Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1948)
fcl-' ■'WT fll « 4 4 ! "T ccming soil ftoi serVa :iot iff Texas. Hei r jpi'^sffita h|! for action in conserving agricultural Now is th land^Paul H. forestry semin Walseij, v! clay as a guest jo| thje range anjl forestry department, wi| problems the U. S. ce with state consejrvationist, told a range am;! lay mornin j. • jj] siting on tl e campus through Wednei 5oil Copservhtion | ! erv headquarters i at TeimfleJ Three-fourthf of! tpe itjop soil is gone from 46 mill on! Texas, Walsei omphs sii Other 4d millio i acr^js, ;qne-fourth to three-fourtjhfj of occur- liO Ijlears of ' *old the been-losjt. All of thi red in less agricultural range and fonstry i tudfnts and faculty! meiqbtrs. Produictive jland for a nation to gn Walser ! said. ^ ’he! [acres in On an- soil has is indispensable w anid! improve, -S' iridijsness of so 1 erosion requires immediate a< ti( n. At present there is niot enou; productive land in the world support tpe population at a health; nutritional level. \4alser further emphasized that if the United States and Texas ate to dv c iu . . . .. . certcerted, and effective. The state conservationist vt$ ptofessor Of animah husbandry at AAM for eleven years prior to Wl 5 wpi'k with the Soil Conservation Service. ; ! During his stay here, he planfi to discuss the* problems of soil enfr si >n and conservation with facult;r m ;mbers Mici graduate students in the range and forestry depart ment. ' •. . • j!;' ;! • ■!' ||l !He will also interview student? majoring in range and forestif f vivo are interested in positions witi thte Soil Conservation Service. ; I SEN ■ j I I TCU Senior Named Duchess of AVMA Fun ish |nd 5Set A Dia id i - |Mary Wallace, a TCU senior, hp? Ijieien selected as duchess to repre sent the student chapter of th? A^MA in the Cotton Ball ail 1 Pageant. jMias Wallace, who is the sister of Karl Wallace, associate editb ftol’sCoo^g? 1INE IWlAAIrfssfs ASCE On Future Engim “Courtroction Offers *■ est field ’ for ieer Jok j ■li . I Jivil Erigineering giaduates, Tyree Bell, Construction Engineer and merijber of the Board of Directors of A&M said last night at the 1 meeting of the local chapter of the A$CE. Tne United Statjbs is in the midst of thp biggest construction boom ever, and the opportunities for th rineer ip this field LTURAL ENGINEER- ETY, 7 p. m., Tuesday, 1 Engineering Lecture AGRK?t ING- SOfc] Agriculti Rooin. | AIEE, 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, EE Lecture Room. A-E Day, district meeting,! spring social, presentation of student papers. AVMA, 7:30 p. m„ Tuesday, Pe troleum Engineering lecture room. ‘•Design | B’or Practice” will be di|s- tiussed by Dr. J. G. Horning. ! CORPUS CHRISTI CLUB, 7:15 p; m., Tuesday, Room 227, Aca demic Bpilding. Employment appli cations and Cotton Ball Duchess tq be discussed. DENTON COUNTY CLUB, 5:30 t>. m., Wednesday, in front of Agri- culture Building for Longhorn pic ture. GEOLOGY CLUB, 7:30 p. m Tuesday! Petroleum Lecture Room. Movie “A Story of Texas and Its Resources.” . LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSO CIATION, 7:30 p. m., Wednesday, YMCA As R embly Room. “Present Day Concepts of Evolution” will be discussed by; Professor A. L. Sehippeif v LANDSCAPE ART CLUB, 7 p. m., Tuesday, [Room 310, ^.gricul tural Eiigineejing Building. EleC tion of officers INDUSTRIAL E DU C A| CLUB, 7 p. ril, TION , Room • It will the ring of] the Southwestern Veterinarian, anil of Bruce Wallace, A&M faot r bufl squad member, is from Burie- sop, Texas. It will prot! from estces • And if jiensive T ¥ We have i L aeldeticfn of brilliant! SvOnesffdrtthis purpose' pne 'n Have You Tried TUNTLES? Wednesday 107. ME Shop! •‘Newcomers, 2 p. m., Wednes- daV, YMCA. Bjridge party. For res ervations call Mrs. Harry Stiteler, 4-4458, or M rs - Robert Wall, 4- S003, by Tuesday night. SOUTHWEST TEXAS "CLUB, Thursday, !7:15 p.m.. YMCA. SADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB, 7;30 p. mi Tuesday, AI Lecture Room. Plans for Little Southwest- etn Livestock Show to be made. I SPECIAL MEETING OF COL LEGIATE FUTURE FARMER CHAPTER, Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. on third floor of Ag. Engineering