The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 19, 1948, Image 4
IMIIiSMiBi Page 7} U’L Afll voST ■mg" vkl 1 CT riijnnwiiiHii -m 15H5RF& YOUROWM MLESH AND BLOOD -A*) YOU CALL THAT :Lim HOG- AftUCC f T -S’ ' j ^ THP B^fTALtON By Al Cupp SUCCESSES.' WE IS ALMtl BEIN’A REAL psira-scN, KM MUCH t KTHtfr-) By WIliMfi-iH f. jlwo hunU p<1 and. business executives wfcie j expeet- eil to attend Lhp first ffnnual >|an- JB ,IiVM F. <L m \LIiEN fifty Tefxas j NOW YOUR COOKING ..L... nr; ’ ALL RIGHT FATBACK- T’S A WL7 Sfc.\ >• . , T ^ Cav», Corner to Keep l^ite Hours for Rxain*Cniininer» Th# Cave and Campuft Corn* •r will remain open until mid* night from May 24 throuKh June .1 for the convenience of students who will be studyini late, manager Wayne Star h*IJ yeaterday. j Thin late Hchedule will not gpply for Raturday night. May »• r i : ; .1 '■ I f isified Ads 7, In* IATTAMON CLAS . . sr i» wof'i Yet T Executives To . i ^ j i f r - 1 o Be tonducted Parley Today At Home Stations aKemejit EngiheeriTif: Conforfnco being held herq today and Tljiu day. Donald K. AridiYiws, of the jnan- agement engineering departfnent and conference .director, said that j the group attending the confer ence include many of Texas’ lead ing manufacturing executives, industrial I engineers, banker^,, land labor relations jpersonneL. Wage incentives, job evaluation, .and tjme study I are the maim di?- •cussion topics fbr the conference. Several outstanding business exec ! < ' c_ WITH A N V G -f EW S RANGE One |of Today's Best . Gajl Range V«*!ue^ j i ; Your bokjhg, rbasting land Ijicoiling will be. lo’jmircii easier fan a FloreiL? Gos Rangel Yo^'il eepnony, too. Floreijce GOs Ranges ore bad ed by a-sti ^eps'.'O.^euenf.e, 4ce Ihjem toddy!, / AutomoVit.*] Lighting t J burners. ■ 1 ’i j > p'Accurate o/en Ihermostatj y' Speedy Pul!- ~"j out Broiler } _ ,, , O phases of . these Isubjects. The first seJoion of the con- 'feYence began |at 1;0 this morn- j ing in the YMC.V I’hapel with Howard W. Bajrlow, dean of ^n* j gineering, presiding.' | I [• ! The welcoming address was de- [ llvered by Cibl) Gilchrist, presi- j dent of the tfollogo. • Fred Smith, j director of em ployee relations; of the- Genera] Shoe Corporatioh, Nashville, Ten nessee, spoke jthis morning on “Securing Employee Cooperation In Industrial MUnagement” “Wage Ineorjtive Installation and Operation”! was the address of H. Tj Schwaii, manager of the j mid-western division Of the Metho<ls ' Engineering Council, Kansas City, Missburk j ! •' j i ( This aftemooB’s session, ^tart- ; ing at 1:30 in the YMCA Chapel, i opened with H. j H. I^ogan, tihair- ! man of the Statej Board of Control, j Austin, presiding. In the first speech of the ijifter- | noon, William diomberg, director i of management engineering ttf the International iadies’ Garment | i Workers Union, |New York, spoke 1 on “Union Interest In Manage ment Engiineeririg.” I . ! , Following Gomberg’s talk] Jt„ T. I I Walton, ipdustri^l engineer of the j I Oliver Iron, und^teel Corporation, 1 i Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, a!ddresse<i | ; the conference ojn ‘.‘Union’Partiti-j ! nation In Time Study.” j j ! tf morrow at 9 a. m. in the YMCA Chapel. Sp^ake<rs for the morning session and their subjects are: "The Need For Management En gineering” by p. H. Elliott, assis tant to the president of Reed Roller Bit Company, Houston; “Profit Planning and Cost Control” by C. S. Camey, management engineer of Stevensoin, Jordan, and Harris on, Inc., ChjcagO, Illinois; and “Job Evaluation Benefits In The Petro leum Refining Industry” by S. W, Russell, sc analyst of aiuiijrai/ vi hiat- Company, pallas. uthwest division