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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1948)
' ' : : i n -i y : ' .4. ; Page 2 IT u ■ Lavren^e feullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Ti aditions •i 1 • , '"4 l ;f K ; : : , r. : I- j ! Battalion ' TORIALS *' ' '• lr WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14,1948 Congratulations to Baylor il ' r • Congratulations go tp Baylor this week pact of great, dynajtpic and spiritual values. 1 Jj®.,,^at irtstitutior’s nfntl i president. Dr. Baylor, he, said, “is committed to th " Pat Neff f kes ° V6r Whcre great principles of the American way of life. Aggies ^vill heaif Dr., Whjite at the end of this semester, when he givep the commence* 0 £ jjf e ihent addrfss here. „ . As he was inniugu*teii this'>eek. Dr. ^ great principles of (tine American way of me. We want to see those principles preserved and given a larger application'to every phase ' • fresh and new emphasis Ejects and courses ugurjated this ! >eek, Dr. K bVi“s fra s STS SiLn ' ' en * pha813 °" reng ' will become diplomats; business and profes- .JrtionL >r. Whit : ij equall fotce to all Ameri- ion in ed What dress applied ifith can’colleges]: ■ • . “While? we hav« our own ci jristituen hgent witi efes of our faiflh tb all mankind, feel oursd vies obli fated toi reirifbrce evi will become diplomats, saidjin his inaugural ad- s “" al men with # attitudes, t We shall not : be swejpt off our feet by P a prior? responsibility to y ijnj presenting an intel- we every religious Inuth an ! valfue (Wherever found. There is much cpnmdn ground between us and otheif.: Without tl]e slightest eompro- some new fad orj fancy in the intellectual world. We are anchored to eternal princinles. We shaljl follow dur course with * whatever spiritual insight We may summon, with whatever intelligent investigation we may be able to make and with every possible ap preciation of worthy points of view. J "7e shall faciei the currents of modern facte! mise on <juir part or -Withbut the slightest ^ thought, evalualte! them aftd f pass them on to insistence| compromjse ‘on the part of our students in t|| tight jpf those indestruc- I •' ? Summer Positions AvaMle Through Plamnent Office "i The Plueement Office ia now re ceiving cilia for summer employ ment of jundergraduate students, according to Director W. R. Hors ley. “Such jobs offer the student an opportunity to add to his exper ience, thus helping him later on in applying for permanent profes sional .employment," he sap; Students are requested to sub mit to the Placement Office the number of job contacts made and to file a jreport at the end of the summer for their permanent rec- <H ‘ name type of job held, and the wages earned. J. COtJL 1- 1800 S. College ummer lor their permanent rec- rds. Thei report should include the lame of the company worked for, ype of job held, and the wages amed. Interested students can obtain a registration record form from their respective department heads or from the Placement Office, Room 230, Administration Building. The forms should then be filed with the Placjemept Office before May 1, ' Notices of job opportunities will be posted on departmental bulle tin boards as soon as they are re ceived, Horsley stated. m others, w| bhall deck to tise that common tible values that have proved to be of price- ii|ed im- i present to the world a unite ] . • ground, I Lesson in Bogata... . . ...u # , , i The revised Student Activities Point System as was submitted to the Student Life Committee appears below. Students and faculty mem bers are requested to submit their; criticisms of the new list to The Batalion. Position ]. !!'j ■ il ■ f ■ ||. (j •] ■ : j | li • !Points suspicious. Secret iry apparent • convin ced President, Student Senate President, Senior Class — Cadet Colonel of Corps ... (jlo-Ed.tor, Battalion ...j....... o-Editor, Lqnghorn .j... f*" **fT*fT*'T*'1 , ’ 1 *^** v *“r*' •*r -f- less worth in all ages. I I ■ , • ■ f ff;' 'll' j I ! i i ! • j-tw, r i i„. ji i .