Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1948)
’!;»■ f'-'l i [ - \ ■ ■ ■ ■Pit , ® 1 ! 15 rf ■ ■ A * TMlten u slfi rv'5' ; '' f I ngti f ednesda; M efup Wallop rogs; Steers ! M- J' 1 Jimiiji'. loif and Texai the SWG twjcl Jpadijng basketball powers^ shbwed'ijheir best form again Saturdai night by defeating TCJU and fiMU; liesncctively. 1 Baylor hajl li|tl«|jtrouble with the Froggies deapatd the fact that several key mcjn wj‘r<| out of tHe lineup due to ■ I rll Gu>- Wallgra Mettowtill, rigHt, walta sinks 4 f<jr Me|f4W ry, left] also units i for the .1 *'• diurnld with MrDoweiljnt jAinarUld Hifth lih i Fisi Shdi\lho . „ ' • 1 ..the Fish as teammate Jewel lowup. Shorthorn Robert Hen- Henry played on the same team iht year, ' ' j t!.. m. i. ; : ••• B y , I The Te ■ made its ; 1948 bask i and drop] ted 1 ion to the ” ‘ Ware Fi( ildljious^. | l The' win #ave jthc ^ i evens split with the ^Pointer To Final Game r :\ The jLlnghords, who have been invitep'td play 'irr the National In- vitjatipnaf Tournament barely won frcjm ?thelSMU Mustangs however, edging 'tte Pontes in the last few minutt* of play. Martin Leads Steers To SWC Victory , AHSTiN, Tex., Feb. 28-OPi- The Texivs Longhorns resorted to stalling;, tactics in the; closing min utes Of play to hdge past Southern Methhdistt, 47-45, for their eighth SohtHwifest Conference victory here tonight. | . | Texas led throughout the early stages if the game and had a 27- 21 halfiiime mtirgin. In the sec- jond ' half SMU started cutting dpwn tie gap. SMU -went ahead' on two long shots ; by Bert : Rollins that made the scon.* 43-42 with 5 minutes to play.? Two free; throws by Harold Sdlmhn offsej plater Martin’s long JAMES) DbAMlA tas Aggij Kish-Bee final appeamnce; of |tl ctball seasoh Friday ;d!a thHHiifg 39-38 Texas !ShiiH't|iorns i pWthoriisi Junior A|} this season. In the nitial j Trig the Fish-Beds ceinje out (|" long end ofia 4t}-44 l jco(ttpt. ml ' * -v '• ' ' ; ' ejd ahead U> stay with four minutes il leff in the contest on a j basket by Wilson Taylor. Ceo(ge Cobb fjl 4-pionship of the J. league. Play will continue throughout the day And the final, ganre between Waylahd ancf John Tarleton Mfill start at 9 p.m.- j. • THREE PERIODS There are three sessions of play; morning, afternoon, evening and night The evening session stai'ts at 6 p.m. j i j. | Today’s games are as ; follows; 4 p.m. — Lamar of Beaumont] meets Corpus Christi. ; 6 pirn. — Amarillo vs Hillsbor-| ough. 7:30 p.m. — Allen Academy-vs NTAC. 9 p.m. — Wayland vs Tarleton. Wayland was picked »s favorite lii the tourney, but as few of t the teams entered have played each other, rio accurate predictions can be made/ j j 1 I TICKETS i Tournament tipkets are Still on sale at the Cave,: the. Campus Cor ner, and Lipscombs) For those students Who do mot wish to see the whole tourney, tick ets will be on sale at the gymffor each session of play. ) . Play will slart again ijn the morn ing at 9 a.m. and, continue through out the day. The jteaijns playing will depend on* today’s winners, TOMORROW’S GAMES \ 9 a.m.—Loser ,of—rKil- gore match meets loser of Tyler- Texas Lutheran tilt. 19:30 a.m.—Loser of! Wcylapd— Tarleton meets loser of Lon Morris game. 1 p.m.—Loser of Amarillo-Hills boro meets lostr of Paris-Rang- er match. ] '.' ] f * " i | i 2:30 p.m.