job the: Atlantic Refining The final afternoon session will be hefld at 1:30 p.m. in the YMCA Chfapel with G. N. Hous ton. director of personnel and labor relations of the Southern Acid and| Sulphur Company, Houston, presiding. ‘ * Speakers for this session and their subjects! are: “Du t Font’s Management Engineering Pro gram” by E. H. Hanson, supervi sor of the management Engineer- Organized reserve units of Tex as will begin home station train-1 ing beginning June 1 and extend- ing through September 30, the j senior instructor for the organized | reserves announced today. The training, which is in addi-1 tion to the normal mdnthly train ing meetings, will be held on seven week-ends spaced throughout the summer and at the home city of the reservists. Reservists partici pating in these exercises will be placed on temporary duty for the two days over the week-end and receive full pay and allowances for that period, it was stated. They can volunteer fop as many of those periods as they desire. Home station training is also in addition to the summer camp train ing that is being conducted for reservists at Camp Hood, Fort Bliss, and Fort Sill. According to information received from the Aus tin office, it was realized that many reservists could not leave their employment for a two-week period to join camp training. Therefore, the home station train ing lor periods throughout the summer was initiated.. Training will be complete dur ing each week-end, and it will not be necessary to attend two week ends to complete fC phase of any exercise, the senior instructor said. All reservists, regardless of branch and present assignment, if eligible, can participate in this training. Subject material will bo an up- to-date refresher in map reading, aerial photography, supply terrain | appreciation, latest tactical and technical trends, (intelligence, and allied subjects. I The 352nd Armored Field Artil- i lery Battalion of Bryan will bo j the “carrier” unit for all reser- I vists in this area. Reservists should [ contact their instructors a - at the I P.M A Building in College Station ing seetiori of: E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company, Wilming ton, Delaware; “Profit Sharing In A Small Bjusiness” by Dick! Price, president df the Dick Price'Motor Company, Dallas; and “The Fore man’s Pan In Cost Control” by J. P. Field, general foreman of foundry, Williamson Heater Com pany, Cincinnati, Ohio. The conferoince will close to morrow with informal discussions on wage incentives, job evaluation, and time study to be held at 4 p.m. in the YMCA. Smith and Moore Will $peak At Poultrymen’s Meet | J tq obtain further information or Professor E. Y. Smith, Cornell j make application. University turkey specialist, and) Sam A. M<J>oro, executive secretary ! Jq OFFICIAL BALLOT for Non-Dormitory Students Only General Election, May 20, 194# (Scratch all names except your choice) Yell Leader William C. Lonquist, Jr. Athletic Council Representative; Charles Ray Holbrook «. Andy ilatula Weldon Odell Stautzepberger “ Battalion Editor R. L. Billingsley Kenneth Bond *< • Art E. Howard Longhorn Editor Earl G. Rose r Signature of Voter Campus Address (Only non-dormitory students and non-military vet erans at the Annex may use this ballot to vote. Students may send their bpJlots to the STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE without a stamp provided the envelope is placed in the Faculty Exchange of the Academic Building.) J Y ft nual Poultry Short Course begin ning May 131. Tvlenty additional speakers will- q W. Von Rosenberg, puperin- ^ssi>t them m, the course. j tendent of the Aircraft and Cbm- Moore, former Extension poul-1 p^ nen t s Branch of the Civil Aer- and it will l)e (given by Walter Torgersen; asjiociate profe)jKor of management engineering at \&M. Highliglrt of fore nee will be SI 49.50 With lam^ and clock $y5!