Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1948)
*'! It •••• \ tvrf’ h v Education ^ ' r. The now fajmilia: , tpe feasibility of a e<iijcation— tne leasiDimy ot a for 4dhcation-4a pcljit ■f has beieiii pro . a; id cq -ip back in print again Senator George I». introduced a bill int ideral aid tof sihoblp ig the fight?for:tlk to rwrurvum V\ 1 ! 1 1 ; ; 1 ■ i I' Vief", State. 7 i : l| " . t ■ T tiaiion RI A man, Knightly Gentleih van Ross, Founder of if « 11 ■ Z. ‘ ii—M4 r< >g it cs w... fj words about one-room sin ik co fi :tM ve e program,, tlie bill Tag olume Of wdrdfs, oatTs, t rom a.jVaridtyj of iiicjivi ith! states >1 shanti paid, and in s ersr ■ : , It seems tcj u's that ii is time! the pe s{|o?aa we say still? 0 f the United ^tsitcs stbpped worrying ai iijyermont has " • " ‘ 1 gif federal aid ticMeh issue: that Umost to death— ¥i ^BRUARY 6,1948 . ! --rather die w : j an see schools; recei« the govern memt , * The. argume its a$i public schools are f aired oyer anid over atain .. . infringesJon!states’! rif beginning pf thp enfl if c <jmr children will be sidle ])ropagaijida‘ if the lat|:e|* schools.’ Vj: To attempt tjo nemi: e Ith' i i |U» er ^P n i has a possible loss abstract “right” ,and begai gi f:SjS calling fpr looking out for the weaare of their children. Idptjpmttrrphe^- As the alleged lead tig nation of the wdrld V a P, pr ? v j)i the United States possesses a school syster light forth a of which she ^ hard q & . i be ' pr o U d. The percentage of (.failures in college rejafs and moans ualji who would ri|ht| at. their; side 1 Would be useiessf: siiffiiS Jjt t say: Are the If America productsTliterate, capable gen- 2 8 fMnd«i1n?<lo' noiTn'S^a leople of the United St it lignantl.v and defiantly ;ional rights” wTjiile Thei I Test! ' I n! Uji until this time, the not had to .face such an itijl the past It has been loss il|l taip problems without: the Palestine situtitjon • Whether the U-. N. ;Cs|il effective orgadizatiun v i Action they tak| sojr. A ; # organized and?sent intc* the present dfeturpa|ncefi ea As B|ritain begins bej l.alestine, the Unltep Nlitjit ^1 faces what is -perhia est to date: enforcemen|t f the Holy Land. At iwesent Btfithh tr costly and troublesolrile lob the Security Cofmcil w-jll hi gation td'pick lip where Ip may meap establishment international polk e f Orckjs not-previously existed |n world. ! show, among lar^tion in; loral aid for rural areas in ' tions ahe j are taught by under- # s j “ n <l“alified teach- tha 1 it Other 1 things, the lack of pre oojp. The elementary and f the United States in general, particular and southern rural tireas especially^ are . doing an , undeniably every afion E, 6 Sbisa 1 MIHIIIMM Ii .1941 each American on the ei age smoked, 1,550 cigarettes, the education and psychol >gy d . '•i' i Ff SPif flUiberties to remedy the situation themselves. M r * | * * ‘ ' — • ' - ■ .1 i 1 uL. ■ _ I I . •: L _ goveriiment _ ) ' ; i ll I | l Letters y : 1 I'HREE YEjjtRS OLDER ; without consiimilng sevtfa r ams of paper , ' The need is foi° , 6VIWM1 . 1WI1 * It seems logical that these states,' having Edltor ’ Thc Battal ’ on e arguments federal government, n cultumt.” ; ' ■ s t|ping, to Stand eration of college graijuates in thc next 20 JJu “tidiJ .ihoi^h j i “ heir cortstitu- years', the “rights” will take care of them- was not an agricultural stjideht, ! en “ledrn in selves. the U.N.. Withdrawal from s Security jCoun- it if most crucial f.ft|pe partioning i! U ;r M' ! h r !i llh -4 • !j in after the British ;t pops have wijthdrawjn would be too late. Th i if. N. must begin to occupy as British; withdraws. The organization of such a fbree would, of course,, be subject to a British veto, biit e doing this it is not likely that Ef gland would yeto siujh n they'leave, action unless they widje called uiuiin to as- tl. moral obli- sume th^ major burneieof controlling the two let goj This opposing factions. ; ' ! ? tHel long-debated If any filtureivioA.ijs to be,done in Palefc- rrjblihingthat