—Wihner of Wejlahd— Tarleton gamp plays winner of'Lon. Morris-Biinn game. ]{. | ; 4 p.m.—Loser of NTAC—Allen' Academy game, meets loser of La- 1#! ! Texas University handed . 39^ upset Saturday ij util meet victories. The Aggies brok- while taking five first strength in second and thii whiph gave them the mi ' J-r ART l cCann il H( Rli F- mm mm j Joe Louis gets some advice from Jimmy Bniddock, whom he d»‘lfeate<l for the heavyweight crown. Louis lias officially signed for a match with Jersey Joe; YValcott on June 23 in Yankee Sta dium. He claims tliall this will lie his last fight. . £1 'fl 6 attalion o p b r t IS MONDAY, MARCH 1,19.48 Page 3 re of Texas’ men, Jii Bob Hill, yere ab st time these two their entries wer give the Steers a wi; ligh point mAn for thel: ijny; Grepn of A&M |\ n the 60 and 100-yardjff races in. record time. In he Andkdred the record-brie; the 100 with a fast time of 5218 seconds. He set the old mirk last year in the conference meet. He also tied his old conference mark in the 50 with a time of 23.6. McCann placed first in the 220 and 440-yard free stylie pstance races, and Hill placed second be hind teammate Jiylmar JCaybaclj ij: the breaststroke. Hill ajlsp 1 helpei the Steers win the mejdliiy reHajyt by picking up a few yafdk. Coach Rooeitson of Tejtgs use: Jack Tolar in the 50 and lOO-yaijc free stylek instead of the usui. dnying; events. This ’sti off when Tolar came in Sieton- Green, in tjoth of th|Me evi ihg several expected pjoi the Aggies. ' Syfan came in a^ close |;f|Hirr’ leading the T. U. team by j 1 bytan c^me in a closed umru i the 100 after keeping up wjith Toll, ■ all the way. Syfan’s |a|tr 8tijal;i missed the edge of the pdpt by s: ; t Over i tlhousnndl fobs wi tJ Coach Jaik Fitzgera d’j oranj elt ( white squad run up smik 8-2 n at in, the first; seven i lijjjutes -i f i j game. Ai alert Shorthorn dofj ■ limited Ihe] Farjmer;i ]^o] twe;: 1 tosses by Frank Anderson. \: ‘ Kerine 1 h Sutton tnlljiled tTTT' i : ;l-'Cadet gcai after seven] and a J ; minutes hajd eja r ps«dj; Then 1 . Jack Miller: toojc oypoifor’the dots- Filling omj-hhijdi-rs ^om, : out, thmHbustijtL Cl KBCr itgoals and a chaijity tjo.m in Ettine minjutos oflthehslf. Hi Miller* thirdjbasieijkuujtter ] score 14f-14j;witfli fiveilmiriute ] maining in the fird ;sta iza. ; fourth.two-poinU-Dp ished he 1 j club in front for !h>j fiist ’li ^*19-17, and 'his jgratis :sho, in f Waning seconds of G|e- h tlf j the Aggies a 20-^9 lead a . thi f termission.- j . ’ The Lo/ighoy-n’s j slufo ing deadly frbm fitr c^ui- du-ing ■rfirst half but tpe v|is|t<)r.s losi range from! theicharitj.v lire. Ts made only one! fre(| thro-r in first 20 niinuteisessilorj. The two club.-j coniiihued theii' and tuck battle in second : iod. Three free 1 thrdjws ar tl; a fby .Texas’ Jolfn (j|ret‘n tjed , score 24-24 at; the!! ‘five | mi mark.. i j.- j | J -1 The tfams spent th 0 n< ^minutes eXchanjging Ijilskr ts. '* Coach Fixagcfrald’l jqhar jes ■ H"--—j—-—M-! -j— \ FOR THOS DEMAND THEj BES 1 College Shof fi{-Id but an underhand pivot mar*Corpus Christi gathe. shot by Tom Hamilton, sent the ■ fi p.m.