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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1948)
RUARt 9,1948 il fetturinK costiijmei dij)b Gi ' V 'S ' -of llie f 'Turn of|thl Century ^ > lighted the CbH >ge Woman’s , Club PnHay af ;ej loon ir ' (i. CAi • ' c . ] Mrs. G.* W. Sddesselrnanjl \ acted as narrat ir, told ti e hj. >f.. every [cos tune vorn. She js wdi n j iurinf thi i 1 tun,” were of ^eiitral ordinaryl elegan ce, ’ since thalt [\va a peribol during iW ifch cl< thiiifi' de sign reached a peajk of pcji'fect on. Mrs. M. T. Hmington (w-orfrar ehairmaih, wore th|e wedcing dow| of Mrs. A. B. Hitnjti of Fort \V<irtI| Mrs. Himik |stjer of Pcesijdeti • i — i 1 r For Your VJisiial Pto^leinnls V - ^ ^.Consult ■ l\r Drl CarHon K. jLee OPTOMBTR181 . 203 Si. Mainj — Brian Phone 2-1662 18W5. "*rs. HKdher’: vthile M a, reprodjuction of the wedding drdss 1^. E. Callender’^ biothtr. o|f Mrs. B. Cof Costume Robert 'V. Andrews wore Mrs. Scfelesselman’s dicss of green ajtid tan-wool belonged to tnejHdij- naigton jfamiiy. ! S t James Cofer, Andre ■Iman composed and' pro* | fl | y Mrs. Marring , W. Hensol \vhd.present(fil >mmittee and wer^ intro- " Ktbn. I'i ijj tie musiie for the program wore ir ress- hi ought from Paris by Mrs. M. W. Sims in 1900. j - '.Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Ervin*sang <rvn * , j|)S of Gay Ninety songs. 3^1 gr Anderson’s parents. The trmk place in 1890. : H. Murphy wore the 70 dri tveddihg dress of Joe Mog- [ ler. - ’ ; “Tun of the Centuo’” eostptnesi,.werfl modeled ‘by Mes- lames Tom Ljjmberth, J. B. Coon, nnHf iffiiin, Jde.Fauik, Don Harris M %nce, Bl R. Holland, Mrs. R. D. laroid vonce, Ara HaSwell, Frank ' 1 ^ R. Holland. Mrs. R. D. i Cba’rles Tigner, Mrs. Carl IR. .E. Pattersonj;, Lola Thompso^, L. L. Fouraker, Bob d Pinkeirtoi), J. W. Tester, Umar L> |fly.’ .jean Neal, Manning Smith, J. * A M - Whitisj G. E. aiidy, P. G. Murdoch, A. P. Boy* ett, A‘4 W. M ell oh, Paul Pearson, 4nd % C- Hughes, and Miss Doro- >j G. McGill Was escorted Eivrn’s costiime Vais) jk jby.JJIM.Au dnee Albert"coat worn by -Dr, if. i a fiil| drpss suit. William Bilsing. Marsitellerdn 1909. GENES President, Eng M'ally Wore the wedding cloth ROW AWAY AR TRAPS 1 ncjudedi Were Moonlight apd RCjses, thy Sprig Lopdpndei ryi Airland Bicycle Built | $• fpr Two. ! Ervin’s costume was) a by Mr. At a full dre ,, Mrs. Frank Andersoiv and son grartdfat|ef’s wedding clothes., es ' • u ' eoHiit*,'Mr ; Mi-it'Kni K At Cecil Wamble, who wore j:dress suit. William Bilsing. senjpf, EbBilish major, modeled his grawWitli J I-i iiv r t»one {gfij'i U 1 ;Vi «• su, rf^est a c*upb*W Arrow knits in solid colors (or stripes, SI .fit© (piale J J r * I 'll ■espeepit 11 y forjcoflv f i Ariowj stripes lisb pja tcrnei from !