Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1948)
Buiviug imii bility for Jni received wh attorney ier to deliver th s'message to said ’ Georg* ^rancis Hjewett, adelphia attcpmey who is serving: counsel J for Tdjo— judgement of the in- as Americar now awaiting ternational v )ar crim' , “Wainwrig that as one want him to hold him pe: treatment I oner of war. 4 s? 1 , said: t ‘Tell |Tojo it eneral know t nally cived I khow Wi \r ' minis another, I it. I do not sponsible for rhile a hat as r he hot be expected to know aboutj such ' details.” Canadian! to self new prime MiNigrn OTTAWA, gtepheiti: St Lauren^ Minister fop Exteriali Affairs, jECT PER Aug. 6i <JP) emerged day 1 to ‘ leavy favorite yfester- t I. - DnjiO Canada's next Prime Minister, but the'face is still wide’ open, i, r j r. . - ■ 1 I', Most of the delegates :te< the National Liberal Party corivontion which opened yesterday are un committed. ! [The cojfvention Was called to nan e a succeOsor to Prime Minister W. L. MacKrnZle King. James Gauield Gardiner, Mi n > 3 * r ter of ^ Agri riilture, is . the second leadjhg contender, jf \? MANY NEW j . WA| fantile ha . ^mxfi tlfe, / tinie ' keepei,j| | Davies, i v Judges 1 wi -T "-S/fegt Paagc eg were avfait and> L.t. He it ! [ trained* all - .1 V thejr spajre TiirES FACE PDLip EPIDEMICS .gHINGTON, Aog. 6 <A|1—In, rsiS is ispreadijhg in If the' states Mitchell To Tie iwg qqwned j the defending league, Milner Hall » Ry DON ENG Mitchell Hull’s sof biill champions of the Intra m ral so: ... _ T >jr . T . _ 6 to 2 Monday night on tl e lightly sofitbaH diamond iji one of the best games of the g mester Th6 win enlabled Mi(tc|iell to i ehialih in a itie with ijizzell •♦■lor ifwst *ng High Sch Well Among $ place in the league Sr ' Of the : i 1>w [. qut at 1i 4*Ougmou TWO STUDENTS attempt a, un . i ne the camera of The Battalion' >jion omy Bob Morris and Tcm Shipley tdiaieo VJO points to Deal me LhJX r tetus ana P, L. lor second puce by seven points, ihe latter team yjas m uni running tor the top ptei^e unitl tney inane onty sev«*tt I units m fine inmai game last ingnt. ' fa The sk-ond place winners were/ *iyen a caju-oa pi Cigarettes aoti tree Cleaning anu ptesging Ou- oy cjne Aggie cteaneis anu liiiuors. i. A -W The Aggie Softball Team Taylor Wilkins—from left to right; front row. Bill Wake- fiejd. Mil Sorrellsp. Les Palmar, and Bill Hodge; second row, Herbert Turley, Hubert Clark, Buryi Baty, anti Jack Watson; third row, Preston Sipfth, Barney Welch and B. J. Loyd. Not pictured is Jay Cavall. liors. came through with- ast one bap game, and mown were jnetd ijo i» poiuiis ny rieius and ueist- Secona-puce wntuers two; pi 1 their itour TMBRil r '^| Uavall k ““ Q****** games mijt made ‘jn I Major Stone and The bdxmg mai |ed oy Lq j.«JVMoore .. Carter. Lt. Modye the cadets dprmg te.:.■ • I ‘ Softball Standings A ! ... ' ■■ J' k Bizzell . .Mitchell, / Law T.C.V.V.: [ ‘ ‘ r ' MUher n-Jbeggett j .Dorin M v I Puryear! tj TM Pet on ♦Turley . 