Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1948)
Ir •»— •T'-f "f H : j I ‘i; r] r Pa|e 2 EDI nr i: !• ii * ; w re ace %ll :thint!‘ HWl W inng. • \ 'ij Failure 11 I'ecqg] effect bn ’ so rie! A& Not 4ll Greel$s Are Frats : :h. ■> attali on I'i! statesman, Knightly GentUmaf ivai Ross, Fpunder of Aggie 4i; cia^ snobbisfness H amber carried bey -been mis-a societies, w explanation at America and ‘‘livingI .fraternity But the a|iti-Greek letter f^elinig has been od the livinjg friter; lied tc hpnorahy scholarship ch also beajrj GreU initials. The s $rm{>l : early ‘ji Irebk” groups colleges coinbi^di Scholarship feattnij! ; groups degei ties, so abhoj ■ ted into puj I as Tau Bet i . i r Zeta (agrict Iture.) r Member!| live in swa vertibles a mohey fro just studen tories, driv der. how to llnake erjds meet. The Student Engineering up of AggiJs, Ijas this tio say i port:- ¥ K Iri 11 11 second-hanii Ze this ij gradu; , ! !■ an the same haying a bad es, according i of these tip so :ie);: frat. houses, di pe draw: §200 a r:on to the Studei f_Enginberiitig Cfc inc 1. Greek le ter “living” fraternities have always been irohibitnd oh the[ A&M campus, , - for suffiden reason^. T|ljie fisilincjal and so- ' .t' |s[o oi f- II : J\ APRIL 23, 1948 : ' j I !• II I. K IPS, or en- cholarshij elsewhere. Such mber of factors,! scholastip attain- ?oes with to Ag- petition for fello\ysh] trance to adva awards are based oil a important; among which ment. Institutions possessing chapters of na tional honorary societies can give their out standing graduates recognized marks of dis tinction which A&M inen are now denied re gardless of their ability.! “A&M is the only jian|l grant school with out honorary fraternities. Most land grant schools have two or mort Club hasi exited) on the campus. Their an- irli|d! scholarship nouncements have been publicized: their e| tiidlly, some: meetings have been held; So far as is known, feattrijs. !Evt . erated into the. f ociil fraterni- not one breath of protest has been raised bo red at A&M, Otl| :rs were eleva- cause of the organizational name, ely honorary as#>c5*tions such „ ^ f 4 ct : 4 Texans Chosen For p»H Meeting Two bcjys lUid two girls will pre- “One of -having sucl : ai*e at pres to something solely!because of its name isjltional 4-11 Club Camp opens its 1 ^/yn. sadly handicapped menltally ; A&M College: doors Ju|ne 16 to delegates from finch,, is reitiiss in its duty if it|sends a man out into ew> r y st^te, Hawaii, and Puerto h spending the world with auch shortsighted attitudes, j R > c » » »«* •» -nstruimo,, and Dad’s! bank gc^unjt. They are ! • “Ail freshmen compljating their first year who .nay well!!live in dormi- ‘with prescribed academic standing are auto- 14 jSlLiffi, and won- matically elected to Phi Eta SigraL lSlection ? &ts l J° ueievan D^ine, Medina jjrf’ byt»t. srw/g Council, made ehgibles holds for the following j Tau Beta wa rd Hid, Garland nla recent re- Pi-engineering honorary society; Phi Kap il! ! pa Phi-honorary society, &H at&dfeoujc/nelda; ahtages of not | Sigma Xi-graduate and faculty honorary aS “"m accoranaiT Ae’ ;h4t A&M men society; and Alpha Zetfi-agricultural honoi 1 - wm Mc0 ""’ an >' u “ i "^ped in com- ary society.” ;he sel?ii|)Us disadl societies hei’e is it unfair! entertainment The Texas delegates are Howard Altenhof of Guadalupe County; Patsy Jq Delevan, Devine, Medina County; Reta Nell Baldwin, Ver non, Wilbarger County; and Ed ‘ " * Dallas County, will make the trip. State 4-H club leaders, J. W. Uunqre Exactly! 