Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1948)
CftEMICALENGlHWs,‘f:3^. n., Thursday, in the Chemistry -tare Room. A. J. Srynes, speak. .Is-i :if' I 7 ' DENTON IBODNTy CLUB, 5:30 iy, in front of Agri for Longhorn pic-j p. m., Wednesday, in front of Ag 'i.iXjalu increjascs ranging from 0: 12.5 bushels per acre were re- . oiled; decreased yields occurred whjen the 2,j 4-D was applied at improper stages of rice grbwth. Successful Results depend bn hay. dates to be pjut on, and care in ap plication to a,void getting it on oth or crops liable to be damaged. liquid spray is less likely to drift th the wind than is a dust fond. '' mJ ese experiments were conduc- inothe Texas rice area near iilmont by Dr. Edgar C. Tullis, ntly employed by th^ Division of Cereal Crops} and Diseases of the US Department of Agriculture and by the Agricultural Experiment Four forms of 2, 4-D were used: t^e j triethaholamine, ammonium and i sodium saite, and the butyl ester. They were applied from air planes at various rates and during various stages of growth of the rie^ The weeds commonly found in fields of that section are Mexican .Wet-ds and tall and curly indigo. | Details of the experiments are riven- in ‘a report just released by lie Agricultural Experiment Sta- . taoni at A&M. hr culture turo. EX-SE BRIDGE & fp., Thursday 1 YMCA. A\W GALVESTON COUNTY A & : M CtUB, 5:30 p; m. ThUmlay in frbnt Longhoi-n pictures EN’S , WIV1 ;ALCLUB,T:3 . Cabinet Room of LAMAR COUNTY CLUB, 7 p. m. Thursday in Room 126^ Aca- LUTHERAN STUDENT ASS, CIATION, 7:30 p. m., Wednesday YMCA Assembly Room. “Present Day Concepts of Evolution” will .be discussed by Professor A. L. S< 1N P DUSTRIAL EDUCATION CLUB, 7 p. m., Wednesday, Rooi 107, ME Shopl. 1 I ] [ l, SOUTHWEST TEXAS CLUB, Thursday,. 7:15 p.m., YMCA. TRANS - PECOS CLUB, 7:15,?. m., Thursday, in Room 223, Aca- Sgjm fpy |ytS »®sj 1 ' [ ^ L ‘ WITH A BATTALION AD. Rate* . 3< a word pet n with a 25# minimum. Spact f ittatvee to the Student Activltie# Of- ice. All ads should ke turned In t» 0:00 ajn of the day before publication - ; Typing, raimeo- _ Pbona 2^705; IWi 23r4 Bryan. CLA881- FOR SALE—1940 Chevrolet coupe with THE SCRIBE SHOP Typing, graphing,^ drawing. Phone 2-#7 Duchess Escorts Meet Thurs^iy " j ■« | » All men escorting duchesses to the Cotton Pageant will meet in the YMCA chapel Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Plans for the pageant will be discussed, and escorts will be acquainted with ; their duties. Galveston Club To Have Pics Made I The Galveston County A&M Club Will have its picture made for the Longhorn at 5:30 p. m., Thursday, front of the e\gricultural Build ing, Jack Moore, president, has announced. II He urges that all club members hie present. IS)jv—rpholsterwl s! Keif and II ■' r $34.95 / f FURNITURE CO. Df^an, Texas School Parents (To Meet Friday i The last meeting for 1947-48 of the Mothers and Dads Club of . A&M Consolidated School has been vailed for Friday evening at 7:30 in the high school gym. !| [ Mrs. O. K. Smith said that offi- jeers ^ill be elected for next year. She urged all interested persons to ; attend. re- A DYEBS'FUft STORAGE HATTERS ’jnerican ! . II i p: \ ! — I / - n; x / ] j • * -. ■■fi ll Jiir jj j m ti — There's an extra desirability about Bering j Ij'/.l' shirts that will win your approval „.. high- ■ i • ; I : j J ,1, l . [-1 . est quality Sanforiged fabrics that will not shrink . . that are handsome and long- ' J.' n ' - -;.i : | ■ j j ’ lasting . x . . an improved, modern styling j 1 - , (l , , |f' : M' i. to give perfect, you hful fit, a tHE EXCHANGE 1^ “Serving Texas Aggies r.;u.