Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1948)
Page i A*.* T n E 20,194” Fish-Game C hib To Hold Party Friday The Fish and Game Club will Dr John S. Caldwell Optometrist Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas FURNITURE AND RADIO SALE One-Fourth Off HENRY A. MILLER CO. Phone 4-1145 North Gate hold its annual barbecue Friday at C p. m. at Paxson’s Farm, accord ing to Pill Wilson, president of the club. Refreshments and barbecue with all the trimmings will be served. Members of tne club who plan to attend should sign the sheet on the Fish and Game Department bulletin board, Wilson said. Persons who do not know the location of Paxson’s Farm and who do not have transportation should meet behind the Agricultural En gineering Building at 5:30 Friday, Wilson stated. CHAMP HEIFER SHOWMAN—D. C. LIBERDA was outstand ing heifer showman at the Little Southwestern Livestock Show held on the campus on All-College Day. What’s Cooking? AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN, 3 p. m., Saturday, YMCA. Election of officers and adoption of a con stitution. AAUW, 3 p. m., Saturday, YMCA, Election of Officers. BAYTOWN CLUB, 7:15 p. m., Thursday, Room 106, Academic. Officers to be elected. Plans for end-of-the-seraester party. BUSINESS SOCIETY, 6 p. m., Thursday, Barbecue at Bryan Country Club. BARBERSHOPPERS, 8 p. m., Thursday, YMCA. FISH & GAME CLUB, 6 p. m., Friday, Paxson’s Farm. Annual For Your Sporting Goods Needs JONES SPORTING GOODS 803 S. Main. Bjryim Ph. 2-2832 SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 25c SUNSHINE HYDROX Cookies—714 oz. 21c ANY FLAVOR Lilly Ice Cream PENT 25c No. 2 cans Montmorency PIE CHERRIES can 25c Atex Brand—No. 2 Cans FANCY TEXAS SPINACH . . 10c Headstart Brand—Tall Can's DOG FOOD . . • Libby’s Regular Cans VIENNA SAUSAGE 3 cans 25c 2 cans 33c Calif. Blended Citrus Juices No. 2 Can Citragold 3 cans 25c Big 47 Ounce Can 19c Baby Cans PET MILK . . ... 6 cans 44c Cock o’ the Walk—Sli. or Hvs. Canned Peaches No. 1 tall cans Maryland Club—1 Lb. Pkg. COFFEE ...... pkg. 49c Hearts Delight—No. 2 I / 2 Cans, Choice Fruit Cocktail. 3 cans $1.00 Del Dixi—Pint Jars, 29c Value SWEET MIXED PICKLES 23c 25c Pkg. Morton’s POTATO CHIPS 19c Texsun—No. 2 Cans Grapefruit Juice. 4 cans 25c 46 Oz.—Swift's Premium TOMATO JUICE can 25c WE RECOMMEND SANITARY FARM DAIRIES PRODUCTS GRADE A PASTEURIZED MILK Quart . 14 gallon 21c 39c Cottage Cheese, in decorated useable tumbler each 19c Extra Standard—Baron Brand, No. 2 Cans TOMATOES . • . 2 cans 29c Regular Box 8-Minute BREAKFAST OATS 14c Admiration—Orange Pekoe and PEKOE TEA . . full pound 93c Small and Fancy—A-l Brand, No. 2 Cans, Green Peas . . 2 cans 39c APPLE 'SAUCE—No. 2 Cans Our Favorite, Standard—3 No. 2 Cans 28c VR Fancy 2 No. 2 Cans 28c 1/2 Pound Hersheys BREAKFAST COCOA • . . 17c No. I Tall Cans—McGovern’s Best Pink Salmon . . can 49c COUPONS For Super Suds, Cashmere Bouquet Soap, etc., are still good. Penick’s Crystal WHITE SYRUP Monterey Punch GRAPEJUICE No. 5 glass 55c . 3 pints 25c VERY NICE THIS WEEK BANANAS .... lb. Freslf Cucumbers lb. 10c FRESH CITRUS FRUITS Marsh Seedless—80 Size Grapefruit . . 10 lbs. 30c Fresh, Sweet, Juicy, 216 Size Texas Oranges. 10 lbs. 55e Armour’s White Label—Packer Sliced, Rindless Breakfast Bacon . . lb. 63c Fresh, Fully Dressed Fryers lb. 69c Meaty Veal Short Ribs . . lb. 38c Meadowlake—Colored OLEOMARGARINE We reserve the right to limit quantities lb. 49c South Side Food Market C O L LL E G E barbecue will be held. IAES, 7:30 p.m., Thursday, YMCA Chapel. MARSHALL A&M CLUB, 7:15 p. m., Thursday, Room 207, Aca demic. NEWMAN CLUB SOCIAL, 7:30 p. m., Sunday, K of C Hall, Bryan. SADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB 4:30 p. m., Monday, Shiloh Hall. Baseball game between AH profs and graduating seniors. SADDLE & SIRLOIN CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, AI Lecture Room. Last meeting of semester. Free drinks. THE EX-SERVICEMEN’S WIVES CLUB, will meet for bridge, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Cabi net Room of YMCA. waco - Mclennan coun ty CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 301, Goodwin Hall. - CAMPBELL (Continued from Page 1) .306 average. The other two reecivers were Bill Dennis and John Billings. Den nis was hampered by a broken finger early in the season and did not see much action until the later stages. Billings had to di vide his time between baseball and spring football training and