1 Totals ' ♦Batted for Sorrells Calvert Gibson, cf ... Foster, ilb ... O’Brien, 2b Davis, lb ... Shaw, l|f. ;2~ AB ...3 ...3 ...3 o 0 3 0 in seventh. R H E 1 •^5 f' ^ m: fir Walton C. Duggar, p Loeklief, ss ; .SOO j Caldwell, rf R- Duggar, c i '.oOO. .500 .500 .500 .200 .000 .1 0 2 2 ‘gaiiie. . ■» , i / ★ : [The Balt spoils staff will sjton-f er spr a aommo tournament starung i 0 |.nkt Mohcitiy in tne t Mv A. Itnere . ^ 0 H -uilicrant sets ox ; 1 ^ 9tarte(1 | out a8 th | u?h q | Until the s i La gam be Bizzell in {Fourth Vim; Burch Scores Second Victory Artnur burch pitjeneu au.i [bat-! ted Pizzcu s soitoau ueam io ItiPirj loja.rtn vvm Loi inej seiitcstef ,.]as 4.:t.u oowAeU ’iYautr camp 'iw j u tn tut ituraptui ui suijumii r te -viuttuay <nLeiiioou. Ancii vj.aiue>, mv losing pilch- tor traticr c.i|nt,i, gave; up mltrieitn vatas w tiiui c«st nuu Battalion . P 0 R T WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4,1948 Til and A&M Lead in Getting Schoolboy Football Standouts 3 ABILENE? Text., Aug. 4 OPi— Hign senool bakKetoau jtlarers here for tne annual an stai g »me ox the Texas cogching scmoi af" well distributed [as-to enact of colleges they will attend. . j- Texas will gej three of th !m, while Texas Christian, aoi in >rn Methodist, Texas A&M, avd Ty ler Junior College come u{ a uh two each. Texas Wesleyan ipx- as mines, tttCe,.Lbayior and Tu- lane get one hpieee. Foir of [the boys still arc undecuieti. - The cneck-up sinows; Texas—Vvauer Kearns, [leiten, center; Lutuer tcaroorougii, roiy Worth;, forward; ji mis Howies, bum Houston imranon) forward. x e x a is Christian — I la irice Campocii, Mount Vernon, giana; tiarvey rrommdl, Sinton, guard. boutnern metgudist—Max tiail- bert, i mmickmorion, centei;’Pen ny White, 'Inomits detierson odn Aittonio), fdrwanl. Texus A«£i*i4uene Lai dr im, Abitene, guard; Walter lapis, Neoenana, center. Tyler junior Juollege — Bjjryan Miller, Crozier Tfecn tDallat)Jtolr- varo; Ken benjbi-rcon, btpi|ord, forward. lexas Wesleynh—Tom Banpocjk, rratr.e Valley (Nocomf), gju.a'fd. Texas Mines—-Ramon Ui ( gaso High, for yard. ^ Rice—Leonard Childs, vis (HoustonK guard. Baylor—Bill Harris, Ha 11 downed Trader a daybght tilt, all’s i team whit pfekibus y been a three-vlay wu| iMix'heil anid Bizzell 1c Iclsfc ground by rcn|ai loiitfay, tclejlis, performance night was one of th< exhibitions of the se eder. [they p.ayed air tight ieusi|v< ball committing no ’ois daring the first lour in "fWL PM ■ M ih(| last of the-fifth, Mickey un idjj second bahdman if >r Mit- 1, Committed his teairs only >riin an attempt to catch Wof- fly; ball beignii firslt i stand- Camp 10 to, h bpd ;io ’ LS Mon beat . .j: iipalj i Gei8ti«an,<. Mumci q upniyuoes- t(> accommodate all play- o| dfk. so entries win be accepted art of play, rrizejs wul [given to tbe top two n [tdains. q! 1 line folliiiwing week a “Moon” q ; t<|urnamemj w.ii 'be belt! due to the nl it |iu>;[jji oe a ciOob contest r njriti' t amp pusun|.g atioss center. exiis is ahead with Texas ! lumne — Bil y Winip, __ - |t _ i lack ox entries for checkerjl. Totals Store,' by'innings: Agg Catert ...000 000 ...200 001; -xji . .. 