Bldg. All workers in Agricultural field invited. THE ENTOMOLOGY. CLUB will have its Longhorn Picture taken in front of the Ag Building, at 5:30 pun., Tuesday, April 6. TCU Stadium to Be Enlafged Into Bowl FORT WORTH, Tex., April 6 Up)—Texas Christian University’s football stadium will become a bowl with 33,500 permanent seats tips summer. Both fend zones will be enclosed up to the ground level, providing room foi* 8,500 additional fans, ath letic director Howard Grubbs an nounces] Work on the new sections, which will be qf concrete construction, al ready is under way. ' Lights also will be installed. will play three night games here; nejet fall. Bridge 1 ' • Party Planned At High School r! J ICw - ’ 1 . . _ iengu many, Bell! C.E.s have dominated the construct , said, t He stated that A&M gradual field more than they hav sited any other. At the presi. time there arepnore Aggie Con ors in Texas than all the grad- s of other schools put together. 11 emphasied the fact that be fore a student does anything else, he must appraise himself and choose I the careers he wants. The first thing that should be consid- eiecting a? job is the char- A “forty-two” and bridge party sponsored for the high school homemaking depart ment will be given in the A& M Consolidated gym April IS at 8 p. m. According to Mrs. E. E. Brown, chairman of the publicity commit tee for the party, proceeds from erid Jose, acter of the employer, and the lasjt thing j Considered should be the starting salarV. i Integrity, loyaRy, judgement, ingenljUy, energy^- ability to ap praise values, and technical skill.) are the things that contractors want, in their employees, Bell said. Bell is President of the Austin Road Company amt graduated from A&M in 1912. Sipcc then he has i I •i mi +•■:■!!] SSI FIED SELU WITH A BATTALION CLASSI FIED AD. Rate# . . . 3< a word »e> Insertion ^wlth a_ 25f minimum. Spae* In Classified Section . (Of pci i. inch. Send all classifieds wit! inee to the Student Aetividee Of- *“ «d» should be turned In b> , of the day before publication fi ?; j&st. bookkeeping, calculating, and cask reg- - ItttfiQg machines — immediate delivery. Bryan Business Machine Co., 107 W. 22nd. Phone 2-1228. _ KcKENZlB-BALDWW BUSINESS COL- LEGE offers refresher courses in short hand. bookkccpiiiR and associat'd .sub jects. Dial 2-6655. Bryan, Texas. MAGGIE PARKER’S TEA ROOM is avail able for private dinners, parties, and dancing. Will serve dinners before col- lego dances or anytime by arrangement Call 2-2725. \ World War I, during which time he did research work in Scotland. ; AVMA Slates Talk By Houston Doctor ! Dr. J. Gilbert Horning, special ized veterinarian practicioner of Houston, will address the student chapter of the AVMA at 7:30 p. m. ivi the Petroleum Lecture Room. Dr. Horriing, a member of the national association, Texas chap ter, and the Houston chapter of the the party will gp towards paying the expenses of nine girls to be been engaged in construction work 1 AVMA, will speak on “Design for except for a brief period following (Practice,” THE Tf SHOT drawing. I. Bryan. FOR SALE-4941 P d heater- cp. Room radio and heater E. Walla. FOR RALE-1940 <j new motor. Call a: lage. All inspectioi V ett L. Booo. - T] f ) ' ! I v ■ .’jiv T4?TCT, NO. 117 r n limits, fixing the timp: of VTION AND PUBLIC UKARINO. J ;• If-' ' itr> THE IT: OrtlVATNED by the City Cou City of College Station. Texas: Ion I.; That B lop It 4. Lot* 1. to , bLc “F'j ISffl . t | — K • , BHi . . (O 16 fn(Huflvc( Block 5, Ixit)) I to! 10 inaluslvo, ett Addition be toned from the i resent uificatlon of DIM rict No. 2. Inc House District to District Apgrtmefii House Dii That a] public hear ng bo ‘ * p,ni kjeond • So. 3, Sfpt. 2WH feloomeJ FOR SALE—A stamai soUeetioni States and Europe'] ] Cotne to ] for inspections. lf ‘rai! FOR SALE—50-poun4i iie brnc id ot the and proper notice posted In the rrrned, shall con*Utut^ due notice —sd: and approved tht» {the 17 of March, 1948. 1 Ihpphwred, _ S/ F.RNEST MNC , ., , Mayor Atflest: j I I $20.00: 8*0 Roy ?