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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1948)
.r- yj * r EDI •■•VP S.K* l^ zt Battalion Tp - : ". V,' 1 3 i - ■ 1 ;, r ‘ | ; . . { ■ "Y\ TORIALS MONDAY SEPTEMBER 13, ;948 4 . r ,. ^ ^ H jn^nV 1 ' 'y'^r -r LJ)'ty I BJI ' - J 11 ~ H Statesman, knightly Gentleman’ ■■l-rh' Sulliw ir Ross Founder of Agis^e Traditiont- ■/ i r ■ 1 ’ PP ANVWJDV YOU KNOW f cient boars to merit “regular” stu dent standing. , i The required number of hours, according to Registrar Heaton, is 12. But you keep in J. M., perhaps you can ^djl three hour history, education courses. • . P • ■ ' A New Yea* * r, i; ion e^itjors ini the past have ing at the Annex are not entirely favor- | -The |Ba established at the beginning' the policy tliiey plain ]to adhie tftbirterm a good' praci i which we year. of each year liable for study and feels that freshman re to during dudents should be returned to the Campus * }We believe that it is when adequate housing and classroom fa-i d in ac|ordance with cUities are available. :. .. . 1 pjji ~ ■I II folljo^ 'durilg this school ^ be bro.ught to the campus, the Battalion it we set faijjth in jtliis column the policy Until the time the Freshman-Class can tioriship between the students at the An- will strive to. bring about a closer rela- I- lion p arts to continue to give j nex an( j a t the College. In an effort s: tSM 1 *• *• «*«->—.-». »> ° r each week in the regular paper devoted The full ne\ a effort 14furtw good! «lationr ^ to TSil ^tten^d 4 Her Uool TSCW Fre9h e\joted t> yews concerning that “ w mi iKbrt carried! j BUY MORE WTIH YOUR INSURANCE DOLLARS V • • ■ —T—: - ■' " SAVE 20 TO 25?c* | on your Fire and Automobile Insurance Needs. t Billie Mitchell ’42 STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES : i -; , ■ Phone 4-7269 Above Aggieland "PI College Station, Texas • • : k • 1 J , / I - . \r INSURANCE FOR YOUR EVERY NEED a 11 : We will encourage an increase of stu dent participation in the governing of > f? dorse aaiy political 1 nitiona, sta le, loci l jbr cdnlpus offices. ' ' ^ n0 ‘.r their out, affairs, since we believe that n i or el er those matters affecting, student'activities can best be governed by the students editoriEHy arid through our other columns, The editors welcome all suggestions further! imprbveme it; of the physical plant and criticisms from the readers of the wv ""' cEOssir We will jeontipjiMij: to ertlcourage, both themselves. Amplification Department By CARROLL TRAILS started clown (here last January. D|far Sir: • 1 didn’t go to summer school, as fl am a second semester fresh-i t 1°^ campaigning for Lyn- engineering student, havihg Johlison. I was the man he MOTOR & ARMATURE REWINDING —Single and Three Phase of All Types— t 1 , Ail work guaranteed FRANK’S ELECTRICAL SERVICE Phone: 2-8440 ■_ 107 W. 22nd Bryan, Texas' V ^ f. ? f 8 f. an|rovenjjent, adequate Battalion. The Letters to the Editor Col- __ ___ __ ing si giials, better landScap- umn will always be open for readers to itfg anfi deveijopmeathf ne\<ti buildingsjind express their opinion and the editors will improvement of ex isiitng buildings will be be available at all times for constructive , e Battalion will also give criticism br comment, its full support to ullj plans to improve the J We will endeavor to give fair and im- qpality off instruct oil at A*M. ‘ partial trealme suppo We - The J* •r- i will fideav wt at the