10D years I ago. tiVes of si| pompetitliVe around a ta ile jn the office d ’Sun. No jaiglihg of the teleijho|ie, no cotter bb representa of AP... by which to obtain news faster, in greater spapers. sat volume, and from constantly broadening e New York soui-q^s. Their significant decision was to were none If Way s iri»der| means of com- : ne * organoatton the j^socmted Press. of a presidential cajmnajgn Generals ^chary Taylor -mdnicationjl But, even then, Ihpre was news. Since that' day in 1^48, many hearts and And news wasl aTroblftiln.'4 !j 1 : many minds have collaborated to mold and The. M&ican War Was tivef-; the drums perfect,?'from a meagtje beginning, the co- ere beating for opera|ive-news gathernjig organization Which and V^infield still bears that i)ame. I 11 mg joint social functions tm-ougn- Scott. The jSOld Wofld Was dfiaken add torn. The Battalion is| p|oud to be a member J ^dimce There wei’l abdictjitio!n(s -<jr uprisings in of such a distinguished! news agency. Though , ne8 meeting of the clubs April 19 France; Irwand, Hungary, I laly and the Ger- our, own membership is barely seven months 1 prompted the planning of the Fri iV.,1 il.i . ,1 i •i„L.I — ^"ieW of the Associa-i 1 MUiifc,. Newm^B Members To Attend Dance Members of the Newman Club will attend an informal dance to night in the basement of St. Marys Chapel at 7:30, BUI Miller, club reporter, has announced. They will be-gueste of the Cath olic Girls’ dubs of St, Joseph’s and St. Anthony's Parish. The three clubs have been hold ing joint social functions through out the semester. The large at- ggie ‘Follies’ loaned May 8 n Gaion Hall Hi “The Aggieland Follies of ’48’' brilliant annual production of students and faculty, will be pre sented at Guion Hall, May 8 at 7 p. m. Glen Brooks, director of the show, stated that this year’s Follies will follow a musical pat tern, featuring a pit orchestra composed of student \ members. : Arnold Walkow is director. . This year’s show, ublizing A&M’s own Diamond Horse Shoe complete; with spectacular light ing and a njinway for near-audi ence acting, will present the largest array of acts everiassem- bled by Aggies. Brooks sighed that the price of admission was a steal at the infinitesimal sum of 50 cents. He hopes that people will not judge the quality of the show by this absurdly small price. M lion’s (pub Of Breuham Hears A&M Engineer Donald M. Vestal Jr., research engineer with the Texas Engineer ing Experiment Station, spoke to the Brenham Lion’s Club at ita rt , chanical engineering department^ accompanied Vettal to the Lion’s Club meeting. I Vestal, project supervisor of the leverse Cycle Heating Project of ie A&M Reaearch Foundation, spoke on the subject, “Osing Your Back Yard to Heat Your Home.” In his talk he discussed the princi ples of the Earth Heat Pump Air Conditioning Unit He pointed out that the heat from the sun which is stored with in approximately the first $ep feet of tlje earth’s surface is a great natural resource for heating purposes. A heat pump using the buried coil is a device which at tempts to extract a part of the sun’s energy thus stored, which would otherwise be unused, Vestal told the group. After tie meeting, there follow- ed an informal discussion of the application of the heat pump to specific problems. For Your Visual Problems Consult Dr. Carlton R* Lee j OPTOMETRIST 208 S. Main — Bryan