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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1948)
■iV ’ i ■ I ii iU I 1 '-' K i: ^1 Page 2 • - •! ■,; — f l- 1 o Years 'I L. '• . *• years t or» an that Qffi ] ’ Within twc i dets hals tjaken different iffor ( war. From 5\ : ^ u d«'>%. f» u , ture, it / is an (Meter, \ tions j-eflect - Corps’ policj Much of'tJ a ; l growth, M Colonel) Guy ^ ]V eloy isor o ne (the" Corps of Ca-j • ty, and above oh an aphetrance combletely buted . very ^i)i r .- ■&' right: after the R 0TflC units on tha pampus. Without doubt, _,. mi IT , , e } few Arniy offieersil^ssess the qiiatifications group jrf*t rele^ly, confused fol . with 2 500 college stu- ig, inexperu iced, and imma^ dents. Colonel Melci’i-is one of those officers. dant aijid Pro Tactics His fi The N ^ Two execu railroad have contribution! C form of. reads Chief revteijonji of were aim'ed'to Sim iW : v] if i 1 Battalia TOR • •fi \oldier, Statesman, Knightly Gpitlman%\ • ! I V I <!■ ■ • • FEBRUi 1 i' i -?rf J •*. * •■A-1, tY 9, 1948 u wren :e Spllivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions t—r -r- r -i h" '■ '»■■ 1 • of Progress.. L : : I ; j|] 3 4i I- ,L ; i U credit ire^ight eW the entire folk ei- beauties decollate map With pjic' railroad. Suggestion^ buy tickets,; v how to finidl' simplified tini down instead cross iwhicli trains feplaaet AUjtext in eta !./ ^ed to eiiminj|t( Honest all, hi# patience,! have contri- .tjyt to the vastly improved 1 f rT T g|Wi tT|' in«i re Bulletin B !•. i M |! Ff ty- 4 r i =23 , ii - > - Colonel Melc^'lisione of those officers ast iflseh toiiy i resent height, jft His transfer tot the Army War College is ;r rganlzt tion, and its ac- indicates his standing in the United States e squaclntes i of the Cadet Army. Perhap^ the-future will find many aid afcticjtnsl bF^ of t’ j of the presentt-djay !%gies serving With Col. uch a pheitomen- Meloy on some battlefield or in some foreigp. id mental, is due nation, \ ; '• I j i’ physical a tl e Jpresent comman A! ilftary Science and his Irofessiohal abiji- . I i / aveler s Aid i,. {UU,- \ r JM 1 ,|:j The Battalion sincerely hopes that his successor qan adequately fill the vacancy ilhi timetable^ plify thie rhat created bvhis trH^fer. V; Nljb !] I : ’ 1 'I f ivesj pf thd ’texas and Pacific phrases. A coliimiu jformerlyN^eaded “Pro- re:ei{tljyf£t>]Meted a major P° s ed Itinerary^ iibhow called ^our Train tlie travlli >g : publ^. in the Trip.” #hi#ie stops have O^en rj BULLETIN BOARD—HARVEY CHELF, chairman Senate Bulletm Boarjl ! committee, a<lmires the ... . TTT- ITT ... i TT denit ~w..v.v pr T v- placed in the iotunda of the Academic Building. Members!of thei Senate; designed t ie project and and College Utilities! Department was board which can accommodate over 20( H Ht r r moved from the; listings and the type sprearcl hem T sch d le sheet ou ^ thus considerably lowering the eye str ., I • ■ If i ] i . , ration. , ■ i -t t * qiytent and make Texas mo^e ■ Atjractive! the coyelsL An industrial ires show}; |hp routd of the i j ,. and ihst|u|tions oil hoiy to to do, )with baggage, and articles tirp includjed. iThe )le colifm now II! I '}? J 1 . Big omission; in the timetable reissue is that of the complicated tables for