Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1948)
Era lor Guioft? • • ’ fuesdajl Tnotipn picturfe IWstorj p. m. United Artists si of their latest; fjil and faculty. •' 1 pthe mov whether' it i drama, a ioaiing) is not kno\yn.; T Job and is i'el'e)- “sprpenin^.” The namefe o madk a tiitnirijr ifoint ^n at Giiion Hall. At 2 udios iviii present one ations : to the Students entitled, “Red RivOr,’’’ apd comedy or ern or ia mora is showing is a pre-jpremier li’tl toi see. When the askied ta write t orrpost cards pb if. to lose gifoujl d . Reiner jimp : mo\ Admission to the show is free. United Artists officials request that all cards be marked honestly. They are hunting f o r ‘bitter denunciation overpaymen * of subsistence al lowances!, the Veterans Adminis- tration agajin urges veteran-stu dents and tfheir schools to notify | VA as pooh ias a veteran inter rupts or completes his training A veterah-sjtudent in training under the GI Bill is not entitled to stibsi$terjce allowances after the date he interrupts or completes his training! In some cases; veterans stop their training and receive ad ditional paym(ents before the Vet erans Administration is notified of theij - change !in status. ^ payments most be re- Broussard Elect Port Arthur prA] E. S. Broussard was elictei iresident of the Port Arthurjf A^ if Club for 1948-49 at the fins meeting of the school year, ij W. W. ‘‘Buddy” Heatjon wifi b> mmmmm resident; Jimmy FenneW »ec- ; and Ralph Gorman, trea- ri • ■ , Icjving the election of offi- pIans were made for a chib n Port Arthur on June 5. > ort Arlthur Aggies and their 1 are!{invited to{attend the at the fd. which will be held at jnj Club, Broussard said.” T . r • J !■; raise.” Theyi want only truthful opinion. IScreening of pictures enables the studio heayy to determine how the picture will draw at ity play the! box office and how the producer can in movie cireties as* a stars, ith’e plot of tf\e stpift,, or thdl treble o ' the picture ifave pot bqieh officialli’ h lease I. Thpfriersons attend ing will go igndijant cf whatj they afe about drqss up his film prior to release. Attendance and response at this screen ing will determine whether A&M will con tinue to be Used as a “guinea pig” for film producers or whether thfe whole affair will beqome a dismal failure. There is reason to believe that this school will provide an ideal testing ground for many new pictures. This will, in the fipal analy- by tha film producer, sis] depend upon you, the audience. ij ie is over, thei’ w'ill be leir < pinionb, of thq picture jvided '! i U r : : 1 / Warning <c?canc idates: Any nan who According to a Buenos Aires dispatch, speeds ajl hii; {in& tlrowing mud is certain Argentina is an pJly of neither America nor Rujssia. This is generally described as play- inji: both ends againsf the middle. ed t(' the tracks, snatched up the dog, threw him onto the pfatform and thw climbeq up hin self just as the train bounded pasjt.