|!l .00 D ro [| jiri at your)A rro w • fH' I»*‘ k | a pftiice of store on lieimt It: Arrovf : band : kerelijiefis witli 5 your ifujn's ini- I Elmquist was escorted IV. Wipprec-ht, who wore m. John P. Abbott iU I J by Mt; % a Prince a bert coat which he wore during; the turn of the; century. « Miss Betty Potter Was accom* panied % Don Lindsay, who wore iiit A&M cadet uniform of that Mrs,' (||ordon Gay brought her small- son in a little boy’s dress. The Rl- Henderson Shufflers and (laughter! Ragna, wefe dressed in cpstUtndsii.typical of the period. IftWl,*. Howard Hanover mod eled ihe^bwn wedding dress while ; Mrs4 P ( siul Talley w<ire a rdar- ) l ! ng"! bathing suit of 1905.\ ' IWoie! the Gay Ninety style ; ;sb|o\vj a business meeting was heM. Mis. R. B. Hickerson, chairman of ‘ ithe Swlhiming Group, announced ‘ thatitjhe Spring semester swimming idasaiwai?' open for new members. Mrs.jR, E. Callender reported that la Hand i era ft Group Had been or gan i?Jed. I | ! Mjrs, K. G, Reeves resigned as general ichairman of the club, and Mrsj Raymond Reiser was ap pointed ^o fill the vacancy. Mrs. E4 B. Middleton president, presifieii fat the meeting. 1 n JACK ANDREWS Regimental Executive Officer JACK JACKSON , Regimental Commander FOLK Who’s Who members for 19J7-4H selected from the Cadet Cof-ps apre pictured above. Baptists Plan For Religions Week ' ' I SI [ Pliins for Religious Emphasis wieek, will be discussed Monday night) at a general:Imeeting of the A. & M. BRU in the YMCA Cabi net 7:15. Arrangements will also’ he made A three-bian ^irleeruiVng board, representing, the- General Electric Company, will) be in Cjollege Sta tion Tuesday. February 10, to ;ih- terview senior chemistfe, chemical, r : i . ! Atials ARROW ^RTS oncf TIES UNDERWHAi* • (AN^k||rCHIfF$ * SPORTS SHIRTS GE Interviewers • 4 • i ■ Here Tuesday What's Cooking? AGGIR WIVES CIRCLES of & M.j Mefhodist Church. 7:30 p. m. i n making. tne knUouncement R. I <l v'",?) 1 Monday. ;home of Mrs. D. L. Bel- t. Shiels, District Educational.( b ffl* 1 ij,T„ 1 t Ap T.iii ho i-her.i 233: Milner Street. College. . Authority of Dallas, sit'd‘that be.-t f v ! u ^ h ." ts ' ‘ b B & Af, SOCIETIES^ 7:30 p. m., j Dr. H. F. Miller and his associate ) sem ‘ <l ‘ lftei th< ‘ Tttesipay,9Ajgricultui’al' Engineering : H. F. Jones, of the G: B- Pittsfield " _ “ ; Lecture Rohm. Chemical Section would comprise : Kotpc to llittoiiiifi ! , jilpLOCy CLUB, 7:30 p. m., the panel. Shiels stated that the h l ° ,J|heU ‘ Sh Tuesday,tChemistry l ecture R6om. company ufas especially interested Tlnoino-at; 1 nTtRArtklo jBlSlp, 'iklo p. m.. Monday. YMCA in making offers of employment: to Otlhlllc^h 11 1.11(18 i Cabjdbt Room. f ; | senior graduates in- branches! of CAMfjlA CLUB, Monday, 7:30 chemistry and metallurgy. ! p.j!nUJPhy8i;Cs Bldg., election of I of-i: -i-i—L—J-jL'-.l L i ' v; i A c if i . Agronomy hoeiety Meets Tuesday Nile pressure drop- below the normal output of 12fv,000 pounds of pres sure