0—0 x—3 iLeadiDg ditchers ABILENE, Tex., Aug. 4 UP)—^T wu “ A&Mj a close second in getting schoolboy football standouts forward mjr, , „ \«"!xiuriXt or'me K' who Will appear in the annual jiH star game of the: Texas mnlng. , .; f coaching school here Friday night. A check up today showed r>i*tt‘ll came back in their hah itxakiio nave ootaHieo eigne,.lex-^—f— —I ; ol tne iiiM ui seard tour ruii.s|.anu as AAsM seven, and .’southern Metn- ‘ lake tne iv-au. in ihe next, iliinmg ouist [ hod Rice four each. Three bizjzeii taa.ed throe more limes will gq to Baylor while three win to hew up tne baa game. ; | enroll! iit. Oklahoma, ivurcn wuh Uireii- lias in three mmm i- 'holding t m4~ The a)l .tinile scoring record for single spuson rs belli by the arq tea in. of 188H which com- points in 14jgames while the pppositioni t^41.( J I r PALACE ■ PMCiME ? Ar»7V S^WED. - :• ■ KL-V3- I LTRS. - FRI. ' I ' Sat., : ftiifrsy IP HfHRT O'ORflTHY FOiAHAffiOUlFI iAp A' A, r ‘. 4 * A, - 1 i QUEEN ST DAY Nv ol ipi &|Fighli a. 1 —with— .; . LI , 1 . . J: v, ■ ABJORIE MAINE O’CONNEB f 3 d| , T —.1—■ -?• ■ , Q1TERIAINMENT 3* Hovel and Green Help Jewitt Wirt Jewitt, Texas’-: softball tedfm j downed Caldwell; Texas’ team 9 I to 6 last night in the first game L of a double-header at Calvert, j •Tekas. ' > v . ’ . j! Bob Hovel, Aggie intramural softball player who was playipK third base fyir Jewitt, won the game for his team by knocking a hpme run with two men on in the last inhing with the score . tied at six-all. Ifovel was given a pair of ladies nylon hose fpr bis game wipnihg .blow. r -j J Lefty Green, another Aggie intramural player, pitched the entire game for Jewitt receiving credit for the win. < t Bqth. Hovel and Green are qn Bizzell Hall’s softball team in the Intramural League. ... !k ■ ■— — • 1 ■■ Plagens In Second Win for Leggett |l ' '' ' s '" v ’■ ' ? ] r Scoring six runs in the sixth iilnirtg, Leggett’s Softball team -I trounced Dorm 14 10 to 4 for their second Intramural Softball, victory of ihe current semester. Plagens, hurler for .Leggett, was credited with his second pitching victqryj Stewart started the big sixth inniftg rally for LeggetC by smash ing a long home run with the bases empty, t ’ < Adams of Dorm 14 was [charged with the pitching loss. ' ' Blurch—Bizzell j eftainsen—I 'h ryea r Ik 'Wisher E La tv } -4- \v 2 2 3 trjips |io live piaie was tne ulau- L; ing Dkiter «;l me game: 0! aouiiy SfewaKt i;<.iieved Garner 0 jonjlme inounu tor l[i,ailer Cantp in 1 th.j seyemn mfnng. nusual Hand in Bridge Tournament I -Hf — «|i r ■ id . .. f—~S. Satral stars, including Byron Towjisend o! Odessa, named the ouilkkiming player in the state, and Henry Stollenwerck of Wax- atiacrile, an all s.ale hack, still are undecided. T- NOR / 4 K 0108 7.5 4 *' 1 ♦ 86532 > 8 t" ! !: * f ♦ ♦ West AJ7 AQ4I095 J 74 IN1G AtTC 91 w i'. '. east;; 4 32 1 t K 8 4 3 i ! , 4 AKQ iOB. * 52 y Matty Bell to Be Honored At SMU Intra-squad Game Bunky Bradford of ARP; ,\vho led the nation i 1 scoring 1 ist sea son, is trying to , decide lei ween Texas Christian and Kilgxn J;u- tat; nior College. Ushers undtxi lllfl.C hSd; Bill Frazier, C, Haloy,- -Johnson •City^ gutrtxi Jimmie Fountain, East Mcjift’ guard. ^>|i, El I rlihgen, Lt fkim .SOUTH * 9 ; . *-762' ♦ ' •] * AKQ.J109643 -L- THE KIIUIIM.: t- •N-S Vulnerable WESjT 1 Hetrt 3 Jltjadcs •f ril d?