—Winner of NTAC-AHcn Loughoi ns ahead again, 40-45. I Academy meets winner of Lamar- Teijak . kept jtoptrod of the ball Corpus Christi. . | Donald j. Atkinsui Bet ausi*! lie Cobb’s gift throw in the final minute proved to be the difference between the two ; clubs, jas Truett Moblyy’s goal left the Cadets one point aiway from a tie. j . Miller took scoring honoht • for the night. His scjven goals ] a jdne free shot added up to 15 ppijits. Frank Womack and Green shared the top spot in the : Texas scdylng. Both cagr’rs tallied nine points^ -j rj—-j rjr~ Two-Percenter . Causes Coach Ttr Apologize to T.l. A huyket of muddy water pro vided a touch of bad sportsman ship to the visit of the Texas University fresh men basketball team here Friday night. The Shortho|rns, victors ovdrrj thy Aggie Fish; in a hard: fought contest at DtWare Field Hpu^. had retired to their dressing room after the game. White in the process of changing, clothes, One of the windows just above the lockers was suddenly open ed and a bucketful of muddy water was hurled in upon the players’ clothes apd uniforms. Officials of the Athletic of fice :Werd quick to offer apology and Texas coach Jack Fijzger- eld accepted, stating that he realized that it, was neither the team or coaches’ fault. I j ; Walter “Sarge” Holden, prop- Saturday thalt the door to ithe Texas dressinig room was locked all during the] game and that the window was] either carelessly left, unlockedjor forced. All oth er windows Were clamped tight. Med up with another t>vo-pointer f; M soeonds of the r 7:J0 p.m.- S.nner of Amanllo- to give Texas a 38-34 lead. ] J teaming three .minutes, Madsen Hillsboro meets winner oM’arts- With 90 seconds to play Mjilj-r “jH 1 ' h ' w dunn « thc ’ Ka "l* t ‘ r inarrowed the Texas] lead withian-' ■' n other of his long distance tOsses. freezfe. j , Mart n led : the Texas attack and picked up most of his 21 points >n long]one-handers. Ham- illon scored 12 points. is 9 p.m.—Winner cd Texas Luth- eran-Tyler meets winner of .Me* Neese-Kilgore. Bad Weather Has . ' l j.. 1 TT Been Holding tip Best s Lnd Sesson By RacpLull Prjietiee Blasting Christians DaseDdn 1 raclltt Roy i/ugh picked up 15 points fiom] h s pivot post, and Salmon Was SnrLi'b in r»>eHinir t.ln> hall for SMU. Was surterb in feeding the.ball for] 1 e made 12 tallies. Jl; ; ■ I • ; 1 '' • • ! Aggie Gridders Engage In First Scrimmage Session V: - '' By ZERO HAMMOND I. : T / ‘l* ; Aggie football laths got their first look at A&M’s 1948 football prospects SHUirelay afternoon when the Farmer grid ders engaged in thejr first scrimmage of the spring training period. I / : ' • T i ']!'■• Showing rpeyre spirit and hustle than has been seen down Kyle Field way for several seasons 4" 1 missed the edge of the jpcjll)! by** inches, and. Tolar toucheld be*fob he could Hit with his, othef hin Frank Campbell of Tejxjis tjod first ih diving, but Jobrnn^Hcemuj came;iin a close second,alter, spin low ratings from the judges. | Bill Strait of A&M showed spiuj: improvement in form as: He cbrji in third ahead of the otljler T entry. . . . ' L , u Bernie Syfan won the jjIHdiv!id ual Medley event withoJrtj beijnn pushed. Robert Cone ojf Teta s came in second, and Hcper Hej- vinsfon nosed oht Bu<|d.t tFisHef for third. Howard Spencer of A&jjl |won t| 100 yard backstroke irace af ,. _ taking an early lead anji dtfetcHj the footballers