>.>0 -r-Inst|ille<l r - Mc(^ullo^h-pai1s|)y Bryan ! sei vices of the Bank, Dallas, will preside. Principal ‘ speaker for thij (|uet will be li ginepring Company, Washington, 1). C. His subject will be “A De sign For Maximum Production The . conferen ; r washab R. will start to- ._) ,— . Superintendent the two-day]! con- ning at 6:30 in ^bS'lfaU. 1 Amirew g S’l. ^id Smith'wiir^ak^the T^T 1 ^' thori,> ;’ add f ros f > W. De Shong, di ector of industrial ’ of June 14 whilHurkej! Sdenc sin he " A ‘‘ ,0nautical Republic- Najtio^al i trainees a e in attendance. i Scu ‘ ncus '» th ‘ The short course is planned to 1 ban- . Zinimcjrman, in the YMCA Chapel at 7:30 p.m., Thursday. , , Von Rosenberg will be: aceom- t,am otfinal -agents for work un-, (jy ceveral members of his *0.,,,^,,, # .ho T,„# K „: z LjAaW,* t r, R.r laimll, AfcM pioftssot m charge, er p] ailt Division, and the Flight satd yesterday However turkey ^ En|tinoerinK Division, and chtcke i producers an.i b.n-eclers i A „ interesteti fiicully meTnbtrs ate. welcome to enmll, be jitated. n( j tire invited to attend. Texas tiow! has more than .500; trained agents doing official work j in the stale. Oklahoma and Louis- IS £yS“o“!352nd FA Battalion Advance registration is not re- quired. To Meet Tomorrow What’s Cooking? CHAMPION HORSE SHOWMAN—T. J. BERGIN, showing “Blue Pepper," was named champion horse showman at the Little Southwestern Livestock Show* held here on All-College Day. 'T' Tl’LANE HITCHHIKER COLLAPSES ON STREET SPRINGFIELD, 111., May 19 - OPi—A Tulane University student, hitchhiking to New Orleans on a The 352]id Armored Field Artil-1 iq cent daily food buclget, collap- Cool, cbmfortable- s q 1 ild I ^.«>lor;is or bright trints. styled by- M^Gregor Manhattan Shirtcraft I lery Battalion will meet Thursday j — : night in the PM A Building at Col-! lege Station, Captain Albert W. j BAYTOWN CLUB. 7:15 p. m.. St< ^ ke11 X^^^ay I Thursday, Room 106,. Academic. ,. Ma J°r Jw » arro " s P«* k °»j Officers t > be elected. Plans for I ^ ^ u,l, f at,on Of the armored end-of-the-semester party; <ln ;! s 1 u,n and ™« r train,nK P lans ! BUSINESS SOCIETY.’ G p. m..! Wl11 be (liscus8C(1 ’ Thursday, . Barbecue at Bryan | : | j - . ; ; Country Club. j - - . - ■. •.-i.l- BARBEitSHOPPERS, 8 P- m„ f : - | Thursday, YMCA. FLYING TEXAS’ AGGIES CLUB, Wednesday, 5:15 p.m., Aero Building. SADDLE. AND SIRLOIN CLUB ].4:30 p. m , Monday, Shiloh Hall Baseball game between AH profs and graduiting seniors., SADDLE & SIRLOIN CLUB. 7:30 p. nu Thursday, AI Lecture Room. Last meeting of semester Free drinks. THE E X - S E R V ICEMEN’S WIVES CLUB, will meet for bridge, 7:J!0 p.m. Thursday. Cabi- j net Room of YMCA. ! sed from hunger here.: Police found him lying in the street near the edge of to\Vn. At St. John's Hospital he was quickly revived after drinking several glasses of milk. 1 , . jfill youf summer wardrotje j with these fine shirts. rnfeiroptfi ?>! BusinesH fc Bust" Planned Thursday The Business Society will hold i a barbecue Thursday at 6 p. m. at j the Bryan Country Club. . Appropriate refreshments will; bo served) a club representative I said yesterday. WASHINGTON —(A 1 )— Some ^3.800^00 babies were born in the .