has tine^on the partitioning problemi pnotection q:History bf the musYbe afforded tjie btople doing this work: ’ F. N. mukt ijjtfiat the Ip! | | r J j This is another reaso nitk'l i Nations has provide adequate force fin}This troubled land; f d|ate issue. In the British! government: 1ms stated that it w 11 o pjostpone cer- not furnishtpliotejction t!o any committee after g(c] results, but two- weeks before the’ sbimender of the mail-, | face<J..nb>v, date. \ J-'iH | eyeir becojne an - If the future peace and security of the (pfcjtid on: what ,world is to be assured the United Nations j g tforce must be should begin how to h y the ground work for (sfiine to-settle an jnternatiohal .polieq force to uphold its the danger '.df th^ “ plan’’ Of izonifig.; A the letter.. • f , The njext Viay G||Uen to the papers |.. thj ent natunp. H<jj reve from the; maify beards which heTvasfa meinber. , j |- 11 un- 1 thr Voice From !, j Lj i Although Houston pjf down a proposal' to gone t election, jth« feeliiig ge u i campaign will probably: for quite -some timje. In thq end the iesue de^ balliattle between 1. R..(Tq anthropist and oil irptn, |a mer director of the Company; and Houston publisher, and prope *ty b Cullen and the Greater Commission were against page adviertisemer ts in! tf papers; eiach coht< inin propaganda ^vords and dangers pf atoning law", the Association’s ads wll “Zoning is: a th ‘ iat fc oL life, tb our base fredl form of : regimentation threatens’our American, be defeated by an arou citizenry.;- : .{ ’ In larger-type it Icontihi “Kill this jlegai stic m< Europe atjid disguisnd int tern, citieiji as ii devLe to Oddly enmghi. no of fori planning commissk n to i , tages^or disaqvant sgbfd.oi content tp avejid thle-issuel A few; days before the a letter to each of the jlu . {|jo! send this) force decisions ie Grave? !i : One reason given rbj ( wnersj Voted . 0 . ,. ■ ty h Saturday’s resignations vvas that < Jones’ pnppr, -T1 •ted during the Houston Chjfonicle, haq riot been fajr in ijtibub to be felt presentation, of both ^ides of thei^ zonir g question. (Tdlen said {.hgt the jygtaetes' on ibjre l into a ver- zoning which had appeared in The'Chronicle erj, \ . ! ealthy phil- “were all (rUe-slded. It fs an insult to the in-, Jsiss 1 Jones, for- telligence of tne read nt df The Chronicle to Keebnjfjfnltc-tion Finance i present only one siik .VA man ought to be jnipgJ SeVeral full hree Hfuiston rkbr, newspaper hr. fair. icatioff—not “inghts.” The forerunnerjiof this monthly, ][ .. « 111 | | I i Opens 1:00 pin. ‘ ■ il lm; a I. 4-1181 — TODAY — SATURDAY r , .■f .-L . , })ut T. B. Ketteretin, Jr., who hjjp 1 - | pened to take a cjnurse in Agriciil- i ' tural "Journalism i hnd got drafted by the magazine. iThe Techaiosedpe (engineering publication) and the Battalion magazine wete all fbutid ed at the same time, the Springiof 1930. Yours imlignantly j- THOMAi A. flAU-T 3 TODAY Aj FRIDAY i ‘CARNEGIE HAW -M- Y 1 : Victor Mature Brian bonlcv ■ : ; Friday f4uturns 1:20 - .'5:30 - 5:l(f. - 7:S5 4-;. i- 7 10:05 1 “Y'iT'TTT ) ? JJ DALACE ■ phone 2-8HZ9 * ; j . , -j I ’ lit. fpr (Trllen7 wholesa TODAY & SATURDAY: -w • . !• 1 ? i 1 Cullen’s jletterijjislefl some of the civio jlobstjon Planning andi educatipnal which-he had had a hand: the (University of Houston (he! was chairman!:of the board of riegentsi), lUijiy “charged”, the Art Museum, the Hqu$ton Medicail Center raRe.4; listed the portion of luutrite this: lejAnerican way m I hat and the Symphony jOrchjefjtra. It vyas the clMp bf; the letter that may strike a /respondent p)hord in the reader’s mind: ' i’ ‘ : i .i - Saturday K-atunes 1:00 -3:00 - 5:00- 7:05 - 9 :0 r, —+_!_ |T_ Prcvtic Saturday 11:00 p.m. And for Four Big Days Another Big 1st Run , . . 