Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1948)
ArrJL JT if it) -i ■ i ! ii T, aJ 3 m Track Drivef My Nickel-Taking By A. S. QWEBTt i Students and College employees sen f\ rattling down into campus coke^Uac 11. 'f i ; mwt teljy eiiy f the week, according to Luke Patranella, the coke truck Whether or not 5000 cokes are delivered depends to extent upon the mood of the4^- iir —p iven it upon the mood of tW+ and condition of the coin' Cases have been-reported of hines, more cautious than hich reject a nickel two three times, only to coyly pt the same coin on the next K repairman keeps close check on chines suffering breakdowns, atranella siays. Most breakdowns } blames oa nickels hanging in the n chute. Pennies dropped into — slot cause some trouble too, ^ic added. Two truck drivers are kept busy delivering; cokes twice a day to the machines on the campus. Pat* ranella says there are about 80 machines on the campus, most of Exams to Be C Seniors i Who Plan Post-Grad fork Graduating senior dh work toward advanced degr have until April 15 to regis" Who ■ plan ( to ■ the graduate examination given May 3 and 4, Dr; W. A. Var vel of the department of education id psychology announced today The examination, which consis them dispensing an average of 6 to 8 cases of coke each day. Patmnella’s truck attracted wide tention last semester when a mis print was discovered in the adver tising on one side. Instead of “Take Some Home," the sign read, “Take attention last semester when a mis S Sora isi£d. _ ■ . was not acquainted with Smoe, that of two four-hour periods, is a ries of objective tests in eight basic fields of the undergraduate curricula plus an advanced test in the student’s major. The examinations are prepaf and scored by the graduate recc THEY ^ MD? iprr i : ■ '■') • -j OF ALL. ATOM BOMBS-THE EVER WITH INS IN IT- RAWO- ACDVCVIIMWS! —1 i ! I Smoe Home." Patranella said he office in Nejw York; and are given four times yearly. Reports of test results are furnished the student and the school he intends to enter. A fee of $5 ip charged the' stu dent. Although A&M’s graduate school does not require entrants to take the examination, Dr. Varvel point ed out that a number of the larg er graduate schools require that the results of the examination be submitted with the student’s en trance application, j I MJNIATU am D< LIN SA' repeat perfqi WEDDING—Being seated for the Tom Thumb hat’s C AGGIE; WIVES CIATION, .7:30 p. m., Wednesday, i. ‘'Present CUtdLEfof A rch. 7!:30 'p. ra., of H^s. Carlos &M Methodist Chu Monday. At homie . , T W. Davis, 230 Milner Stjree HANDICRAFT CROUlP bit Col lege Social Club, 9 - “ nv.L.j... at home of Mrs. F INDUSTRIAL E a. m. Tuesday, Iv D ihlberg. DUG ATI ON YMCA Assembly xtoom. Day Concepts of Evolution" will be discussed j by Professor A. L. Sehipper.; - , , NEWMAN CLUB DANCE, 7:30 jp. m., Saturday, Basement of St. Mary’s Chapel. NEWMAN CLUB (Executive Council), 7:15 p. m., Monday* YMk CLUB, 7 ]p. m., W< dnesqay,! Room 107, ME Shop. LUTHERAN ST T UDENT ASSO- CA PHYSICS MAJ Tuesday, Room 39 ing. I j bewildered little man constructed of radio schematics who runs Kil- roy a close second in the decora tion of otherwise drab washroom walls. Patranella bays 300 cases of coke lea were lost last month. Ho ests that students leave empty les in the halls rather than in ‘if rooms. j- Not infrequently, Patranella finds botes from, irate students attached to the coke boxes while making de liveries. He refused to divulge ex-: act contents of the notes, bnt he did admit that when nickels hang in the slot, a machine might pos sibly take a coin without delivering a coke, and frayed tempers some time result FIRST ’TURNIP :ity Oj <-VHILE billions of other li'l Architects Show Past; Year’s Work Penalty Set For Returned Checks ORS, 7 p. im, Physics Build,- -f- 'n f * I ; TAYLOR TOT Babystr oiler Rubber j res: etal j • (jlroeery: Rack on Rack • Rubber Rumors • Toy Tray SfECIAt PRICE. $8.95 KRAFT FURNITURE CO. Rryan-, Texas !. I Hillels Have Ball, Picnic April 17 Saturday, April 17, will be a big day for members of the Hillel ! Saturday afternoon there will be a picnic at Hensel Park. This pic nic is designed to give the former students who were members of the Hillel Club a chance to hold a re union and reminisce. , Following the picnic the Club Any pension cashing a check at the college confectioneries which is returned because of insufficient funds, account closed, no account, or any other reason in the control of the person cashing the check will pay a penalty of 25 cents. The second returned check brings another 25 cent fide, and no more checks will be cashed for that per son. 