computing rates which few passengers could read, much .lesAuindelrstapIl. AH technical information in tendeds strictly foiy picket agents has been left out i! The T&P redeil^ tye (new 10 led. I he applause from Dassfetigers all read but the company ^hihsi also " r Ae old Mage jvlfybodyj MX rs'lfrc ' '• i(hd bundles of written engers since the change, Fxlitorial Round-Up i- -i Nation’s Newspapers Differ On Trunian’s Rights Program Ry J. T, MHfER i 1 [South THeNoiiTent jfuror j creatcHt % j tyije_ PresiidemxTrulimn’s propAsedi tO- ed in point civil rtgjits progi- im'has bdqn jj by Ah reflected Jn tutorial: comment of an organ; of the Republican Party, newspapers throughout! the nation. “President Trumah, it is to beil The leading; jotN^ijils of ; the , ass Un j country apparently'taJlfethreeidiF'bourn , „„ v ferent starids In reg|aiX to t'F always such a bcjauitiful certainty received plenty of j prosjed program^ I || X/. : about “ ~ >r the,o|ld Wand-dowh'; criss- npoof for tihe old Mage that 1 nothing ever Most of the Southern jouXals;[that 'ps corjfUstec travelers since- pleases dvifybodyj ||X r f C Slitat5o n n 2nIi hh stajge'io ich. Letters, ifrom tiekjrt ageinta are 'all, p^tkesf-as wetl asAtei »uSce4stty lew tabiel.Has been screen- equally loud and equally shnjlar. They like for fair.employiht-nt pj^lces .apil the i fusingh] id* legal-sounding the old timetable! ' 1 X tho bveatual end to lyracjungs. Mas© T T '--* ••• j] 11 !|,||ij| ( X' l But ... they dp the whole:; g pt MW ,r AI - h - 1 : ■ ■ The motion-pictpne industry has luu-uiuiifijc umusuy nets made u tioit, respected resolutwon to stop glorifying SoUtll? suggests' tMe irtiihalsl We assume That hence-,! {'•. - ji-, ke ®Py^f V 1 -virioa u;51t vloivi/vt nnlvr ernncrctcrt; '¥-5 thinking' wip. . r , jUf/T ' T. 1 ; ' approve of loglslatiph to cctijrijct Isucq, evils. The Atlanta Con$tit[u- New Year’s George H. WiikuiBon. Ltd.Jhas built one of 0 f highest character. <Ihe gist oif T h,; ( *>i the biggest retaUyjhoe v^liimes in Uje Brit- /N ;■ :| -|4j" if . . j beljefs may/beiinterjhreted fy , ish Empire 1)4 la policy ojf trank and oecas-' 1 The Eastern. CoUefee Athletic Conference thw tifte hf the edijtoriai: “A ionally b r ut|]'idVerti f in2 The 85-jiear-old 4s beginning to wohry about television as. a j «.« • »»«• ! L1 average l)f 12,000 lines of menace to big gate Receipts. There is no Although th*(t p#fj e1 ' opposes . 1/ vT’x, ,3* I r’ n ,oV»K -f rt ^ * Kali the el House York unlike ?spo classified ad of the Stu- new betgrd [the Building nsible foj 1 building the ^rtisements.. — _ I ' * T'i j • if. i * i * TrampUng Out the f r. ■ b this Solution I to Pro Out of Sack for! That Muriiwi aWittai ! 1 • i! I ; . !r ’. 1 j ' : i . ■ i • : j -! !! |ij So you can’t get out of the that quick cup of coffee before class i • It'D Bjf LAKRY GOpi ; ihit^me for MO thO morning? in your IWYN So you’ve busted three. 8 o’clock classes career, due to the fact you weren't ip class? Well, fellow lovers of the sheets, here may be the answer. * ~ ” ’ * " 7 -ig th|t the English 1 CSIIl. VCSViO «**V SIVW J 1(4 V avra to oolige with an extra bit of the engineer of the 6:20 a. m. train: j “Would you be so good as to __ over the iron bridge jut|t out of Rye Static! ’ hiisband up for !work;? t hoot, we are ip a fi: An English housewife, noting th*t the English railroads are how nationalized and should be willing .