-r-jT/ie J on rm {-A me ripan. High School - College English Cooperation Plan Instigated i ! Means for cooperation between'high school and college teachers of Fbiglish were set up Saturday by a joint commit tee of the Texas Slat# Teachers Association and the Texas State Conference of College! Teachers of English, which met !J j • j , LAST PAY—Z HITS Robert Jan Savlty Band “BETTY CO-ED’’ Mitchum Jane GreVr *> 3. I mitted Execut the sig signatijri idf th( of the A horn arvJseMi<j>h on cepted^ : ’ nation Ncjw the customer, would. IVSA Election Procedure Given • • • J. I {jJ.T.i.LL ii O.L X ■- «• * ' C (Eighth ' )f a Series) BY-LAW l;V. ELKJTIONiPROCttfHJRE. A. Nominatjohiji shal be aCcppted during the period frprtij the C )Uvehrng'of the Nation al Student; Congress uytil .noninatjons are declared clbsel in tlieplenarp session 1 ^ 'ill 1. A homjnhfion accepted!before the plen ary sesspl i on ^lectiojip slrall be sub- ip jvritin? to the chairman of the vjej Committee ihd shall contain uitUro o' the nqijninator and! the “ 1 " 11 nominee, in acceptance i(jrjrijinatil)ni. 'ij ■ ‘ hiit on fibm the flbqr oflthe plen- electwnls must be! ac- by the ntniinee' before the npmi- S placed on-the official ballot. In the, event tl at any] candidate With draws jfollmvinj ti|? closing of nonVina- tioits, jtlie elec iopj procedure '«haH be 1 halted 1 ihijmedb tdly,. dud nomina^ionsi /j: shall aej ro-ope Wtl/ ]| . j 4. A camiwjale de eiitled fkjr election inf one! ; -office [is UligiMe' for jhpminalinn, iand ! can ruiilfor am ther ofjioce. [■ • ,‘S. There I ana 1 lx one humiliating speechj of fivi tninutel for eaitih candidate* and . ! Once a manufacturer would have been satisfied with a thousand dollar automobile, at the l MCA. / j Workshop conferences Will be held in the eleven districts <)f the Suite Teachers Associate n.t L - ^ f — 1 ati which college/instructors aid high school teachers will, get to gether and exchange opinions an the operation of their respectiw> courses, to elNiiingte duplication pr [ omission of subjects. Director-Publisher Chosen President of Gulf Coasters • FREE TOMORROW TUESDAY CHEVROLET MTE All drivers of any model Chevrolet admitted free. I. Interpretation of the Powers of Regional Assemblies, i i Regional i Assemblies may alter mutual regional boundaries by consent of the regions concerned, such action to become effective when notification as to the ac tion taken is forwarded to the National {Executive Committee. 2.i{Regional membership.* Members may change their regional - Henry Reese III, publisher of the Gonzales Inquirer and member of the A&M Boajrd of Directors, i~ '■r 1 rf* thc secretary ol the joint committes Coast Pi ess Association at its an- at its meeting here. Dr. T. F. nual convention atjiOrockett, Texas. Mayo, head of the. English dei- ij e succeeds W. M. Shannon, of partnunt at A&M, is chairmar. Richmolld Coaste ^j Among other members of tne committee present at the meetiijig here were Mattie Brewer jof the San Antonio schools, chairman TUFTS ANN BLYTH * UNlVtmi hCTUM *4- sessio^ 4 tnihute: tlep tb nee Hef i tions j idfctli for eaieh cand date*and an acclepthnce q*eech jiff three minjutes from |he!|nora nee duiiiing thy plenary elections. In theipjlejiiar.y kession$ on eleetionsj the chairriain! shall read alj writtei j; considfciajion before tjiominatijns from the fl^ot - 17. The o|djei 3 j lie -deueijn i the 'clix-jir ' Bi Voting |hjil - C- A carrdiaalte ] he receives i cast, i j Z 1. If a canjJi " i. ity on|tIie, - | datesl-reck shall kar Shoulil s sary,the ;ire o jened. j of p)minatpg speeches fchall ned by lot ijiinmedialely after, nojminatiojiis. hat 11 WE FIX ’Em while YOU‘Wait —— Holick’s Boot Shop Ngortli Gate particular