Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1948)
-! T yp i A >T- il ? iiwuiipniiwwwa -ih«4 ■ [ MMM ■hJ \ .7. —r ewritfer Sjportsma earn, Hurdler Bob pall Flying —+ r— —-11L- U' -H A College ggie Track Ct do tofbe (Jailed the S ft ‘ ' " ! 1 ■J. it i i ; ■! .r! I> : isticsj show qe^in(let| and ante to Discard Track nd High School Sport ty JAMES DeANDA ach Frank At derson is wondering just what I. r than harps States no reason itinned on tor cqili tat confdren son. iowjevtjrf according to Jinx and j'Totjof liick to jbeat the Tex ' ’iickerJ 4f has l een writing spjorts for many most of that time iii everyone’s !haii|. The}, \Va:o to’l-iter wis a littie+ upset, because, Baylor ! failed to scratch in the, cbnierencje meet, so upset jthat he dan see why t rackisho iid be co such ii larie scale. He stated that the fAns would | r be v;ryuleased, if alt the field events w^re'>j,|Dblished. Father Time also! claims that tirack does not pay off in ihe box office and is therefore a; dead lush to most of th : schools.; ! AccondirjK toi Tucker, pituatjon ip wo^ke in hi his thinly clad team must >utInvest Conference Track, Champions. that the Cadet sr did score rtiore points than (any other team in <jeH and t he records sjhow that t her Farmers have lo.|t only one meet this sea- uejeer, it took a combination j)f the Aggies, Arkansas, eat the Texai Longhorns. : ging shorts' editor of the Waco News Tribune, r . ^ —- iJ years, and He has spent the track jh schools dollegjej. Once again, he an jtho pdioney ajngle. Jinx that fttje JnteksOholastic i$ that the ncjcessary ti-ack imept is inexpeijisivc. . i? .. ■ - ’ Ifrohahly one ofj the reasons Tucker’s back stab at, track is die tact that he knows so lulle about if. In his column of ittay Tucker said, M Scott helped Aggies win the conference titl;,by taking points! away from Longhorns. - ’ .Voihnig could be niora umrae, or untair to the Ag tie track team. js true thjat Hyde Scott beat Taxi s’ (Jhariic Paijker the 1Q(F Ueles next month league Is jdiscriminatimi against -football by|restricting spring train ing ir, that spjdrt to dnej month yairdj dash and therejby :the Steers got wo points less than they were expe:ting to take. But it has never ; occu Ted to the Waim scribe that spdrt to dne| mjonth | thh kamel Mr. Scott ialso won the While plading no time [ IJiniitS on j 220 pow hurdles. Had the " the tine tHat tricksters imay work j back ■’put.* I I . .0 J In answer tb Tuckeij’s attack •V ion trpek,iColomel Ahdefson stat- 'st-ied, that jif everyone measured The valfieioif sport by thje afnount .... ;of nijoneyt it brought iti, then it is true that track and rjrapy oth- |cr sports |would) be “a dfad loss." But jortunateljl for spartS, most doj not share Mr.j Tecker’s Champs to Vie For Honors At ■ | j * j ; ■ I National Open Bv WILL r.RIMSLEY NEW YORK, May- ID —'.'P'— Ten champions—ranging from pre- ; sent title holder Lew Worsham to amateur Charles (Chick) Evans, Jr., whb prevailed 32 years ago—~| will, seek to repeat in the National Open Golf Tournament at Los An* acef not been injroun ,1* azor- that They are listed in the all-time record field of 1.410 whol filed entry for the event at the swank Riviera Country Club June 10-12. Other past champions entered arc Gene Sarazen (1922-32), Tom-; ■niv Armour (1927), Olin Dutra Satuiidayj afternoon jthfe Farmers I (1940), Craig Wood (1041) and! would have taken tvp more points Lloyd Mangrum (1946). Evans, in tUt event. j I a crack golfer, won in 1916. Hire ijs also a m jitter of three! These ; specialists are, exempt and |6he-nnit points in the pole! f r((m qualifying along with 19 vauli j that would .have been added" players who finished in the first Hamden, I m Mee • I' I Also To 400 |l|||:i|f) Event By SACK|sPOHDB I | . ! , i| ; j " ■ i !