^ •m M ,i’ i; • • ... • f- ARMY DAY - | (Continued from Page 1) will receive the Pacific ribbon inf elude W. C. Brandstetter, D. B. Harnden, C. D. Howard, J. R. Cbitf wood, D. L. Stiles, F. W. Moon Ji'.;, H.:E. PittardjlC. B. Williams, D. R. Eberhart, A. S. Cotton, H. H. Brunkhorst, and J. V. George. Eighteen persons Will be award ed ribbons for the European-Af- ricftn-Middle Eastern Campaign. Reserve Officers who wilj receive thfe citation are E. L. Angel, Ben nie Zinn, R. L. Elkins, and William H. Dawson. Fapt. L. j Lipscomb of the National Guard will also re|- ceive this aw^frd. , : , * Cadets receiving the European theater ribbons include J, E. Sibley, J. D- F- Boggs Jr., G. N. Rice Jr.;, R. G. Meza, L. B. Cure, R. E. Boyd, G. S. Drugani, F. D. Seroyer, L. G;. Benavides, L. C. Polk, H. B. Fearn, W. G. Jenkins, and J. L. MacFar- lane. American Campaign medals are to be received by the follchving serve oficers: Sid Loveless, R. Eades, K. E. Elmquist, W. H. Bad- gett, and Sam Hill. Lt Faulkenbery and Sgt. Allen are National Guard men who will be presented with the American ribbon. Presentation of the ^American medal will be ' made to the follow ing. Cadets: H. I. Johnson, Jr., M. E. Vouroos, I. B. Loe, I. M. Burtis, J. :W* Donaldson, G. B. Garner, B. L. Powell, E, N. Copeland, W. A. Turner, J. W. Burks, T. J. Mul- downey, and H. A. Taylor. Other members of the Cadet [Corps who will receive this ribbon arc Manuel Civile,! J. A. Olson, J. J. 'DfeShazo, IE. M. Smith, G. M. Darby, J. P. Classen #Ir„ U. M. Tadlock Jr., K. M. Erarelle, W. H. Price Jr., and B. M. Mayfield. f 94 MS, Students Honored Ninety-four distinguished mili tary students! Will also be presented awards during the ceremonies. These students have a 1.25 over-all grade point ratio and “B” average in their military science. All aire taking advanced military work. Those to be presented' with this award are J., W. Alexander; W. S. Bouldin, R. M. Golden, W. N. Hig gins, A. B. Kennedy Jr., C. L. /t’enweib°r, N. E. Luker, J. P. Mc Connell. W. D. Omar, J. D. Russell, R.' W. Spoede, B. M. Vaughn. S. B. White, G. A. Baber, Jr., W. L. Brown, H. A. Carter Jr., W, P. Dickson, R. F. Fly, W. A. Gilbert, i Jr., Louie Hardy; F. L. Hughes, I arjd G. A. Humble, j' .Others who will rec/Mve this I award are Marvin Jones. J. A. Kru- | ej^er, N. R. Leatherwood, D. L. Mitcham, R. L. Powell, Jr., C. D. j Pj-ichard, A. M. Sorensen Jr.. J. S. | Stiles, J. E. Taylor; J. W. Thomp son. T. A. Thornhill, J. D. Tittle, Jf C! Winkler, O. M. Garcia,'Gene L^wis, E. Lilyihgston, R. Neely, H. N;. Oliver, R. L. Shannon, C. H. Patterson, O. W. Tate Jr., W. T. Pjavne, J. N. Patterson Jr. Others who will also receive the distinguished military student award are D. J. Nelson Jr., Don Hedges, J. IF. Andrews, A. W. Rlackstnne. R. Blumberg./C. J. Bol- Olark, W. I. Compton, C. S. Harris Jr., R. L. Moore, R. A. Munford, G. R. Norfleet Jr.. J. H. Allen, T. F. Rlackstone, R. Blumberc, C. Ji.'Bol der, Pat Buitnett. H. G. Butler, L. T. Gave, H. J. iChelf, J. W. Roach, F. B. English Jr., D. L. Fort, and W. R. Freeman. j Cdncludin}? the list are J. I. Hammonds ’ji*.. E. A. Hinkle. L. D. Hobbs, H. W. Home, D. R. How ell, V. R. Huddleson, J. E. Jackson, C- 0. Jones, M. H- Keathly. G. W. Koopman, (J. fV. Lowes. J. F. Min- ier, J. T. Miller, ;C. E- Olsen. H. L. Peace, J. K. Presnal, B. A. Rogers, D. T. Simnson, R. G. Thornal, F. S. Thurmond Jr., B. J. Tooley, A. M. Walkow, Fl N. * McMillan, Grady Cole. John H. Cochrane, and D. A. Panzer. roUtiny, a Uterittg machines — immei Brj-an Business MachineX 22nd. Phone 2-1328, ediate delivery. Co., 107 W. FOR SALE--1941 Pontiac ‘‘S’* convertible, radio and heator- Jl.lQO.OO. Contact K. E. Wallace. Room 201, Riizell FOR SALE—A stamp collection of United State* and Europe. Coino to Apt :i0-Z for inspections. FOR SALE—1942 American trailer house in excellent condition.' Priced to sell. Area A-NfZ. \ • 1. .1 - — : » — . — iai I . II Engineer Faculty To Hear Thompson ] I fl I JJ j 1 !