per hour. \ • s; During the next 38 hours these boilers burned over 30,000 gal lons of the reserve oil. This was the longest period, pf time that the boilers t were ever .operated on the fuel oil reserVe since they were. converted to use gas in 1937. The last time the re serve was used in 1944, when it was necessary to utilize this fqel oil for a 4 hour period. Hines has been, with the cfjllefte as supervisor of the power plant since 1927. wh^n he eamejbtTei from the Texas Power and Light Company. It wafs under his djrep-, tirtn that the General Electric Tur-i bo-Generators, which have served the college since 193|), were install ed. His long background in power plant workj Covering 32 years, .is in; a large Pleasure Responsible for the efficient and orderly manner in which campus utilities are dis bursed. ' | APPLlANCES.ine. & Washington I (Sts. Phone 2-1496 ’ J 1 nr . si|n» M ■ Mn- RECORDKI 1) , ■ f. j! ; J • ■ ]i; ]. j A recording of jitjiur oi : ll'L ppljianqies 314 i|Nl. M TER OMES — Records - Ph. 2-1642' Bryan, Texas n: ..... ! • Your owft ' > li ALENTINE i ' ■ • : • ;v ;esi;ions for your 'L v ljB<! a\ Jr- II liable f ' AGG’JH WIVES CIRCLES of A. engineers and metallmfgists. for a cWH supper to be givfm Feb- " 1 * ' ' ruary 13, and for the annual BSU - WTAW- (Continued fronji Page 1); years as a lieutenant) in the Pacific Friday’s program will be “Work ing Capital Problems of New Busi- j ness.” This talk will be given by S. T. Keim pf the business and accounting department. L; I B € IR ; n ti STUDEyr <pHNC BB 7- ' SSION I f- -f- •' i i !1 Your voice i transferred a folder rbady fjojr ntia J j”! ^ , (ftd b> ,jaL portable wire recorder- recor, to a liisc—t^* 1 delivered back to you ; I ) > i. 1 ' i V , ■ 1 r K AND DISCUSSION CLUIl. Jjopday. 7 p. m„ Assembly Ropm, s<(.cc|nd floor, YMCA. Panel discussion |of “Why . Not World Conqiiiestrf’ | ECONpMICS CLUB, Tuesday, 7 Askemblv Robmiisecond floor, , . . ii, - » lt i 1 “Trends of Current Business’’ will be the subject discuuaed by Ralph T. Bates at a joint meeting of thje Business anil Act So(-iet|ies at 7:30 p. m.. F J 10 in the Agricultural Eng y . 2: 3 Lectuie Room. | , il ! _ ..'ji Li 7 . tor) the.bast 25 Jears Elites has] The Agrommiy Society will meet . ^ e( ; n e onnei .ted with the National i 7:30 n.m. Tuesday m the A I. rvL r D „. n ‘ , Dr John S. Caldwell Optometrist Caldwell’s Jcwelr^’ Store Bryan, Texgs R(km 11 3:00 P.M. ’til CA At Bryan Field — BomiLS i Mon. - Tues; - Wed. ndiay — 3:0D:’till C.Q. \ll\U- ii4 : tmticks 168 'ii'-''' minting ?bruary j neering 1 . r • r man will be sSiov FORT. V ,vn. WORTH * n the EA$Y way Pageant. A&M CLUB Cotton Ball committees are to be Denton ng the;! Momlay.! 