Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1948)
* '' Baylor: >oint ISout h md iii' APRIL 12* ^ *! ■‘second witiT59,;fc >th!22. l\l BaylorV^John *for “'ond in inei ijigi jg^i (H ifl is i ibi'^kc i«il Wit; 4 i 4 ’ ♦ * F FJ m ;i.' 1 '-t’ 1 ■ Jfel, ’ ■ ■! r ;1 ■ ‘ . . i : ! ' .■•••'■; i t- - f-" r X ' rf r fS|r li i, («r- ii lit, ABNEA ■ 11 /' fF ished lurdles. De’Ambr isio, iBay4«r, fm- Vallsi took 1 for the J?ai points, ijiclut #a,i i.... . ThK U.S.COflSTGU^^DRECEIVES ■f. strange: naws- dCRAL SHIPS IPORTED SEEIN&, ^!Na SAOSABES’ .nl/OED COAST, S 'MOW) HAVE siuy „. WE'LL SENDA^ PLANE.':' V' T[p GOSH. AIR FLEET iri THE ^ WORLD MLLIOHS OF 'EM/T WERE ARE fWi I .! THEREl ARE COMING THAN7«: PEOPLE IN THE STATES . r . r !ig 11% Rice poiirtta, and wa4 third ,/ a J ] > i,*-' F ^ v-i:.;. . .: I 1U . h'<, ; •fi ' H r ■ LiJUtgljfci' t; .d'l.-- * ARMY DAY—Motorized troops pass in review at the Army Day parade held Thursday afternoon the main drill field. : Tl] College Employees To Meet TJuirsd^i The next meeting of the A&M meeting of the A& Employees Dinner Club will be in Sbisa Hall on Thursday at 6:45 p. m. Dinner will be served at 7. Music for this meeting will be furnished by Bill Turner and his Aggieland Orchestra. Tickets at $1.25 each are avail able at the Aggieland Inn until noon Wednesday. Dr John S. Caldwell Optometrist Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas hats with plenty veahh of Dobbs iyoikke Narrower Brim, uck-up in back, contrast* i For MODEL .AIRPLANE SUPPLIES Jon os Sporting Gtxds 803 S. Main Bryan Ph. 2-2832 B & A Societies To Hear FBI Agent ; Carl. Sherman, assistant FBI agent fe^ the Houston District, will speak at a joint meeting of the Business arjd Accounting So cieties at 4 p. m. Tuesday. The meeting will be held in the Agricultural Engineering Lecture Room. W; D. Hardesty, B&A Society reporter, said all club member-; and the general public are invited to hear the speaker. R - TENNIS - (Continued from Page 3) V ■i ing Binding And |lic topgher better a looks! ' 4 : r t cat H ^ le Dobbs. Iff A^I THIS (bnw ..; -f - 41 ay & Co. * 1 ^ Jr/an i Youngbloods NOUNCES SENSATION! Social Aggie Dinner .50 Soup Meat • 3 Vegetables Menu changed daily: This dinner served 11:30 - .1:30 extra that pulled them through 1 on top. The singles matches were es pecially close, as can be seen by |; the following scbi’es. Hap Manning beat Bennett, 7-5, 2-6, 8-6: Jack Levinson won over Stanford, 6-1, 3-6, 6-4: John Baker defeated Sel lars, 6-4, 2-6, 6-2, and Carl Knox lost to Stanley 7-5, 6-3. In: the all important No. 1 doub les the Aggies i twosofne ©f Ben nett and Stanford toppled the S.MU pair of Baker and Levinson in an other close one by a score of. 6-2, 3-0, 6-4. j | if -TRACK-j (Continued from Page 3) HANDICRAFT GROUP TO MEET i • • f r - -I - The Handicraft Group of the College Social Club will meet at the home Of Mrs. F. I. Dahlberg j in Beverley Hills Tuesday at 9. PA’S NEWST AND AND CONFECTIONER V ■r- ! - • r J: I EA M PRODUCTS ,, FjE E MASTER i-Ml f : : ■ ' OAST master I Li: 1.1 r,] •ill P: If! I \ ! i Tans tance down. Kadera also got his best shot put performance of the season with a 48’ 7” heave. Graves of LSU came I in second, followed by Franklin Young of A&M. Bob Goode came out of his slump to take the javelin and place third in the broad jump. Sprinter Bill Napier took the 220-yard dash, followed by two LSU runners. Iii; <, j TWELVE FIRSTS 10,0-Yard Dash — Jay, A&M. Time: 9.8. 