same time, to might arise during the school year. 4 Members Added To Biology Staff Dr; Lynn L. Gee has been named . professor of bacteriology at A&M ti-ouble for the faculty and admin'- ^according to Dr. C. C.:Doak/head looked in the eye and told where He, stood! ]• Like all* other returning stWdoiits I was supposed to registet* last' Saturday, but I was detained until late Saturday afternoon. I was busy hiding the votfcs in Jim Wells County. :j; i Natuidlly, I had to register late. Now I -realize that this makes partial treatment'to any subject which of the Biology Department. Dr; Gee comes to A&M from istration, especially the registrar. But I paid the assessed fine, and they sigtied me up.; It seehis that most of the sec- . help seicure p largbif number of students All editorial opinions will reflect the fe Vl. by'ipromGtibg among high school opinion of the editors only. We assume students MTexas ja jrealizalltion of the ad- full res; j J . \ -ri m4-o or. Ir. respcmsjJbiHty for aU, material pub- vantages of attentfeijig College. . lished in the Battalion unless such matek- rr»i. [/• i. . .. ■ i_L r.. 1.1 _ j ' \ Bait I feels >'S J 01? .It!' Ton ight there ;a)he living three ir •that thece rtre 215 m Sardiii t conditions exist- ial is othenrisle labled. , Humans a ire 825 • * Purdiie University, Indiana, where ^tions writ- already filled and he was associated with, the Agri- things Were slightly mixed up. cultural Experiment Station. All I could get was English 101, Lawrence S. Dillon and Richard I • ^ B. Rypma have been named in-j Answer: I know this will come structors in zoology and general Jas a shock to you, j. M., hot I am '-biology respectively at the Annex. iafrjaid tfiat you do mot h^ve suffi- f !— r——'—r—rr-—— PALACE ■ PHONE 2-eU>70 - THURSDAY - A BEST-SELLER OF BOLD INI INTIMATE EMOTIONS SPEAKERS JUS PAY- -BTO CITY" ud WED. CURTAIN” ith-; 'j v ' i G«ne TIERNEY -.41 T'A am [ms i. T 1W; CjjpeM 1:00 t;. M—Phone 4-1181 i WELCOME AGGIES! tiw -I- Crowdedicondiiiiif)H are studei^s who situation at the present time and some h rooirt. Thi^pieans solution will probably be reached shortly: which house In the meantime however, these people . in the crowded rooms will be working uii- not conducive der a disadvantage. ^ to StudynTg.jj and h!? jjersijin who has To • Eveiy effort should be madp to straigh- study f iiiiler|such*.-• Jojnditieui is not being ten out the housing, situation as soon as iven ; rtun ty to do Thesp studsiks who livo thteef tola room kre be" p F— * u ■' 4 ' j.t yCollegfe alithoritiis are: 4' or king bn the to a room hjs best. possible-so as to give these students an t are having to' (opportunity to study as they wish, ig cheated out Wc hope that this situation will be off sbnietfonl: whiohj is riglitfully theirs, thoroughly, investigated and that no rba- ivamely the right ol stndjiin the proper' sbnable means will be spared to adequately 3tmospheri\; f | ! || ; house those students who now live throe. Please . *;• • m r. ' -' . Tc ' 'A ' Inly yesterday ot the most malicious spreaders of untrue rs Rumors jLrp-| f(>|ng l' •pjeople wcrt*e paying tW all|!he June ROTC tidings are members of the staff who et> were being callodrto active duty, want their brief fling at glory, v ;'! Aft^er I chjpckinaj |g', .tbisj ' found itt rumor it was <- They are people who should know bet : .Ei.fcjfic Bifliirraation Divi- ter but ^vho fail ! to properly discharge sion ofithe ^rmy