•l.> mutmIbw tings-Ashford [. i H j t as you go tation, as we rely on you to get my husband up for jworle;? “When you don’t hoot, !we are ip a ;fix as we ? 1 Olmer—the Senator Claghorn who has read the barbs hurl- the general dirbetion of Dixie P Ne\\ York IteraUi Tribune, you ^ cannot bdy an alarm clock anywhere “P. S.—My husband says “not too loud” but I say “blow like blazes.” • Railroad officials said the request was being “considered.” Do you thinje a delegation of stiident senators to the Southern Pacific Railroad woulq produce some added noise from the Sun Beam and tihe correspond ing rise in grade points? X A PLUTOCRAT j-j . . 1 j j ' A motorist in Memphis, Teijin, (obviously a well- heeled individual) was harrassed by recurrent ice on his windshield. To solve the'problem, hb. resorted to a 100-proof de-icer. The man stopped hijs car, got out and poured a pint of whisky over the Vfirtelahield. The ice—together with two “connoisseurs of fine liquers’.’ in the Batt office who read the!story-s melted. BOOT TROUBLE . A troubled wife in Cleveland, Qjiio cliriiplained in her divorce petition ifeccntly that; heif husband, John Sch>vetz, a shoe' store operator,: made her pay cash for shoes she obtained at his shop, j \ One Plight say. she was giving him the “boot” because he wouldn’t give it tb her. of bis lit that loch startfin, K iy«lbal 10 whit] aung 1 kt oldtril tt lines pl| 100 in Air ed-iqjby Despite the |jligpi .resid '‘ware and an < tra da; SHtlHAS Uni -ity o condit te| a Co pape womih go tdi to ben went 4|th PROMISE while servini ii the South’s 'voting habits politician nejeel not overly •concein himself aboiit the horrible he will be catted,” the Her- Tfribune mockingly describes liticai situation below the on Line. Fuel Oil in Underground Kept Halls WarmDuring F to .a iluddy, v Me did- (juy Ban esj iiow 1 iihdtxl of such X^ccurrence, the qn- t the extreme monthir. .fSTturi^f'copy Yo® ‘ ^ ‘ , games comfortablyi qurled np with a good ■ J ' J store runs newspaper like: ,“We«fh; worst junk are worth a , ’em away ff>ri $l|99. YAuf size is here. I jiya^n’t.” C){r: “No fire^ goods. ex time slogan Shoes Wear war it was di.tions, Wil ‘pnkesedonajl politicians” the Herald Tifibune unmer- ^eia thoufea^iid pairs-of the 1 eyer saw; Hut anywajy they ast $5 ja pgij^ You c^n take glass of beer. No ciircuk i tickets. heU-I wish No elgphan chanjgfes. Mp ijrefpnds. Ne|j telephone calls. Just shoes—igiiod shoes.” : Vilkinsonfs long- 1 g j >een ea^j-y “Wilkinson’s pike, Pig’s Ncpe.” During the I Never Raise Prices Take.petme; Off. -X-|_ : r .L EDUCATl0Ni-W Editor, The Biftt Representative Wadsworth, of New York suggests that congressmen give up their tra ditional Imileage allowitnces in the interest of economy. His idfea idhew plenty of applause but few votes. , | i|1 te, Pig’s Ndse Svilitched to: ’ '^Because |of con- miiQh s Shoes IA) Not Wear Like a Pig’s Noseraow” Said;a|recent ad: “No! We Are NotiRicdu;ing 'PticeS One Dipie. We iEnn. Let iTlfose Whof-Raised n -ir- Speaking abobt I the Duke of Windsor, the New York Sunday News said: “The duke wore a gray twFed suit, a gray tweeh