Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1948)
> • v ;r" I ‘ • ' / ■ ■Pf'i i .. . .*f I Pa ge 2 f 1 ' - t . : *-v .r I I r >■ I i ; -v«v w 1 'S ''r a-. T" Battaiijh TORIALS iwrence J 'r- W: 40,, 'i rf. ' !:i' T F*i '• T, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1948 Two I We ■ • >.' itjon? ire - frabjous. id ain' : explanation, haven’t had a Vacation for so Stattmian, knightly Gentluman" an Rosa, Founder of Aggie Traditions NO HI UP FROM THE AUCIEN^t! V'-.’ 11 Ain’t Very Long n * * ,r f They there- more difficult. You must secure capital You Aggies in the form of ! cash. There are infinite ong that we possibilities about how to acquire this use- - think, that yroii heed specific . instructions fui material. I<leas naturally vary, but we suggest that you adopt the method that one | most efl on tendency of mahl away their tinie unless they thenai or Unless crnHiow to a comm li: ciently. It’s pone made mpney. e someone but A1 Capone went to jail. You can’t get y* follow a parolled to a university. ' . ’ ' ■ The third item is thej most interesting .pushing facrpcmK. - We sUggesi that “you use a schedule, to Contemplate. You muslt secure compan- You’ve T teen pushed 1 around too much al- ionship for your leisure hours. We have ready. The World Publishing Company our ideas. You have yours. Of course advises us tlhia| all<|of its Vacation publK some of you may not have a choice. This cations went Idut of I print before the war is regrettable, but not insuperable as a and the Sou‘.hern Pacific lijacation aids difficulty. Make yourself obnoxious and are tinadequate tfo you can use one we maybe you can look into new prospects, worked lip fojn you. J * You’ve had good training in being obnox-" The ifirst; |item on yduir schedule is ious and this step should be easy., sirpple but corr^pletely necessaiify. You must f* The fourth item is rather difficult to fiijst.'get aw% f r0im this serpi-tropical, achieve. You must postpone as long as luxuiyous par|dise. Don’t w^ste^ anytime possible your return to this paradise. We gripped <Tn T'cake oFthisi step cjr yaiii might jbj| tempted to will admit that you will ultimately lose aVi ht^of ste'^tei remain] iThaltl woulkhbe .disastrous. Ydi this fight, but it will be good character a ,gl ° ‘ ip ‘’ training. Take it on the chin, boys. Thanksgiving won’t! be,far off. 1K tey Say They Enjoy CoUege 11 . v-4—■ r r ; 'ooking, Ironing, Decorating Occup mm ! U ■■ ' •: 1 ■t v. t • I ! By H. C. WILSON take care of the children, cod— “Lady, I’d like to ask you a few at this point his voice broke and questions about how you spend he began to wjeep bitterly. The your time and your opiniori or the porter put hts arm around life of the college wife in general.*’ and led him to the bed. THo jocr This question was asked the creature was still mumbling so m< - wives of students around A&M last thing about the ironing when ait week to determine whether seen. ’ the, college wife is dif- Mrs. E. J. Creider was irltcij- fetent from other wives. The irj- viewed next. She and her bust an|i tefviews ranged from a one sen- came to Texas trom Pennsy|lvi ini i tehee answer to a. 45 minute con- looking for a warmer climate). They versatiort. found the warmer climate s> hep The best example of a short an- plan to stay. They were th » jnt swer came in the first interview, family to move, into the tri ilcr « bul Time the meat from the skeleton B9hHI er conse tj in the for an hour in one of ager ‘best pats, with- nt. The Van Wagntn . yard for the ' next genejril it was found that tM college wife Is very much the same as (ther wives. She goes out less than ithey would ordinarily', goes to bed latfef, hut received mud , moie help from her husbanq than mos : groups of wives. Nona of tl e women regret the time they ipenc iAg h«Wi The lady, when asked how $he camp. Mrs. Creider spendjs hejr ‘FIT.*’ \ ‘ * I have three children.