«j i i i'i i? . i I» . tt il-l Id « « . <1 k« • ,' i A&M’s outstanding mile relay team left fo|r|Lo^ An they w 11 enter the Coliseum Relays this Vveekefiti.^ Bob IJall, outstanding Aggie low hurdle 4 wafc ti The spteedy Dallas sophomore has been beaten ;j@$dy T|he Aggie relayers have defeated every . I Pictured above is Aggie hurler BOB FRETZ whose side arm delivery won three conference tilts for the Farmers this season. The Cadet right hander's only loss was a heaftbreaker to the University of Texas, despite limiting the Hard-Hitting Steers to five safeties. - i A , to .tip Cadet -score hiujl not a pair of Itla z or hacks tied f!pi- first place peopl] j with ! more Tuc dollar, ojther sport i^r. hu sport ilizedr view points. j in i blinded .by tljo iWaukee 1 a g alr two Farmers. There were two Aggies; behind the tdp quar tet in thi^ event. the (avelin thq busy d|oes not 1 pause. t;»jidnsidcr u ! ri0 on ^ ( H U P * n fuetjors. Track i> whichj relativ numbers j f stujb'nts eti pfite. i’or many hoys utiuble t() jpaiticjpate in special izhdj gamejs like fiAilhall and, Hhseba 11,; track serves uJ a charac- ildey as anly ’a competitive msi.fAnotHer impn|rtaiit fac- tffc only j nheai idy large h partici- , yvho are thfc more throw it jw'i Smackovei .-as once rcr Scott the third slot of Aggie Boli Goode. Y‘s, hiit for thejjielp of Ark- ansak, the Farmers^ would have widened their margin over the .Steers by tive and on poih ,s. j 1 Whether Jinx Tuckjer likes it or I twenty last! year behind Worsham; j National Amateur Champion Rob- i ert H. (Skee) Riegel Jand; the host, piofessioiial, Willie Hunter, form er British amhteur king. The other 140 places in the 171 man field vfill he deternpned in 29 j sectional qualifying tests. All but two of these (ryouts will be staged June 1. The ex- eeptionS ajre Honolulu. May 2. r >, (| t,o(i Angeles, May 27-2$. Battalion PORT WEDNESDAY, MAY 19. 1948 . Page 3 and ne-half more Joe I>ey, executive secretary of j the United Statesj Golf Association [who arinduijced the close of entries yt stenkry, said the number of not,’The Aggies have won the j places td he allotted each section Southvestj Conference Champion- would he determined later. I ship | if or j the second consecutive] I) e y said the 1,440 entry list year.jlsoutpwestern Thick will hold ’ surpassed the previous high mark Boston Braves-The Club To Watch in National League ; i’ V worh) i Jinx ■| .. . . ! ttcll (U'seVved place in the of sports, wrttx or without uckpr.s approval. • V A<JC0USTlN6 ( II AIWCUS. C.U.j. f,‘ AfklENT O' ApCltNT. USD A*tH«OM>lb» iaCtmioIost ^lOlOSr. G.-«, fOTAMT Caw, • UtlNtSS LA’ (ICULU! . ;Eu,STI r. ^-.tyisTt’j v...—, • . COkkOiANON pNANCE !. . COCUME* Ito, pccsomcs «v . *0W<fAtiqW, Mlj'o. r of |. ■. INitASO «< •• . JUKOEE. POO IMI. M ..WU1 . iUljOfE. Oli-I#. Minanr f*' . -■ >• vdH. I Ukk Moot HiSTO«r . { H v. . i . , 1 . .i a jEri*. ABi pK. ot , ; . . . | » <P . 1 !4 . 1 . . . -k • 1 • . .. Ill E I S E R liriet Co; . Suggests THI NSW bili : mnoewn fukvEUASTER fori the fixture , that dates back to 1895. Tlie largest entry before this one Was 1,102 in 1937. • One or Ufa most itirportar.t pre- liminal-y will take place at Fort Wdrth, Texas. The nation’s tmuipg professiou- v!n play in the CofonlarCoum- Cliil) ifnvitatioT’ whiJh closer on the. evei of the June, 1 tests. Many of; tlje pros have announced j they’ll stay]over and try |o qualify j at Fort Wrjrth rather thijn return ! to their pwli sections. This has the approval oil the USGA. r 1 Another large qualifying field is and lost four, the Best record by j expo days sjmo HI! CXAMINAjlONS.: Wow fRE^CH 9RAMVAR -AW©**/ *U*lpl*i M [-! . . . 91 pfMfTlt. fl«K . . 9ERMAN BRAM^4A| . 1. ' . . . 