Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1948)
y" lit J Page 5 ARNIpR «r-w> P' ■V : ^ pyACZ », A/ou/t- / have rrrr- my D DC r OR WASHED ME THAT A .SdUAPEfEAl WOULD KILL ME- C A ‘XLur-wHtKiKr^ OROGOt / fiovr tA*Err4. . : m > / '. '-i E nr ft/ 1 T . . J f! !! i THfc feAffAttON S ‘ PWS^L '■-L- U: -4- !i By A1 Oapp -e- SOMETHIN'S STiCK/N'OUT— I'LL TAKE IT-WHATEVER ' /T IS —tT'S rREML - *) S-ihltrsts? m Jit ft- i’-it Classified Ads SELL WITH A RATTALION CLASSI FIED AD. Ratrs ... 3^ a word por insertion with a 23< minimum. Spare rates in Classified Section . . . 600 per columiy tech. Semi all classifieds with remittance to toe Student Activities Ofr fice. All ads ilhould bo turned in by 10:00 a m. of the day before publication. TYPING—Brins; your themes and thesis to C-13-A, Collece View Apartments, after 5:00 or to the Scribe Shop. 1007 Ei. 23rd. Phone 2-6705. ir-y FOR SALE- Mu’t -<’11 quickly, reyardlcrn of lose, 1939 Hurley "74" motorcycle In Stood condition. Only 800 miles mi ccrti* pleti? overhaul, pee owner. 49 Milners Randle Addresses Civic Clubs On Human-Industrial Relations fl ''ill? . j f ' “Huma|n Relatiopa in Industrial Relations” has been the atu theme of a i^cejitiieriies of ti Iks before civic clubs and college organizktioijs £y !Dr C, W. Randle, head of the economics department.] •> . .. j . , ! indjicati d that employees today are not They .are+ + Dr. Rafidle has men. a |i the simply. “ceoneppp” prevailed tiy sieiiil ahd tsycholoei- brought resu cal motivation* along wi :h tho ecp-? nbmie. Fail nr ‘ of mam gemfcnt' :oj realize this co nplex mot P ting labor diffici vation inis f.Dr. Handle stated, “We ail knoW l‘jjtlSat the last f>0 years have shown I jibe brilliant progress of indus- our~'full production ! potential, .DlrJlriai engineering ami. nfnnufactur- vh ies and the itjck of skchi “veinent if : brilliant progress Handle believes. Tlie employle will (not sign himself |to beejom^ig one s—an afoi a. mass—an afonymijbus Heck inuji- ber. He wants]to- fecjl important-by receiving j 'iniividua! and improved! personal wants: his dignity |respected, wants to feel! that Ibis Used simply r(? ^ortant and that he isj making a valuable contribution, i T PoStS ith Balt Reporters are needed for The Battalion during the summer sessions, Roland Bing, director of student publications, said yesterday. He said there are good pos sibilities that the qualified stu dents may advance to staff po sitions on the (Batt. Students de siring information may contact Bing in Student Activities, Goodwin Hall. Commissions Open To Qualified Men Under RA Program WANTED-rlHay pen for youngster. Call Crow. 4-5011 or 32-1!, Vet Villayc. FOR RENT From .luno 1ft to her Ut. Three room hfihyo. Ui cd— 880.00. FurnisheS - ■ S35.C 4-7314. double See ill FOR SAI.E—Klectrie refrigerator t><>d. Imby bed. studio eouch. C-21-X, .College View. FOR SAl.K—Double unit prefab tn Mun- ncrlyn Village. If interested see E. It. Olc'ta, 211 So. MunnerljTi Drive. Septeth- furnii i- 0. Cs 11 FOR SALE—Maple finished dinette table and chairs. Ib-dside chest. S^e after 5:00. (5olli (re View Apartment D-9-W. , jiwg, by which people hr innore physical comfort: ■pcognitiun status. lie tie job is irp- ve enjoyed and con- and lower 1 the coming j ivemiences at lower jprices. I