Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1948)
' ! ■ 'a tl-i J j»i» ' ' ''TMriiBl ' i; ■ i. -! t attalio R . , , hT dtpfc—ihss r- - { r 1 i' ; ' | I • . 1 ' .! l.j • 1 . j . IL • t 1 ir -H- (! • ! FRIDAY, MAY k, 194 'i A&M To DeclineExp "W e’re Not Conference Champs” Is Reason Given for Move WMB T 1 > ' ■ h 1 : ' | M / . . ■ • ; !| ected NCAA Bas w III I-, v U li: I 1 ! I , ! i The (f/R. Glabjwon botfi the football aitd volleyball Intramural championfhipsi ouiriisr the lajKt year. From lejft to ijight bottom row, McK ili , . tl«w*L-a ImsiM Jill Hfrinn! I^ia Wlvicltlnrr they afe:,'BiilI I and R. U Sho<Wy. Ralph Hi ney, C.|E. Ifackahieid, I ill Opjan* Joe Wirshrng op roft | Gljs Swenson, f Jill London, Bob Lane, faesj and fJerry Sutherland. “Were Not Conference tnaraps Is Reason Given for Move By ANDY MATULA The Te|xas Aggie Baseball team will not accepj: an in vitation frofn the National Collegiate Baseball Association to attend the national playoffs this summer. Director of Athletics Bill Carmichael made t(his an nouncement Thursday. As yet no such invitation h|as been received, although one is expected.^ Texas University, conference champs, would ordinarily repre sent the SWC at this tournament but coach Bib Fauk declined such an offer yesterday. In such a case as this, the con ference runner-up would be exten- jt. . (led the invitation. Earlier this sea son, Lloyd M jssersmith of SMU, chairman of the SWC Bpseball Coaches’ association, asked all ath- j letic directors if they would accept | By The Associated Press such an inyiU tion, providing thatj T exag KO t s j x of twelve places their • team w is vunner-up and on the All-Southwest Conference Texas would lefuse the offei. All, iS q U ad selected by vote of ' - | including Carrjnchael, agreed to do the coac he S Six were picked fTomi Dallas, three from Texas A&M, two from Baylor and one frojn Texas Christian. Rice and Southern Methodist failed to place but aft SMU play er — pitcher Irwift ^ Kay — came within one vote of landing on the | first tearft. ■ ~ f. ■ f ; I'-:" •* .rr ■ ftK m a A&M Gets 3 OnAU-SWC v Baseball Team ■mM, Wm i «;< -MUt fill/ 1 0 ¥n:,. w 1 i kF- : m " i m f,' m i i it : *:• -1 j Both- .Messersmith and Pete Sp: ! Jones, Baylor’s baseball coach agreed recent y that the Aggi«s were the team to represent the SWC this year. When asked as to the reason for refusing Isuch an. offer, when it comes, Carmichael said. f; 4i l'\: p i v > : til Golfer Loses Two Strokes By Sink Jig A 20-Yard l]hip Shot much in the running, i. He had beeii red ■■ ^ short pitel esj, ( so “Ine Committee feels; Only four players wefe uhani- that since the Aggies are not con- mous choices. They tA’dre Chick ferencc champions they should not Zomlefer, Texas shortstpp;' Stan go to the meet. Our pitching is Hollmig, Texas A&M oiit-fielder; weak this, year and we feel that we Bobby Layne, Texas, pitjeher, and j would not make a good showing.” j Jim Busby, Texas Christian, out By HUGfH FULU ““ lIS, jMay n still is wondering] r 21 —iHiU'd j whether [tie qujustion referred to! 