—Are in ent her time, replied - would hatejfof rself later. ! * f i S ; ’ j I I matic corps; ^as'-ltp be peonle forecas| direlresultij. j By CARROLL TRAIL Dear Sir: • I want to sue somebody. I have suffered intense physical pain and mental embarrasment as the re sult of someone’s carelessness. I bottle in front and fell down flight of steps, tearing my trous ers and lacerating my sensitive areas. F • - ‘ • ' Whom can I sue^ Can I sue the school or the Ag Department,’for not policing around the buildings? If I sue the student body I wduld have to help 2 pay for my own dam ages. That wouldn’t be fair, would it? What do you think a reasonable compensation woiild be? Sincerely injured, H* L. K. ^Answer: If you were hot on your law, H. K., you \ytould know that the, ones responsible are .the ication Department spen "Sir you kidding?” Stop number two prov be slightly, longer. Mrs. Dennis, who lives in one of the two story apartments in Vet Village, was. busy hammerini sewing, and fix things T Dennis has just moved itb A&M from Waco. She cooks thrhe me taking cart of her son, c »oll- ng, and going to movies;. She thinks the Grove entertainn}erjt s - kmjf' ' . ; ~'j' Searching carefully until he found a trailer wjth an aii c >n-J ditioning unit the reporter st >p-i tr '*UI s, busy hammering, ped at the home of Mrsi. H. C I painting, tryipg to ! Y«h Wager. She had just g ot to her liking. .Mrs. ten her two children to bed or their afternoon nap and vjaH taking a ten minute break bef >r< meals a day, types her husbands she started doing jyhat the chil reports, arid never finds time to dreirliad been tindoing all djiy 1 The secOi|| iteni on yqi(il| schedule is FF FW l - ;; j ■ ' The • Aiiniy’s Diplomatic Maturity . . Theve iskn|e goqd aspect of the Berlin the Army reftt^JTln ^ddjtion it made it F blockade that |nany of us hi e apt to over- clear that, any actions of the Berlin chief lopk, and that] is the capa|h e JiaMling of had the full sanction of the Army. ‘ the delicate ;si|uatioh ther<!'pjjr T th$ l ,United More recently the Russian zone police State's Army]’! - I X 1 ’force has launched what lit terms black- When it fil'st became G)icwn.-that the market 'raids. Cruising bands of police, student, so you would hav^o .F- Army Was tb lave oomplete charge of the ofteii accoippanied by armed Russian * The coke company provides cases 5 Berlin affa}r,;and jtHht ho special diplo- soldiers have crossed into the Allied zone loh n in, many- of Berlin. Each time they did so a situa- Ejerhaps these tion was created that could have led to forecasts wer£ justified, for in the past armed conflict between Russian and Al- ; the Army hasjnot been noted for the sue- lied troops. But the Army has been care- ces& of its di^lomitic flingij. This time, ful. Conflict, so far f has been avoided. q ^ . however, thiesX forecasts hate not borne, All these actions are; pot lost to the otHtCWlClC WntCFS i out. ' ; - ' j,. •; ( ' j, ! ,u * 'Germln’people. Thiji is evidenced by their / Time and [time again It ne "Russians oft expressed gratitude to' Allied officials - have thrown fiuel on the fi'r|e that threat- for the work being done. The German in- ; ens to ^et off the European^ powder 'keg- "iti ate d and German conducted memorial fftcidentsfFbe- sendees for the Army fibers who lost their for the bottles. The students and faculty drink the cokes and litter the campus With bottles. It is their fault. To the best of my knowledge, yqu could sue the student body j • | 1 ? • ( and perhaps collect a package of band-aids. T ■!! I! r ★ Dear Sir: J I am. leaving Aggiejknd. Yes sir, I am graduating at the end of this semester, and I would like 'to make one last request. I would like to eat one meal in Sbisa Mess hall where I had a choice of scfmething besides roast beef, beef sttew and meat loaf. Is that asking too much? Pleadingly, •' ■: G. S. Answer: Either lyoW have po so cial spirit, dr don’t understand the situation, G. S. The beef that is placed before you each day in the mess hall has quite a history. I gu6ss you don’t appreciate the meat’s pan| If you remember, the last year we beat Texas Univer sity was in 1939. The longhorn we took that year has been the source of our meat ever since. The fiVst- few days choice jsteaks were cut and all students ale like kings. But .’ the steak was soon gone and all that is- left is what you see: hash, roast beef, stew, meat loaf. * “■ I think that the mess hall should' he commended. After all, I bet you couldn’t do ks good with meat that is 9 years old. , sltep during the day. $he says _ Mrt^Van Wager had nothing bijt college work 3 is very Inter- prime for college life. She iiajja esfing; the school spirit oyer- Mie fact that the .people are u|l whejniing. near the same age, that they li\Je The next wife interviewed was dV tine same amount of money, arid Mrs. Minter, who lives in one of that their: interests in general art the pre-fabs in Vet Village. Her the samp, make living here lat the favorite pastime is cooking al- college something more than j lel- though she serves sandwiches of- sant. Mrs. Van Wager’s hobb t is tei!). Mrs. Minter says her hus- bridfee. This’usually takes up t irqe band keeps her awake studying at or tour nights a week. Politics tdo night but things are due for a is one of her favorite pas Gnu s. s change. He will soon be kept awake An 'anecdote that may be t Vni- by a blessed event that will re- cal of the life of the college vile quire a two o’clock feeding. was, told by. Mrs. Van Wager. Her After leaving Mrs. Minter the husband, a graduate zoology stu- reporter picked what he thought dent, nfeeded thq skeleton of a cujr. was the scent of a good story. It Be 'finally managed to secuip |u turned out however, that the scent ca ^ that had been soaking In foj- was of cookips baking at the hopie of’ Mrs. H. E. Dixon. Of course Mrs. Dixori’s favorite indoor spbrt is ; baking, although her two chil dren take up riiost of her time. Besides this she finds time to see movies, play. bingo, and is learn ing to crochet. Mrs. Dixion’s home is . in Nebraska but she is a con firmed Texan. Thj people here art so friendly, she says, it’s as if you had known them all your life. After having eaten several of Mrs. Dixion’s cookies, the in- tY thru SATURDAY t Run Bryan-College Feature* Begin-r- fm t- THURS. — FBI. 0-00-5:40- 7:50-10:00 SATURDAY $5 - $:feo - 5:30 - 7:20 - 9:15 ’ m Geoi}g« RAFT‘Gtorge BRENT jA SCOTT ■ Joan BLONDER ( r TOON—-NEWS J AT. PREVUIS—11:00 P.M. J UNI'AY thru TUESDAV « 5:4p - 7:50 -10:00 For MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES Jones Sporting Goods 803 S Main Bryaiii w Jj* r Ph. 2-2882 • r*- quiring reporter stopped «t the next door, put on his best smile knocked, and waited for i the They have pi .lined many r t a Spring Grads Fill Conference Opens (Teaching Pasitions Here in September side the blocl|ade itself, designed to agi- lives is proof of this. Thirty-eight teaching positions in regular vocational! agriculture > tate the Armyjiflto commitinnj!' some overt j So long as the Berlin blockade contin- act. But the Arhiy. has not ri bait. It has! at it by the Bjussiaps. : U ' J tinues to exhibit its new-found diplomatic When the Russians demanded that Che maturity wo may be sure that no action allied ajpopipi^d chijef of Bei lin police be of theirs will be responsible for any future ,— r , -.sen to the j ues there will be imminent danger to gnorfcd the taunts thrown ; world peace. However, if the Army con- replaced by a' Soviet backed! police chief, j 4 war. -* ■ I , v fTl f F-HL Ip:- let Us Not Lose "l.rfin'tfl;: 1 i Faith j..... .■} vthc Writers’ Conference, tb be held at A&M College September 3-4, will be attended by writers from all parts of the state. The conference is set up to better ac quaint agricultural writers and others with the departments of the college.* , ' Df. 0. C. Stine, assistant chief of the bureau of agricutural ecb- } east and ftortheast parts of Texas, noniis, USDA, will attend. He is An excellent argument for gen- a recognized authority on agri- eralized courses in agricultural Cultural economics. 1 subjects, ihl* group of graduates Press conferences will be held has gone to all parts of the state with department heads of the col- and will work under alftiost entire- departments in Texas and two in other states have been filled by this year’s, spring and summer graduates, E. R. Alexander, head of the Agricultural Education De partment, announced .