pfit on a real show 1Iollni j g is on lhc baseball squad. I 1 aR the w ay Spencer jalfe( turn! him,n...,i Tiiitntni r ^ “ 1 in a good performance jm tle mdi £ ting Team Ifl’s string < a tied t Long! RESULTS Med ey Relay-Woji by Montgom- a -McCann, Vardanian, 1 Time-2 2£ BeelStyle—Green, A&M ; j Campbell, Tixas. . (Tifcd pool records) Individual Medley--Sy- ., Helwenston, Texas; Cone] ime-p 1:04,3. Cambbell, Texas; flee- ; A&M. 1 _ n _ T1 _ j,-.. Tn® Style—Green, A iM; ] i'ojlar,’ T<xas; Syfan, A&M •H-.(New pool record) 106 yird J3 tekstroke—Spe ncer, ' ] !&«,';■ Cone, Texas, McLel and,. xtS. Time-1:00-4: j 100 ydrd Bre istsfcroke—Karbach, lexaa; Hill, Te^as, Lea A&M. jTime /"•’ iststroke—Karbach, SPi, 3 “ 1Al ird Frc t style Relay-^Won il (Sunjmers, ojifdl) h Al hwn, ' i . ea Style—McCann, 1 ’exas, Vardamdn, A Is-Er ' Ulmers, Syfan, Riley, TSrjii^-3:46;4 i ii . •! (New pool ’I l Against n. 1 ; I W’ACjD, Tex.J Feb, 28 —(/Pi—The ] Soiithwi ^ * Conference HaylOr rears dosed their 1948 sea son |liy valloping the Texas Chris tian Horned Frogs, 61-47, here to night T 4 I The! |¥ruins iWre led by James Owens’, who dunked in 18 points to | ] | By ANDY MATULA | Taking advantage bf the])gift champion ■ Saturdhy aftbrnoon,) the Aggie baseball team wje'nt through a stiff workout tmdei; tiie watchful ] eyes of Coaehes : Martyi; Karowf ami | Botchey Koch, j r The diamond Squad has been held . for the several i hundred faithful , who gathered fo wajtch the practice. ] Coach Stitdcij had the gridders divided into Maroon and White squads of aS aearly equal strength as posiibf?, and as a re- | suit the action was last and rug ged most of thj lime. Each pair of teams scrimmaged until one team scored a touchdow n or until a specified tine limit was up, . , / Bruising tackling was the fea ture of the afternoon With the linemen giving forth with some very rough defehshe play. whichever came first. The ‘ number ft | Due to the mixed tip teams it j i was difficult tp pick out any out- ] standing linemen. Merl Prokop at ; end turned in one of the best pew formauces snagging several passes and turning in a sterling defensive l i »• ,, Ur i performance, one packfield ’pf 1 ■ : ■ mith, and Clovis 0ne of the best groups of fresh- juthough the ball man prospects to don the Maroon itty all afternoon. an(i White in many years butted icen running from J 103 '* 8 f° r tbe first time and showed players anxious > work edit. | , : the T for Only ajweek that is to be ' lols of fllturt ‘ P rom, - sc - Pitchers Stain; Hp)0miR, JWng • exbected .nowevar. , | . The Fish were actually running Turner, Bruce Morisseij, aruU^jbby Buryi Baty was running from; ^eir plays smoother than the Frctz each pitched tw J p innings in ] quarterbacki post and showed j ■ varsity and with the addition of ) an intra-squad gamvT /. ’ j up| well althoughl jiis passes Vr<*ren t j (;i enn Lippman and several other. “Pitchers will be our biggest connecting as often as they should m . x ( f a || should, need this yea** Kanow slajed. have been. I ee Wee Smith and aul turn inft» a top flight team. “Next to them, we have to fill Ygtes did most of the’ground gain-1 both first and third base. Right ing with Pee W|“e-picking.up good Another game style scrimmage now, i*Ur pitchers are ahead’ of Uie Tiattets.” q .' | S Si Sn iniSd 15 and h'^ioUs and only the pitchers hare Haty,/ Yates, Jackie fobins.m made 11 for BTv- 1,mi » b, e to got into any soft of showed prom feya-1 ps: ntruinu oli.v. j with..,it ea. players UIIXIOUS t() Work OUt. | x lne ■ .tiackie!Robinson made 11 for Bay-1 ab * e to got into ;any so|t of showed promise the Frogs with 1(5 points. The jl’ruins played without co- captaiu Don Heathington, who did m>t see service because of an iariri ii jury received in practice this w !ek‘, THe [Frogs jumped into an early lead, tjij, 11-17 and 26-14 before j s hots- hfc' Owebs, Robinson add . ohiism overtook the Frogs and i gave tie Bruin* a 26-22 halftime] —FH- T|e y iniimging Briiins came back , Asked whether big Stan Hoilmig a^one trush 8 remains l> r ‘ ( hlers should j slV| 'aj| 0n vlr|^ , minTeTTh- j JnesiVKl^ ing high-low tijcklc later in the be g<,tt,ng ,nto top shdpe by th( ‘ n * | maihirjf ih the game. / , j probably alternate hiinhetweeji the; atteinoon. moUnd and oilfield. ; Indications yardage on several off tackle is scheduled for next Saturday afr I slants and Yatdjs showing gbod 1 ternoon, and provided'the weathefcl pointed? Don’t Wildro >t Crei*ti !'■ "L i I’.l .rooms jjpur a ookllSoa hojjv -artnoyiiig drynpss Wildro >t Crearji tains sejothing ijanol drock! Np wopder Wi cHMce 3f men or bot< le today ask yojir barber fo: cation. T 0/3(1 ■■ Ii;:-.: \: that T 1! Q :m some for yourself.. See L.o: Houston \\ ins Clofjc Match From jA|f^en:cing Team :v> ; i ’ j ii i J ■ •«. Bv HERSCHEL SHELBY _ The;,Cadet fencing team lost, a , close it mrnament to the Houston ! Fenpin ; Club: 13-14, for their first setbjujlf in five meets. Thei jeventsl included .were the] Foil,’Hpce and the Sabre, in that orderj land the Ags led until the final few Sabre matches. A&M took the Foil 5-4 bouts and thui Enee 5-4; but lost out 3-6 in the iSjifwc mulches. Tcijip captain Fulton Dye led the hoys with four wins j and two losses. Edwin Stamp starred for the Houston fencers as he took seven matches and jiropped only two. He was th£ one of the three Hous ton rtlen who had more triumphs thtm jilefeats: Representing the Maroon and Wytt4he.sif|efj Dye were I. J. Bar-t rios,: flus Mistrot, Bill. Shaw and Dudley Stillitiger. ] j. Hejsjrles Sta]mm, Vaughn Schmidt and! I.fe' Greb! fenced for the Hous ton] Cljab. In (jkeh of the three events, nine 1 matches were executed, giving each ma-g If chance to meet, every other man. ijji the dpposihg team. Th(|i record of wins and losses | follows wfth wins listed] irisii^jln the Foil; Dye 2-U Mistrot; 1-2,. I firrios 2-1, Stamm 3-0, Qrcb ]( lee FENCERS, Page 4) a In]'" Clovis rriade a: couple of diffiailt ! point to a strong infield this year. l ,ass ca /)’;^. L ‘ s should be a wel- Tryouts for over fifty plgyehs iT 0 ?].? addition to!the presently weak ' •who want to play on the varsity is I " a i,Y >ac * < _P os ‘V^' still going on. Over 75 prodpects Tnr-ee bftekfield men who will un- ] turned up the first dajr of pr|cticc j 1*^ se 1 t ' i^ts pf action next year, land both coaches belitjve they] will ■ <> ) Doode, Stan Hollmig, and ' sertd new personnel from this group 1 — More Batt sports w riters.yare needed. Anyone interested re port to Art Howard, Battalion office. eorge Kadcra