Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1948)
Hit U I 4 ! 1 •1. The t ir depicts] tiie schooj rofam and btiiKtv n-operly igbtedJ venti- smnd prod fed. loving jvas part of the. ' •program of the Texils School Ad mitistrator: ^/B. 8. Langford, boat ferepce • -tj >f the. ilk Departinent, gave a tiin; of the vort that led up to the :ompletiot of the film. H. Wv Bar ow, Deanlof Enlgineer- Tarrell Oga, president of School .j .dmi Lrchi brief ■i u n ing, and the Texas Conference, .J*: v ■, $ nistra tors' gave shdrt jtalkis. ECHO Realtojr Canady’s Biyan; *hone r LS / • ■ / For MODEL AIRPLANE SI PPLIES doiie^. Sporting Goods 803 ;S. Maio Rryan Ph. 2-^812 : p p 1 fpr the hundred Aggies now _ _ ■ i, I i z • v.l t l - iT : f" 'With L % LlI ■ ■■ •JTHENtWORAFX? A i M {THE. eeftLIN SrnJATION? fM* ’ 'i .TpE ATOM 60M8 •» 1 . , V vWILL ITt COME TO A F1TOHT ?. L . . 1 r 9 ‘ . I . *•: }; ■ ; A Message of Sincere L: 1 ■ | • J : - , < . \ Thanks he deepest feeling of gratitude, I wish! to express my appreciation for t'he siilen^idl support accorded me in the Doi & I hope every voter will .accept this 1 message Way a is meant. ?rson|a oma Ex-Students Throw Barbeque for Cadets In Camp M By LARRY (tOODWYN The old saying, “once an 4ggie, always an Aggie,’’ was never proved more donclusively than last Wednesday, July 20th at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, when seven Aggie-exes in the 'her and tjhrew a huge barbeque enrolled in HOTC training at 1 the Artillery School. Held it Craterville Park, a re sort 15 (miles from Ft. Sill, the barbeque was attended by every Aggie inj Camp—much to the chag-. ipn it isi reported of the asorted bklahomja, Colorado A&M, Ark ansas, and St. Mary’s cadetsi, whose dx-studejits apparently had no such school spirit. j j As a-ftiafter of fact, Col. Will iam Becker, class of ’41 who also attended] the affair was quoted as ikying tjrttt the jealousy of the cadets from the other schools was So noticeable that he anticipated ((rouble in upholding the esprit d ( ’ Corps of : his unit. Col. Becker is ip Command of Battery A at thC camp, ope of the three units into idiich cadets have been placed for ((raining: purposes. : Responsible for the barbeque Were seven Aggie-exes ranging from the class of ’25 to the class of ’45. They were: W. R. Benstm, '41 of Fit. Sill; C. F. Young, ’43 of Ft. Sillj Ben Ansley, ’381 of Law- ion; Leje Woods, ’43 of Lawton; John Keathley '25 of Lawton; t>r. Charles (Kelsey, ’45 of Lawton and br. “K)d” McCoy, ’42, Lawton. Also present was John Bryan, ’38 bf San Angelo. i in addition to Col. Becker, four other officers at the camp who Wear Aggie rings attended the barbeque. They were: Major Brock U.- Faulkner, CapUtin T,- M. -Kirk patrick, ’44, Captain R. G. Titley, M2, and Lt. Herb Carter,.’49. The laffair was enlivened by talks oii^ the part of Ralph Daniels, Art HaWs and Johnny Heemarr on 2r3itic primary, July 24th. for that A. S. WARE . the prospects for ’48-49 in foot- ^nd won by a clofce decision, ball, trpck and swimming. With Jimmy Stephens, Head' Yell Lead* ter for next fall, leading the way the group ended the evening by , nr . IS NUTRITION MWW o» ~VZ- n r: tat it *ften ypu’lt gett ITAMIN A •‘H , 1 J . | • 1 keeps the eyes in condition and body tissues in good repair; also promotes growth. v VXN j • • Nourishes the body cells and generates vitality. F. . Increases the appetite by. help- (] | ing-to bum the fdod we eat and • f 11 i »r j f ' f~< ^ WED. — THUR. — FBI. — SAT ’' 7 | keeps our nerves healthy. ! . Strengthens teeth and bones. EA T ICC CBtAM oma for good hial^h I SHEER PLEASURE i •ff •(A 1 • ‘i ■( : I ,i QUEEN THUR. — FRI. — SAT. ANN GWYNNE , ■ .