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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1948)
Page 2 • ’ '■ *'•’; s .}■ - h ■ v, THE4^ TT ALIGN : )AY, SEPTEMBER 11,1948 ErpllSi M?: : - u : ■ m ’•-s] •• V • * ■ '• r ~: ; "Ti l ‘ T ‘ ' ' i/'f;;.'-;:::' '4 U -■ i^i****,,.y.-..w.-.. (•'♦. •* mm >-■ • '.-f ii’ ii Hi • CHURI OF CHRIST HH||Stati(R Three Ministers As tWork at Methodist Ihur ■ i ■ /■ : r •■ ■ ' • i ’ ■ ■ ■ The A&M Methodist Church is located at ite. Rev. James F. Jackson, pastor, Has ann i- Churches Extend Wet _ i T: T ^ J k WM Methodist Graduate IKurch of Christ Main Ros James ago from NK AYRES A The Cl lurch of Chris t) is located One block north of the ffice on Maiii and Church Avenue, North Gate. Caithe to Allege Station 19 months tllas. •1 ■-T I i ;t A j MR. . minister, tE k Ft FOWLBR, of: Christ iur Sunday services at the Church of Christ are as follows: Bible Gasses—9:45 a.’m. Worship—10:45 a. m. Young People’s Meet .— 6:15 ,, p. in. Evening Worship—7:15 p. m. Wednesday night meetings are held at 7:15. j ■ Rev. Fowler and his family'live in t^e building adjoining the chinch. He has a son five years old ahd a two-year old daughter. . Both Rev. Fowler and his wife graduated from Abilene Christian /College. He did graduate work and received his Master's degree from Southern Methodist Cniver- Si ^ ‘'The property directly behind the Church of Christ Building has been purchased by the church as the site for a Fellowship Hall. Rev. Fowler has_.a v woddshop hear the church wherg married students often work to make things for their homes. He teaches -five Bible Courses in ■ the college De partment of Religious Education. following schedule for the-fall semester 4 SP Ur ;he North announced the wlay School—10 a. m. ffee Hour for Cadets 9:30 , a.m. > Worship Service—11 a. m. ven i u g Youth Service— 7 p. m. ? * • - M |a Evening Service— An open house wi 1 the Meihodijst Cnurci each W ednesday for others wno want to Jackson said. .evtv. uwv4>on was ;30 p. m. be held at at 8 p. m. Students and attend, Rev. ..crwjoon was born in. Cor- deie, oeoigiu. He attmaed Mercy College in ceorgm Where he acted as siuuent ! minister enurenes. Majoring in L Mia tor several Christianity, he receiveo •! ms uacnjaior ot Arts aegree m 1934. He received a Bachelor of Di vinity degree in 193< from Duke Cnvwhiiy land spen a year at ttiiversuy of Hdmbu rg, hcoiland worKing tolwaru hisj I'n.U. de gree. , Alter returning to the United States, be marneu the former Ausa Helen Thompson olj | Swainhoro, utorgia. Tnty have la daugmier, v drginia, eight years]) old, and a I REV. J. F. JACKSON, pastor, Methodist Church \U , hM W |o years old. m at Col- His as- Lennox, work with son, dim, Jr. who is t Kev. Jackson has lege Station 15 mon distant, Rev. Asbi has been assigned tc cadets at the Anne::i Rev. Ferris Baker, from SMU, win arrive here soon :o direct in,, wesiey hdunaauon. he will teacn the Bible courses an< work with married "veterans rind ; hung adults. i. H'/H I mm ' mL % .a “H:- ■m-cM iB mm - mi?; mm m ii wm- if m III: «: W: wm ll'l r 4-1: ?• I' ;g. j y) h 1 1 4ii i m Wi ' 'i! iff ww$ ifrM in—4 m Wm n c-;. A >A PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH jecently-Built Presbyterian mreh Located at North Gate The recently erected Presbyterian Church is located at :he) North Gate. Rev. Norman Anderson, head of the De partment of Education here since 1930, is p; Schedule j *1 tudents i- ■ | ►. I «** Vyiinj*- tte lut d Apceny / .141 uv i, beiore enterjmt Jtjitrii OTP I Choir and prayer meetings are held at the Presby- terlan Church at 7(p. in. on Wednesdays. * The schedule of Sunday services* are a* follows: . 