■ .. i ■ r • 1 i •• F •• .Tf- || T 1 I • 2 if !•. ■ * j " ,-V y . |; l What happenei in CBbgata? Did “inter- told newsmen, “(must not be judged on a iQinimmism” factually strike and local basis, howfeyer tragic the immediate wreck a citiy of thi Wtedterai haniaphere/ It resu it s to the Colombian people. The dccur- h»rd JW m,. T* fe^ance^ are ftr beyondjCfllombiA M the conjunction ' 14 18 th «; «M* def “> lte Pattern^ aa oc- currences which 1 have provoked strikes in t as the! Pan-jAmierican conference France and Italy and that is endeavoring to T r T • ^ n lomiminiat resolution was P^JttJgthe siii&jtion m Italy where elec- Pres dent, -• riio mere incidence. . { . ^lons will be hel4 bn April 18. In actions we P™*’ |° r ghman £ ss * If trleLftlpie '“cold ilvar” is not only get- take here regarding the P re spnt situation, | Town Ha ’n Manager ting hoti* Ktag ittilU clcjser. . J® ^ ust ' ke ®P 4#^ in 7 mlnd f f 1 ^ at 1 Student Senators Marshall ,was] thp1,fi^t Pan-American thl ? '** worid a|fmr-not merely Colombian ; Senior conferenfe diledte,'Mtsi|e the Columbian or ^ tin AmerWafi. ! . , • i. . presidents of Other student Organizations. government, publicly to atfribute the revolu- Be made it ipl^ip without saying so that junior Yell Leaders i..u... ; r tion to Wofld 1 Coiiimiimsmi and indirectly to Re thought Communists deliberately plan- Junior Intramural Managers j Russia. IT Ci !' ii T 1 ned th,e revoluti|bn to disrupt the conference, Vice-Presidents, Student Organja^itionR .. ^ i’hich' was considering adoption of an anti- km^ary-Treasurer.j, Student Orgam^ation.s^. ...... I OPENS l:pO PJ«. PH. 4-1181 —LAST DAY— iiatures Begin i - 5:45 - 7:50 - 10:00 •1 i r (ka •••••• l> 4* ••••• *8T"virl"'“’ iSpitol ji debated Editor, Agriculturist Editor, Engineer Editor,! Commentator L: r , ■"ditor, Southwestern (Veterinarian . ocial Secretary ^..4.7. Advertlising Manager, Battalion Advertising Manager, Longlipm L Managing Editor, Battalion 4r-f- •f jr j-r "l " i ] f j-VI j*-••••• * * f *r * *7f.* The. .©(jlojhbiaii gover’ilhent baa severed diplomatic: raafitj ns with the Soviet Union. Two Riijlslanis,; described!: as Communist agents, kero aniong pei^ons arrested on ohaf ges j Pi havipjif gtirPedjjthe riots. ; (In Jjan ‘Franciscpj, Ajitonio JI Gaitan, brother [of Jarge jKlidd'f r C^itap, Ub°r«l i^d- er, whojt ei slay in ? Friday! touched off the revolt! « dd tjhc assn^imntjion wa’* tho n'^n- Communist ireslijlution. tb embarras the wes- 1 . , r . . . ,, itelLn'Stof t inil f n ' e next Sunday ’ s 'jFo.restiT Leaders !EH^ (Eounty Club ' ■' 1 ■ :,|i r» vibieTol* sed. Thwb w raP&'s^iAisiting Ottipus smug dr “ion’top of the world.” We; : L ] . , t . should! Mt—dami bot-^heicome hysterical.. I The A&M Texas Pbrest Servibef; " ' '7. JJA' SeJIetk! Duchess |n»| Ms ijjorie Highioweri of ... But we m'ust f|cb;the fact that we are, l willj r - t: a ‘ ml ^ Bi.r 8 C j^,,. IfsiiForest^Sdr- “ti the Colton Pageant] and wall imr nto#iin h plot ujitbndbd to “reach” Sec- nilly, the leaddr of one .world faction strug-; ms^ctors Region 8 il ‘' “ 1 r “ ' r.etarv qfistite, Marshlall. I • , afliugjudth, another faction of great nower— .dffiees in Atlanta, Gvorgia. «»rMi ~ ..i ' n . i, r -T.t '.1 Ji. ii li- . f i— Thf* situation, 4 the revolt)” Marshall , not all of'who? Blatherskite, Suh!.. strength lies in armies. I i| . The visit df Conzet and Brash er is an annual occasion in con nection with: the cooperative fire protection program between the US Forest Service, and the Texas RelbHdmj bbtweenjthd North ancj South He replied taijtly, “No blurring remarks by they S wiU*htiSct fire^fScJ are definitely back pp-jan even keel. They’re a two-by-four (Blatherskite can remove the Action activities bqth at the C6I- 1I.4.