offi nomina te upder be l|y roll dill of the regions, ihall be declared elected when x Majority [if the t<|tal Votes ate bas not’reeciyed a nrajor- first ballot, jtihe lending candi- iviiiT 75'i iff the v>tes cast, dl foit electidm in a rim-off. ibsec FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST . . College Shoe Repair North Gate . uent e ections be neces- jdand date receiving the lowest number]of votes shal be topped from „ the biltet. ~ v " jj . - l). All delogates ant alteriijite'dele](ates and Z d itiembehs; of tie .Executive Committee ” shall bq eligible tor nomination to Nation al Office, ' ' •. / BY-LAW V.j THE COMMISSION SYSTEM. lestablislned two National shall be: ~ There jhjilj be _ r Cbatimissioiiii. Thd^ pbmjiiissAons AV The Nj Z- Studbni Af|faii> \ - B. The Nifti in ■Z al Stucfeiit Affairs. " BY-LAW. p}. - Interviews. . il. From! all app lal , Commission on National fairi ' / . ihl.Commissijcfn on Internation- REG ti- - : he *— ii|terv f The Bajjnilio ot; CoWege - f.fbemoon, «x4ep| during I IONAL DISTRIBUTION. icants.jtho National Ex- five to ecutife; Committee shall selec ieWqd persijinaUy during: the of the education: section of tne i m w * in Lne vonseiit oi me . re- Tt , xasS state Teachers Association;; gions concerned. _ ' R. B. Daniels/of the University jof 3. Regional ‘representation on the National Houston; Miss Jane Ethridge jof Executive Committee. ( Kilgore Junior College; L. W. Regional representation on the National! |S“Lry aeneL/, 1 ally o7'tfe Executive'Committee shall be determined Lake . A ± G unn , Texas Tech; !E. on the basis of member student bodies of D. Shelton, Abilene Christian Col-! the region, each region having one repre- h-ge; w. A. Ranpon, North Texas: sentative with one additional representa- Agrieultpral College; and Miss (L , he "Stratton, San Antonio High; jtive tor regions representing more than schools. ^ 1 55.000 member students. 1 4. Regional Organization. (The division of states into 25 regions is discussed. A&M is in the Texas-Okla- homa Region.) . \ : BY-LAW VII. THE NATIONAL EDITOR. A.: Written applications. I 1. Applicants for the position of National j Editor must apply in writing \p the Na tional Executive Committee, Winding in.their applications; the following items i a. # A statement of past experience, j b. Samples of previous work, i \ week prior to the convening of the an nual National Student Congress. C. The National Editor shall he appointed from among the five candidates inter viewed in accordance with the provisions ! of this Constitution. ih-LAW -VIIL REPRESENTATION IN, THE NATIONAL STUDENT CONGRESS • Voting representation in the National Stpdent Congress shall be based on the fol lowing scale: i Under 1.000 _• 1 ! 1,001 - 2,000 2 2.001 -3,500 3 ^ 3,501 - 5,000 i 4 5,00ij — 7,000 . 1. 5 ■ 7,00,1-'10.000 6 Over 10,000 , : . 7 BjY-LAW IX. ASSESSMENT OF DUES. Dues shall be assessed on member bod'es in proportion to their enrollment, provided that no member body shall be assessed for mojre than 10,000 students enrolled. Scale of Assessment as Established by the Executive Committee, Sept. 9, 1947: .Scale of Assessment j Under 300 j.... J. S 25 301 - 1,000 /i l 35 1.001 - 2,000 .... 