Phone 2-HW2 Alumni Counci !. I 4 • u George Bushong, «ecuti\ retary of Southern Methodis yw-Mty Alumni Associate las, Tueiday clecte chairman of District Foi can Alumni Council. i If "j Chairman Lou- fK? sqd to ss Bea- nlversity. sT man sthtei- assault on j The pi The 'Chartist hi ivement was an old—short ipdeed in ilvie 1 he' established ojjddr in England, tecf Press’ hundred year ’ day social, according to Millir. )blem history—we share t)ie rd irfsentatrves of in the pleasure of th|s important anniver* ’the six new spapers was to (devise a piethod sary. I 1 GUY H. P EATON 1 Typewriter Exchange New & Used Typewriters Guaranteed Repairs 116 S. Main Bryai Jt T For MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES Jones Sporting Goods 80S >S. Main Drviui Ph. 2-2832 r i-r ••{il The Izjvestia afticlle wl University is); moving to a on a 250-|cre caihpus 6oi give aiiy iiiformation aboui \ diuni or ti e coach; —Arkaj ■> vv York! Post re " s> .3 TBe , r the Trum||n Arhii)iistratiq fense expenditures Alberl].> Furniture C “ T ' ‘id, will now su asks fqr it, a ce Long Isk !'.. ■ totner wh! and chauffeur service fre ft '., " I l! 1 ’, ‘ ch said Moscow 10-story building pletely failed to tile football sta nds Gazette. ) —4 eri’ed recently to ’s increase in de in Hempstead, ply, to any cus- ified haby sitter of charge. Speaking of womfn, a typo had Helen Murphy reporting ah the Montreal (Can.) Herald: “Ever feminine, ouf eye was quickly caught by the midnikht blue frock and matching felt rat with large; roses worn by Dot Pugh. . . A party of Texas newspapermen) recently toured Wichita Falls for the mentally ilk Vi Kiwaifs Cli Honoil High Schc|)| Athletss Thursdi etters — A banqiit honoring CongbHc ■ ted High «hobliutHletesjand 1 dates will fe. held Thursday, ■ 29, at 6:3(1 p. ill. Head ,F|otlmU ; Coach ^ kl bcl CqNGRATULATIONS (?> j The Battalion: Congratulations to the fish (?) at Little Aggieland. It was a glor ious sight to sec so many “Little; Aggies;’ at the Muster ceremon ies. 1 (Tejx) State Hospital r hen the reporters pas sed the barber shop, due of the.inmates wait ing for a shave! turm <i to another and said, ‘There goes a Inuncli of new patiqnts.” « V, *, 1 sorshib oft- wmis Club! d in S|bisa n! ipa Stiteler of I A&M speaker. " . Under iQollege St banquet w. Dr: Ralph f teen of (he ijistor; ill! act as mast< i 192 Interviewers fe | Job-Seeking Aggies ThisYear 6nc hundred and ninety-two company intenviewers have visit ed A&i'I to date this ylear, W. R. Throe buses were sent to (the , jHorisley. director of the 1 Placement ‘ Office, has announced. Annex j and came staggering back, one bus one-half loaded, two emp ty. Doubtless some hitch-hiked i in, but where were the rest? (Per- purtment fill cfereiponiesi Aj party in $bisa will follow! the banquet. C. W, D ivisj, Kilwsinia tilub ' m it tee nv mbpr, said yesti'd^ that the t eneibl public !i|s iaiitsd tfl attend. , ; j . T I; ^Tickets selling for SL60!)aaIh ’ ri ajtfe on pal “at Lipscomb's, Blhck’f, arid Mfide ey’|i Pha ruiaciles. r !T»jay • may also {be purchased froifj apy member o the IP r : : '| r , j _ The Battalion, r* of Collegi afternoon Uihed sen i-weqkljy . News contrll ^ Wln Hall. Class) ?j09 Gock wm iHi wunis Club! haps they had a private “Little Muster.”) It looks as thdugjh it’s about time to revise our classic definition of the 98 and 2. But we don’t guess the fresh men are all to blame. If we hid been instilled with Ahc Adminis- tratfon’s