—; South’s attract!yen^ss. The south is foy (logo Station headquarters andiat steady growth!—that’s fwhat's killing ’em.” the^protection headquarters HI But Edss'Ed Was hot alone in his defense Lufkl "* _ 4 ! J t i j . of the South's rf name, T. M. Forbes an ^r'zXtbXZ&ISk l. Atlanta .textile iindustry snoV^«nrm. took 0. Burnside, protection chief, are offense at the aspersions jon Southern labor assisting Conzet and Brasher wfth , and sniffed, “Nobsensb- Southern labor is -their inspection. 1 ij j ' i j not excelled a? ywhere in the Unitod States.” To illi!ipt’ , afe fiis point he hinted that per haps Coolidge) thought his own section was stagnating industrially, (and added that.;; t . ... . ...... _ Northern ind|istiry doesn’t have to be kid-/P Ijindic origin m< animt a Nonsensical person, napped by thb South, “It’s coming here on and which is designed tb pdf the Icelandic its own acconjl.” : . 1: fleep freeze on iiveii ia siiow-surrounded Lt. Arkansas jGovernor Ben T. Laney took •I f i ‘ I :h a be-aloof-and statiu OrA fill V. V VJ I X ^ not on\^ ; speakiW t again hjut are bayH to the old level of catling each other nameft v , L. It began • whenhLti Governor Arthur W. Coblidgejof : MasSachmietts leveled a geri- eral bla^Oi^thward rtefeijring to his po litical brethfe i’s; b^ldw: the? MajsoN Dixon line “Bilbo-belt banjo sitrummers.” Z Boss ; Ed Criump of l^Ieninhis—never a man to leave a vote juntarnedra damsel in aistreSsjj; or a Plur! diuafswbred—promptly called the Jfassajphusejt a “Blatherskite al., week- i|ul. Miss Hightower will bo escorted by James a (junior a - ■. ** •«*» htroope of Wwxahachie, limal! husbandry major. I, For YOur Visual Problems I Consult Dr. Carlton R. Lee dPTOMETIUSdr 2(13 vS. IMain — Bryan ’ j 1H1 . 1 fl 1 shell.f’ * - Hte- ■ ''./v husbtts aecond-in-command which | is a word- of Tce- a be-aloof-and-ielnore t|ie bounder* st^nd hv ctafincr he didn’t want to indulge in any word Nettle v(rith A Yankee, but he thought ] Governor. i_ ; . j - i Z Cooladge tpuehed off'the tempest when he told the LadWi’erKjejCKamber of .rnmmerce that Southern )o|itibiank were kidnapping • people I in this country didn’t talk that way his state’s text le ijndustry. Coolidge added anymore. '|M:j I j ^ , : Siat ‘^DixierCla rhptinis” already have talked All .this_sort of thing is most encourag- Sfcveral mills into moying south, and if such ing. It indicates that the South is finally goings-hn ctoiiTt stidfyithe.lNeW England Tex- making sotne;industrial progress, since such tBe industry w 11 become a mere “hollow an angpished oytery must have been prortipt- ) ) f ' ; , ed by at least) ohe sma|l knitting mill moving so far 4s to accuse Dixie lead- South. Then! too, all , this verbal jousting ers. paRiciilarly thosjejn; Louisiana, of using makes for good; reading when the Li’l Abner federal I tkxUi£niey / tfoff set tax exemptions mats fajl to'come irj. ]] i tci. luife in Ib«ry southward. Rounding If much more abuse is heaped on South- ihings |>ff jheat yymie man from Ma^sachu- ern industry^ head) we will suspect that . getts called/ Southern! labor a “raw mass, in- friends up.North have a counterpart to * ^ ced and undisciplined”. old R,ebel slogan- “ T w4s