- I. ! r y-j i 'BHI presion I 1' , Uorrinfl MfvRGtRtt M n oCRT 1 INY 4*^ (olo*itk 3#; RETT Tl INS ! /' €A pm \ i i \ Tljis lirtnds whiih have come up in the | iRitmmura Bridge Tournament NORtH Pass Dbbj Pass EAsi’ {2 Diamond | 4 Hearts Pass * TODAY thur SATURDAY J FIRST RUN COLLEGE - BRYAN gt ' r i —Features Begin— 1:10 - 3::45 - 5:50^- 7:55 10:00 lOv/AJtb G ; FORINSO BURT LANCASTER ALL Mt i ft SOUTH; No Trump 5 Clubjs _ Pass j one of the many odd | tjrunipiiig a diamond from n^rlh. t was then all over hut 1 the M SONS' 1 mady chrisubs' ■’ ■ -Plue-f- 1 CARTOON—NEWS iff-'If - \T — SAT. PKEt UE — 11:00 P.M. SUNDAY & MONDAY tftis summer,' and is exceptional be- fcause [of the odd distribution in 'bath itortl! and south's hands. IT- A. I)avjenport was the final bjdder, and Art Howard was his | partner w th the north hand. Con- ger was playing east, Donald held west. After the above erratic bid ding wafe over, west ted with he four pf diamonds, which was luickly trumped by south. South hen played his one spade and jrertt took thjc lead again with bis ace. j • I Here wpst could have^mhde his double by; leading trumps^thereby slutting dff south’s lone access to the board. But he led a heart wjhich wis trumped by north’s hfcnd. Soulth then played -the- king i of sppdcsj sluffing one of His two --i rdmaipiqg; hearts. got. to his hand by Shouting as he cashed his. eight trumps and lost the remaining earl, completing: his five flub id, doubled. * . j South probably [scared hij "Xj m"- ponents out of a [sure five contract with his two hp So at bid. His partner’s! doubly ojf the three spade b.d by;west i^dp him tljink ,his. partner {had the ace of spades. Even so it was a risky bid with his 'three little hearts, [j West had a legitimate double hut the odd distribution gave 1 he winning tricks to south, * [i . All Intramural bridge players a;*e invited to submit any such un- u >ual hands to the Battalion- Care I . ,, should be taken to [record the [cards - le D ajid the bidding before play kterts so that an accurate account may bo given. . ' I | Here is the run down: V Texas — .1 ark Bailori, Denton center; Howard Hut, Borger guauil Gene Cieming, Mount; Ver non oickie; Cail Mayvs, Pbmpa '1»at;k;i' l ’Jerry Robertson, Higpianu Park :| back; Bob T rojinng- ' er, Hrtyiown tackle; Reed Quinn, Aus-ili back; Don Menasco, Long view Renter. Texas A&M—Carl Hill, DenU son,{[end; Don Surratt, Austin (r,l |Paso), end; Jim DoBbyn, Abilene back; Robert Davidson, Porti Arthur, tackle; Charles ONeal, Corpus Christi tackle; Put ? Diffie, Gladewater center; tilertn Lippman, El Campo Back. So^thei n Methodist—bdl.j Bum-'| ume gaidtjer, North Side (Fort Worth) oaclGj Rusty Russell, Highland t-urk'- (Dallas) back; Pat Knight, Fhomas Jefferson (San Antonio); oack| Paul Williams, Lufkin! back. 4 Ride — Bill-Howton, Plalnview nd; Jerald Ohve, Brackeftiridge ( San! Antonio) guard; Etj Mc- r-caish, Weslaco guard; Bill Burk- ualtfr, Texarkana back. Ifaylor-*-Lldyd Grider, Irving tackle; Ken Casner, Waco tackle; ; Dick Calhoun, Brackenridge (San Antonio) back. Oklahoma — James Weathernll, -Vhifc