1: T" = ctit/uB&THMSof'W i* (ft SpUktyltCtiUlCOlOK! JUNi MTU -■l"-. y ' i mmn unm A MtTRQ-COLOWYN-HAYEIl RICTUK 5 inskluojusly city up to fio\f or.s and riiust away from h4rd ;l informed twenty-five or slum it oiiiu ting As_another “It hap t’eeii ja pleasure to help build th;is insiduoiuslV r-itv 11tv tn rmvvj bjit Jbsse Jones bias been most bLtpe time for; the last thirty years, and has cbnjie i back to Houdtbfi and dOcided, with the influ ence of the ijress here hnjcl the assistance of a bunch of New York Jews, to run our city, so I apt going td giVe ^ur city to Jesse and his crowd.” ' j/'j[•', T I j Kj j. Even thohgh Cqlle n eater asked that ne\jvs papers'substitute fihe word “merchant” for “Jews’li it is possible that; Houstonians may | wonder if time, has' njnt- demonstrated .the (validity of a rather; nahious saying: “Tell lan untruth outrageousleiipugh and repeat! it . . f h j nl ' “ ' - geni was Adolph Hit- spawjnejd in ■ridden fyas- our hohie!” ade by; the the jadvan-- r. . . it was r’ : Mllea Wrote eijs lointing out GUI0N HALL F R I D A Y a s A T |I R D A Y “1' —Big Double Feature— i 1 n.; ; - Py heric in, (Herman often enough, and unthinking peopk- Will ac- p w [pafpefs* pufolished Ippt it as the truth?’ j j ■ i b ( The author of that g | The BatbUifui, offl of College Stutifen, T( . jrlfeW’s . jCoptr butioj win Hall. !,Clas.‘ ified 209, Goodwin HiU. f 'it J i! idalj» )c:re, ii? afternoon!, j e::cfe»t during ii )ii< lished semS-vyeelly. .hubsen -H s niay .ds mb All-Americ The Associated Pijess is i ed to it or not ftherwiae c: cjdi lligjhtH of rcpubllcatk |i of: Ml- jTitvred (u» HCcmi|-clu.-)a Offijce ut Ciillogc ^l';illi»n Uic |Act ‘ of. CrJBKre*4 o( Jli iRLIeTmU! piai cr Tkxji i, th.jjj VtcW J.tndleyr f, J. Ti. M'ilUr, jKVmiPlB Boii.l Macjk T!. N'‘* R Tom aiiothet letter i ler - .slijrhtllyidiffer- 1 iad; resigned 1 • n! missions Tjff^' > ' BATHROOM SHOWER Grafton (N.“l).) County Record miDE HONORElD AT mr e Battalion -r- rtf ybri' 1 pfjpeij of 'tie. Agricultural and Mechanical Colicae p Jlihhei five times a week and circulated ejlerjy (Monday throu, of Texas aiuj the C ity Friday y.*) ajid exumiuation periods. During the sun^mbr The Battalion is'plib- fe' " *n ad< i by teiephone (4-5444) or at the Rditi(irial;toffice, Room. 201, Gojod- 3la :ed byl telephone (1-5324) or at tht S rate $4 per school year. Advertising raitesi.Thrnished on reejiuest. ' ' UTli-.ji - If -h Member n^ Activities Office, Room ii if The Associated Press tf<d (ixclusiVely to the use for republication of alt hews dispatches^ere lit- d. in the paper and ; local ncw-s| of . spoi tan«K) is soHgin publishqd herein, hir i latter hercin are also reserve'* 1 i i Assujajitcd Collegiate Press Meinber \ Id Feb. ual National Tether Em will be held ii Texas February 7 and B. Wilcox, head I to my feet, and ‘‘Thy Word is a lamp un NeW Students . . 1 • I' I L iVhile you are regisi invite, you to "eurpin. viat: m worship with us regularly up( g, may we It and pon the Lord’s Day, ■ ONE BLOCK NORTH bF NORTH GATE k; t: . ifco i ly pa Sh” iii ■ ■/I . Examination of ffeneral ed onal Info: ven on Febrtary vhch will me. by Sermon Sunday Morning, Feb. 8th ! | j' 10:45 11 -8M, What ia fliy By JAMES F. FOWLER, Minister A. & M. CHURCH OF CHRIST — 1 $ible 1 tyo MidA oung Sum _ j . ni: 9:45 Service, 7:15 . \ , 1:15 p.m. Foruijn | C:15 p.m. V" i '• ! COOKING CLASS F01 V- —1 v ! I / 'i N 1 ii. ! I i ! I •-i \ i HOISEWIVE! 1 ! ) j f to be presented lt|y ■: ' J - J ■il \ \! : -I ' GULF STATES ITILlTtES CO. i L :I ‘j:! I f V -A Home ■ i Economisli I t- j/k Mildred TrlhhK i > F E B R U A R Y ■ i 7:30 P.M. 1 'k ■\ rot iy Moore r <! . iav: Mi- i EN G ; : | j. ; lioR1UM I j v' * Ml ( !. Sponsored by thi ; j(j : 1 VETEItANS- W 1 V \ III iMi . ! 1 YES GROUP OF j I . - I'M —“iiiiBClHEA liicaKo, U« / ije, Inc., ut New; York .City, ngelM, wirt San Knuir soo U)nMojN|..4-| .. li’Lw . VI a n HR ll ( .t'fiatir* Editor F-uutueeiWrU^r* > * 1 j • ^ i Ertltor *. Maurice HoYv*ll !. Editor* (David >1 KkUunii n Sam I.aii|ord. K. J Art Howard i . i . L James Del llersliell ijleu ry.,.. .Keporters Bob .4.. 1 an r bray Ida Zirn •V••b•t . AdvertHUn* Maniigei . .. . Movie Colon ms ...... ^.'partooilau JSport* bettor Hammond. h . i.. Sprtru Writer* i;-