'roni th^ 5 GA touyney: > his hitting or the enemy habit of' ff agjaiiiist Washiiigton ; ST, LOU luck tales Bob Harailton, w'ho 1 .'as on tbp of i teeing the field ihej yrstj < ay, cauis^ ipp . pitching. to the i'2ih hple }y< steixlay I very hot wi1 when he his drive a bout 201 y irds froip t)je cup, he cure folly paced of? the distance. Thi' j rule ’ 0 . J ill rojle l in, tou .'hrr it dropjfie 1. the pin must be [removed cjr all i have to iva shots ’rfrerir -less | tlian that djfe-j i It seenn d OK, pft up and. his ball the pin as In llust to be safe) I G.< offi ialjS measured 59 fe«f 1 ,.A. ■Moine.-I got out al'tape apd the dist mce was inches and Hamilioi had to lakl i two-stiokje! jieiiul y -as a| rej- Tj ; Jack He ll pf I es ijpst about ‘ on the las! .[ score of? 1491. I As, - hi ball ,a ti mtcmloi.s ‘ Ht where Skfo Aiex|^njle!• made a d< luic to stifnil lev par. \ Hall dubbed hij, ■» Wound uj iin! a Be though he ildoks but he’ll bifeak | | football I at Puktl; j like a ^Rbick - . j down akul '• idm t tha.t We Iwais a tp 1,8-inchf putt I pj-otty good high school bnsTvt- vfje.n fo a qualifying) ba n er ; V 1 i strokefl the j , { \ \ ■ ■■ , shout rose; i J l| f | * fromt^e ^lHy 0 Hhel7th|re|i| |j|eC ; triC$] JOllS eighl u|n. /\ - : [Open in qualifying Spot, lit* first hole of i the! playoff made Ski^’sigheet a 8UM) v< Hall. I; 1 It ★> Dizzy , lean, ph > has broadcasting ] Aniei baseball, i a$ i staijtirfg out golf c.oursl -yeisterda; when countered Mickey] V Washington Senajors, Not ing a fa miliar face. “what tin e dp yoji tee off? explant tidijs, ci roy } y ini- kpt to ! siie Cornea gbif. 5 After'' assorted Dizzy atoi ed for pit vitihg Mk , J ' " ri' t 1 P • At IT T Ai l. (i J.;/V S S t 1 ; i - v uj s . i “ ' v r. ; B E T t E K H E S I' L S t- J KTON, JR. ' But Verbal -Sir h(is found . D. W. Williams, chairman of the ; Athletic Council was out of town | and was Hot available for comment. ! Coliseum Relays Start Tonight At Lost Angeles fielder. The team: i,.'! Above are the winners of the Intramural Track events this, spring- The four men on the left (bottrtm row). JOHN DeWITT, DON LAM BERT, ARLAN McKENZIE; and GENE GREEN teamed to break llnvite The fiv lition; to td Frida Satjirday the record in the 880-yard relay. DeWITT also broke the record in the 440-yard dash with a time of 51.4. JIM jDESM/ T KE, bottom right, won the 120-yard hurdles. -Tom Hami|ton, Tex- : h • "i -Clifford 1 Lindloff, Best predict t[ Snead ban yatds dojwi way, Clau ibn: As Sammy j I .OS ANGELES, May 21 -*-W\ ted pis first driye ,'>()() A crowd of more then 6(1,000 at the jiniddle of the fair-! the annual Los Angeles Coliseum le Harmon turned to! Relays whs anticipated today as Bob sbfppihl g First race- aS. Second base- Texas A&M. i » Shortstop—Chick Zomlpfcr, Tex as. i I', [ Tnnd base—A1 Jot* Hujnt, Texas. Outfielders—Stan Hol|mig, Tex as A&M; Jijn Busby, Tekas Chris tian; Charles Deveieaur, Baylor. Catchers—Jbe B z bkely, Baylor; Dan Watson, Texas, Pitchers—Bobby LayWe, Texas; Charles Gorin, Texas; E|uT/ Bees- JJM LONDON, upper leftJ won the 100-yapd dash; El) HOOK- ER,-placed first in the high jump; CLIFTON IfFfEL won the pole ! vault, and BOB SYKES won the 220 yard dash. MCK TIJRCV)TTE, far right, set a new record In the 880-yard dash, knocking 1.8 see- 1 onds off of the old word. i ( • afet l4 ; l ; -J- : ",i -- : — - * ,<< NATIONAL LE reduiresl ^ galjeiv ai d remarked, “we 1 one of thdi greatest arrays of track i ev t cxhs a&M ■ 8 • 1 » - :ch that all