Deer, center; Sarii Attjebury, Amaiillo guard; Wallace Wijiiams, ' N|rth Texas State-Bill O’Grady! Arlington Heights (Fort \korth) back; Freddie Clotieux, I South Park (Beaumont) guard. Hit) din College — Barlow Hill, Wichita Falls, tackle. Tfexas Tech — Jerrell Brokrnfield, tackle. Vanderbilt — Raymond Forest (Dallas) end. Texas Christian—Keith ersi Per ry ton, back. Hardin Simmons—Bobbjf Hart, Levplland, back. rLijuisiana State—Carroll Holli day, ! Marshall end. Tqlsa—James Spencer, ftrecken- il op- triddj end. j I . f peart Howard Payne — Don [Wright, th ump , Brownwood, center. j AP NtWSFEATLRE DALLAS— Maoison Bell, who niis won nis snare or xootoall c/iampIoLsiiips auu nan ms xirst Puryear in Clojse Win Over W < lion The cejlar d'.'elling team utHKitatcu icain last season, win ! Intramural Softball Leagt ue Honored tins year as tne dean ton. Hall, gavif Puryear- ot ntau cuacnes in uie ooutnwesc Monday n Price, Morris,' Flow- H oomerence. f ' Ucii is the only mentor who has Oeen tootbali ooss at more man Two coiueience scnoqls. tie stained in me conxereticc at rexas Christian in ly^d, went to Texas A.[ and M. in lj4.y and came to aoutiiern Metnodtst in lUoT as nne coacn. He became nead mep- «,yr in aiKl nan a team m tne Rose Bowl. nank a»e to honor Bell at half- intei’mission of the annual oouthern ivieihodist incra-squad galne. A packed, house alreauy is toiecast. Matty is due to receive a flock of gifts fend citations. Beii already has forecast that his team will not repeat as champion of the. conference next faH. ‘They’ll all be laying for us,” he declares. We’ll lose two or three games although we may be stronger than we were last season.”! T ' Two of Bell’s products, now head coaches, might be in at tendance, getting a line on his team with the idea of giving SMU a licking in the tall. One is Blair Cherry, who was captain of the team at Texas Christian under Bell. Cherry now' is head coach at Texas. The other is Harry, Stiteler, who was Matty’s quarterback one season at Texas A. and M. Stiteler now is head coach at A.[and M. file el fWal- a\|scare losing i nd tuck afterr oon before the)r fifth game in a nip battle, 9 to 7. Johansen, Pi irycars top hjbrler, gave up eleven hits as he mtched his second wiq of the cm re; it se mester. Leading the! batters wlas] Roy Carter, second isacker for ’uryear, who had a perfect day at tjhef plate getting three j hits trips to the plate. Murray -wasj the for Walton. One of the longest punts on record was made by Huey Keeney of Rice in their game witp Tulane on Nov. 2, 1946. The ball {wont 105 yards with roll. { A K ESTHER WILLIAMS PETER lAWFORD IIMMY DURANTE ¥ A 1 M I) W A Y CLEANERS ■ ' ■ ■ T I Special Rates on Cash & Carry TWO DAY SERVICE . ; . •■i']i L Satisfaction Guaranteed MIDAWAT^ 41^) COLLEGE ROAD ! cartoonSnews :>r ii Gilliert Bartosh, 'Gtjangcr, bajdv, is eyeing both Tex^s and 'J'rtxas Christian. Gordon Head- lc)», Odessa guard, said he would grt [either to Southern Methodist or Rice. William Wilson, Ennis erttl, will choose eithfer A&M or Rjje. ; .' • . \ • , J > Dick Schmidt, Lubbock center/ said he was undecided as did Paul SchuAkeL