220-Yard; Dash—- Napier, A&M. Time: 22.0.; 120-High Hurdles—Bill Cferden. A&M; Talller, LSU; Haws, A&M. Time: 14.8. 440 Dash — Holbrook, A&M; Hamden, A&M (Dead heat) Time:) 48.4. Half-Mile—Stone, A&M; Burns,; Burns, LSU, Atkins, A&M. Time:! 1:56.3. One-Mile — Hahn, A&M; Mc- Gothlin, A&M. Time: 4:30. Two-Milei—Hampton, A&M; Ra ven, A&M; Bonnen, A&M. 220-Low Hurdles— Hall, A&M; Bill Carden, A&M; Taller, LSU, Time: 24.5! Mile Relay—A&!M. Carden, Lud- wick, Holbrook, Harnden. j Discus—Kadera; A&M; Graves, LSU. (153’: 5”). ; Shot Pjut ■— Kadera, A&M; Graves, LSU; Young, A&M. (48’ 7’*). Javelin—Goode, A&M; Lother, LSU. (IS?” 7*4”). High Jump — Keneck, LSU; Haws, A&M tied (yith Johnson of LSU for second. 6’7 1/8’’. [(New Record), i i;! I f i Pole Vaiilt — Chapman, LSU; Lother, LSU; Ricks, A&M. (12- 6”). Broad Jump—White, LSU; Mur ray, LSU; Goode, A&M. Norton to Galveston Hotel Instead of [Coach j GALVESTON, Tex., April 12— GP'—Homer Norton, former Texas A&M football coach, said here Sat urday that he is not interested in a coaching job for 1948, and at the same time announced that he plana to erert and operate a beach front apartment hotel berg. Norton said that he has turned down several coaching offers from both college and profes sional teams. Tf I: l j j if. ; 4:| He will be with Texas A&M of ficially until Sept. 1, after which time he and Mrs. Norton plan to move here from College Station to begin formal operation of the Nor ton Hotel apartments. Nortbn said that he has been considering such ai venture for the last two years and had been touring Texas, Florida and his home state of Alabama ini search of a suitable location. 11 Ilf ? V . • Norton said that he planned to use $40,000 worth of property pur chased here as a nucleus for a modem 3-story apartmept hotel with twenty-eight rentable units, “Aftef much deliberation, I de cided to build in Galveston. I have so many friends in-Texas that I couldn’t leave,” Norton said. He said that he would be in terested in all spofts here and that he w anted to take an active PjBft in the restoration of base ball to Galveston. Norton started out as a profes sional baseball player. He was playing for Columbus of! the Amer ican Association when Centenary College of Shreveport, La., asked him to come down and hplp coach the football squad in 1920. He consented and in a short while accepted the head coaching position at Centenary. There' he built up the team and gaiped ath letic prominence for th$ school. Norton went to Texas! A&M as head mentor in 1934. Classified Ads -4,.. U.JON CLASS)- 8V a ward per SKLi. WITH A BATTA1 FTED AD. Rate* Insertion with a 250 mini rates in Classified Section . 500. pe> column inch Send all classifieds witf remittance to the Student Activities Of fice. All ads should be turned in b> 10:00 a.m. of the day before publication — i— THB SCRIBE SHOP - Typing, mimeo graphing, drawing. Phone 2-G705 lOO 1 ! East 23rd. Bryan. 1 . FOR SALE—Royal typewriters, 11, 12, and 14 inch carriages, also portables. Adding, bookkeeping, calculating, and cash reg istering machines — immediate delivery. Bryan Business Machine Co., 107 W. 22nd. Phone 2-1328. !_tL |. FOR SALE—1941 Mercury convertible, new paint, engine overhauled—31,089.00. R. M. McDowell. 