believe in {year's the greatest progress ' will ;lne what we may term human engi neering,. the exploring limited .possibilities of ing? working together jimon cause, thyough mu j standing, respect, and Dr. Handle has fecut fito the Kiwanis Club PLENTY m LAW MODEL ijSED ( .a|rS f Any l^iake . day model , Priced to n 9 D 1 9 H M NTf. f ■ = VT-j- | '■ J! AeroMo from Pos \ 1 fi -r •• < a—iw if. WE Il4vE WHA of College jj Station, the Rotary Club of Hunts ville, the Rotary Club c f Caldwell, | and the Management Kngineering \ Conference at A&M. I F' ■ • Laredoans Slate Farewell Dinner Regular Army commissions and RHsiness opportunity For someone duty in the Judge Advocate Gen-■ i, ‘ tr . r f s H i" Investment with steady Oial S Department are being ollei- now in operation. Leaving school, must ed to physically qualified lawyers ; sell, contact D. I., locke. Hart Hall between the ages of 21 anil 32, i j'" 13 - <» 'vrite h. .1. T.. Box 2078. col. : Colonel Oscar B. Abbott, thd sen-1 l,,g “ sutl,>r '- ior instructor for the Organized | for 'sale -21. year old pure br.d nsi Reserves, announced in Austin to-1 female cocker-$25.oo. 1 year old pure/ | j | l»ro<l p&rti-^olor* mal«‘ oi>okcr - $25.00. Fyr 1 ^ * ; further Information, Kodachrome pIkIod* Direct commissions as first) lieu- see vvillman. Room 219. Dorm * tenants or captaini will be given cli ! u u H , , FOR SALE— Roper stove, excellent (those who qualify and who have j dition. Phone 4-ism. $i2M0. j served with creditable records as f 1 ——< — commissioned ofl'kiers on active '‘.I 11 ,,r*. ,lor , Iy : federal service in any of the arm ! ! ed forces for at least one year. tlo^k atkJ chnir. A-^r%, Coli<>iro View.: LOST- Hf-month-oM f< mule Dalmation piip* tw - 1 * u 1 pv with infection on bnck. If foum!, Persons who have demonstrated ))h()I)( . Dl i W bcrjt. 1-0049. The Laredo A&M Club will hold I an aptitude for the military service i 0 —<———— 4— of the un-1 a farewell dinner-dance for grad- by having been designated an lion- human be- uating sepiors Sunday evening, or 0 rdistinguished military, grad- for a com- ! June 0, at the Hamilton Hotel in . uate of the scnioil division, may :ual under-1 Laredo. . (also apply,. Qualified Reserve Of- .eamwork.” 1 Willie Pena, present club prepi-i fivers, now .on extended active duty tly spoken j dent, said that dinner will be ser- are eligible for Regular Army ved at 7:.‘{0 p. in., and dancing will i commissions. Ag Seniors Hear Faires Tomorrow . ion and appli- be obtained by follow in the patio until 12:;U). | Detailed informa Price of admission will be $2 cation forms h^ay per person, and reservations may writing the Sijnioj Instructor of be placed with Pena in 8-H, Pur-! the Organized Reserves, Ilf) West year. I; l i -4th Street, Austin Russell Accepts Position With CARE Committee FOR SALE—Window fan. used only one -uTTuner. Mu=t .sell thin week. Contact Lowi* Manure, C-14-X, College View, {(after 6:00 p. m. FOR SALE--226 South Munnerlyn. Down payment and pay out equity of $1,414.00, $30.00 monthly. Better than rent. Private owner. Everett Booe, Apt. 30-?