day.”' • ' « «-.i.i v.... ; and! field stars got in final training i lickjs for ’ the cinderpath carnival hnspn and Otey Cris- tonight. ’ man, who were doing thieir best Piimary magnet for the track to knock each other out df the , addict* is the renewal of the 100- qualifying daydfl, aie such close . meter sprint duel betwen Mel Pat- L buddies itha,t %y and-their wives i l0M of Southern California anch j are staying to|(etber during the .La! Beach of Panama, tournament ••* i ; \l i r' [ • ! . Medallist Skip AlexanideV ijonies .: Named for the lOO-metors the stoiy That he 1 used tb i ^lay j.j with them were ex-sprint kiqg : W Barney lEwill of Pcftn State fame.i-wjho ran third to Patton j here lath year; Charlie Parker si rf Texas, Australia’s John Tre- |* loar. and four others. i ■ putt iand for the | last lost onll the Service J- An examination has been | nouncod for fijling Vacancies fhich til for an- ernon q in tin shook hands,! warpl Z and a|iked, | vilk*. Maryli nd The, I5|)0-m,eter Coliseum record•! ;is .‘I nmitites 51.2 seconds set by j ; Italy's Luigi Beccali in 19:12. Ra*- t(*<b a chance to lower it are Pen ft-j [State’s Gerald Karver, .who won j ; the coi.rftbponding mile last year;’ Roland Sink of USC aiid Texas’ j diminutive Jerry Thompson. . in I Aiming at the coliseum 14..FI the Ruiial E ectrification Adminis-j seconds for the 110-mbter high tration !in the positions of field j hurdles jRov Staley, HfeC, 1936) representative, ilura! electi ifiealion are such athletes as Lloyd Duff of been I engineer, ho ne economist, and] in-1, Ohio State and August . Erfurth of ague j spector.j ] ! Rica- ’ j the | Applicatio is .[fo.r fhc exantjna-1 e en- ! tion are being accepted by the. Ex- i . the ; ecutive 1 S.eci etajy, Board of [US' ' xji lob-,] Civil Service Examiners for the ' 1 Depaitiftcnt of ;Agriculture, Agri Diz ] cultural’! Resjarih Center, Bftlts- i o \ Y 1> '1 4 Starting salaj ies for these ; po sitions range fiom: $3,397 to !$1,- 902. Application forms and addition- 1 v^al information , m;iy be obtained' '(from Roger 1 V". Jackson at the Col lege Station Port Office. PhilHes Buy Erickson Philadelphia, p/P'-- The Phda- dclphia' Phil ies! today announced the purchase of Paul Hiickson 33 ( lass to Hold Campus Reunion Saturday, Sunday I Aggies Play Last Game Coach Marty Karow and 20 baseballers left fpr Brenharo and the Brenham Mky Fete festivities this morning. 'The Aggies will meet tho Baylor Bears in a two game series that is to be part of the Brenham celebration. Plans are now underway for making the games at the May Fete an annual affair with the Vggies playing the role of host team each year. If the plans are, approved their opponent each year will be one of the/ outstanding college teams this urea, or if a college team is ftpt available, .some leading semi-pro team will be in; The games with the/Bruins today and tomorrow will close out the 1918 schedule for the Farmers. It was nftftounced yes terday that the tejim will defi nitely not go By the National Collegiate Bay/ball Tourney, even if it is Invited. ml pf.;>. v fell St. Louis New York Pittsburgh / Boston Philadelphia Brooklyn Chicago Cincinnati ' vt. i iji'Jfi i '. iM / ■ ^ l .320 13'I . ill) r- 151 . .23 ( M . ,17 IP I irJ ■n m 2 AMERICAN IK I e-maft Aggib