'J. Wayne Stark, director of the Student Memorial Center and man ager of the confectioneries, may waive this rule if convinced that the person cashing the check is not responsible for its non-pay ment. 1 : Til I 1 ' | ! n ■: r " l i A collection of Student work done over the past year is on ex hibition in the architecture depart ment on the fourth floor of the Academic Building. Included in this exhibit are de signs of hospitals* community buildings, art museums, residences churches a#d industrial and com mercial buildings, i Also on exhibit are examples of structural analysis and design, working drawings, specifications, ami space relations in three dimen- lioni j v { Of special interest is a collection of photographs taken recently by the fifth year design students on their two weeks inspection trip tio UMjJpWjeit Coast. - ‘' ? _; 11 The display will remain oh ex hibit! ftp* the next few weeks and is open to the general public, j: j i m$\ ' f •?! i •; OOO SAVAGE. BAD tuJ TURNIP TERMlfES ' ai’Ov*, , VllAMINS/f FACES ITS DARKEST i W *-— - ■ \ ' r great scon/ first; it was, FLYING ^ SAUCERS." A ROW-IT'S //> FLYING SAUSAGES.? fron. sAle-•jit T •uiMjln; MtMl 'C SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASS1- FIED AD. Rates . . 3f • word pe) insertion with a 25< minimum. Spact rates in Classified Section . .j , 601 pel column inch. Send all classifieds with remittance to the Student Activities Of fice. AD ads should be turned Tn b> 10:00 a.m. of the day before publication at 21-H Vo COMPLETE PHOTOGH/ individuals, taken at THE SCRIBE 8H,OP — Typing, mimeo graphing, drawing. Phone 2-6706: 1007 East 23rd. Bryan. Wedding may be seen Shop. Prints 76C and " FOR SALE -1045 Schult Excellent condition. i* FOR SALE—Royal typewriters, 11, 12. and 14 inch carriages, also portables. Adding, bookkeeping, calculating, and cash reg istering. machines — immediate delivery. Bryan Business Machine- Co., 107 W. 22nd. Phone 2-1328. - !- > WANTED — Neat npi nurse for work in doctor' edge of bookkeeping h Kaj-y. Apply in letter in to P. O. Box 2m, Coll- K reft ffko. VPing ham StatiM, NOTICE—Aggie Auto-Tel Courts reopened for business. Hwy. 6. Phone 2-1320. I LOST—Ronson "Whirlwind” lighter near north entrance Dorm 16 about one o’clock Saturday n|ght. Reward. R. B. Guiorth, Dorm 17, 108. FOR SALE—1841 Mercury convertible, new paint, engine overhauled-—$1,039.00. R. M. McDowell. 305 liizzell. HEADQUA 12:00 SOnday Showcase 12:16 Old Fashioned Revival Hour wjll hold its annual ball at the Bryan Country Club with the Little Aggielanq Orchestra furnishing the music, f " i. WT AW 1:30 Mr. President 1:15 AP News 2:00 Silver Jackets }: 2:30: Sunday Serenade 3:0f Tpinkmg Aloud : 3:16 Calling All Girls Stajl, Met. AUd. of The Air 4:00 Treasury Agent 4:30 CounM-rspy Drew Pearson z V A Complete -L Supply Of CANDIES ji .r i I \ I Jones Pharmacy 101 N. Main Rryan ■i SATURDAY 6:45 Sign On 5:45 Recorded Musin ji 1 ! 6:00 Texas Kara and Home Program 6:15 Good Morning i Music 6:30 Texas A&M Kdrin Review 7:00 Martin Agroneky 1|:I6 Cowboy Mr!.-,dies 7:30 News of Aggifland 7|:45 Hebrew Christian Hour H;:0O Shoppers Sixscial a:CKi Vour Home Beautiful 9:15 This is For You 9:30 AT’ Ndws 1(1:00 Abbott! & Costello Kid Show l(j:30 Land of The Lost 11:00 Record Rack:; 5:00 ^ 5:30 Greatest S'ory Ever Told 6.