viewpoint on' Aggie life; it is doubtful if we would have cared about the Muster. j And so today another step was made toward s our new* greater A&M—just another .place to get an education} ASA HOLLEMAN, ’49 4 OTHERS v H i “We expect 250 interviewers this 1 year;’: Horsley said. j Yhelre have been 900 calls for jobs and within the year 1200 caus are expected, Horsley , pointed out. The) number of interviewers and jobxulls are the heaviest in years, record: show. Interviewers are in terested in the-proper placement of griduating seniors, Horsley said. •! a^osl, recent interviewers were the N arth American companies, represented by Wayne W. T- Thomfson, assistant director of qd- ucatida, Philadelphia and L. i F. Dakin; manager of the Dallas of W;-^ /' i 4 Featuring Swift's premium MILK-FED BROILERS ; I . -o - y i f | I SERVING Chicken Dinner : 75e' f}'. , ’ t ii! ' t ' i I ' ' J ' -f * I ^ '• FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHTS > KELLEY’S Gbod food — that’s all ?• RALPH STAC^. r Leave your shoes at A&M ANNEX EXCHANGE STORE for quick repairs—Same prices as at our main shop* ROLLICK'S BOOT SHOP LET AN . . : j: 4 i ? *j y Aggie Student ’»[ 11 t fl; J 1 1 SERVICE YOLK CAR ' M | P 1 ' ' • ' J ' GAS Iffl''' I • EXPERT GREASING WASHING ’ WAXING & POLISHING ~({Ii Ji 1 ■. > STOP AT THE GULF STATION Il ■! T Jronco Inn Owned & Operated by J. W. Schmldit I A &M Stu. Vet — Claaa ’50 1 block north Br on Houston official - Texfta, except during Station. if Subpcr ionsi maj d ads The ed to it 4r Righto o Entered j; Office at } K tbe‘ Act at CHARL] ei itionf Tie Battalion u per of Die Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas bUshed fb and rate $4, times a week and circulated evi lination periods During the made placed ta aecond' solww- a Conerepa msmsszm fatay per school year. Advertising papes lurmsnea on request. exc) — n luslvety to t|ie use tor republlcat the paper ana local of matter herein are ^Iso "* " 3 " rr 1 ^Member oL- tbe Assodated Pi Mlson I the; City Monday through Friday er The Battalion ia |pub- fumished on request » ?«>!*• herein IM^Ud k Service lb. Um f a. L. Bill T< •Mariai John Singletary, —::— i. Reporters „ Uanaaw- w. ' 1 ^ . •••••.— .- 1 1 -r— — br National Ad New York City San STanclsco ■Co-Editore v — I'fAimtlL xrrJiiaAl- r me 'new .•tt' set waa . <.?■ «lam la»tv l ! /• I. Tri ti ik ■ : H . — Photograp! - Ojirteont ' 1 i: • 1 —i— t ■, “Tm Today—Ji “CALL NOl NOW—In Col “THE SMUGGL Stewart 777” JI P' v Jfl |J SATURDAY MIDNIGHT U P.M. SUNDAY thru SATURDAY , Shocking ; !fU, W[ ™ , j|i . v t HOiM-A^OC LVTEHT WORLD !; pENj; S Ii] .. t •M J. ■ WMV 'OPV rr. Ilf 1 f| lit i. I < i j jJlj T e i SKnmr TODAY 1 and SATURDAY 1 : jf FeAtures—7:15 and 9&00 Jon Hall i“LAST OF THE REOrriEN" : I ■ ■ •Hr SUNDAY Susan Haz ard “SMASH-UP” s r: ■ OPENS 1:00 P.M. PH. 4-1181 TODAY and TOMORROW —Friday Features Begin 1:10 - 3:00 - 4:45 - 6:35 - 8:20: 10:10 , '.J'! ■ ' Saturday Features Begin 1:32 - 3:30 - 5:25 - 7:20 - 9:20 \ I jj; , I < I :—-Plus—^ SPORT REEL NEWS — CARTOON r-r-r-Features Begin—r- / 1:30 - 3-^ - •' *!> - 7:55 - 10:0^ Was ihe r|ta«!tY muuder?... o us he innocent. h l- • ;/ J V 4 1 1 Ue* T. ^' J ■ T > 4 •I * mm mmm “ ‘V ‘fl -v ,1 .1 II Q^M't : .:||^SATUB>AY4— FREE SHOW ■ Il 71'L 10 A. M. IP y|; : Jimmy Lydon [: ' ; Joan Blondell I^IBiroughbreda’* T l i’. ■ : .'j. 1 f / / dm, nos it milMUiRS Pi I I t'Srx anil ■ i?' j ■A l MAfiK HRIINffR P ' ^ f IJl-. L( 7 i mmm (■ ■V J