track delc- the coliseuni Relays sla- hight jn Ws Angeles vijjill kkriv,* back in Co lege Station 7:318 p. nt., Saturday night, (arenjee Weikjei, pports publicity rectftr e nnouftced Thursday. Thei sq iad i|s composed of the n ile rela ,• teajm ftf Don Cardon, ifrvin ! Bilderback, Ray Holbrook id Ajrt Hamden plus , low hurd- r;Bol) Hull. Colonel Frank Andor-,-. n, tfack coafth, accompanied th<ui t|fam tm t[he jofirnoy. The ].sextct, tlic expenses of which c being paid by tha Coliseum ctmimijttea, will fly back from the' east epast,' arrjiviing at Bryan Air * L 1ield. ! : [ »'l Col. Aijderscjn said before 1 leav ing oil tlk* seven hour! air jaunt tnat He might! Hot fly back with the tchm [as ho has been asked to remain inj Los Angeles by the Coli- ’ stum pomlmittee uptil Monday. ; Thc ; mile relay team, victor over. | a classy field including, the highly] t nited Ohio State; quartet in the* l rake; Relays, will bft running against its, stiffest Competition of thti sens,on. iHall, who placed an air-tight neconijl to : Arkansas’ Clyde Scottijin .he conference lew hurd les, wjill »e ruhftiijg in a field in-, c udi(ig 1 arrison Milliard of Bnld- v iii-lj^alli co.. Dillard, negro hurd ler cjham non, established; «a new high hurt le record this]year when hi*" tdurei the 120 highs in 13.6, c ippiftg c nc-tenthj. of a second off t ie rfveord held jointly by Freddie V r’olcditt, formicr Rice star and Torrest Town. Dilliard also holds t ve ft : l i .vpt uijioffjl’ial low hurdle i reoril of 22.3, two tjenths of a spcoiikj utider jthej accepted stand ard sfctit hi’ Walcott. 1 i - "! i» 'W Cleveland Philadelphia New York Detroit St. Louis J.’.. Washington Boston Chicago SIGNS CONTJ.jn DALLAS. May 20 Baxter, Southern Me Versify center, said ttirl ny ie ija SUgned a contact wiitp the Bay Packers of; the N r jit ^ma bull League. [ — FQR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST College Shoe Repair = Nortli Gate +1- Chip Off Old Block NEW YORK—GW—Miss Char- lottg Naismith, granddaughter of thg late Dr. James A. Naismith,: . | ihventor of basketball in 1891, is! PGA meet, yesterday equalled the Membpis of the Class of .1933 kfhe women’s physical educatioii | PGA'record spt by Jim Fc,trier at will hold a reunion on the campajpfinstructor at Geneva College in! Portland, Ore., two year/ago. PHILADELPHIA—Harrj (The Hat) Walker, Philadelphia Phil lies’ star outfielder and National League batting clampion last sea son, trips on one of the 20 caps he wcaps out each y eAr w ith his habit of tugging at the peak w hile at bat. Phillie Property Custodian “Unk” Russell holds the cajis. s ! Alexander Takes Lead in PGA Over Seven Champs With Record-Tying 134 c.: ' / i ■ f / \ ST. LOUIS, May 21 (TP'—Big ; Johnny Bulla, the Phoenix, Ariz., Stewart (Skip) Alexander, vfho j alrljnjcs executive, who posted a qualified with! a record-tying 1<34, [t46. ! led the field today into first reund Spip Snead of White Sulphur matches of the Professional GoK- Sprlnjgs, W. Va., and Jimmy De ers Association Tournament. Alexander, playing in his/first maret of Ojai, Calif., had 1367s. Ben; Jlogan of llershoy, Pa., came through with a 138. Satuiday. and Sunday. • z 7 New York. She tutors a group of , The. main reunion will begin/at 30 k jj ted co . eds known as the 1 p. m. Saturday in the YMt’A. ' “Scotch Lassies.” who entertain Following general get-togeth/rs jn , d ur ing intermission at the Geneva the afterhoon, former students ot, varg )ty ^ge games. 