Lockhart end - ; Dan Lap Freeport guard, and Gahf I P c ^ Gallpway, Pearsall back. dw< Or John 8. Caldwell Optometrist Caldwell’s Jewelry Bryan. Texas Store Over Car C H O Ip $ Itor ly’s Phamfci Iryan w 2-6454 Apr* ' ' • Jei Cllarle^ -imcl tainc 1 mapy losing , pitcher itchHl vs. j Puryear, feaiiii Mihiair vs. Leggett; Diamond C, It - Mi ■■■■' Porn; 14 vs. T.C.V.V., Klllll Iiigltj Game, 8:00, Walton vs. L i’ v, ljij))hted piatnond. it m I urifig 1 egesl baae. ..'’s lirat tben slammed the ball out I ituk for a home 1*111 with rntli on base giving ft liner a nn Head. These were tup lirst - runs ot ; the ball game litthttljl came- back in tie first ha f t f the six^h to «cor; three ruis mi 1 [take the lead. Up to this it Milner fhad kept ttcir op- enis Well in check by playing he ds-m [ ball, J>ut their dt-rense set me I to lold in the tatil sixth ini ing is they allowed three runs to :ro >8 the plate on a wi d pitch, tw|i ei'iors and two passtd balls. Geit Bowers of Milnejr, con sider m by many ak the best In ti smiral pitcher on the bampusj g ive dp >! My One Mt an be was c ar; :ed with his second loss Of ije ie master. mm gj mnchell’s sixth inning y Sowers sirucfc out three men, oh bf them made it to first en IDtive Collier, catther for let the third striko get by mill. V m Jtoscnbirg, pitcher ! for !) it hell, racked up his second v in of the semester allow ng onlly f >ui hits. He also got the only h t of the night off of Bowers t At rt the- sixth innin t rally, n t ie first: half of t ic seven M Ir ir’ 1 {defense blew sky high al io d ij? three mpre runs to score to p it thie game pn ice for Mitchell. Fi ft oi Milner’i' seVini enors were m|d|e i t [the last two inni igs. }} Box Score • ■ It H U [y K . . oday-s Games Diamond I Diamond duration. : ftT World War II hbout 350 abandoned fooi ball for ? .1 J 1 •- j Cjunauil l)it. Carlton R. ! OPTOMETRIS' Fh«i Your Visrtal Problems 2»il 8. Main — Bryan j Phone MBOT im. N. B. McNt DENTIST Oiffice In Parker B Oyer Canady lone 2-1457 a Phai Bryah, nhi utt time T' ' ^ — For Yoi*r Sporting Good* Needs! JONES SPORTING GOODS 80^ S. ^Talu Bryan Ph. 2-2832 1 1 i SANIT0NE SERVICE I “The better kind of Dry Cleaning’ A;- iving garments, draperies, upholstery materials” ;“We specialize in | ( We Pfck-np & Deliver — Ph:2-8665 PERFECT0 CLEANERS I • 200S Smith rtiireo-e Roafl .j 1 Tailor Let Cor f $50.00 to Made tijeat yonr watch i to recanversictti i- i. u Iding macy Texas X Our repair s|pct.i,i!ists c in now ;lo the thorough rvjuve'nu ion job dcayed so long; at a reasonable A tip; re-style your wat:h with m in , new, nationally-ad •ertfeed land by Jacques ki Msur. jAskt rwEAyE nAxu ,«how:i. titAo t Jewel IclARTY r i Order iio|w for H ky ituprees fipbn y< tiat Tailor Mat are v et / reaso 1 ib e?at.... uptoyenh tent CORK “■St*'* CORKY’S Suite t sA^PLEfe naiiy tjeli COR $65.00 4il Irul l td. Ton * y - JIL ~ • fc ' v . |'|h iv[' 4RE HERE sele i ion is bdst r Sej embier Delivery ) j. tailor mad 1 ste and want?, -rusk thes ' 1 .A. i ■<y] 'Lli „ 4 71 :*■ I. Made Suits i- r ji suit. ^[•-: h 1 I; « !• *» ■ r, 1 , - [ -ii • ^ • ' 1 ■ ■ ■ • 71 V. 'f. ; li. • ' * .ili V Q I