(United States in 1947. ! { j- V . US mu. 5TORA6C MA “orsea i 1 i Used Cars PLENTY OF LATE MODEL USED CARS Any make . . . any model . . . Priced to sell DISHMAN PONTIAC ■j Across from Post Office Fin Feather’s Special This Week V-8 COCKTAIL SALAD 12 OZ. K.C. CLUB STEAK VEGETABLE POTATOES HOT BISCUITS — BUTTER COFFEE OR TEA $1.50 , DESSERT —1- ; WE HAVE WHAT YOU NEED IN . . . SCHOOL SUPPLIES - BOOKS EQUIPMENT COLLEGE BOOK STORE North Gate College Station L with a nvi 1KD AD. RfttM , [iiMTtlon with a 231) minimum. fftte* in Clfttulfiod Suction . . . COc |Mt column Inch. :Vnd Ml olnultlcl* with romittoHM* to lh»« Stjilent Actlvltk* OC fire. All mb rhouhi; bo tunuHi In b^ 10:00 ft.m. of th" dn^ before publiMttoiB. FOIt SAUC—I94C I’hlico rrfrlnrrntor. 0.:. W. ft.—tlM.00. Apartmrnt Min***— tSO.OO. Harr;?; 4-691 FOtt SALE—Senior bboU. Sir*- 10^ ('• (h>lf 1C. U'a'onablr, ?,«• IWirt: ., 1<J|. No. 10. ■DMHiiwmaMi ■liiiiii il FOR RAl.F—Hou«o No, 4, Mo, nr» FurnUhrd or unfurnl*IM. t|,J 4. ton. llo\ 814k FOR HALX —"ttm, You enn buy thrai Co., 105 W, 22nd. TY PINO—Brlai ~/ouV to C’RI-A, rolliy# nftrr 8:00 p.m. or tn the 1007 R. 21rd. Fhon* 2.C;08, — . — .. .|. SEE VS for tier trio or tretyn —iota Urge or maaII. |H. r rhinen - Co.. New Hny. O. )>' WftV Cftfe. FOR SALE—1W6 Indiart mMi>] 74 ‘‘Chief.'* In (food rqnditii til Wlti l+t of ratrae. Frio*—L'80i.00 1 NeUon. i7-)03. ii MAY 50, If ALF-1H6 tlymomh filth rmipe. 0| HALE-hd Su imde for. <4drr r H> HoUftllwi, IM ewhU. w fOU SALE—My two uni: and lot ftt (fi.e away pricr. 209 S. Muhnrrlyn Drikr. C Aubrey, Apt A-7-W, Collrf R. & C. ECHO Realtor (her Canady’s Bryan Phone 2-4454 FOR SALE—Trailer an 1 with eleetrio ice bo*, h anj built In baby bathtflrM price. See J. H. Slcdif, 1 No. D-3. FOR RENT-Larife two wl -pting^ and mil lights. Reajki^ for ftudrntt movimt. Iprah 102 8. Folk, Bryan. Phone IKS t »t. duplex corner of 1 Wtrrh AVcmie, North 4. r, r (Mom Ford, mifht, »r equity mt iHinto, if I F F.. Colbfe -i“—t- I'Oll SALE-tl.awn! jhairt. I nlm -rto iill» {• klad. of woodwork. 002 Folrvliw Ave„ qMfiiE. ri ’V ANT JO HUY noj,d two _Si — *. i - L wheel tmUer. r I 'Out SALK-IT chair, floo r-hair. j A •‘4. PJfn FOR SALE—Cdh Super Oeui Tractically new. only )0 ed. Extra instrument 1 , gain at $3,008.00. Cost Angel at trailer hou*|e. of r. O,, College Station UEUO 0 hoj a NOTK'E. EACI L' WANTED A Correspondence 1 court*j: fi POST UMADVATION 8T entitle,!) THE POLITICAL PROftiEl INDtlSTRIAL nVlLffiKTljOIfl See Elton Mayd’s hoik the same ham Lnter«<ted faculty fnemb^rf fit i V. M. Faired, Austin Hall. Ifpiisc pu; -r FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE I College Shoe North Gate T MIOCONTINE ' ini.i 't. Fritfidnlre. mapie lamp, wnlnut deek and Col(l(),re View, ftft«r-5:00 '■ ’ ' ] i rl , i r—^ Usedl Car | Headqiiarters j J |] " •' ’•17, (ihevroiet, Fonlor Ml, Ford, Tudor ’ll, Mercuty, ,:Coupe ’39, Lincoln Zcphor ’38, • Chevrojet, Tudor ’.19, Ford, Tudor. ‘ ’38, Chevrolet, Tudor '$8, Ford,;Tudor ’$7, Chevrolet, Sedan ’hp, Plymouth, Couiie ’33, Pontiac, Sedan • * v 48, Jei-p 11 ] • ’40, Dodgcj, Truck ’85, Ford, Truck BRYAN MOTOR COMPANY ■ ■ ^ | | '-Youir Friendly Ford Dealer & 115 N. Main Sti Bryan Phone 2-1333 Texas I You’ll ha Mr, a cl ar petition f^r you join the largcstj i|idcper(' Industry, t young me ’ ' i 1 tj // Interested IV rite I well* d-C omi < 'INK Your Stride WORM) WIDE ; | I . - J I ' treat thie tape’f in com- , j;, csponxiblc poisitioris if t Supply Compinny. Now su tplier to the Petroleum landing and needs capable tlily themselves. ' IUYTL\i:\T l .| Com^amj j j ’ 1 * . 0»IC/J. lORf WORIttf, HXAS )' T SI.25 on i and $2.00 on G6t the Special du tor Rate Sign JOHNSON 19 c Bax 2$! t< 'OIL LEG . * ' ! f Look Your Best . . . { ! /if r j.- . : j It’s Good Business!- -. : • I.! • j ; “r & VARSITY Barber Shops r | i: \ ZIVE AGENCY OK STORE Co lege Station ICE s bm: ■: ' ! 1. r, 1 f. i.l Hir