„ Vet Village. A&M Cnmpu". R. C. ECHOLS > Realtor Over Canady’H Pharmacy Bryan Phone 2-6454 FOR SALE—Baby rarrlngc—rhl i--h: fquhi'Ppd with piatking ’ D. College (View. POLIO INSURANCE—AH $5,000. Covfr entire! fdi . p«r year.. Phone 4-4(50 or 4-S'jl NOTICE. FACULTY WANTED A correspondence courre for POST GRADUATION STUDIES Entitled THE MIND IN ACTION See Eric Berne’s book of the same name. Interested faculty, members see V M, Faires. Austin Hall. SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 AF & AM. ('a$led meeting Thursday at 5:U0 Work in .MM IJOYa degree. -M/g GIBB GILCHRIST. W. M. W. H. BAUGETT. See. ■hrime »*#e. ! J | •»l* : HEAD*) 1948 FORD 2-ddor—dbllj 1917—CHEVROLET 4tdo: light. 1 t ihf pe • RECORDS • RADIOS School & Office Supplies ALL YOUR NEEDS HASWELL’S fl .a All » agricultural sdn'iors will meet Thursday at 'f p, m. in the I Agricultural Engineering Lectuvq I Room, Dean (’. N. Shepardson said j yesterday. Daniel Russell, professor of so ciology, has ■ accepted a position with the Cojoporutive for Amer ican Rrmittfancos to Europe, | a state honoiary committee. U Thtf committee is 'headed by Gov. Bgauford H. Jestef’, thair- man, and Lt. Gov. Allan Shiver!, vice-chairman. Purpose of the organization, which includes a state council- com- i Two prospective health educators in Texas will receive posed of ropresentatives of various: fellowships this year from the Texas State .federation of CA® Ar-t Two Fellowships Available To Prospective Health Educators .{ V. M. Faires, head <|f the man-. Womens Clubsiand the Texas Division of the American Can- penalized relief service for Euiro- f Agcvmtvw ewgmeeriwg klepartment! QAcietv and director of post graduation studies at A&M, will Miscuss the (iraduate training in public health education for a period new program. . I , of one year will be covered by j:h{> ! Dean Shepardson said that agri-! leBowships,- (.andidates must j bt ^/||-|t|rp BnDVtl Cultural students who will graduate between the ages of 22 aid 40 anfl | tflUyv lU iilCiTT BV-yUUI either in June or during the sum-.i niusl have a BS oi BA (jegree.j j w| , -»t * — mer are urged to attend. Applicants must havtj had : ai i Qy 'AjQOfl, JltHP ♦) *' in biological science, chemistry, ptl- I 1 I - m, luviwn ueatioft; and sociology. Tlie accbpl | pormitory students now jittend-1 ('.'i'.'.I ^unt-ki'rp r i"n ,l, rf*vav' ted applicant will apply direqtly ! irtjr school and who plan ty go t'* j ‘ ..j to. the school which he y.ishesj to lisulmmer school must be moved to 1 attend. I v thlii new rooms by] noon Saturday, r Exams Open For Forestry Posts peans to every interested Texan. The executive committee has j mapped plans for the Texas pro gram with Dr. Leroy Dakin, national field representative of (ARE. Russell is now -wi ving as presi- [ dent of the Texas State Social j Welfare Association. This group ; imlvtdes all public and private sq- \ Office ***** - * ■■! •Examinations fbr w tl ! of forestry aid and fire have been announcerl qy j Service Commission, i Entrance salaries r $1822 to $31121 per yet lirdejnt will |^e with fieh i the Forest -Service of T i homa, Arkansas, and M >1 ai thp Civil j cation to the Ann-rican (’uti j -1 Society. This report should mge from \ made after the candidate ha.