* . I —in— J! “Enchanted Valley” ■i i v ,1 S The -girl that played in ‘!N«ver Been Licked” 6U stag lemaies irom Lawton and Chickasha, towns near Ft. Sill. 1 ' i : h x ' With only one more week to go before camp closes Saturday, cadets at Ft. Sill are undergoing a final intensive phase of train* |ng before calling it quits for the summer. Conducting fire all last: week from observation posts in the ca pacity of forward observers, ca dets this week will go on a series of Battery RSOP’s (Reconnaisance Selection and Occupation of ; Posi tion), to be culiminated next Wed nesday and Thursday by a two- day field RSOP involving the 1 en tire Battalion. When camp closes on the 31st cadets can look back on a six- weeks that saw them observe and conduct 105 mm Howitzer; fire, both from the ground and, from the air; undergo two weeks of in tensive training in the technical aspects of anti-aiycraft gunnery followed by another week in the field 'and finally undergo simulat ed “attacks” from a squadron of P-51 fighters attacking an artil lery position at an altitude: of 10 feet! ’!(.!.' t \ The ROTC Camp ‘at Ft Sill will be inspected this week, by General Thomas T. Handy, commanding genera) of the fourth army. / Graduation exercises at Ft. Sill will be held Thursday July 29th, with processing slated for Friday and departure for Saturday., Aggies were very much tn evi dence at the annual cam# Fite Nite held Thursday .night at the “Artillery Bowl” at Ft. SiU. Ag gies were involved in eight , of the nine fights on the card, winning five of them. Aftw a first round flurry, Ar thur rrixeil, ’49 outpointed Lee Dugg^i', 126, also of A&M to win by a decision. Murray Cox, 135 of A&M dropped an. eye lash decision to Orville Wise, 135 of Oklahoma University. An exhibition between 1/Sgt. George Scott of St. Mary’# and M/Sgt. James Norman of A&M showed polish and style to the crowd. Norman cuffed Scott soundly to take a unanimous decisiop. Lonnie Cole, 173 of A&M beat Jack Chin, 170, St. Mary’s, oy a decision in a bout marked by fre quent flurries of solid punches. The crowd suffered a severe dis appointment when what locked to be the top fight of the evening be tween Dick Mitchell, 155 of OU and Don Decker, 155 of A&M, was credited to Mitchell on TKG in the first round after a right cross closed one of Decker’s eyes. Dick Fite, 160, OU had James Desmuke, A&M reeling but still upright as the third round ended and won by a decision. [ • Harold Zeitman, A&M, took a close exhibtion bout from Rich ard Colianni, 165, of the 17 FA Bn. in which Colianni went down _ for an eight-count inethc third: round. j‘ < In the final event, heavyweight Bob Holmes, 200, clashed with Sammy Bishop, 198 of the 1st Obsn. Bn. in an exhibition which was a real slug fest. Bishop had the reach on Holmes but the Ag gie kept landing the most punches Williams to Teach . • . ‘ 1 ; . | At U. of Minnesota ■ t E. L. Williams, director of In dustrial Extension Service, will teach at the University of Minne sota during the second summer term. Williams will teach courses in supervision for the Department of Industrial Education. H(e has taught former summer courses at Colorado A&M College, Pennsyl vania State College, and the Uni versity of Texas. j . He will return to the A&M cam pus on August 30. For Your Visual Problems Consult Dr. Carlton B. Lee OPTOMETRIST | Phone 2-1662 f 208 S. Main — Bryan TODAY thru SATURDAY 1:10 —Features Begin— 2:55 t 4:45 - 6:30 - 8:20 10:00 • i -.