jjvere not presept at: tKe scrimmage] becaOsd of. other) spoils activities. Goode and Kadera T j ate out fbr thtj track team while' j; For Your Sperling Good* Needs JONES SPORTING GOODS 80S S. Mali: Bryan Ph. 2-2832 4- ARE YOU UNAWARE OF UNDERWEAR? !l. Cigers Gets Air SYRACUSE! N. Y. —(^4 Edi| Glacken, letterman on last yttar'sl! Syracuse basketball squads: has ■ Uirncd to radio this yean Ruled; ( off the court by the Orange medics, Ed now is doing pl^y-by-| play broadeasls for the cajnpus) operated station, W AER. ’ : .]•' j Z’] ■; I \ j]- 1 - . J: DIAMOND EDGE; POCKET KNIVES ,4* 1 SPOUTING GOODS >!• il 1 Si J Hillcrcst JIarthvare 2013 s College Roa4 rr - " ' l ° ! naturally without that iocs to work relieving ugly;' loose dandruff! ’ non-alcoliolic — it jeon- - is the Fingcrriait^Tcst. "again and again the ‘:hg first j*’ Get a [tube t-g’Oods counter. And HAVE WHAT YOU NEED IN . . -BOO SCHOOL SUPPLIES iNji • EQUIPMENT e ■?. 1 <• lTS.1 . ’ • I )■ li ' J! 1 filet-goods copn (• appli- ill ' '' l COLLEGE BOOK STORE ■x HI. j , ii M h i{ i - 4 I S' . CoUege Station T :• 1: JL ii - ley relay, gaining tour yards ph bfs opponent, ] * I Texas sewed up the meft by tail ing first and second plapeu in breaststroke and 44U~:fjn e st^fe racesh j -j • , I | . The Aggie 40Q-yard rejajy teag.. of Gene Summers, Jack Rile,'I Bernie Syfan, and Damjyj Grei set a pool record w it h a i ime 11 jout tpejfail ift 4 vithioutl dhe ;4or lienkeh ih nee'f 11 jeijsity of leld eventsjwtll start at 2:30 1 fid trapk wll bejgin at 3:00 p .1. The ’48 tiiadk season will start this Saturtjuyi with u dual meet between lepcas A&M and the.Uni- Tefcas on jKyle Ifield, pan... m. Cdll ;Ftarlk "Andy" Andiirsott hid th^t it w >uld lie hard to pick favorite 1 ! ihis$ early ih the se isoa igi jtjddedl ihg: "Both teams havib i mem as last yeai-.J* ,! oht sprinter Allen.. . citis Ijut the Ags wi|l b( ’ ‘ services of Jiimniyi [ the hurdles,d ] j,,; held an intra-squad lk«t Saturday -| N« jpwierfb^citsje of an appem peiation, fti'' ' 1 ajd: l imp ojr d ai&jnces were relehsod, : but Col. Almljf stated that he] was .. pipajpeq vfith lBoh Goode’s ^htjwirtg ,J ’avelin, (throwing. CLEANING ALtE The lllilll/i 11' North Gate My Do v« 1 tl 53 THE SHOl I.- ! If you’re laughing on the outside — dying on the inside (from creeping shorts with a cruel center aeam) you’re not aware of the wonders 6f Arrow underwear! mm 1 Switch tit> Arrow shorts and relax. Arrow shorts (with the patented ecamless cro'tch) come in a variety of Styles with either gripper fast er buttons and arc Sanfor- [ labeled, guaranteeing less than Ifti shrinkage. $1.23, $1.50, and {/•1 ir'-r j tii: ARROW SHIRTS and TIES UWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS — r-7—• )»— UNO 1 SS1NG L M / r NP Phone 4-4 4 4‘ TT h: ' . 1 il : 1 ;k n ■■ •J COMFORH l -j ow short! fortjalile' I - ! i - i ffl ■ ’ i\ 1 ,., the most on -the mar- Just CBjn't creep up take ytott unaware* ausc; of the patented les* crotch. ^ I !| J Arrovj- short! f hon 1’ll.25 Arrow ‘Guards’* ro n 95c T dhirts fr^m $1 , Arro^ t ndershirts .nn 85c ■ r r Come Arrow -ffl I : 111, flfnd see up tot Ii T •• V. -■ ■ Hi Dj. M ■ f I'r 1*" J >, |. Jt 1 .- , ill M'i • Jl.. i- .yi.., . V f. ■ ; i\. }. ivk •N || :: I '■ II l: if 11 il ■ 'ill —1- — -