consequently also got off to a slow start. Leading home run hitter for the Freshmen was Blanton Tay lor. The centerfielders devoted a lot of his time to spring foot ball and had trouble at the plate in the first few contests. How ever, the Hondo slugger gather ed momentum as he went and toward the close of the campaign he was hitting anything he could reach. Taylor batted in a dozen runs with, thirteen blows and was hitting .343 at the ball. The right field spot on the Fish nine was handled by Bill Warriner. Warriner is one of the four Aggie starters who played high school ball under Aggie-ex Pete Dowling at Houston’s Austin high school. And like the other three, Graham, Savarino, and Bollman, he was al so consistaht at the plate. The outfielder ended his first year of college ball with a percentage mark of .302. Hollis Baker, Hilmer Scheulke, Bob Fife, and Britt did a good job of backing up the starting out field trio. Baker and Scheulke both hit safely four times in ten tries. Behind the fine array of hit ters, Coach DeWare had an im pressive group of pitchers. Workhorse of the staff was Pat Hubert who led the twirlers with five wins. One of those victories was the 5-2 win over the Frank Womack and the Tex as Shorthorns. Hubert spent forty-nine innings on the hill and had an imposing record of fifty-one strike outs while al lowing but twenty hits. Truett Mobley, a member of last season’s freshman basketball team also spent a lot of time on the mound. Mobley was around for thirty-nine frames in scoring three wins. J. B. McCoy, 29-year-old pitch er from Temple, was the Grand- daddy on the freshman squad. He registered fourteen strike outs in the twelve rounds that he toiled on the mound and ended the sea son with a record of two victories and no losses. Red Wiggins, who also hit the win column twice, Harold Higgins, who won his only start, and Lar ry Ludtke complete the pitching corps. FRIENDS— Don’t pass by Stop — Buy at JOHNNIE’S CIGAR STAND Main Post Office The largest complete record stock in Bryan and the only store with sound-proof listen ing booths . . . franchised to sell all makes— BETTER HOMES Appliance Center 314 N. Main Ph. -21642 Col. R. A. Eads, commanding officer of the 479th Composite Group, Army Organized Reserve, has been advised that a request will be made for him to return to active duty during the summer, according to Captain Albert W. Stoekel], instructor. Eads, who is associate professor of chemistry here, will be assign ed to a special technical position in the Chemical Center, Maryland, for the period between June 1 and September 1. Ah active member of the staff will be detailed to succeed Eads in command of the reserve group if he accepts the return to active duty, it was stated. Pomological Club Honors Substation The Lower Rio Grande Valley Experiment Station at Weslaco has been designated custodian of the Wilder medal awarded recent ly by the American Pomological Society to the red-fleshed varieties of grapefruit. Named for M. P. Wilder, its president from 1848 until his death in 1882, silver Wilder med als are announced at each annual meeting of the society for meri torious objects or outstanding de velopments in the fruit industry. SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSI FIED AD. Rates ... 3^ a word per insertion with a 23<! minimum. Space rates in Classified Section . . . 0QC per column inch. Send all classifieds with remittance to the Student Activities Of fice. All ads should be turned in by 10:0Q a.m, of the day before publication. TYPING—BrinE your themes and thesis to C-13-A, College View Apartments, after 6:00 p.m. or to the Scribe Shop. 1007 E. 23rd. Phone 2-6705. FOR SALE—House No. 4, Project Area. Furnished or unfurnished. R. J. Carl ton, Box 6149. FOR SALE—My two unit prefab house and lot at give away price. located at 208 S. Munnerlyn Drive. Contact Sam Aubrey, Apt. A-7-W, College View. -BASEBALL- (Continued from Page 1) from Tulane in 1944. He beca an ensign in the navy on the c of his graduation, and during war he served in the Pacific. Upon his return to the States he became Naval ROTC instructor at the University of Texas. In June of 1945 he entered A&M and began majoring in landscape art. He will graduate this year. Dr. Campbell kept up his in terest in athletics as long as there was available time. He was a member of the faculty tennis club for a number of years and later turned to golf as his favor ite sport. Presently for his out- of-doors