305 Bizzel). FOR SALE—9 piece walnut dining room suite in good condition—$250.00. Phone 4-9469, 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily. : a | FOR SALE—50-lb. Coolerator in excel lent condition, $25.00. See Roy; Goode, A&M Press. i -o — — FOR SALfe—-1945 Scholt- trailer house. Excellent condition. Aroti 3,' Site J-2: WANTED — Neat appearing registered nurse for work in doctor’s office. Knowl edge of bookkeeping and tyring neces sary. Apply in letter in oWn handwriting to P. O. Box 2098, College Station, Tex. LOST A pair of pink-rimmed ladies glasses in a red case between the Aca demic Building and the YMCA. If found, please return to the Architecture Library or the Student' Affair^ -Office. FOR SALE-Accordian: 120 bass "Sapra- ni.” J. H. Kemp. Trailer L-3, Area 3, or Box 5233, College Station. [ Table MSodles:— Floor Modles ( Attic Fans . JG LI,. . I ... able [Washing Machines T* AGGIE RADIO & APPLIANCE • k A i ■ . -i' Etst Gate MPA N Y College Station j We^Row we’ll like yov and we hope you’ll like us’ K DELICIOUS HAMBURGERS K ALL POPULAR MAGAZINES OFFEE & ICE CREAM TO GO Owned & Operated by a Student , J. C. KEARBY F -r - FRIENDS Don’! P as 4 PJ • h'I Stop and Buy -Haf-b- JOHNNY’S CIGAR STAND Main Post Office r i FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST j. ■ ■ ! : . j ' College Shoe Repair ' i North! Gate — T — FRED C. SEALE ELECTRIC CO. Contracting - Appliances Fixtures P.O. Box 292 Dial 2-6424 Bryan, Texas L What’s Cooking? AGGIE WIVES CIRCLE of A &M Methodist Church, 7:30 p. m., Monday. At home of Mrs. Carlos W. Davis, 230 Milner Street. ACCOUNTING SOCIETY, 7 p. m., Tuesday, Ag Engineering Lec ture Room. i I j; B&A SOCIETIES, joint meeting, 4 jp.m. Tuesday, Ag Engineer ing Lecture Room. | ; HEART OF TEXAS CLUB, 7:30 p f m., Thursday, ME Shops Lecture Room. HANDICRAFT GROUP of Col^ lege Social Club, 9 ai. m., Tuesday, at home of Mrs. F. I. Dablberg. INDUSTRIAL E D U C A T I ON CLUB, 7 p. ra., Wednesday, Room 107> ME Shop. NEWMAN CLUB (Executive Council), 7:15 p. m., Monday, YM- CA. PHYSICS MAJORS, 7 p. m.', Tuesday, Room 39, Physics Build- in *- It ■ J -H . PRE-MED SOCIETY, 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Assembly Hall. SADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB (Committee meeting), 7?30 p.m. Tuesdaiy, AI Library. VOLLEYBALL CLUB, 7 Monday, gymnasium. — FOR SALE—‘‘Blue gabardine single breast- ••<1 coat, Sise 38, and hiTge blouse. Site 40. Too small for me m* I’ll sell cheap. Syfan, B-9, Hart FOR SALK—Three new butane or nat ural gas ranges far below retail price, .lam in Dawson. Room 422, Dorm 15. Rhone 4-8494. i jj —— FOR SALK— At once. Golf clubs, com plete set. three woods, nine irona, bag. Economical. Chance for beginner to get into the: game. J. P. Jones, No. 7. 218. WANTED 1 — Part time outside salesman with presious sales experience. See Mr. Thomas at Better Homes' Appliance Center, Bryan. BETTER SERVICE on all makes of ra- dies at BETTER HOMES APPLIANCE CENTER. 314 N. Main, Bryan. Phono 2-1642. LOST—Hornrimmed bifocal spectacles. Re ward. Call 2-5115. FOtl SALE—Used' hotel room furniture. Scaled bids will he received until 10 aim..! Thursday. April I5, 1 1948. For further information address Supervisor of Subsistence. A&M College of Texas, College Station. Texas. The College res scrvcli the right to reject any. or all bids, j i jj ' ■ BOOKKEEPER Mali or woman with ’ bookkeeping experience for permanent position with well established business in Bhyan. Apply by letter