9oyaN^Ni. 4mAricin. .: . . . GRAMM'a^ Cn||iih ArU. «ri Pf#c. *f i.l . . J H^ i i: : : !■ M«pt v.J . . onslc iOA i .1 j . - . n«li.'OIcMaHi O* lllril, ^oi'Dryd»A . r«l« Milto* C A IngoBOA^i'-’c T«b'«l its. 100.1504. Sutor, •< . lohfit I n. . f: A» l«tr«0igM»l ' it. «■«>:»•, io Inl ft,' Colfcao ICi NCI ’ ‘ 'tS GIauma* l-gl i« .'HTakAoncs «w f JOUMIAL'lkU lU. CAOH AM** CA. K ■ l>ns amCiicX i» AON A AT1N A iat;‘am LAtiAwr tn*«ATui LITtkATU tirttATiii .trttjATui lOUMPi MU' rsi OHiljteo: cs. OOLITtCAi oothics, OOOtUGU nwiuNc_„._.. ,, OJTCHOUlGTjs EduCAllaptlt . i. j. SHAKESPEAREAN N.m.l, ~ SHAXESPEMi S PLAYS, O, UUSt »Ul|. hiU» ol {. | • • 'll I.OlOfY. (ktllB, *f fit PriKiplRl M 'ISM plAOMAI ,, 1, | . . v XE ftTr Y(|) R K, May 19 —'TPi —, They niny rave about the wpn- j derful St. Louis Cardinal pitching ] staff. Thoyi njay gape in awe at j the New Yjii k Giants’ devastating j power. They may admire and envy Brooklyn’s depth with its youth j and speed. {The solid team in the j National League} however, is the Boston Bra its. ! Boston js noi in first place. The Cards hold that spot and the Giants' are second. The Bra ves are third, but only because they got off to a miserable start, j They dropped six of their first seven games. No. 3 team ip the leagUe^-and that includes the Cardinals— boasts three front line hurlers such as Boston’s Johnny Sain, Vi'arren Spnhn and Voiselje. This trio has given up cnly three runs in Boston's last four games. The Dodgers finally snapped the Braved funles.s tjtreak at 29 con secutive innings when they wang led a run off Sain’in the [first in ning. The; Arsansas curvebaljer gave' up two more runs later but breez-; od to his third victory in his last] four starts. It was hif third i straight complete game land the! £ Field Takes First Game Of Corps Playoff By BILL THORNTON E Field won the first game I of f the College Intramural Corps Finals by defeating White* Band 4-2. E Fieild wa«( the first to bat and Hartmap led off by beating out a ount. Fkcett then forced Hartman at second. Hitrtgraves doubled and Faucett] scored. The next two bat ters popped out. Wnitd Band came to bat and Ulmer the lead off man doubled, uawler 'thep grounded out to the pitcher.: Vaugnn came to bat and got a dqublc when the center field er dropped the hall. y * Ulm^r tried to score but was called out at home when McMil lan thiievr a strike from center field. Mangold tied the game up w hen He drove a single to score Vaughn and that was all the runs for the first inning. Both hides Were retired in the second three up three down. E Fi£ld broke the tic m the third wl t n Hartman, the lead off man, be; t out a bunt and the next two bat xirs, Faucett and Harte graves, did likewise. Norman hit a fly to the outfield but the ball t bundled, and two runs to put E Field ahead 3:1. then scored again in the Bring their total to 4 runs. Band started a ralley in ; the sixth but it netted only one , run which left their total at two. Hartn)an was the winning- pitcher jand gave up seven hits. | .Martin gave up eight hits while i hying efedited with the loss, i; The leading batter of the game !' for E Field was Hartman with three for] four. The leading batter , for Whitt) Band was Mangold with two hits atnd a walk out of three times at bat. ♦fered one defeat kt 1 he v / L ^ A 1X1*. _ dl.A homa Aggies at 1 he S!);! The AggieMdokbi subsequent meef is T le ti winner. The Souitl e isti rm *nce Champions, |h s L TJ hhve also been Ji wn d Farmers several tines I Hi; The Aggies wia [lav tjqp speed in thc -L is An jeWi if they keep winnim > sti g i,> Other schools thit wi 1 enter potent teams an B Culifornia, MichiKJa i, 1 lY State and George]I epp >rd Michigan and If’fO firtil s( Fi nn . i tail :e ;i i ian the at the I i was not ] came in | E Field i fifth to