1 ■«) / • i J :•? *i J2 i>iAt »■»' a St. Thomas Ep field from Duncan Rev. 0. G. Helvey as Sunday: Li V Mimmunion—S rch School—9:46 gie Coiiee Cluo-i-i M«*ning rrayer and 11 aon. Hveamg Prayer—6:80 Young peoples Servlic* —Following evening Prater loung reopies jfe Following evening Tr Rev. Heivey was bon wood. Okianoma, and Caatile Heignts Military ana fecn High bcnooi in Georgia, beiore High in Houston. tie attended the Ulfrh the South at Eewanee piayeu tackle and luil^aj lootoiil team to: ail-conl'erence ii He .also played basKetdaiitj tered lonj years m traek. uated m lyzl with a bi icdleic^ di science Degree in biolojggf H«v. Heivey entered copaiian Theological bn Alexander, Virginia, (df*: mg oewanee and oachelor of Divim 1931. : « upon leaving the Sj^i was 'appointed Rector o. uiews episcopal Cnurcjh -on hnd after two aijid years was transferred aoches where ahe was wnrlst Church for nim ; >ei rsi Rev. Helvey enterei val Chaplains Corps w hf pel N located across the drill n ices have been announced by i he K teajr. iu le c-1 L_ united foi IK I V\ *, ’ ' 1 n: M L ' . xM'w | • -o 4 B REV. O. <?. RELVEY, vicar, 1 St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel of lieutenant in 1942. He served the Navy in Algeria nine ; s and later served in the and Okinawa i^mpaighs. 933 hs married the former *, ... ^arlene Gunn of Houston. [They have three' sons: Orin Jr., 4: Clinton, 12;;and Stuart,. 10. R«v. Helvey Has been Rector of., 5t. ThomaJs Chapet/ihcef 1946. i e. - ■ AM V'-;' m., .. A A- '• t : ' i: Rey. • sbhedul; 1 : |Sundaj | Sunday > Mornin 4 Train n ..Even! ' Wedh Pray 1 Choir A weejfc program' Jater da I'-*'- The ciiu: ' Street \ block y Av."- 1 L A. First \ Station I the d If : South h Fall Schedule kevertfld B, S’v: n ^ ♦A HI ML Kf m l.inTT ’4m | :t..Bi[own, plitor, hk|iiit||llSfel"the f^^L fo| the First Bapltist Church for the fall semester; 9:45 a.m. ship, 10:15 ion, <:I5 p.m. nip, 7:15 p.; cii. t Sng, 7:25 p.m. irsal, 8:00 b(|ial ajnd recreation be announced u|t a ilB looted at 4 Iain Urch At'emie, i one North Gate!, en- iwn, ipastor hurch of C past 28 y of a long farmers. 1 bom ope of seven children in boro County, South Carolina. After receiving" his high school diploma from the Bowie's 1 Creek Academy in 1911, he attended Wake Forest College. Upon graduation, wltt' an A.B. degree^ he became superin tendent of one of the state high; schools near Raleigh, North Caro lina. - ■. • 4 Sunday at St Mary’s Chapel ioma I , jk • •• j h He went from there to Loois- ville, Kentucky, where he attend ed the Southern Baptist Theolo gical Seminary. He then attend ed Crozier Theological Seminary n Cheater, Pennsylvania, where he received his B.D. and M.A. degrees In 1919. After s 'wo Masses;*® l/\ By p. C. taiCHKCAk Sunday Masses will be held at St. Maif r’t' Chapel, located jat the North Gate, at 8:30 and 10 a.m., Confessions will be Ihfeard each Saturday evening. frotQ 6 :§0 to 7:3() and also before Ma,ss on Sunday morning. In addition, a 1*1*03. vvii» ^ ^aid each Wednes lay morn- if. mmm jj. up day School—10 a. m. hurch Services—11 a. m. vening Services—7:15 p. m. igh School League — 6:20 .A 1 i. m. Aggie-Veteran League— 6:30 i t>. m. ’ 1] Riey. Anderaon graduated from high School in San Antonio and at tended the University of Texas, s- he received a Bachelor of degree in Philosophy. After two years as minister of the; Presbytc Station in 1928.,, esbyterian Church at Taft, he was transferred to;Col- He and his wife have tbra children^ Mary , Eyelyn, 2- years of age, is a graduate of the University of Texds. Norman Jr., 19 