activities, he has a flower and vegetable garden. intellectual interests of the stu dents. He gave his service to the corded music. For several months during 1 Dr. Campbell put on the Sui Morning Music Appreciation 1 over station WTAW. At pr( his chief hobbies are music, g ening, and color photography. One of the world's most fascinating perfumes JndticAet' • If you want to be your most charming self — wear Lucien belong's new Parfurh "INDISCRET'. It will add gaiety, distinc tion and a touch of ex citement to your person ality. A truly grand per fume. $5 and more. ALSO— Sachet, Soap, Bath Powder, Talcum, Tic Tac Toe, Lip stick. Sankey Park JEWELER Bryan ■ . —— FOR SALE—Trailer and room equipped with electric ice box, hot water heater and built in baby bathinette. Reasonable price.* See J. H. Sledge, Area 1, Trailer No. D-3. FOR SALE—Lawn chairs. I also do all kind of woodwork. 602 Fairview Ave., College Park. FOR SALE—1946 Philco refrigerator, 6.5 cu. ft.—$190.00. Apartment range— $30.00. Harris, 4-6944. Faculty Members See Oil Exhibit Faculty members from A&M re cently viewed an oil exhibit valued at more than a hundred million dollars. The faculty members were guests of K. W. Davis, president of the Mid-Continent Supply Company of Tulsa. Cub Super-Cruiser, ly nta gain at ¥3,000.00. Cost—$3,800.00. Eddie Practically new, only 50 hours. Hunger ed. Extra instruments. Will trade. Bar- - „„„„„„„ Eddie Angel at trailer hou of P. O., College Yi mile tion. FOR SALE—1946 Plymouth club coupe. See Tom Bullock at duplex corner of Tauber Street & Church Avenue, North Gate. FOR SALE—’48 Super Deluxe Ford, might trade for older car or equity bh home, c-o Battalion, Box 284 F.E., College Station. R. C. ECHOLS Realtor Over Canady’s Pharmacy Bryan Phone 2-6454 McKENZIE-BALDWIN BUSINESS COL LEGE offers refresher courses in short hand, bookkeeping and associated sub jects. Dial 2-6656, Bryan, Texas. FOR SALE—One box spring and mat tress. One Montgomery Ward floor gand er. 4305 College Main. FOR SALE — Pair of senior boots and spurs. Size (approx.) 7-A. Burch, 322, No. 14. College. WANTED—A student going to Illinois or neighboring state to share driving. W. L. Schnppert. Tel. 4-9939. FOR SALE — Bicycle—$15.00. Apt. 3-A, Vet Village. REWARD — Graduati room in Fort Woi mg senior desires i rth for the summer Will pay $5.00 to the person who fur. nishes the maturing lead. Prefer roon in private home. See O. M. Baker, No 16—823. NOTICE FACULTY MEMBERS Have you ever read a good book? If so, it may form the basis of a correspondence course for POST GRADUATION STUDIES If interested, see V. M. Fairer., Austin Hall for details. Now is the - hour. FOR SALE—7 cu. ft. Frigidaire, maple chair, floor lamp, walnut desk and chair. A-8-Z, Colleg p.m. A-8-Z, College View, after 5:00 Used Car Headquarters ’47, Chevrolet, Fordor ’41, Ford, Tudor ’41, Mercury, Coupe ’39, Lincoln Zepher ’38, Chevrolet, Tudor • ’39, Ford, Tudor ’38, Chevrolet, Tudor ’38, Ford, Tudor ’37, Chevrolet, Sedan ’36, Plymouth, Coupe ’33, Pontiac, Sedan ’48, Jeep ’40, Dodge, Truck ’35, Ford, Truck BRYAN MOTOR COMPANY Your Friendly Ford Dealer 415 N. Main St. Phone 2-1333 Bryan, Texas GIBSON’S IGA Super Market Between Bryan and College, Houston Highway No. 6, South OPEN 7:00 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M.—7 DAYS A WEEK BRYAN’S LARGEST NEIGHBORHOOD STORE PHONE 4-1222 12 OZ. IGA Apricot Nectar ... He 12 OZ. Armour’s Treet...... 45c 12 OZ. IGA Peach Nectar ..... 10c Corn Beef Hash ...... 30c Liquid Hemo—1 lb. jars 49c ARMOUR’S Vienna Sausage .. 2 for 33c 17 OZ. Green Giant Peas...... I7c ARMOUR’S Armour’s Potted Meat.. 8c BLACK EYE PEAS 2, ta 15c SQUASH hZ" 12: 2,.. 9c ONIONS 2,, 13c d i? A ]V C Ho,ne Grovvn in D Ei /I il o Valentines Lb. IOC YY o A AT U' 1? C 200 Size—Texas Sweet UKANGLo & Juicy Doz. 23c FIRST PRIZE Manzanilla Olives 25c TOWIE—4 OZ. Maraschino Cherries, 2-25c FIRST PRIZE Plain Olives 20c 125 FT. Waxtex Wax Paper.... 18c TAK A TASTE—2 LBS. Apricot Preserves 89c SAYBROOK —50’s Paper Napkins .... 10c CIGARETTES ““ $1-63 Babo 11c DIXIE Cold Drink Cups . . . 2-15c NEW YORK STATE Black Rind Cheese.. lb. 63c Bln-White Flakes .... 9c RITESHAPE Picnic Spoons . . . 2-15c Provolone Cheese . . lb. 55c RITESHAPE Picnic Forks .... 2-15c Plain All sweet Oleo ... 39c SLAB BACONS ..,59c CHUCK ROAST S L , 59c WHOLE HAMS LS ,„59c SMOKED JOWLS ,, 43c MEDIUM Wildroot Cream Oil.... 53c 50c Sun Tan or Baby Oil... 39c LysoI-7 oz 37c 25c Exlax 14c .a. ^.