-today. Graduates have' filled Vacancies all over the state, with the major ity accepting positions in the south- and ftortne sweet young wife to appear. The door opened and Uivre stood a six foot six gorilla with a weeks growth of beard on his face and * dish towel in his! hand. He grunted sqmethjng ak the re porter began to expla n hi* mis sion while slowly bad ing away. As the missing link 1 stened his face turned a bright pprple, then he began. .“My wife works,” he screaiped, “I wash the dishes, mop floors, R. C. ECHOLS 11 Realtor Over Canady’s Pharmacy Bryan Phone 2-6454 r..|.v, -ttt— — - ; t vr 4 Why is cjmhiunism dangerous? We trolled press. We shudder at the potential fear and disf|hj»t {he disciples of Marx powers of a one party system. We are re- because they ap totalitarian ;jbecause they luctant to compete and negotiate with are unalteraiblj ideals; :becajusl bors; because’Jthey are c lege; A dinner, gridiron-style, is among the entertainment features scheduled for the session. ly different circumstances due to variations in climate, topography, type* of soils, and crop$ grown. Consult Or. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST For Your Visual Problems 203 S. Main — Bryan; . Phone 2-1R62 'The gre^ti not ia tRussiaJ'nttj" :. ti ir opposed to Oqr democratic communist di^loipats who lie. and cheat they enslave their neigh- and renfege on tjheir promises. We fear hey are challenging us to -these things so much that we have begun defend our fa th; these things merit fear 7 to discard our democratic methods and but they age pot the greatest danger of have begun to adopt Communist methods, communisral; j | || Let us not losie faith. Truth has never greatest danger of communism is been permanently obstjjured by lies. Hate the iihllustrial strength of Soviet has never conquered kindness. Dishonesty ntt|ii| the size of thfe Red Army, has never overcome, honor. We must not not in the hiapination of the Red diplo-' give communism the choice of weapons, mats, not ^ tfheir ruthless destruction of W r e must force them to compete with our democratic tools, democratic techniques, personal integrity, honest diplomacy. We edn’t beat the devil by using his tools. Using our own we need never fear corn- human dighit| an# freedoi of icommunjsr^ reveals il vinces us flidlt its techni powerful th mlour djemocrati We fear tie ruthless p( . ■ •! ’ !. V The danger when it con- is are more techniques, r of a con- munism year. Ac News ci Gopdwhi Hall Office, Room e Battalion The Batf ililn, off rial City of CoBej ftBtatlort, Texas Friday aftemool, except dm’ talion is ^ubli ihfd tri-weekly rates furnisl - The Associated , p credited to it:oil not • -' ed herein.' Rights of Entered Office [• th* Act ol * - 1 - W « ■ V - bution* may 'lassif ed ads Goodwin on request. RiAII — a»» matUr ati'J .tltts. T*XM. t of Month, s. 18 Ti ade by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office, Room 201, e be placed by telephone (4-6324) of at the Student Activities J . exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches ted in the paper and local .news of spontaneous Origin publikh- ,t o|m of all other matt® 1, hereih are aieo rt^erved. “ •-••Sr.-, . - t* :7 m KENNE Mttnbei of T fhe Associated Press ' m ■tionally by Nation*! Ad. - at N«w fork City. . -n? 1 'XL! and San Francisco. yr--- .. • * ■3& -r a j. tfo ‘■fr t'' ■ !,*! •f /! ■ ■Wiw WKw i 'V y ; •- s* Editon la Writers ..Go-Editors Wflson, H. T, R O^RoftcwuL-Steff Rwrtep » £Spori. Editor Oood cooks everywhere kn^w that iiciousy nutritious, full-flavpred ICE CREAM is the perfect climax for any meal.««, serve it often, and feaulqrly.«•, » / t H f\ kmsr** * • .1 • • > r : '.V ; "''4 “Tsxihgham J." Blhln^kor. V; 0. Caraway. RidhTI T.. Nolen^3ob 4Saak) a. p^..i— Correspondenta Alas Corzy . -ft: RADIATOR P ONEp^YpER r. EVUE—11:00 P. ! Features Begin— ^:30 - 5:46 - 7:50 - |*l Gere If.. AH M, Uvt' & Cut, V y l! .I;' r ■ v EPAIRS nm .. f'- TOON- ■ -pid^- v V ’. ’—NEWS j-l I : \ *1 4 t DI SH MAN Br yam, Texis 7 T If 1 nr / ' JAMES ,r jr: fi RR 4 70S ■ i 1 4 • Has the approval byhs ATE GAS pi State F epres wm shown < 1 ELECI3 ntative H: ;■/- A VOTE FOE 3: - ' mm eald in i tui: i r - .I 1 r4 '7', - ; | ; | | '•) wiw**- 0 10 '* j^BESNAl, IS TIME REP _ l MY r T ■'■■l gi>' V 1 - M! "rr res which primary. f” • T T'' • ’* 1 i . 1 -! t ^ • •s >■/ epjfc N I i—......i - rr * ^ ' l!i Hrtnw ■ r.” \; J