IMIIiSMiBi Page 7} U’L Afll voST ■mg" vkl 1 CT riijnnwiiiHii -m 15H5RF& YOUROWM MLESH AND BLOOD -A*) YOU CALL THAT :Lim HOG- AftUCC f T -S’ ' j ^ THP B^fTALtON By Al Cupp SUCCESSES.' WE IS ALMtl BEIN’A REAL psira-scN, KM MUCH t KTHtfr-) By WIliMfi-iH f. jlwo hunU p<1 and. business executives wfcie j expeet- eil to attend Lhp first ffnnual >|an- JB ,IiVM F. • . , T ^ Cav», Corner to Keep l^ite Hours for Rxain*Cniininer» Th# Cave and Campuft Corn* •r will remain open until mid* night from May 24 throuKh June .1 for the convenience of students who will be studyini late, manager Wayne Star h*IJ yeaterday. j Thin late Hchedule will not gpply for Raturday night. May »• r i : ; .1 '■ I f isified Ads 7, In* IATTAMON CLAS . . sr i» wof'i Yet T Executives To . i ^ j i f r - 1 o Be tonducted Parley Today At Home Stations aKemejit EngiheeriTif: Conforfnco being held herq today and Tljiu day. Donald K. AridiYiws, of the jnan- agement engineering departfnent and conference .director, said that j the group attending the confer ence include many of Texas’ lead ing manufacturing executives, industrial I engineers, banker^,, land labor relations jpersonneL. Wage incentives, job evaluation, .and tjme study I are the maim di?- •cussion topics fbr the conference. Several outstanding business exec ! < ' c_ WITH A N V G -f EW S RANGE One |of Today's Best . Gajl Range V«*!ue^ j i ; Your bokjhg, rbasting land Ijicoiling will be. lo’jmircii easier fan a FloreiL? Gos Rangel Yo^'il eepnony, too. Floreijce GOs Ranges ore bad ed by a-sti ^eps'.'O.^euenf.e, 4ce Ihjem toddy!, / AutomoVit.*] Lighting t J burners. ■ 1 ’i j > p'Accurate o/en Ihermostatj y' Speedy Pul!- ~"j out Broiler } _ ,, , O phases of . these Isubjects. The first seJoion of the con- 'feYence began |at 1;0 this morn- j ing in the YMC.V I’hapel with Howard W. Bajrlow, dean of ^n* j gineering, presiding.' | I [• ! The welcoming address was de- [ llvered by Cibl) Gilchrist, presi- j dent of the tfollogo. • Fred Smith, j director of em ployee relations; of the- Genera] Shoe Corporatioh, Nashville, Ten nessee, spoke jthis morning on “Securing Employee Cooperation In Industrial MUnagement” “Wage Ineorjtive Installation and Operation”! was the address of H. Tj Schwaii, manager of the j mid-western division Of the Methooro, executive secretary ! Jq OFFICIAL BALLOT for Non-Dormitory Students Only General Election, May 20, 194# (Scratch all names except your choice) Yell Leader William C. Lonquist, Jr. Athletic Council Representative; Charles Ray Holbrook «. Andy ilatula Weldon Odell Stautzepberger “ Battalion Editor R. L. Billingsley Kenneth Bond *< • Art E. Howard Longhorn Editor Earl G. Rose r Signature of Voter Campus Address (Only non-dormitory students and non-military vet erans at the Annex may use this ballot to vote. Students may send their bpJlots to the STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE without a stamp provided the envelope is placed in the Faculty Exchange of the Academic Building.) J Y ft nual Poultry Short Course begin ning May 131. Tvlenty additional speakers will- q W. Von Rosenberg, puperin- ^ssi>t them m, the course. j tendent of the Aircraft and Cbm- Moore, former Extension poul-1 p^ nen t s Branch of the Civil Aer- and it will l)e (given by Walter Torgersen; asjiociate profe)jKor of management engineering at \&M. Highliglrt of fore nee will be SI 49.50 With lam^ and clock $y5!>.