year* of age, played footbal. and basketball for College Station Consolidated. Fred), 13 years ol age vis m school alj A&M Corisoli- datejd. , Tv/'Tn Anderson is interested in genetics and after seven years of experimentation, has develop ed his own hybrid chicken. ""lie ""believe* that Jbhe contact and association " thi-ough the dormitory is responsible h?r . ,Dhc spirit that, prevails it-A&M. of tho Fid t • r ♦. pm ' Ivltf' m jm J I REV. Baptist • A I W* '4 m m ipetiding a year as pastor First Baptist Church in Ridlfey Park, Pennsylvania, he was amt to College Station. Upon his arrival he set up a student relig ious program on the campus and conducted services in Guion Hall '/'> for three years until a church was - built.. The intervening years have seen many changes in the growth of A&M and the Baptist Church. Un der Rev. BroWs leadership the church is carrying on an active building program.. '‘We have no children,4 states Rev. Brown and Mrs. Brown, “ex cept the thousands of students who have attended A&M College since we came here in 1920. We wel come the newcomers to Cdllege Station, and with their help we are..looking for a still greater A&M. Welcome mats at the church, ing at 6:45. “During the regular bchool term, the Newman Club has various so cial afad religious fj motions on schedule which will ba announced from time to time and all Catholic students are encourage i to partic ipate," Rt. Rejv. Uleisiner said. Smiling, cheerful, gtyod natured Wm ! v’T ^ i j i, Is ’ .■ "'i+M ' ■■ i r- Rev. T. J. Vatenta is aribistant pas tor to Rt. Hey. J. Bv < rieissner of St. Joseph’s Catholict (Churcn in am: a • ■ * the church office, and at our home . BROWN", pastbr, are always out for the help aHd h: «:.• r-J'M ’ benefit hf A&M students.” t -lj.j ' 'A 'AM mmmi H-fe ! 41) > f&i •V j* r ■ r ■« * • mm HX.M; v : 10'^ ■ W' -y. . JVv.'IF'M X V.‘- *A4 A: -J y.-s-'' ’far Rm T, J. VALENTA, chap lain, St.\ Mary’s Chapel a i Aid! IA ‘ 1 1 ' y r E;i v • V; ' • ^7 N V: : J ■;-! i ■;\ pi | ii- ' A: *. ’ 7 ■ } ' ' ' baw: 1; r \ 'tXHURCH -‘j r Tl A&M Christian Churdi Grmtp Meet in YMCA ' By BUDDY LUCE The Christian Churcb, new ly; organized on the A&M cam pus, is making progress in religious activity. a , The new Christian Church build ing, now under construction, in the West Park area, is well under way despite the shortage of construc- vion materials. Dedication of the new church building is expected soma time in October. Pending completion of the new church building, Christian serv ices are held in the YMCA'Chap el each Sunday, htomtng. Sunday School is nt 9:45 and preaching at Ui:00. The Sunday School, is divided into three groups—ca dets, veterans and wives, and In addition to the new chbnfch building, one of the recently sold college dwellings wjs purchased to be used for a parsonage. A pastor should be on hand tt> occupy the house I by September 1, according to Dean C. N. ShUpardstm, active member of the church. [■'Ni., Bryan, as well as having the extra job ot Chaplain tor tile Aggies at St. Mary s Chapel at College Sta tion. j Key. T. J. Valent a, better knonm to thle boys at Fatner Tim, was born in Jar-ell, lexas in 1908. He lias the distinctive honor of-toying tw > brothers who arc pneds also. f] Father Tim attended St. Mary’a Seminary at La force, ind was or- aainea in May f 1983. Vmle at at. Mary's he was a star fqotoaii play er, helming qovm toe in noack posi tion on ms telam. in |aaiuon, ne also Ipiayed basebail, baskeiball, and participated in trajek events. Slncie coming; to Brym 16 years ago on his tirsti assignn ent, Father Tim has continually taken over more ot the w<^rk