7o 2.001 - 3.500 ...., 128 177 241 7,001-10,000 315 Over 10,000 j 369 QUEEN NOW SHOWING \ ' Bette Davis in _ ' ^Winter ^leetiug? — s * Copyright 11M7 by Local Adverting Co. 10. ‘Our clothes last a lot longer now' that I wash them at THE LAUNDERETTE”. The LAUNDERETTE G ll South Side College Station 3,50il - ,1000 . 5,001 -10()0 NEW 1948 PALACE - NOW SHOWING! the Battalion : i . ' i . : ■ ■ ■• . limbed Bemi-jA'dekl i, official newspaper of tho figi'iculturajl and Mechanical College of Texas and the City n, Ttxaa, U published five times a week and circulated man News wib Hall. 20^, Goodwill Ha y. aubsctiptRdn I4.S.S1 rilfutiolis may 1 be m^de by -i- llephone (4-54 telephone (4*jl every Monday through Friday |ods. During the summer The Battalion is pub- ar. Advertising rates furnished on request. telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office, Room 201, Good- :ied sds may be placed by telephone (4^5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room — I T^e Asfociated press is ^hlitled exclu •'* ed to it or ^idt 0 hefwise cre(|ijted in the 7 Rights of isppblicaHen of ah’ other mattje; ■ - ——•—■—h* sively to the use for .reppblication of all news dispatches credit- i local news of $j are a so reserved. -kntered ss Vccind OtCce ot Co|eKp S ^ tho Act of C«hc&‘ja -flase matter ot Poat atioiTexan, lujnde* jf'.M ifeh u. l: at iron , luhdu If' : ciARLIE kURRAi; JIMMli NELgOf " I ■VV' i .:|T *' l T | J. •: Miller, limietii Bond , Louis l T, NoJeif.—ll ;..J 1— 144- rr Shelf... jC, <t. Minroe, "t Hie, J. C. Lurry G odvfyn..}. f. sCTniil, Jsmel li. John Sineletjarr, papef and local news of spontaneous origin published herein, ir neirein i The jAssociatedl Press Alember qf ..F< otuj .Fe# uro IteSortcn no -*«,»• Kcprojcnled natior.r.lly by Nations! Ad- vertiiilns; Servio* Inc., at New York City, Chicaso, Lo* Ancclci, and San Francitco. —v* FT r*r 4 z ..Co-Editors l James DeAnda, Andy Matula. Zero Hammond. Dm ItnKi'lkinp, Boh Spbede, bill Evane....! Sports Writer ..—.....Circulation Manager “■hoto Engraver* ....,Sports Editor Cruiy Griffin.. Sports / | Fliotograpber rt,w«r< lufd T4JES , , , _ 0^27.95 3 SfnU ConttoC See It Today! KRAFT Furniture Co. NOW AT REGULAR PRICES! T DAVID O. SEUN1CK S itSUN in Technicolor ITAtllNC f ilk JENNIFER JONES ■ GREGORY PECK • JOSEPH GOTTEN WITH L1QNEI, BARRYMORE HERBERT MARSHALL. ULUAN OISH WALTER HUSTON • CHARLES BICKFORD WTlfLI Art CT r\v mm Wfe. j Jj&lM ij: ftr;.... '•> . i “TT* - ** I WITH A CAST OF JYOO Dhmttdkj KING VJDOR 4'r ® Mm mm: : -iw • tl MNMllililiiiilf BECi!.!fig—‘j OTHER WWE TIGHTS! liMHICOlOR '- BEI!Y GfW[['D4iN’9AlUY 2a .. /ia Ik- 1 Hi ■ ■ ,■ 4 At- timoar to* 4 s 1 ALSO—LATEST TIME & CAfcTOON 10:00. Now T Al Subjei ls start 12|4. r >-|-F ednesday begins IplO - 4:25 - 7:11) J i JEWHTFER JOKE JdSE Lionel Li 2500 mill in s iocluding Harry 1 I R S GREGORY PECK OTTER erbert Marshall - i falter Huston tiickford C 1 1000 f SPECTACI 250D {ting cast feltd, Butterfly MeQueen SCENES 1000 i'l. The race tp tfiei wreck—Ttif J ? i gambling Deat, goriebi^s color see bH [ORT TWE SI BUG? B1 se-" j*" j I SHORT SUBJECTS TO BUGS Bt NNX TtVEETIE PIE (C. HKNB" ‘ a~The railroad eWorld's greatest 'he Duel to the' lUtr in action TAT” JN)—‘‘BABBIT PUNCH _ f- ■ SHORT SU three BUGS B ns tc Ml ■“RAJBBtT punch w a pi rn’ >. ‘t ' TAT’ t :d tuesdai 1*0 WEDNESDAY t ,W A flil r> -ll ■■ ■ssn-p . • j r ! ■ | y • j . . V j j • • . , { ■ < i'i r| :: ; ' 1 r---1 '""'T 4 J |..., • 4- ri ^ ^ J