- b r. Employ- j nbltified by the school of his du Roger Wv,:Jackson at Post Off Re. ’ LT YOU NEED IN i * positions cotitlrol akl Roberts Selected A medical examination report i -lone 5,^ Assistant 1 Dean ojf Men ,, will lie included in the final ap Jli-i ^‘ ,u i said today fifl'ices of exas, Okla- issouri,. thlit he hast been accepted for mission. Accepted students who can rile : .T3 Class Agent Applications and additional in- ■ {.h,, entrance requirements formation may be obtained from f choose from any of the following • College | sc hools: Cniversity of Califorpla. j l0 ^ l V ,0 ^ I Columbia University. North ( Unt- UI V... t i n !.' All dormitories, (except thost- to b« :h “ *"■*;; J. E. Robert- of the Agricultur-1 eeii i V l] l ’Vb swl 1'^ked at ;al Ex! , c ,. imvnt station is the new ice ! t id tune. j ; class agent of the TIFl.'l class. He ad- i Students wRo must change) rooms waj , „, k , h ,, hv uttemling • but Who wish to leave the fampus ht . ^ (m thi . , ;impi|S : before tin semester is co^pleto! thji; ^ VVt ., k „ n ,,. Joe W. Richards Jr. of Leggett , , ...semester ] may make aTrangemctlts with the •r? : present occupants of thejr new room about storage of possessions rcturni Zinn said!. — i i- o. , ,, • • Students who want to turn in _ lima State allege University; .4 i ht>i ro< „„ k( must it t)u . ir Michigan, l nivcr-.ty ol Mii|n| . in(1 thv vt : llaw m . ei t showink sota, In,varsity of North (arofmF | th - ji . key , lE , posil t() r{o „ bl Ul() . Goodwin Hall. LIES - BOOKS SCHCjOL sop; EQjLIPMENT ge Book store i i College Station f > I. \ si®*- ■ : 'v - With Y(|ur Cjotigratulations , con The GRADUATE W. ILEY T U * $ SEND HIM \ ! OILETRlfeS “ iswanH JEWELRY l SQUIRE SOX ARIfOW SHIRTS, TIES, SPORT SHIRTS BRITISH WALKER S IOES or the GJft of Gifts, a . .: TIM •LY SUIT L0CK-SIM fry an -'-I l ; 1 '. I . ; ■ • , | r\ •j ■ jk and Yale University. In selecting the recipients, pfe-J j ference will be given to residents! ; of Texas who signify their de- esirc to come back to this state ! on the completion of their course. The scholarships are valued at ‘ $2,500. ! Credit will be given applicants who have had one or more ytjurs j of experience in public health or in a related field. Training in pub- j lie speaking, journalism, psycho- ji logy, or organization work are! al so desirable qualifications. The Texas Division fellowspins are open .to any Texas resident. Prompt action is necessary since the fellowships are lit be effective with the jfall semester. For ajilili- tional inljonnation letters -hpuld . he addressed to the i_Ainerican Cancer Society, Texas Division. : WlO Baldwin Street, Houston (i, Texas. - Gagers - j . (Continued from Page 1) er pivot man sank nine field goals and an equal number of free shots lo set a new scoring record of twenty-seven points in ! the arena. I High spot of the season came ! on February (j. That night an in spired Aggie five, determined to ; i break into the conference win col- i uinn, stopped Southern Methodist | 51-4(i. Bill Batey ended all Mustang hopes of pulling the game Out of the fire with an eight-point I outburst in less than a minute j and a half in the waning tjec’- j onds. I V . With Billy Turnbow leading; the 1 way, the I Cadets continued tjheir winning viays by clubbing Texas Christian 48-22 the next night. Rice’s Owls pushed the Capets back on (the losing side , of j the j scorebook (and then an injurylrid- ! died Farmer squad lost its final | three ganies of the season. Batey dnd Turnbow