>0 -r-Inst|ille ;’ add f ros f > W. De Shong, di ector of industrial ’ of June 14 whilHurkej! Sdenc sin he " A ‘‘ ,0nautical Republic- Najtio^al i trainees a e in attendance. i Scu ‘ ncus '» th ‘ The short course is planned to 1 ban- . Zinimcjrman, in the YMCA Chapel at 7:30 p.m., Thursday. , , Von Rosenberg will be: aceom- t,am otfinal -agents for work un-, (jy ceveral members of his *0.,,,^,,, # .ho T,„# K „: z LjAaW,* t r, R.r laimll, AfcM pioftssot m charge, er p] ailt Division, and the Flight satd yesterday However turkey ^ En|tinoerinK Division, and chtcke i producers an.i b.n-eclers i A „ interesteti fiicully meTnbtrs ate. welcome to enmll, be jitated. n( j tire invited to attend. Texas tiow! has more than .500; trained agents doing official work j in the stale. Oklahoma and Louis- IS £yS“o“!352nd FA Battalion Advance registration is not re- quired. To Meet Tomorrow What’s Cooking? CHAMPION HORSE SHOWMAN—T. J. BERGIN, showing “Blue Pepper," was named champion horse showman at the Little Southwestern Livestock Show* held here on All-College Day. 'T' Tl’LANE HITCHHIKER COLLAPSES ON STREET SPRINGFIELD, 111., May 19 - OPi—A Tulane University student, hitchhiking to New Orleans on a The 352]id Armored Field Artil-1 iq cent daily food buclget, collap- Cool, cbmfortable- s q 1 ild I ^.«>lor;is or bright trints. styled by- M^Gregor Manhattan Shirtcraft I lery Battalion will meet Thursday j — : night in the PM A Building at Col-! lege Station, Captain Albert W. j BAYTOWN CLUB. 7:15 p. m.. St< ^ ke11 X^^^ay I Thursday, Room 106,. Academic. ,. Ma J°r Jw » arro " s P«* k °»j Officers t > be elected. Plans for I ^ ^ u,l, f at,on Of the armored end-of-the-semester party; ! BusinesH fc Bust" Planned Thursday The Business Society will hold i a barbecue Thursday at 6 p. m. at j the Bryan Country Club. . Appropriate refreshments will; bo served) a club representative I said yesterday. WASHINGTON —(A 1 )— Some ^3.800^00 babies were born in the .(United States in 1947. ! { j- V . US mu. 5TORA6C MA “orsea i 1 i Used Cars PLENTY OF LATE MODEL USED CARS Any make . . . any model . . . Priced to sell DISHMAN PONTIAC ■j Across from Post Office Fin Feather’s Special This Week V-8 COCKTAIL SALAD 12 OZ. K.C. CLUB STEAK VEGETABLE POTATOES HOT BISCUITS — BUTTER COFFEE OR TEA $1.50 , DESSERT —1- ; WE HAVE WHAT YOU NEED IN . . . SCHOOL SUPPLIES - BOOKS EQUIPMENT COLLEGE BOOK STORE North Gate College Station L with a nvi 1KD AD. RfttM , [iiMTtlon with a 231) minimum. fftte* in Clfttulfiod Suction . . . COc |Mt column Inch. :Vnd Ml olnultlcl* with romittoHM* to lh»« Stjilent Actlvltk* OC fire. All mb rhouhi; bo tunuHi In b^ 10:00 ft.m. of th" dn^ before publiMttoiB. FOIt SAUC—I94C I’hlico rrfrlnrrntor. 0.:. W. ft.—tlM.00. Apartmrnt Min***— tSO.OO. Harr;?; 4-691 FOtt SALE—Senior bboU. Sir*- 10^ ('• (h>lf 1C. U'a'onablr, ?,«• IWirt: ., 1' WftV Cftfe. FOR SALE—1W6 Indiart mMi>] 74 ‘‘Chief.'* In (food rqnditii til Wlti l+t of ratrae. Frio*—L'80i.00 1 NeUon. i7-)03. ii MAY 50, If ALF-1H6 tlymomh filth rmipe. 0| HALE-hd Su imde for. <4drr r H> HoUftllwi, IM ewhU. w fOU SALE—My two uni: and lot ftt (fi.e away pricr. 209 S. Muhnrrlyn Drikr. C Aubrey, Apt A-7-W, Collrf R. & C. ECHO Realtor (her Canady’s Bryan Phone 2-4454 FOR SALE—Trailer an 1 with eleetrio ice bo*, h anj built In baby bathtflrM price. See J. H. Slcdif, 1 No. D-3. FOR RENT-Larife two wl -pting^ and mil lights. Reajki^ for ftudrntt movimt. Iprah 102 8. Folk, Bryan. Phone IKS t »t. duplex corner of 1 Wtrrh AVcmie, North 4. r, r (Mom Ford, mifht, »r equity mt iHinto, if I F F.. Colbfe -i“—t- I'Oll SALE-tl.awn! jhairt. I nlm -rto iill» {• klad. of woodwork. 002 Folrvliw Ave„ qMfiiE. ri ’V ANT JO HUY noj,d two _Si — *. i - L wheel tmUer. r I 'Out SALK-IT chair, floo r-hair. j A •‘4. PJfn FOR SALE—Cdh Super Oeui Tractically new. only )0 ed. Extra instrument 1 , gain at $3,008.00. Cost Angel at trailer hou*|e. of r. O,, College Station UEUO 0 hoj a NOTK'E. EACI L' WANTED A Correspondence 1 court*j: fi POST UMADVATION 8T entitle,!) THE POLITICAL PROftiEl INDtlSTRIAL nVlLffiKTljOIfl See Elton Mayd’s hoik the same ham Lnter«