/ N. M. McGinnis FOR BALB-1942 Adyfican ttdlil' in excellent colfdi |c i. pri Area 4-Nt2. house shir Secretary 4- ,| NOTICE—Aggie Ant for business. Hwy. el Couilt l Phone FOjlD i I flilL MOTHERS and FATHERS J-OST-H. A E. Serial No. 33000 Law. Bom 1282. rule. p. m ur representative is now ers for preserving you; es for a lifetime in BRONZE. nril Wed- this BadUlion con- df tb« FOR RENT—Bedroon gentleman or coup North Gaje. 4205 C irivate togt Fodr ve Majq. ' \ A special price! of only $4,150 a Mr " ‘ ‘ ' jr is offered for] FATHER’S Day. FOR SALE 1947 Cui Model 54 ( With __ ordered roverse geai dow shield and otl ing a side car an jl lent condition. J. Dr. Phone 4-822*. n* r uccitsoi e <1 ! #48 Hcc s f rage, t ter Ml 11 . T h. Win- inchid' Each pair receives a lifetime, lilhei f I 1 ' FOR SALE- • Platinum and wedding ring. •-» enga*)<#neti|t ring it ViWf b : carat i guarantee of workmanship. Mounted as 8dok Ends, Trays, Picture Frames. ( Your baby shoes'are the perfect gift. ! " T igagemc ( iumond. perfect b|ue white: diamond,, with two small diiiiipnd* op each side*] Five diamonds Iny (jhite gdl Wedding Write or Phone CITY FOOD MARKET ■/ band. Have letter it t. aranteeii r tsrlgihal; trade in value and! i i.prsisu! from i*w-j eler. Willfaell at r<4<‘ >nnble p ic^ either separately or togeth ? \ Addn- * 1 ox 20| Bryan Eagle. Bryah Texas. j E. 23hl Ste ; ! Phone 2-1650 sent to the state convention in Gal veston April 21, 22, and 23. The girls will sing the area FHA song which was written by Miss Lou Ann Smith and Mrs, Fo^tl. Mannerlyn. The song Was present 1 ed by the girls' at the last area meeting in Conroe and was accep ter there as the area theme; song. “At the state convention in Gal veston the girls have high hones of establishing it as the state FHA song, and from there they have still higher asn actions of sineing the same song before the national convention in Kahsas City,” Mrs. Brown said. The chorus is composed of Joyce Patranella, Edwina Mosley,! Louise Street, Marjorie Parker, ; Glenda Brown, Patsy Saxon, Shirley Long, Lou Burgess, and Barbara BiHwell with Mary Francis Bond and Ganoll German serving alternates. “The people of Bryan and Col lege Station are invited to come to the Consolidated School and enjoy a fine evening of entertainment, as well as contribute as generously as they wish to this worthy project,” Mrs. Brown emphasized. — DEBATE - (Continued from Page 1) the fact that Switzerland must depend on all her men for defense, while we have vast num bers of men from \yhich to take a corps of ready troops. m " ~ MOTHER’S DAY 4- SPECIAL OFFER • $5.00 for $2.45 i \ i r] • $5.00 for $2.45 AGGIELAM) STUDIO I College Station, Texas OFFERS ONE 8xlO\BEAUTIFUL SiLVERTONE PORTRAIT \ 1 for only- $&4.o "ALL PORTRAITS COME MOUNTED IN A NICE FOLDER” Proofs to Seject From : 4- Satisfaction Guaranteed Not good for copywork. | “Seirving Aggijs for 28 Years" hether UMT Would produce a nation with militaristic tendencies, suth as Russia, Germany and oth er aggressor nations, was elimi nated when Halff!and Fuller call ed to miirld the definitely un-mili- taristic attitude of the majority of veterans. { ! | j ; ] ;’;f; 4 ., At the conclusion of the discus- sioli members of the panel agreed that there mqSt be some plan adopted to provide this nation with an adequate force to enable hbr to pursue her fbreign policy. .Wheth er is Universal Military Train ing or Universal Security Training would be left! to the people to de cide. < *fi, 'Sf !■' ■V NEW YORK — New York City school students,do ah annual) nine million dollar business in sav ings banks, the city board of edu-! cation reports. More than half the, city’s school children participate in ! the urogram which is serviced by; j 50 local savings banks. —tL- KHAKI’S FRED C, SEALE ELECTRIC CO. Contracting h Appliances Fixtures P.O. Box 292 Dial 2-6424 Bryan, Texas ... arc back and Waldrop’s has .j everything you need. r Slacks with hi-backs and zippers. 8.2 Chino (cottdn gabardine) Shirts. Poplin and Broadcloth Shirts. Khaki O’Seas Caps and Ties. Regulation Socks and jShoes. An amazing, naw "cellophana- like” finish for Floors, Wood work and Furnitufel Easy to elaanl Require* NO waxing! !' ' / ']■,) i Only $2'^ per quart LONDON BROS. ■ Vf-’ 2201 CoUege Road T’— 1 ' M — —Bin 1 'li L1 1 ■',. 1 ■ :t .1 Susi '..j vfiii T ■ NMl ' u f I • 4 It • 1 ; ilia ! . ""I ■ ' '' 1 fi.j ;■ [1, •jit! 5 : ■