ot twe parish as He. Kev. tiieisancx-Qaw navanced in age. At present the task pt minis tering to tne npeds ot. the students at autivl is growmg, and present Plans r call for the erfection of a new chapel, pastor’s residence and recrea|Lion haljl to tepiace »t. Mary p Chapel when liunds are avauabie. wne t this biiuning pro gram | is accomblisned, Fatner Tim wm (ietbee hiB s entire time and energy to working with tne Ag gies. ) jiN. 4 Fojr hobbies. Father Ti® 1 bkys art, ipusic, and garden work. Also he is very torju pi ms Dig couie dog, Cap, wmch was given to him‘Several yiahs ago by a stu- ,t'i' ' - ' 1 ■ Rev. Glefesnef, 83 yiears- old, who has been a . pastor in Bryan!jMrDL«f years says that “1 unb myseit a self appoimed Fish because jl have been here so long. When he came to Bryan tr as pastorpf bt. Joseph’s, he act ed as chaplain tor the Aggies, and at his tirst service mere ,| were only six men. , “The omar tning that keeps me from getting olu,’’ explained tne eiderly clergyman, “is the fact that L come out here to see the boys every one^ in awhile and after talking with a f f«w of them I get the feeling"that I am not to old afteratt, just fcorf of Undent.” flip mm ■ mmm •j, -.NiA LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER Lutheran Student Center Open Daily for Student Visitors rr of College Station is lo cated at , Main and Cross Streets, North Gate. Rev. Fred MgebrOff, pastor, said the center would be open daily from 10 ain. to 10 p.m. for the convenience of students. • Two units of the Student Center have been completed and a third, the chapel, is expec-j+f ted t6 be added later, Rev. broff said VH " The- Sunday service at the ; Lu- thencStudent Center are: 9:30 a.m.—Suiday Sehbol K- ble Ctaag. i 10i45 a.m.—Worship ServJoe. 6:45 pjn.—Evening Bible Study for students with luncheon. 7 p.m.—Evening Worship Service. The Lutheran Student Associa tion will meet every Wednesday night at the Center. Meetings will be held at the Center bn Friday nights for aU Lutherans, and guest speakers wUl be Invited, Rfev. Mjge- broff said . A social open bouse wlU be held every.,Saturday night and refreshments win be eeried. , Rev. Mgebroft camg, to College Station with hla wUe and 12-year- old daughter In July, 1947.. Bom In Brenham, he graduated from Texas Lutheran College at Seguin and did Seminary work at Wart- burg Theological Seminary, Du buque, Iowa. He was ordained in 1932 and! served at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Clifton, Texas-five apd one half years. He was later trans ferred to Zion Lutheran Church near Brenham before coming ; to Sn !! t,a WM \/ Lid is; Jewish Services every’ Friday at 7:16 the YMCA Chapel aM Annex. Two studen the Main Campus cea at the Ahnfej ultural meeting o! . , h ; ttf thb. Natibhali Foundation hi held -eacli at 7:15 p. invited tb i ; i AH Jewish reUgioua celebrated on the camp spring dance Is held evef, Mrs. Esther TatlberniiH rector of the A&M bra 1 National Hillel f§ | h; •, ? Foundritjor T' 'I ! n >iU idaiysfarte w r COPAL CHAFEL j j r-r A ■Jr of the religious services the campus. Jl 17 % \ * ■: f f y j m r'/ p Rk ’1 IHfeiil m 1L EV: NORMAN ANDERSON, gtssjtori, Presbyterian Church* J.l j;' J f ' Af ■ ! If: - ‘mb. * j L College Station. r Lutheran neHRious services , :ag¥ I now held m the recreation room ofl! i l Mft. : -.I ■J: Biv. FRED MGEBROFF, Pto- or, Lutheran Ghnrch itiJ the Student Center. The ch If ^ (Hr * -"“J Will coni! [gebroff sale Center facilities include a kitch-i , ted whdn constructed, will complett j the center, Rev. Mgebiuff said, i en, loteging room, '•room. : i- • M U i jj- '* I ''+ M - 5 '