•OO Skipper Club 0:30 Kvenint: Melckliea «G|fign Off MONDAY 13:00 Bryan News , j i :l0 Joimnv 's Juk« : Box t 5:45 Sign On 5;45 Musicpl Program 6:00 Texas Farm and Home Program CU6 Razmeicr Poultry Program G^2p Ckiffee Club 7:00 Martin Agronsky 7 life Veterinary. Program 7:3Q News of Aggielftnd 7146 Hebrew Christian Hour 8:0V Breakfast Club 9 (Oil My True Story 9;26 Jjewis Summary-, 9:3p Womans World t :(k) Fascinating Rhythms lj:30 Hitehirig Post: 2:00 PI->)io PI . ! Playhouse : ^:30 A Hi' Sraohdov j|:30 Spotlight on j Sports 9:45 10:00 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:36 Listening Post !t reakfast in Hollywood alen Drake | ed j Malone i ~ 1 elcome Travelers :ecqrd Rack | :00 News Summary 4:05 Treasury Show 1 r ”efw' 11:50 Bryan News 12:01) Baukhage Talking -- !H- JJl ! ii 11 j|:45 Pearls on Velvet ii :00 Ernie Felice i Quartet 5:15 David [Rose , 5:30 Htiw Wismer 6:00 Melodifs Inedrpornted, 6 :30 Evening • Melodies 6:45 Sign Off | f " 12!:16 Between The Lines ). Clark Munroe Show \ I mm 7 est quality Sanforized fabrics tfiat will not nk . . , that are handsome and long- - ' J ■ 1 % i I h ^CHANGE STORE L. SUNDAY 7:30 Sign On 7:30 Coffee; Concert • 8:00 Aggie Gospel Time 8:15 Shiloh! Gospel; Singers 8:30 Hcbrint Christian Hour 8:45 AP News 9:00 Lutheran Hour |9:30 SouthernairoB l!b:00 Music by Master Composers 11:00 Church Music 11:30 College Ave. Baptist Church -r i i mm When YoM Wear the New Improved 12:30; ^ 1 ;00 $onds by Johnny Hill 1:15 Fthdl & Albert, 1:30 Bride and , Grodm 2:00 ladies Be Seated 2:30 Paul Whiteman Club 3:30 Tresisury Show 4:00 Afternoon Band Stand 4:80 Eyes On The Ball 5:00 Sportsman !, 5;:15 College Speaks; 5:30 Supper Club 6:00 Headline Editiot) 6:15 Elmer Davis 6:30 Evening Melodies 6:45 Sign Off - FRED C. SEALE ELECTRIC CO. Contracting - Appliances *1 Fixtures P.O. Box 292 Dial 2-0424 Bryan, Texas i FOR SALE—Automatic record player with 3 tube amplifier in leather covered por table ca,-ie~-$40.O0. M. G. Rice, 41 Leg gett ( ■ a - HOLBROOK (Continued from Page 3) ’46—Ford Tudor j ’42—Plymouth t||i ’41—Mercury S ’41—Chev. Tud r. tag r : ! jj’ old mark of 3:17^. “Flash” is majoring in Chemical Engineering nnd has one more ^ear of eligibility after which he hopes to work for The Humble Oil Com pany. Ray says he attributes his suc cess to the training he received in high school and to Putnam’s diligent guidence here on Kyle Field. Some Of Holbrook’s speed may have been inherited through his uncle, E. C. Eagleston, who held the conference record, which he set in 1913, in the HM) and 220 yard flashes, for eight years. Eagle- ston was an Aggie when he set that record. « Inherited or not though, Ray bears watching, for art? second quarter might not be beyond his reach. So the next time you see the Aggie thinlys performing, look for Ray Holbrook; he is a fast man. k 1 ’41—Foril Tudorif IS icc<» walnut dining r mm jScondition—$360.00. Plonn 4-9469, 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.nt. dlii] WANTED- Pianid, 2 daya a week, f ref erable votfrnn'a wife dr whbul tlrl. ■■ IB muMe. lApply Apt C.15-C, nfw.) j . -- T-tV- FOR RALE—Electric refrigerator in i rood T J 'Uion. Cag 4-7069. Mr*. Mrdwr|l. 4AI41- 50.11), Cqolerator In e:c>-l- AifcM Pre**. ondition, $25.00. Sex* Roy • G< ode, 1’nl- k m : v SE HILLS ESTATES W© offer a tile and frajma two-bedroom home with • t good! built-in features. Tjhia r to catcl ’41—Ford Tudot) . ’40—Plymouth '40—Mercury Si ’39—Fold Tudo ’38—Chev. Sedag .’37—Chcjv. Tudo|| *42—Ford Picku hom© is twp stoi summer breeze, rooms and good closet space. :h Large bed- JE HASWELL PARK In Rryan we offer a pre-war )om Col j home -A at j iazirigly low price^-call| us laiy to see this gc ifuy* Bryan Mo||r JkitaAcSlA CAFETERIA ‘ »i' Each customer has a choice of six of more MEATS. , . fifteen or mbre SALADS . . . and ten or more PASTRIES. Your Frie I*ORD DEAjj Bryan, Te| -.i -j M( $5.00 for I A< fs ri 1 ONE 8x10 R1 pULPEPP Rlealty Comp 3t Gate w Phoj 4-1101 \^LL “ALL PORT Proofs to Selei tm -f I 11- ■ ■y >)- •j,/,'. * ■ jr •••'• <*■ • I- FECIAL OFFER • $5.00 for $2.43 STUDIO Texas RTONE PORTRAIT .45 ? _ IN A NICE FOLDER' Satisfaction Guaranteed i|)ywork. r 28 Years” ! ■ LL kl'i If -'••i,