-Plus— CARTOON — NEWS SAT. PREVUE 11:00 P.M. SUNDAY thru TUESDAY .'r —Plus— CARTOON — .. .•/ n ■ <■-" l j t 1 LTL ABNER ■■ ■ /: AlCapp; . •'' Midnight Madness ! ! i. Comptroller Sets Date for Bidding On Student Center Bids will be received until 10:00 a. ni. August 16, for seven single- family residences with outbuildings located on the campus, W. H. Rolz- mann, comptroller, announced to day. ; All bids on these houses and bids on the Memorial Student Cen ter, which wijl be accepted until 2 p. m. August 12, will be consider ed by the Board of Directors at a special meeting to be held shortly after August 16. Sale of these houses will com plete the removal of buildings from the Memorial Student Center site, T. R. Spence, manager of college construction, said. Three of the houses are to the west of Dormitory 12 in the area that is being made into a recrea tional park. The two-story build ing in this area will be retained for several months but will be re moved by next summer. fives Bridge Club Meets Thursday The Veterans Wives Bridge Club will meet Thursday evening, July 29, at 7:30 in th eMYCA. A party wi|l be held in conjunc tion with this meeting for all new members who wish to join the club. Ladies who are former members are urged to attend and renew their memberships. Invitations are extended to all veterans wives. What’s Cooking? i h || • ’ . | • 7] ] NEWMAN CLUB, 7 p. m., Thursday, Room 106, Academic Building. Ii - DREAM - , (Continued from Page 2) They even^had the housing prob lem in those^days. AU of these heart-wfrming deeds are supposed to endear the desper ado to your heart, but they seem only (tp bring about a feeling of mild nausea. Finally the law catches him and justice triumphs. Our Kero is given ten years at the cooler. But on the way to prison, he averts a train robbery and the governor cuts down his sentence to a year and a day. For ninety minutes of good sack- time> your reviewer suggests “The Man From Texas.” i Okal your watch mau serve uou *, 7 * •j ana more dependably. LET US TEST IT * FREE IN 30 SECONDS ON OUR ! s j A scientific printed record mode electronically will; tell you the true condition ! and rate o! your watch. [EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS 1 PROMPT : ECONOMICAL SERVICE -5 R.L. McCarty Jeweler ^ North Gate •7V • • ■ “ ' »• . ; V V- r- Classified Ads SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSI FIED AD. Ratal . . . 3< a word per inMlthm with a 25< minimum. Space rate* in ClaMified Section .. I 60? per column inch. Send all clasxifitdR with remittance to the Student Activities Of fice. All ads should be turned In by 10:00 a.m. of the day before publication. FOR SALE—Royal portable typewriters from your authorized Royal dealer. L. H. Adams, Bryan Business Machine Co., Dial 2-1328, 107 W. 22nd, Bryan, Texas. CLAYTON FURNITURE CO. now holdinit July clearance sale. Save 10-50%. It will pay you to come in and look around. Clayton Furniture Co., Bryan. Phone 2-1587. FOR SALE—CUT ROSES, 75C dozen, Fri day, Saturday and Sunday at The Rose Stand. 