topcoat, and a red: $nd blue suit^ with h blouse of contrasting Tilue, -a blue hat, blue diamond earrings, bnjd a (double rope of pearls.” i, | ■ 1 I ... \g w the aa weU as aji( j t | ){ ,| 1 happj "The gist «f The CbhsUtu lion's of ni> fijoip * niar The who Although t>K«t p#fjer ! j opposes! ciful|y castiKated jiight be sur- one border- newspaper Supports the entirely in symmahy vji-Rh the! o)>- presidents recommendations jeetives of such! proposalA\It toil- : with ml reservatioa. , cludds, howeved, W The St. Uui.4 Post-Dispatch, posals are so fUigrAnjly [founded by the lat, Joseph Pulit- as Mr Tijiman JeekMk, «t. o^er. teiioves that' “be (the! preii- irom Ipcnteth tie ttoti f wants ail tHoft* who live un- pubheans that we t.nd it most ^ ^ and stripes to enjoy iistasteful. j ■' Hl:l 111 c ^V,. 8sh ^ s of ltb ^ ty and he i\es, the New building to all the other build ings) on the campus continued un interrupted. „ t x .♦ Ejccipt for the anticipation of Democrat in jDixieNraptivej' sucll an emergency by M. (i. Hines, onc-paidy system, is UHic‘ t ' < FJ engineer in charge of the power ly ? daysisupply when bjrned at a rati* sufficient to keep i the bui di The Fort Worth Star-Telegram j; h jj agrCjes with the Consititutioni; ajt asks pongre'ss to j >in him in his 5e mitl plan;” too Can see nothing buij politics in- * ^ 1)0 volved in the lO-jpointj! program. In The Post-Dispateh is natui'ally : building «f the plant, contained)! addition, it percuives a jviolatioin bf Interested iii ipfe' ' ‘ ' '' •^mnn ^ - — 1 • u .‘“ pnmt cut’s piogiAg cl more adeqi htelj in fields that properly' fail within to vote.” The paper points out that states rights: message urged which woqld ! (let more adeqdately the light [“Thes 1 president’s prosit federal! legislation “proti loperly laU within to vot the purview^ of the states j' . the d strict in whieii th<Kmtegrity Auton Cailtev’S! papaijavdusea the pf the ballot has been mX often hSiftir : Letters to. the Editor 44J-— 1 1 \ "i ■'■.-"ii—ixi- tf-4—l". 1 " ^ 1 ■'*, i its secure fijiunddtion ahd transfeY- pressfonal district. ring it to his btiiliwtca. However, ; it - i i. • it\ the Star-Telegram fecdk that *?vip- . In tending the editor’s comments] \ lent liepercusSioi^s to thie presidents ff tv r o nest Cqait papers; Jthe | message are hardly in! character,’’ F acle !' ^..struck by thq complete, . since! the South jwill net vote. Ite- ignoring of the cii-j> lights pro-; "iF’m’.’t’L *1 should^ toine about.. publican, will neVer vote for Hfenjry gram.; Neither the Los Angeles! .1 I i hiiilv nnr lifting jiaft; of : t|je flouted hks been jJyckson C — [ Republican iplatforlm of lil44 from Missorri, the president’s own 6 ,j president of “RKlUtSl - - • Three cheer.-f for ffo KJ)rCATI()N-| NOT X Very X . x| MRS. ■v C0MP1 Editor, The In !your edil XOT^'RIGI editor steppedw viewing hisN)pfii An vour Cditariid RiGinrs My sehtimeil ts r- . I vlv tours. |bi:rt l] ifojv i * r flTON??.? "i lioki: : h I both Kides of In^another e|i publication, ' tl thropist, H. f Sapavt .for liis EDb'CAlju . J., teml to stanetarefize cduca-- Wallace, and SouthernIpresidential Daily;News nor tl e hich, m turn would destroy t candjdates n0rn fo at ed for a separ- Chronicle mention jitfen as we know ,t today. • attf