/ t i | J - I The structures''ahd materials sectioti of the engineering faculty will meet Thursday afternoon April 8, to hear J. G. H. Thompson, as sociate professor in mechanical en- gineering, discuss beams on elas tic foundations. The meeting, to be held at 4 p. m. ii) the Petroleum Lecture Room, will be open to the faculty and graduate students. | A FINAL LONGHORN CLUB PICTURES SCHEDULE April 12 12:30 P.M. Brazoria A&M Club 12:40 P.M. Dallas A&M Club 5:15 P.M. Polk County Club 5:30 P.M. Tri-Cities Club April 13 i I 12:30 P.M. B.A.Y. Club , 12:40 P.M. Latin American Club new motor. Call at Apt- 80-Z, Vet VU- Uste. All inspection wdcome. See Ever- Bope. ett»L. Ill FOR SALE—50-poundfiee box. Good shape, $15.00.i See Roy Goode, A&M Press. NOTICE—Ayyic Auto-Tel Courts reopened for business. Hwy. 6. Phone 2-1320. FOR RENT—Bedroom, private entrance, to gentleman or couple. Four blocks from North Gate. 4805 College Main. ,'| ; FOR SALE — Platinum engagement ring and wedding ring. Engagement ring 1% perfect blue white diamond, i% carat With two small diamonds on each side, Five diamonds in white gold wedding band.' Have letter guaranteeing original trade in value and appraisal from jew eler. Will sell at reasonable price, either separately or together. Address Box 20, Bryan Eagle. Bryan, Texas. LET us make your button-holes. Apt. C- 19-B. College View. LOST—Ronson "Whirlwirid” lighter north entrance Dorm' 18 about ctotk S ofdrth, near out one o'clock Saturday night. Reward. R. B. Goforth, Dorm 17, 108. ATTENTION—All rodeo contestants, plan 'now to attend the first show of the sea son, Saturday night, April 24, and Sun day afternoon. April 25. Moseley’s Arena, Dime Box, Texas. CARTI OUR HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS '■ TO SKYWAY I • -o Drive-In Theatre • Earl Parsons Ins. Agency ; FOR SALE—Automatic 3 tube amplifier in lea 1 table c4se—$40.00. M. gett- I | FOR SALE—19HG Im Has radio and heatei. . 8/4 ton capacity. Prie at, 21;B Vet Village. |i d playe ■ nal pujl i Vneel 1,300.00: FOR RENT-Larer bath: single mah I ■ferreil. On bus line, Phono 4-6743. :c new room, pi ig coupb dh Osjc won| e, ij SUL ROSS LODGE NO. Stated meetl 7:8fl p.m. i s MtM. degree. GIBB GU W- H. Bj) ■— afj J Thur iminat! rtHRIST.jv.M, fckrfT. S ic. j USED HEADQUAjttTl All students Interested in participating in the demonstration to be presentnd in the , Phytic* Departmfnt on A E Day «m» inviu-d to attend a mwling Thursday. April (8, *$ 5 p.m. in Room:39, Physics Building. Superiority a* a physics scholar is not et- sentlal for participation. ; I N if; : h—■ J, G. pjoTTF-R ATTENTION!!, ■i i u i t ALL R A CONTEST, ADIO . r 'ANTS Plan now to attend tht| first show j otfpthe sleasoBt- SAT. NIGHT, APRIL 24 and SUNDAY AFTERNOON APRIL 25 Moseley’s A rena ’4G—Ford Tudor ; '42—Plymouth Tii '41—Mercury Sed '41—CheV, Tudof ’41—Ford Tudor ; '41—Ford Tudor] '40—Plymouth '40—Meijcury Se|a|n Cou|)» '39—Ford Tudor" ;| i !■ '38—Chev. Sedan ’37—Chev. Tudor ’42—Ford Pickup ■ Bryan ' I Your Fried<ilfy FORD DEA Bfyan, Tejcja RAY’S SNACK BAR 4J ii 1 LJj • li t- II North Gate ■ 11 » X'W ......s-Xlf.,, $ 4r rtlil !• PHILIP MORRIS is so much better to smoke! ii;- L_ i CUT GLADIOLUS j j Variety of beautiful colors Reasonably Priced j THE ROSE STAND . : 8. Collefe Rd., Bryan • Frt. - SAt. Hourv—«-6 1 — f • -4 )RDS •RECORDS jl •RADI \ School & Office Supplies ! ' I i r ' ALL YOUR NEEDS ! >1 i: - H 1 44* ill X \ PHILIP benefit fo' Morris is nized by definitely Rome smoking < Yes! I RRIS S ii ■{ t offers the smoker an extra other cigarette. For Philip ?g ■ r * ^ ; i N . II ] Ii . U 1 i S irritation means more for you. f )ket knewj what Philip ,! they’d all change to U if]/ .)• Ui i 1 Oil I ^:4l i f. jyl - :V\ if r try a pack...rjim II ■ 1 m i : j , ■. • I ■ |;. .j .m,-