all dead heat at tl They traveled the | orie second slower 1 time the Same di Relays. Hurdler Hall participate in th* terdny. Hall brokj a duaLmeet on then flushed Clydje ansas to a 23 flai ence meet, ihe mile relay je|m of Don Cardon, E r in Ray Holbrook, ah 1 j;Ar Cjirdon has broke ii thje quarter-mile while Hplhrook, and Ha T|deii blje of going below |Not counting B|g Six meet, this time Hamden w Maroon and White up his Southwest U s by plane this afternooh where : ! ' I T- : • ! j r st minute addition to the squad. th(is year in his event. | , have met this year. They suf- . [start of thie season to the 0kla- ; Fowl when a baton was dropped, thie Oklahoma boys repeatedly in >y team was the Missouri Valley !*-♦” — £ ! = ^ 1 1 ; rtcr the past week-end with his third! straight win in the quarter- mile. ■ i j’ H Harnden and Holbrook will run in the individual 100 meter race in addition to their duties on Ihe mile relay team. Tine foqr nuurter-milers have woh Itwo ipatcnea each, tliis spring. The Kansas and Drake] Relays each pivsente<l the men wiith watches afteij theiff victories in thlbse meets. gits •al • RECORDS School & Supp 1 1 * • ALL YOUI HASW •R n dc ij erp ers, the cc. ] Istr- tie ui d ca di Since thijn Boston has won 11 | Biravcjd Kith in their last 15. In :ted at Los Angeles \jhere two hftVe jbeen set asldt| for the ;ofF.L far, in the j circuit for the period Billy Southworth’s I men haven’t lost since May 9. ; They open a 11-game home ; stand tonight, boasting the leag ue’s No. 1 pitcher in Bill Voi- wlle. No. 2 hatter in Tommy Holmes, the best fielding percen tage of any dub in the circuit and a four-game winning streak. The Braves (jdded a successful road trip by crushing the Dodgers in Brooklyifi, 12-3. It market their fourth straight win over Brooklyn j without a setback. It also gave] them a record [of eight victories ; in 11 road games. n: J: i.::: E”** AiLii. • ■ f • • • MU ol *«grk»t ..... LAMM A* ?7>K, . . V . . . i, Gold. hr. , . } ;H.,rA*t«e»u . ! # ; # # % . J. k . . i . . . Dlttj ef . * • J • • • of . . 4 • • • , ONLY has the head that shaves so fajst, dose smooth. M TMOOS S1A*ISTI STa»T, r . w --."w ,. o, | . . . TIlUOHQwni . *Um.« StliR id . . ] ruops ’ai|b JiUAir AatI »i ■ jW.HdWRd.!. ; . ; . 1 to i«s. HiOorS oi-; . i-ir: TED iljjkTES, lloco I WE >ll,>or r ol . J'J l.lo'.iol . . It's thc^shaver that is w-innin, America theenthilsi MEN USE ITj! have Spare- master heautifu case...$. tl«. HUlomiol! Hoi uhlVeo, DNif£D -j . ,00l '°* ! ^*»ICSJ swwsCr to chanm Thfe Exchange Store “Serving Texas Angies”' The ideal gift for DAD St)nbcatn Shavemastcr exclusive Single oval wi|h nary a aide Or cut. I • I • , X u; in a gift 3.5P. G R E I S E R Electric Co. BrVan • 212 N. B|ryan St. Phone 2-1423 Tea m - Fort Worth ; Houston San Antonio! Dnlilas j Tulsa KKT t HUtttt CLOTHES X T ' if " Jreak far Seniors SUIT SALE OKKY & HUR Exams Announced By Gvil Service The Civil Service Commission will hold examinations for filling vacancies in the positions of fleet captains, fleet electricians, engine shipkeepers and assistant ship- keepers, and deck shipkegpers, ac cording to C. E. Savage, executive secretary of the commission. I The salary for these positions 1 range from |4149.60 to $5905.30. Employment will be with the U. S. Maritime Commission in Beau- , mont, :]* Examinations will also be hsld ! for tjhe position of Junior profes sional librarian at $2644.80 per year, Savage said, adding that the ; maximum age limit for the libra- \rian has been changed from 35 to 62 years, and applications will now be accepted from persons over 36 but under 62. Application forms or aditionai information may be obtained from the 1 Gcal' Post Office, or from the Regional Director, 14th U. 8. Civil Service Region, 