ticket) wou iy n J have’the H'gisUtion in the If government akr were ' to be , cor funiished, 'everyone -would hjive an ! iwould;! t^hd to standardize educa equal) d(lue!»t)on regardless of lace, | tioii, which, color] or creed—granted? If gov- j compmithin ei nmeuR aid he furnishe.l, Thd Staies. however have never; sH htoat chailce [ 0 f he) evei jjome wqpld he entitled to the and will pever, I dopt believe, be- t *ffi ce same K)j equql medical care-f-gilalit-j caiipe •ptjthe “competition” afford ed? And if ^government aid were ed by fm other States in their to ■ b(f |furnished, ev’eryonej would tui'ning Lut better equipped grad- scale O S' s no pi those: this 1 tdrlay hard a gi\4 sm up Wnd there would he vierty—granted? But;, : if all things wpre'furnished, would ! gesting. .America as We'know it are' of. s jlf a farpier, no matter how do noi ning I) breOdsi' ({pm m u n gjjni. The Dallas Morning of the most conseivati' work jtj'ccivin^ pay acCOnliiig |(V a uatblTjhe absence (jf competition j 'X^adojRiop j! y. • ' . : mean utter destruction I'm: ''ft saying, riot even sug- ()Ctat5 . j n estin“ '“ 1 ‘ ' ' ' ” Daily [News nor the) Ban Francisco the proposed I l , m I y . .. I .C 4. « 1 . . — have too ing eloct^fl Minns .(that our governing bodies "iX'-em" th * C< * m ' I tdf ^ should! he work) so hard ? on a linr” “ •m* ^ - mu c,= s! js^wtHiTiSs w ner ^ind mode of life will be ' thfi u , (m - * .. t ; tU questio brial in rT ’ )U; lien, is luasf d on ton,petition. Why could kffoet our nation .within our o “ fDcnioc.atiic . shbuild ! 1 dioy traiq and work to run pw(| Irfotjime. : a ^ »mai bleij lloived News tone Sin(!t ’ inan Y Am' ''b'ans of Jap- * nu , u 'lAt anese extraOtion anti Latin-Amefi-1 ui,. can d,-scent are reiulents of Cali \fhtoi wiuld fornia i- the omissfojj; i-f even more to the Deiii- hafflijig. Feihaps tjhoje papers do the 01 ly, minority g 'Pups ^subject to disci i iiination anil segregation in j ingk supplied .'k’ith t )eir ”u.<)4kl ampunj lof lieat and light Hinejs oidered the boiltre on l |ie| line to be converted so that 11 .-y plant, Aggies might well have bcPn could utilize the fuel p resei ’ e. ^haring the lack of heat with; which This was at 8, on the njiorning W) people further north were fat-1 Jariuaily 28. Twenty min Jftea h er ed. X 1 ! all hut! one Of the "boilers wafeybu n-! As X}* know, all the heat uqjl. ing, the oil, and by ‘J all the boi ( rsj light op the campus is furiii$hed' whjch Had been pn the line w( rej by steam generated by heat from iroing at their usual ratej. Not dr ceL , the burning of natural gas. When ; dulling ! this changeovqi did itie! ] j the jgas was shut off, the men at the power plant were faced kith the problem of finding a substi tute. ;• ! 1 .] That substitute was round i)n a reseilve of fuel .oil which was es y tablished in IkJ? w^ ( ‘ n the power plant switched irota that typp of fuel to commercial gas. An under-1 ground tank, just outside the inani j (See HEAT on Page 4) — ’ r : - .. , It &n t only politic J p|e,lwt>5^ liticai information' " press: The Bul- ge-oned a most headline: S^J MA (e only this to add. W<| izens of Bulloch are v theiWi South, pray Sou 10 ceiwc left 1 ew Yor i£ i, founc am .t' of OKy 1 t lit wa nfi, the. m s • i: T wim