar- tliierly| lovi had the football With Aggie exes cneckmg feua T «ii4u tne ovation. ' i : - r —■—'■; , ,rVi . d from the Rio Ii;' makers w ilt MHO the snape oi an “ V to Alumni and played “lhe ( Id oi ly Mare.’’ A ‘V was tnen formed for the satne teurn. i, At i xj© end of t(te game the team kpiam of Vjrttauuva was > (.reenoeu inie uasca-brnnh tro- [ny .ims award was named In i ouor ot hern>c Smitn Oi the ’»9 Angie uam n*'' lootoukr it] Viiianu id d Tiire gfesta. a 1 and n torrter mOvn also kill* iiootbatl squad were tt4 Phiiaueipnia A&M t muBitaii snow “Bnga- , atuvulay night. idated Beats La Verne Hi i ''TT f>-i ; STUDIO OF PIANO ■ v, r • COLLEGE STAliOh Telephone 4-9428 . v THE NEW IDEAL DOLL WITH THE MAGIC VOICE ... " . • she CRIES j :: # she SOBS j • she COOS $6.95 iftth drws, bonnet, shoes, socks, and play dishes included. Limited num 4ber only. j V .Vv. Hr* u,.,. . x. ^ v • 7 ‘ _ *, ' .J ., h ' \ '| ' , 1 ' tjsiti ' jpstijfjt i onr "Layette Lay Away Plan/' Conditioned for Your Comfort" 4 Use "Air "Specialists in n’s Toys" JOYCE’S IOCS ’N -« r. V . J f S .. - .■'5 ...o. A-3" '/.../ • ;-T '■ i j-,, •' r~: rr ■ 353 N r „ nviUe Zo-0 \ | . ; i > Fullt ick Juniesi Urewit sparked • ic Ld sojidaited pgers to a i.6-0 * diieajt. iver [Madisjurjvme here rri- npy ,iniot..jIine lavpred Mustangs A, vjere a pie to make i only 2o yaxus aitd on nrktfdowq tiCe entire nqjnt - vnile ilife Lpiisoliujuted eleven tiav- cieo I yaiots on |tije grouna lor a tpul o 11 jtiirst dbWns. , > wen vr tiea'm completed ~a pass, tut> tt s_Tjg)eKS‘ jni;v,rcdijveQ tnrec dt Ma isonriiitii’s trifis. £- \ rr« wk started tne one-sided! ... score with a zu-ynrd return of. Ute i penihg kniKeff, and went oyer he aiounie AriP® tour Plays . later, j , f ] . Al.n lies lajter tjhu Tiger fullback inttrci pied a iia.'-H on ms own, 44- nua j no. Itie (.non iilternated car 'Tejs v iih hhlfoacik: Ked Cooley U ml tile bfliit on the 12-yaru iU)C. V Jiol mg ijenaitkr put tne, i’igcra )atb/)i tnb 127, ojutf Cooley learned .nc’'ti4il ovjei! from there on \ *nd fi iJlo} pthiiB twbAcorqs qime on •xtemJleHl ((rives hs the Cbiisolidat- m lin repeatedly opened up ^oles for tJ a re oners, i ; com The m. juar VI v htter; taking a efback Red Cas a right lateral lion. 4r - r. ' N . irrect im- preMion. Fabric in- upirnd by the world- famous English Cric kett cloth. • ■- .. 1 I!