giving age. expeijienco and references. Applications kept confidential. RoX 294 F.E., RatUjlion. it, t WANTED—Pianist erable veteran's Bring music. Apply lege View. Subject: Dance AeCenv Ladies t. In compliance wi the Committee in cha: approval of the Office! Men, Rumps I, J, and and the Post Graduate to provide accommoda girls attending the. Cdfti College Dance Friday ai April ICth and mh. 2. Students having Walton will be assessedl per night per guest matrons, am) other and those haying’gu< Graduate Hal) will bei of $1.00 per bight. (8 blankets, pillows and provided.) Refund* eai 3. Guests will bo room* at 4:00 p.m. Fi rooms must be vacated day. Luggage will! be t and the dormitories i th*t time. The College siMo for the pinion a guest or any student. 4. Room assign men(Ud Room 100 GoodwBn Haljli a. By the Cscoitw Duchesses wiho a ffli mitorir; batti Fi|ipji| nighU beginning! day, April 12. b. By the esco] Duchesses who vi jmitories Friday ; c. By students than Duchesses, dormitories iboth day nighta begi Wednesday, Apri d. By students than Luchesses, the dormitories ginning at 8: 1 April 15. In compliance lions, guests staying mast be in not later day night and 1:00 Guests must | check i upon their return to the dance. When rest made for the guests,! t! mftted to check out their homes. This wil matron. Escorts will countable for comp|ia| st ructions. BEN Assisi itions 4 Or 'ituin a rrw hours- HEADUNES TERRiry TH£ MVOH. r I OF v IAMI UNWrui airouft mariiw IN ON OOW PACimC COAST!! IOHDON, PARIS, ROME, MOSCOW, I BAriskOK—AU. DENY THAT | they S^rrm. VE'RE JUST AS.SCARED AS ji you are: they REPORT#. aturdetj n ghb I'. ■ I- Ball )S dor- ftil »rday i^jaion- lie J Bail ; tjb ; i dor- T *>gin- |P jl 13. i, ttthejr il 8 the hb ether (ecupy if he- OLLEGK HILLS ESTATES two bedroom home It tbi F.H.A. specifications i m(any built-in features, home offers easy home ©wjnership under F.H.A. title 6 with 20 years to pay at 4' <? intjerest. Ml' | j ' I I V" 1 ' ★ ★★★★★ PL4NMNG TO BUILD? 14 ,| ! ■ . ; | ( !: ! l j y m We have lots of lots in a highly’ restricted addition at the East gate. We feature lotis with and without trees— cad us today so that We may shiow you what we have to fer. p.m., ARTIST or not IA 44* A Otto* .a*. You can add a touch of beauty in Quonset or Prefab. . . Prints 50c and up. . . i ' j j •! ji 'fjlj!: 1 j COPPERWARE at decent prices j ' (purty, too!) Coulter’s Gifts YOU SAVE ON AUTO, FIRE, & LIFE INSURANCE When You Call— KRAFT INSURANCE AGENCY iiipiijt faLj Phone 2-2629 — State Farm Ins. Com; 215 Si Main St. I i • t * miRD A Iff IMS 1 ' i 44 v : : ’4 • r‘ Vi 4 f ,diy-Madfe or Tailor Awaits You At ' i -I! ITS! RE SUITS! Made ti [ufd Clothes MOTHER’S DAY — SPECIAL OFFER L r. ii • $5.00 for $2.45 $5.00 for $2.45 AGGIELAND SltoDlp , College Station, Texas ONE 8x10 BEAUrSm^IL^RTONE PORTRAiT :• m. A I • •'ALL PORTRAITS COME MO Proofs to Select From for only $2.45 UNTEb I 4. • — Sat u ili Not good for copywdrk. “Serving Aggies for 28 Years” V 4ih4 WE HAVE WHAT YOU NEED UN f " ' SCHOOL SUPPLIES - BOO! JUIPMENT r?i 4' i : r i ,| If 4 COLLEGE BOOK If 1 ! STORE r; . .A - I, 4 V 'I I , H H* - - -^1 •fet*: . copyricht 1M7 hr Local AdvaitUH ok j “. . I hope I’m , about the advajitages I LA I Sou not boring you but I can rave for hours of THE LAUNDERETTE.” | UNDERETTE th Side—College Station , i t: dlilllil:: Mam<*■ HBisswaMaMUMai^l' WSWta? , W: MlMnNi