210 South Bar- wood 1 Street, Dallas 1, Texas. i Always Victorious SOGTtf BEND, Ind. - -~ Sincei Walter Langford, present tennip mentor at Notre Dame, took over coaching duties in 1940, hjs slquads have won 57 matches aijid dropped but nine. That is u J! winning percentage of .864. His j I 1942, 1944 and 1947 tennis teams were undefeated. Ii — • SLACKS—Largest stock iu the county • SHIRTS—Largest aEsortment • NECKWEAR—Large Assortment j • ROBES—Large Assortment 4 SWIMSUITS—Botany all wool j j | , • ESQUIRE SOCKS—Large assortment • WESTMINSTER—Nylon socks for men sharp contrast, Boston's fifst seven games found no pitcher gbing the route. ; k-j I’he Braves pummelled five Brooklyn pitched jfor 18 hits. Boh Elliottj, the league's most valuable player last year, got threi). So did Sain, a good hitting pitcher. Tom my Holmes zoomed his average to .435 with two hits in three times at- bat. I H ’ ^ , More sports winters are need ed for the Battalion this sum mer. Anyone interested sjiee Art Howard in thii Battalion of fice, Goodwin Hall. - Mustangs Defeat Horned Frogs, 2-0 Irwin Huy pitched the SMU Mus tangs to a three-hit, 2 to 0 win over TCUjiln Dallas yesterday. Kay stretched three singles over the nine frames and struck out seven Horned Frbg batters. The Mustang batters did not help theiij pitcher out until ^he eighth inning, when they gave him a twOt-ran margin of safety. James Burnett then relieved the starting ITCU pitcher, David Choate, in. the eighth frame with two outs.! But tlie damage was done, and [the Mustangs held the visitors scoreless in the ninth frame. Jim Busiiy of TCU, the confer ence hatting champ, went to the plate four times without getting a hit off of Kay. T Oklahoma Citiy Ht .mfni.r t f Shreveport TEXAS LEAGUE (Standlins-5 Through Monday) W. L. Pet. G.B. BS 10 .667 — 17 16 .531 5'<- 16 15 .516 6 16 17 .185 7 15 17 .169 7); ■M 17 .452 8 .fl 18 .138 8'4 . j , .12 18 .100 9>.'. TUESOAV^ RESULTS Tulsu 5, r)iil!a» 1. ! , San Antorjlo 5, Shrovjeiiort 8. Oklahoma City at Fori; Worth, postpon ed, rain. Houston ;rtj lloaufnhnt, postponed, rain. GUY H. DEATON Tjpewritcr Exchange New’ & Used Typewriters Guaranteed Repairs 116 S. Main Bryan PERFECT FOR GOLF, TENNIS, OR... BASQUING IN THE SUN r LEON B. WEISS NEXT TO COLLEGE STATION f |! j ' J J New arrivals in cur ladies department —4- ! Arrow Sport Knits $1.25 up M 1 i-/'. | If the Lips Angeles people : have watches to( pass out, the lean) plight wind up ih the jewelry business. : ,J'' . . II. • .Vu Cpl. Anderson stated that ha believes that Hall has a! very goojd chajpce to place in the ijurd- iL SPECIAL <4 off H d ' 'dr, Dunbai- Vacuuui. Coffee Makers --'r--o4 ' Locik over our supply of all types - ' « ELECTRIC ALARM , i CiLOCKS 1^1 /’ and our reasonably pricqd TABLE MODEL LAMPS ; $4.95 to $8.95 and up AGGIE RADIO & ! v APPLIANCE | “We kjnoyv we like you ajnd hopje yoh will like us’ r 1 I East, Gate BURGES ss -I (;h warehouse WE HAVE the SPACE . . .! Call os for apilange-: ments to storp w fumiture, household furnishings, etc. Il/j, Mi. South Kyle F'ield On Old Hw'y. 6 Merely wearing Arrow basque shirte will not make you a Snead or a Budge, but Arrow’s large selection of sport knits in solid color* and stripes will do w onders (or torsos tame as well as terrific. 11 ^ j || . : ’ ’'1 - . 'I bee your Arrow dealer today for a long-weariug, baudeomo and eomforlable Arrow Basque elnrl. ARROW SHIRTS and TIES UNOIXWSAI * HANDKlkCHUFS • SPORTS SHII1TS ii i I a I' ARRO! SPOR! KNITS FOR sumMi vi r j**':? SENTS. l or sheer icbmijo pattern*, knits by , ;i! ! , ii spring with the bandsomeAl prop of sporty pullovers that wc have c\er seem ii I J | rm4ttiug lines, jand brand nctf see our new si .1*; Bmu I • i fWAWff— . I ' J* .ll : ■ i \ I.- j {if-; :!;!}