furnished ‘most of the offensive punch that the Cadet$ displayed. Batey ejidod I the season with a total of; 250 | tallies while Turnbow collected 241. Colorful Mike Garina was the ; defensive kpark plug and his tfjicky i ball handling delighted the {fans ; and confused his opponents.! Bob Kamperman sent 137 points through the hoop, Gene Schrickel stored 136, and Sam Jenkins aflded 135. was chosen as- the representative to the Association of the Former Students Council. Seventy-two members of the ! class attended the reunion. T. E. “Ike” Mi nis of Waxahachio is i president. t I; . CHICAGO. May 2(i -OP>-l)e-' LUFKIN, Tex., May 2(» (—L’P'— troit has offered to build a 12 Morris Jones resigned as nianager million, dollar stadium and Olym-j of the Lufkin Foresters of tjhe l<*^e . pic village in jts bid to land the i star baseball league today. ( 1956 Olympic games. BURGESS ■ PI GH WAREHOUSE | STOR AGE I 4-4236 W E HAVE THE SPACE .... Call us for arrange ments to store your furniture, household furnishings, etc. 14 Mi. South Kyle Field On Old Hwy. 6 CORKY * MUR# 1 •> CLOTMliS '. , , • ‘ -mV .. , 25 ^ ; I ' Sale on Men’s Suits * ’’till June 5th i . I “ Beautiful Selection ■ i i . ■. : • SLACKS — FRENCH CUFF SHIRTS CORKY & HURD North Gate ! ! . ? •• . . : r •» 1947 KAISER—[Fulliy Eq 1946 FORD Stat ion Wlbgc 1946 pORD 2-door S 1946 CHEVROLET Fl miles. iFtl MERCURY ClubfCoh 1941 FORD 2-<lhor 1941 HUDSON 4-daoi 1939 CHEVROLET 2-jdoofr 1939 FORD 2-dp0r 1939 LINCOLN i 1938 FORD : 2-door 1938 CHEVROLET 2-|loo[- 1936 PLYMOUTH CDppr s :D 1948 1948 1947 1947 .1948 1940 1935 . 1 Db loth FORD U Ton Pf kiW-j-feditak CHEVROLET I. '?bit I^rkup- lights.! I - T j , FORD) u. Ton Pifckup-ffcin FORD li Ton Stak? WILLYS JEEP.} I DODGE IQ, Tonflorg fvjh<9 FORD 1 Vi Ton ipun p. BRYAN l\icT ‘'Your 4 IS NORTH MAIN iifp?i :e till /4/over America... Smokers Repo WANTS: [>-A' lr - I two Irrr lot; irll 'lij E-S, M ^ o T / 2S, i34 r — |«W Mt.J H»lrL T \ 1 j>r. rlmlf'i rk blup Cft-'c. U-Mloif fy A PkO. n. wont to Hth. •cfibbar.l’. ox lf34. AR ! Jiff':-Li-:/ RTERS -Fplly F I’ojupe- .. -Ratfio, Hoaujr, Rpot- .........4........ ,915.00 aid ready to go. Ftqulpped. Only 10,000 actual $1.095.00. 1,095.00 595.00 795.00 695.00 395.00 695 00 525 00 ...i...; ,i,i- 415.00 i t ' I uter, Radio, Fog- P’rJlRfnri; apd Trailer liitch. ' tJi . IffANY oild! Dealer” lei BRYAN, TEXAS' J ■ | | , j * 'll when you smoke PH1LI v ( v >\ V,; . • ^ V ^ mwfj . im I : ii - If you re tired of “cigarette hang over that stale,musty tastein your mouth—that dry, smoked- out feeling in your throat— remember this . . . All over America scores of smokers who changed to philip morris have written entirely unsolicited to tell us they now enjoy a milder smoke, a fresher, cleaner smoke than they ve ever known before. And for a good reason - because PHILIP MORRIS is the ONE, the ONLY leading ciga- ■■ rette recognized by eminent nose and throat specialists as definitely less irritating. NO OTHER CIGARETTE CAN MAKE THAT STATEMENT! n df America’srop-Rankfng About PHILIP MORRIS of irritation of the, Mir:)att i;t is my usual -icie With my patients who sujggest that they P MORRIS. I the reason is that I -V ith ing it they are than other **rt *-41 fepfUSIOML STATtHtm eries>Ur ' >s; m . 1 T th»mt mcMum. ;c ii t , 1