too mujih f£>r Grump to digest, malign ’em.!’1 |M ji For MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES Jones Sporting Goods 803 S. Main Bryaj; Pb 2-2332 Also SHORT - NEWS - CARTOON • 'Tjl!! 1 IK —I'Kr— 1 HAT. ! Features,|Hegln ( iThurs. & Fri. * 1:44 - 3^48 - 5:52 - 7:56 - 10:0Q A BiUion-Dollar Mix-up. M( H MUSIC ad S0NGI ! m ThTT Huscus TODAY AND TflURS. MBLVYN ROSA “GUILTOF* JANET AMES” Features—7:15 - 9:00 DOUGLAS ALIND RUSSELL J In ' i V EDDIE CANTOR I ’ JOAN DAVIS I 1 • In' itf You Knew SUSfite m SPORT—N EWS—CARTOON \ m Tf you caiyt whip ’em, 'V*' \ye|tryito be fair,. e(ven to Republicans, aiid w« admit that; all the GOP hopefuls Jjave two !of 1 he-qualifications for being pjresidait: j(a) they are old enough and (b) they Wire Lord in this couritry. Hi" ./ The BaQtalu of College Sltati fished •i iiMRCjs should nomi • Ju. r^-1 | n who is “a HCAITHWAYSI tH* WORUTt NNEST A . r . ABIE. REVOLVING BARBELLS AND DUMBEOSI j dOfc -A. Um.AI Start ? . •. Malm Building Eaiyi BmiI Bur.,- . lLY.4H>OO0 n C HIGH WALL < 0 I REMEMBER MAMA O M THE MIRACLE M i 1 OF THE BELLS I N TO THE ENDS N ME EARTH G j ' ' ! - / “ r j ■ | . 1.\ H > THEATRE N O W B R Y A N • THRU SAT. i: !. ■ /] nr, mh HI WAS CONSIDMAN.Y OLO»... SHI WAS ROMANTICALLY WISER! says the Democrats ial candidate But as IT ! l r inate aivicd presidential < thoroughgoing liberal.” vice-president how far could be thoroughgo? w g rkcBp' |; durlHg : liolida|y« and examination, periodp Durl mi-Wc'okl v, Subscription rate $4.80 per school year. Advr ,4ph—JU-i—id. a dintriljUtltmi 0« odwth Hf Clas: Asaocmted Pri Gd to ij j or not other Big(ht«i W rfpubl ii^ati| Office til* Act i- ' 'jf. isifi If I I Sec Our Hcaitkwtgi Oifflny Howl The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” u recqndl-class fatter at Post CoUjcfc t latlcn.! Text*, under >f UaRch 3; U70 - i|p made by telephone (4-6444) or at placed by telephone (4-5324) or aj entitled excluelvely to the uae for repi ited in the paper and local news of other matter herein are alpo reserved — ■' " 11 ; College of Texan and the Cltj ery Monday through Frida.' Ijhjp stimmer The Battalion is oub jg rates burnished on request. 1 Member of II m E NELSON C. Y.. t njKu ?z , H, F (LtYry 0o)xlwy^ -..-Wire Editor Morgan Managing Editors .Feature Editor The Associated Press -T- editorial off te Student Ai ice. Room CtlvitiM )1. Good ice. Boon an of' ail news' dispatches credit- ieous origin published herein — — M r w».|,r: I ... , vcruslnK Service Inc., at New York Cltj Chicago l.oa Angclca and San ~ ‘ ' I' tl 1 ML' - -jj ''"•ft Repre.ienicd nationally 0y Nntlonal Ad- ..........Feature W’ritera F * ,,<j ^.^&HWra Sr Adv#rfUivt9 j ;. i . — Ha|dy E. Ho;.. 1MU. —1 •— ■hI . Writer® ..Photographer “ Cartnnnfet. ,! ?'J i / i * 4 Dances ir ,,, t-k .|i.i Phone 2-6725 A 1 TOUGHEST Klghty iigi of “Bar Mastorson, II.S.Marshal ... whose six-tuns helped build astata! fh : i 111 i rryj- . 1 '•w ; " ^ HlfMKnER UKSAS! .Ij 1 ■*> 1 MZ % m • Lc, m 4 nr 1 -i Ijp l, Oufccted by RAY ENRKj fl Rf vwrwBB BBVWVia ▼ K-EeorgeW® MW MEREDITH . §TEVE BRQDIE OUSE • Produced by N*T HOLT P|*y hr Nbirain HoustoaBnd G«m Uwt« 1 1 1 i*T M- *■ 1 #' .1 ! ■ IA»< 1IIG TECNNICOIM MISICAL! ^ Thrllli by d«yt lamatu by nil!.II Spectacular danca Mvalil Ra«l« Sb»1" B*» avoylWa*l • 1 ESTHER , I WILL AMS AKIM TAMIR0FF CYD CHARISSE JOHN CARROLL ■MARY ASTOR TUN|0 BONANOVA •-'“SIS, M0NTI1LBI1H >. "r tii ri- >. Km li - m. Hi -V: . M THE AWE £ M .OMBMa^rMTo. r w&m mw-wm COMEDY HEADLINURdT AGE OF VAUDEVILLRl /! ! !i ll ■■M ii!. I j ij| . . i,, . ■ [ r ■K ua CARSON SOTHERN ’ MW ■•li ! ' L; 1 ■! • i l-’ : 4 : -L m ■ t h * ; r - -l : ; : li ll ii I; i • . * f IT