j that blpws no good" seems „ good in the case Of Mrs. I. C. Paul' and I . B. Coo idge of Philadelphia- ■ , r tnist good I R’ge. but ihei pron isee ,, Tuesday 1 By C. C. MUNROE Gold,!isn’t it? Well, it was a lot colder on Jarikary when, due to the fuel shortage, the g;a’s which supplies tlie heAt and light for the buildings qh the campus was sudidenjl f, and completely, shut offi. Thanks to the foresight aind quie k Spehkingtof a proposal to throw WO rk of the staff of the college power plant, howejver, tjlle- lection oXhc president to ^ warm th and light which flows from# 1 th. k }ast~Saturday for a iladelphlia but landed instead DO mileis away. The Eastern the Phi adelphia Airport clos- contiiiutd non-stop to Miami, he two would-be Philadelphia s a happy lending, eight degteies in Philadelphia decided to remain in Miami ^ South Dakota student news- uvoy a pong co-eds on why Ine wroite: fT came to college aii’t.” Plevre rniy 32 ye ■ S. D; real estate man jars ago, lent $100 it back. Tr —u. COM - ■ I N G FRIDAY &BATDRDAY For -MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES Jones Sporting Goods 803 S Main Bryan Ph. 2-2832 No 4 of the , 140,000 gallons of the oil, or rough- thgii editorial col and noit gipii i ., ,,.. Houston ■ : l ) X_ l |' l \vhy sltould a hoy\practicc placing i > t * n * if, , by rules, he’s only a,)-1 [•fast if has no (j|ne to race wjlth? • jBolpefhiiig Should IRi Done! )| Incidentally, both jthe Star) tfoetej is no ’ The stand take Jofi f ^ j dm , tor - Houston zonal# jjjnyn seem/r fA F ' • 1 niuch the, shine is by the writei* |o question. ! I realize th man, ^but I be|e should read asfp tone-sided opinion 1 v took'the affiripttavi* of this cational de tjive should ! ! -t ( " ’ 7 '-r i - •hfo 1- r- ie cclitbria editor that ee itq ies and Since th Itjiink th(> negij ighted. f • :-A .1 -j V Tile Battajrnh or'College Stafio; afterrioon, extlp lisliedj semi-weik win: ”09, Nfew# : contiil 1 ti ons may ^ r HalL Claisijr (jbqdwiii Hall Afi-^eriejn The Associate ' ed to :(t or not! ol I >Uc ! Rightk of republipht Knteted us secuful-:1 I iCOTefei I jCoagreifi [ CHARLIE MutlF ~j < Office at the Act of ConKrcta (il ' &r Virk Undlir. .. L.l.i.I.I.. «th Bjpijid, Louis M doubt that sdnietjhing houhi iHi' done to change or cot; o owri ten warbles ? Why Ivcjli ojjti pchool system, and, though ve and sjiecialijju) jonfc! knows the answer, l! he- m ■ Telegram and the Neks are Jnj- dependent Democratkj newspani ers. j J h ir 1 ijiT iw-miirledaesl. j jllen takes ■oil ijiei Hj!' /Jh ¥> t'ciif hi) can make 1 s good a pJacc lieiije Ithal when the solution is Nothing less than miirder would Gne‘ l editi)rinl^Si \'»-ihinjs(df? f found,'j-lpt it will be fah from the he dn the wind : of a professional ■ ! '. >|o Competition Breeds ■ Communism iroposiidj; federal aid plan, i-thiii iletitef is onesided in scope. if federal aid is given\to system, it would only' be a; m tit ter of time until the government would be stiggesting. if i not dictating, s j “whafifi would be '“where.” I this i m curing boll da mi and c* SubscHp ion ratei $4 ed ads may bt, a»a mailer rit, aiii-rfe .Texas, Ffress isl w tiu •\ ion of-all ♦; ALf»o Tuesday, — 'Wednesday Pekas, is ] ull khcd( fivi ^imes a weqk knd cimRatecj cjvdfyj'Monday