7:30 p.m. Science Hall, i appointed and the trip to I , GARltfiN CLUB, 3 p. m.. Friday, 1 for the purpose; of select in YMCA. ( !': ■ Cotton Queen and ner eight ’ETING ANl) FINANCE esses is tp be disijussed! Caj?h Register Company. At pres-■ ■ent he is Branch Manager for the Hops ton office. MAimi CLUB. Wednesday, 7:30 , p. m a fAV -If t Rpdni [llg. Agricultural Bldg. KR \MF.R RIGGS MEET . RANGfE & FORESTRY CLUB. fN HOUSTON TONIGHT |—— 7'.-.p-inl, ! Wednesday, : Agricultural . | : I 'A I EnpineeSiiur Building! third floor. HOUSTON. Tqx., Fdh. 9’(A?'- — Eledpon tof! officers. Jack Kramer, foriner world’s aiiift- f ‘ f . PRlE-IiAW CLUB, Monday, Feb-, teor tennis chaiijpion, land Bobby nutty sjecond floor of \MCA. Riggs, wc rld’s pjofesisibnal chum-i ' POiULjjF.RY , SCIElfCE CLUB pion, medt here! tonight in tbeii } Tqds|ay^iti 7:30 p.m., Nolrth Read- first TeJcus stop oh a inatioilwiide i ) ihtji Rootri YMCA. 'i * ' ! " TltT“l:4—‘ tr DE VALERA FACES TOt'GH FIGHT FOR REFLECTION •KILKENNY. EIRE Feb. 9 'A>'- dueh- ! Fiije Gael, Eire’S chief opposition : pillty, lined up today against Prime j ' A Mbpster Eamon de : Valera’s f , j election. —4 tennis exhibition j tour. m i i Does YOUR WATCH^ (ees tini f Tali* boys 1 ! at - 1; b r r one A 7 ! - - r -. I Ipve the tpiyhu V f f A tc W’s. neal-kiiotting ties. iri 1 l l! (We huye' same b'tmd «eie patterns for college wen.} ' j (" 2. S ii» it arbunc the Boy Friend's neck. (He tot l purr Ufa a kit eii.) 3. He a kiu t! 1 Here! You Have Him! «ORKV4 H»R» CLOTHES j Toiji Will find . At r otv ties ufjpto a full, firm knot.) T 1 j ow—Kids, $1 Up. a bit q r handsome Arrow Handkerchiefs & HAHVktkCHUfS - N . : r; ./£ • -• i THIERS and Bryan, i/ . -AT j \ l i i. u “LONG SLACKS GREY FLANNEL ;X ,, i - k BROWN COVERTl i BLUE GABARDINE LET US TEST IT ELECTRONICALLY ON pint FREE FREE * 7j ii 1 ill !| 1 ‘The Store of Personal Attention” j j 1 Block Norjth of North Gate |;[- ■ 1 • ' | h\ The test will tell you on a printed chart (made ih 30 seconds) exactly the con dition of your watch. If it needs regulation or repair, you will find We offer:— EXPERT CRAFTSMANSHIP | QUALITY-PARTS ALL WORK ELECTRONICALLY TEfTED ON OUR "WATCH MASTER” R. L. McCarty ■■ ■ i . I j. ( J E W EL E K North Gate ■L r i m. TTTT IU • : , r ' ^ \ !il w* .Tiii Tr* 4M f r»j a * m. ri' 1 ' ;j4- djjf 'ffm. J >• ;r Wsikt' : i .n ' ■ i . S'* L! aw: m k J, "'-7 . vi to! --i T- ' ICE CRE 2(HJ E. 26TH Day Phone 2-1515 N BRYAN, Jy — •; ! • L , i.[ ] T ,,T -f j WIRE FLOWERS FOR VALENTINE DAY! il, , ri Ii- 1 ;[ II !• - :ii •' L S' I ; iFT / f u&ri! •V ■it ■l it r , i ' 7,f ; F L O W E AGGl i !■ j. ■J'I J'T: '.-.-I (Member of F.T.D.) F!b R j A L, L OCCASION LOWER SHOP y It for You” I j 1LAND Our Flowers ;!■ ■ i I I ies to College Station Bryan \ :\T-’ m 'iU.V.L l: 1 !- ■ i , : ■ | I -j i , ^ [ Phone t w gh - t T r i . 1 f • i if 17 -i! j-* i ( ii .* t' :-!\ : Hibne 4-8178 •i'” '"\V" [ : 7l;i A ■ r '- /• J 11 I *i It V tit: i, i .. thf I LipT i j j' - ! ! 7 Nb L ,, LrJ J ( - I ivJ :ii- V. \ I Jj, J ] Y"\ I ■ T y