1903 S. College Road. WANTED TO RENT—A one or two-wheel trailer for two weeks. Must be in good condition. Phone Art Howard at 4-5444 or write at Box 464, College Station. By A1 Capp r ■ ! It 1 MARRIED STUDENTS are trouble paying your bills T I proposition for part-tilWe apartment and bills pa(d a temperate couple' only. P, $). Bryan, Texas. I FOR SALE—Westinghouxe 6 ft. Used gas cook stove, eondition. 719 Edgewood Acres Addition. Phone 4-610 Gas WANTED—Ride from 210 W. 24th St, Bryan, to Goodwin Hall, Monday thru Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Dial 2-8847. F , . . SUL ROSS LODGE No. 1300 AF ft AM Called meeting (Thursday. July 29 at 7 :30 P. M. Work j • in F. C. degree and exam inations in E. A. degree. J. J. WOOLKET, W.M. W. H. BADGETT, Sec. FIREY BALL HANGING OVER ALICE, TEXAS ALICE, Tex., July 28 —UP>— Alice’s stationary comet had moved yesterday to a spot directly over the city. Observers, looking for the con stellation or ball of fire or what ever it is, found the thing had moved overnight. No one, and hundreds have viewed it; can guess what it is. It is so bright that it is impossible to look at it more than a few seconds ait a time. FOE THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST . . College Shoe Repair North Gate DR. N. B. McNUTT DENTIST Office in Parker Building Over Canady’s Pharmacy Phone Bryan, Texas SEVERAL GOOD IJSfD Electric and Refrigerate Priced right. T WILSON-BEAft Co. One block east of baifk College Station, T$x; FOR SALE—194li OldsmobiU sedan, two-time, hydrama miles, 350. Inquire anytimt and Friday and after 5.p.m Hall SB. . FOR SALE -Cocker Spanie'l sonable. 2600 Todd, block 6, Bryan. *— LET Decorate Y c iirj Abarti Wallpaper apdl Paint T'MQftST AS vn ONtruH AbAti -TW V j OR SALE - Loy* sent. 816.00 ; Occasional chair,; *9.00; 3 gas heaters ; t breakfast room chairs, 82.60; Bed, -fprint*. ,»nd mattress. 135.00; Bed. springs, and ftiati- trass, : 628.00 ; 2C" bicycle. 620.00. See at duplex next (door to Church of. Christ. Main ! Street; College Station. K"\ club ^Ctiial iScdniesday lily: Law iex.j Rea- Jof Hwy. PERSONAL- John: I'm not cpming back. You whip my pet kitten, Galdlota. Mabel. —- ST-Brown alligator wallet, Campus Theater, Monday. Please return to A. R. Davis. Dorm 14, Room 416. S H - WELLINGS FOR SALE — Sealed bids." will be 'received until 10:00 a.m., Mon- .day, August 16. 1948, for neven single family dwellings with out-buildings lo cated on the Campus. The righi is re served to reject any and all bids. For a further information address Comptroller, •“ • A.ftM. College of Texas, College Statlop, * Texas. \ ' ■ i > '.' VJ ■: NOTICE T- Beginnlhg August !, 1948 the State laws id-city ordinanceikregarding traffic will enforced. This •» ij-eas such as is foui lampus Theatre and bus stops at the orth Gate. There is to\be no parking center of Farm Highway 60 from the atersection of Farm Highway 60 and lyctt Street, Campus Theatw, to the intersection of Farm Highway. 60 and auber (Street, College Station State Bank. L traffic light on Farm Highway\60 is be' (obeyed. Violators of traffic sill be subject to fine. V-i \ P YOU! jnts in the Smartest dor Schemes. ' Ni Bryan MID WAX 1 I f f • 1 Specia Rates o( i pish & Carry ’ T(V midaWj ; ) DAY AND N’S. st ffice” Phone 2-1318 L £ A N E R S ANNOUNCING ARRI New Fall Fa SERVICE uaranteed OLLEGE ROAD • • WOOLENS CREPES . . PLAIDS GABARDINE FLANNELS COVERTS BfDURO 1 ON Ql TICS ! A a m tHmd . B1 CHOjOSEYOl! NEEDS KA jB.G.Ei . ! , : The FABRIC “Across from the piislj Ofl|ice BRYAN /■ DYERS rr. U: , 'M ? 1 ' TEXAS ’’J; wmm y id . i X L ... — r i ■■ ii.. hr i . I I 7 ! i Jr v i ~ - ■!. . •yi