through Friday | # /jj ^ST*48 ' f——————f' - j), ■ 1 '—j official ne' vsp iper of t d exclus 1 nd a - J. T. Mill*'". Keontth Bpnd, Louis klc-ga i- -Mach T. Nhlan 1 » I • R. L. BJIli, Tom Carteq . C. C. Munroe, (J. C , wwto ..J... Munroe, < . C. I 5 otto iL dtaas, (f. 1/. i Ijixch 3, IS 7(1, , JIMMII; r 11LSOKr..:.., 1 i •!. •> 1 ioodwyn .. x, j. lind, Truniafi i. ifi Clio, ■trail. Jamei-i :. i'e *on, _ Hails, John. s^ujjiciary.., s XX'"-r.ri^-rrri Battatidn and to pre- i which, of g with the bill. : ' ! {Yours conipetitively, BIU. SWANGO. 19 Irif—^tI Agricultural land Muchahicnl 'o||I<^g of Texas and the City \ Opens 1:00 p.m. TODAY— : ,i 4*nfei M . ah,ination periods. Dujring .ttjc HUmdter The Batfolfon is pub- i#ff urr pii P^r School year. Advertising rktds furnished on request. - by folfephpne (1-5444) or af jthet'edRoriaf office, Roopi 201', Good- ccd by feiephonc (4-5324) or jat the Student Activities Office, Room Xj. ! ! X-' ! ' ' ■ I j j: j j| • j'M " j' : ij ,, l-ft iX~ A ' Metkjbcjr of The Associated'Press . — ..SITTTf -IT - -•- --—-- yely to the rise for republigatibn of afl news dispatches credit/- wise cred|te{dj|iv the tjapet and Iqbal news of shpptjiulcdus! origin published herein, sir matter herein are also reserved.! j iljj f toll.- ■' [ ■, Associated Collegiate Press Member I .. . : ;f A are HMitor’ j...Manat ing Kditora ill j iinj| 10 4- Alauricr Hoivell;'. ; . ihivlti M. ScHgjpar. . .. , . urr Kditor ' I Sam S.uirtOM ' l . . .Feature Wslters Art Howard ' r James OeA t 1 -1 t—r- prtfc?Mte<l natlonaliy by Nialonal Ad- irvice, Inc., at ,N«W York C|ty, ] Angeles, apt S* X-f- ' --P* ! ii Fraacajco. Co-Editors .Kepohers HetisMIl Bob Adyartiaing Manager Columniat Cartponisls Shorts. Editor K. p. .Mar.ik. Gray ...Mi w VeAjhdaJ AJndy 1 lit lulfc 'ie’ro Hatmnomft SSU^,:'4;: I :t Writers | Manager I ' .MtTRO-COlO^-M^PlCTUHt Features: Begfo 1:00 - 2:56 - 4:(45 - 61:30 - 8:: 10;00 ■ COLOR rARTOOV -r- NK»! PALACE ■ MHONt 2-8H79 J (DDAY — LAST DAY - r i——- —r -t - |— to see H- - ' SUSAN HaIyWARD —In just Mom cut Tin ™—nr~\— TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY A 1st Run Feature, r i- IfUMPItREY BOGART —iit-F ^Treasure! of iieiTii ^Iadre ,, ’ £N F — TUESDAY WEDNESDAY] fi RANDOLPH SCOTT] idi ^Albuqi Hi ’que CUI0N HILL LAST DAY tq see sfr xl- : ^ A J H+ iX LOVER! ROVER! ROGUE! i ^ Hero of a thousand daredevil adventu ; es..i :/ >>_ idol of beautiful vvo«tien...rigit out of the / /----fabulous Arabjan Nights! j J j tot DOUCUS (AlltIliKS, Jr. •MTinilH Sinbapthe Sailor „» ANTHONY QUINN-CtORGE TOBIAS, • )ANt CmN .MlKt MAtURKI. ’ . f'Uvni ky (1WHM AMIS kr klCHAIO WALmn fi w«. h., k, 10— twljf I -.4 TUESDAY — WED - THIJBS. H4- « ooam tfjhk i\iimcinH9k . _ m CAUflELD m TOTTER BENNETT HATFIELD aaomtwoucw# !:. NORTH •aicnaM MICHAttCURIlZ wwsBSSr T H . MICHAEL il mu no •>««©• 1 J •: ML ‘Cl - ;• i £ '~ , 'r r •A< ^ ^ i 1 if !; If A WOMAR IS SOFT AND * WARM... / and deader than f r ii /to ENtlieRISI *1 / JOEL McGREA DeFORE umob fi i *?(’*-MWESTOi FOSTER^ - ‘ ARLEEN WMELANl^p^ ] j xn^l'iS 0 ^? L^sy#i^->lihwSKWiAiN^ji Ii M Sl’NDAV i MOM)A»T T M § & 16 f dm 'ill : MW li i ' .1; Jam limit ?aret Wticu m i •I !' - !l widi HIFFIIH JONES JEM KENT MKNJIEl« ; ’ FFUIt RIMER Elll SFRMPIRTLII vr—•,« sf to i