1933 will honor facultyymemberi j Has the Touch Cubs fm: a figure .- lightly over the 1 $10,090; waiver! price, it was i^ litralghjt casl deal. Erii'kson c iipi* up with the Cubs , from Tulsa if the Texas League for brief appearances in 1941 and 1942. L- V’ nrdgram will also be Hall. dd in Sbisa i W’E FIX ’EM WHILE i- X OJ WAIT jV —at — HolicR’s Boot Shop ? orth Gate ¥ T T The 1933 anufual banquet is slated for thy^ Maggie Parker Dining Hall jn 8 p. m. Saturday. Breakfast at 8 a. m/ Sunday hi Sbisa Hall will honor those class members who lost their lives dur- ii)g the war. The breakfast will be followed! by a class meeting. ! . , I , ■ ■ ■, ,, J. E. “Jocko” Roberts of the j NEW YORK-OTi — The thick- Agricultuiail ' Experiment Station ] ness of red hot steel can now be is chairftihn of the local committee, j measured while it is being /ftroc* T. C. “Ike” Morris of Waxahjrchie j eased without touching it mgthanij- is ppesiaejnt and class Ugent. I tally through the use of 3(-raiy8, | NEW YORK—'A 1 )—Jockey Ted Atkinson has never lost a race on Relic—or his sire, War Relic. In 1941, Atkinson scored three vic tories on War Relic, one of them over Whirlaway in the Narragan- sett Special. Last winter at Hia leah he rode Relic to victory in the Hibiscus and Bahamas before the Circle M Colt was forced out of training with a pulled muscle. .Sixty-four players, the best in a starting field of 130, match shot's in 32 duels of 18 holes this morning. The winders will play another 18 holes this afternoon to determine, the 16 third-round play ers. fC' ■] ‘ • / ■ Alexander, bf Lexington, N. C., has been playing golf six years for money* He’s a long-ball hit ter, a hefty man weighing 210 pound:*. / ; . Hisl/seven-pndcr-piar play yes terday gave him a round of 32-32 Double On Grid COLUMBBIA S. C.—VP>—Three of thp Univorsi y of South Caro lina's! top pitchers arc top football players too. Quarterback Harold Hagajn of Savannah, Gn., Fullback ! Charlie Long, of Charlotte, N. C.. | and Halfback John Szakacsi of 1 Fairport, O., (ill handle mound j dutlea for the diamond crew. —64' over thd 6,467-vard Norwood Hifls ’ it,-. Js Country Club course. He had No Brother Act ? • . NEW YORK I— (TP- _ a 70 in the first qualifying round.! dowski, star ceftter of the Boston ! Tony Penna, of Cincinnati, was I Celtic? of the Basketball Associa- only a stroke; back of Alexander i tion of Arntricq and one of the | in two-day. qualifying play with ] cage sport’s all time greats, has a 135.- He traveled the second j two brothers enrolled at his alma round in 32133-65 and managed! mater, Scton Hall. However, ns an eagle 3 on tho 493-yard 15th. j yet neither has tried out for the; PennaV first round opponent was I basketball teamj CORKY# hiiro RECORD SALE! to Hit Your Stride WIDE Sues op-os' , j AMAS u I V II.; D K A T 0 X Typnwrit«r Exchange Slew * Ukcd Tj’pftwrlters Gh.iranteed Repairs 10. Main i j - ■ Bryan Wlut a rood Ue<l.||cotl some 13- V today at) icrned. B.V.D.! Rich, pajamas! c|iJ,relJxing| sleep* t [dveetsi lootuy, haiul- Stdp in ^ 6ur 8t P 1 e choice oi gaily oij^ble v ;• —to