haj releaiaed a memoran- their responsibilities' to the student. Coiv dbm sajying jbat all tune R0TC graduates sequently the student is often hurt or vrith less than 90 dpys of (continuous ac- made a rumor monger liimself, because five am’iceilwoiilt f>c eallid; not all the he has faiih in {bis pervsopl who, spreads : V; ^duafo-i ; _ f ■ H P. ,: v ' t^lsefiobds. . ’ ' ‘ . . , Rumors like tli| worr|, cbufuse. and ' The Battalion Advises that you ignore itritate people- 1 I ' ‘ hose people who Ityve been “known to deal TW Uhlgi tpeati vlit forljthis malady'is In half truths. Adopt a healthy skepticism ■ to igndre ri|nors mw. nimbr mongers. • and believe little that you hear, and only THrt nextjl time rbu hear a rumor mon- a small portion of that which you see. r fliat be is The' Battalion further recommends BOWLES-DAVIS FLYING SERVILE | Flight Instructions and Plane Rental at reasonable rates SOLO COURSE . . || $60 SPECIAL PLANE t6 THY: VILLANOVA GAME e i rt j-. v - 4 NO# SHOWING n«W«U^MW —Fe iturea Begin— 20 - ?:(» - 4:60 - tf:85 :20,- 10:00 Mth ANN DVORAK • MAWORIE RAMBEAU • HENRY HULL • COllJEEN TOWN BARTON MicLANE • CRIFF BARNETT • WjLUAM TRACYj ^ ART B PREVIEW 11 :(M) P M - SATURDAY • • DANE CLARK “Embraceable — You” smo GERALI BROO NIG ALDINjti IKS —AJbo— ; Featond in tlx- cast Is Aiier.Rk’s most decorated sKmdler :< A.UIME MltRPHY gier in iactidh, m i '. ’ . IP iNsihg bis- so|e met tjbn td hi I i Weft Unfertuiiately n gei’S o i thil camf us are Itudents. Many sorrow over the campus. | . -S—r* r""! it’— i* | Ostjensibfer for lion whs thfs Gram (tjld hei dlinel “Citj, .liver}- Dbg.f' ,• A .•4'—r ■ V J 'r n- T\ '/ . i it Hi The BM ty of Collcj 11 f. r* ; ■ TIMBEIHLAKE AIRPORT i Mile North of North Gate on Old College Road T < of attracting atten- t hat all .rumor mongers buy themselves a T ii moment of- fame is. portable wire mpii recot er so that* they may hear the sweet sotifnd of their own voices j ;t alHjjie rumor mon- and refrain from .spreading their tale of JM. r . • ' v - v An U. Tr story ;jon transporta- From thp classified columns of the (N. P.) /far- {'ayetlcvillr (N. Cl) Observer: |ur Bicycles To . , ’41 Dodge Weapon Carrier Truck, with A ‘ A ivonch ill extra nice cbndition. -J j r— •' -! 7T r ~' if- Thd A**- ■ *•: iOeo Aal y i . V' 4 . B -r <■ Ss 1/4.41 ic Battalio pvr of the Agricultural and M fell —— Monday^ \Vedn the aumun^ rate Sutloni llYxuii, E'ot'mtk Of aU other mutter, hertiir are also ‘ Manlier ol I'ttt.^Moaared Uresj S' ■; RADIO REPAIR — • * X ■’> . s 1 is our specialty Radio Shop ; arf j - ! 't MtioiraUy Ly National AU. OORTTl 'Los AuksIss. and San Franoisto. ice t?“- »*' ^' w York Cftl . T *u r -• r v — -t j..... •:! •la, - i . . _ "ft ~ Tf 7 * j' | 4 . . - ", : - ' T ' ’*?*** v* ^4. L.. i.. •, I£UIW >; — v 8 '’ 0 ^ Circulation, ‘ h . .(• ' i.' 1 .. Curli.- .■ Urek •,\ : ——- ■ i ■ - •.■ ;•' - ”> :?r ...:. ....;...Co-Edltoro ‘ Advenkiirs Manascr ... 1‘hour un«ravcrw Sports Editor ; f, . _ T ^nl»), Lotfh .SMUr -4 Sports Bcportcrs ■J , i- ', ^ ; ^ ■ r f ■ 1 Block west of Post Office on W. 26th St. ■ ;|y: ' j - ‘A member of Philco Service” j jBRYAN ml i • .1 PHONE 8-381 'J M l. COMPLETE REPAIRS • I '• ' . j- | ■ ■ * . : { ... on all makes, and models of radios c ; > ; ALSO 1 i * 1 1 • . ** T Ai 'fy-, 1 batteries roR yottft i f-'• ;. j ' :fi «- i m t. ■A . vj j ; iv/4 nk * % T ■r ■ . r I. ■ ■‘.‘I k / f: 1 It ■ 1 ■ •.A '■I • I ~rf~ .r/' ■ j,i 1 • • j * • muftm