Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1948)
I No touchy, subject mot! is more that of in colic giattijijaalms i irie inflamn ajtorpi j than t racial 6r religlioUs discrirriiii ation in educa tional instibut onis.’Nc r h mid South, Eastj ~jand West, ah* all eque ll[v ^ i iltjy.f The North South ior nit: admitting Ne* universties. [The South con orth for bar Jewish stu+ ahifl Soujth bc|fli look question But ant ration laws are a doubt- vcondemns tie tale Zeroes to st ^derrins the rjdents.- Nor|h ingly at Cal of loyail Jar Calling -nla our faults. ild we oijily d| r our prejudiefes when t ley ai outside; | j Therefore Thki Bat rnih anc eriti |ire the exclusion dec! jjjaijiese-Ampifca] nla lin es! in and defend! attacked firoin r alijiks that t|'e committee 01 Colleges wh solved by ejluca rather tha'n 'joy “{!)oefcfvc> le has been inf Won ioji alien! thjo As^qiatij i iced end Agrees with the of American se problems be |o|lulnfary act ion[ illation” such as inf ion iced in ';i'Veral northern ^states. Thesf 1 hi js threjHejj |thje tax-exempt - status 1 of no|-|sec “ of racial am| - milting stude ■ i i Race-and tana religion itkH i co! disc [eS found guilty bijnation in aci- religious alarming stages in AnfiOricai liaitii as it did in (f - took oyer.) iA I beaten at tlif 1 - Japanese vetjt I the right to I) !. someAVjhat dijfterejit—-\je l|atfe 10 Negroes in our Whjite ccjjle'gcw. b ilj iwedire just now bej- 3 ginning to maceJpur Negll? colleges on the - same echicaponal plane asiithc white t '' f ■ ■ 11 J ] Til ^ ifg has. reached nil e r i e aj(|] ' c u 11 eges. (Much rnnnTu|Tltej'| f ies when Hitler mvis i Ifacwlly ; member- was Unjiber: jt 3 V:4| jllljnois. A Nisei ran hiid l][ts t]|irilv were ivejijn a|Mu.|f|jg unit operated JilnJAi ..,l- n problem i$ nti-dLscririniin^ fill Cure. They might slay the discrimination dragon officially;, only to create,a worse mon ster! which g’ould hide in the shadows. The AAC coimmittee, (headed by Dr, William P. Tolled of Syracuse University, a Methodist] school) says that they are in “hearty aiccord’': with the motives of th< grdi ps supporting isuch legislation, but 5 pur conviction that the problem of Idiscriminajtidjh Should be solved by edu cation and vjoliuntar|y action 1 and not/by coer-i cive] legislation): f 1 j! ■ 1 However iuieljj intentioned/buch legisla tion! may bej,” tl|ie committee'continues, “it Would place in tjhe hands of The state a threat to the freedom Of colleges now independent of pblitical (jalitrql.” We doii’t blame ahy pollege not founded by a political unfij^fm* wanting to keep oijit of poljit ics. I 'Hie AA(| sbgJgests as the most practicable approach tojthe proolerii the appointment of a nptionaTfcomntission to which instances of disth'minaioity policies can be referred. They say !fuTtjlei}_ that this commission should have the iaulhoriljjj tq mvestigate, and ‘‘establish the facts a Si Accurately as possible.” . r jl'he group fails to suggest what methods! of })prsuasii>|n ; mjijirht lie .used in such cases. * Whateveli' Ucpion the national group takes, thd iprohleni haVj definitely moved into the shadow of jeolleigiate administration build ings. We agree with the committee that “there should) be an active program [among all colleges to broaden educational oppor tunity to qualified youth regardless of race, religion or haitiohal origin,).” * “Honest, Miss Klop, I can’t tip you off when we make our next food inspection at the Gate.” Letters to the Editor the W’fi ne to register Tip On ] A Real Bargain " 4-..D1 ■ , s The Bry|in good advice! * ‘ ’ tial before jJain the preside! spectator. Jj—_ Although taxjyjs] j»rerequ i i i i- r berij; forfeit yic«|ejj: any spreading some Each peiyom piukt have a poll tax receipt to |)i|e poll tax on of taljej part inj piiiy [state and city issues as well. W’s LAST Editor, The Battaliom ,1 don’t see why the ih-— me have to be the last due to reg everytime* I know ; j it probably doesn’t make much difference to whoever arranges the : registration schedule, but after dotting a full- up Saturday and 8 ji’dock;classes on Monday, Wednesday, ajid Fri day this fall stniefetier, it does seem that I (and alljthe other W’s and end of the alphabet) should de serve at least a little, better break than being last again. I know this will ird do me any good this time, l|>ut I do sincerely hope that whoever Idoes arrange the registration schedule will see pay ,V( Iirfs- •* ipl t v yoi d participation in ylectwip '"ij'll be purely as a lent-ibeemttse ;! regular. annual year large nuhil >icje ihiiliyalj and national )f; ijiewlj'cbpr disinterest; x receipts. When govern merit .fatg^tiise failing to eb :aiiotliei|r Ipiiil _ . the co||tn)vel‘siAlj insujjsBdimtj - alj)ng they suddenly clevelo|):‘ a i fihtfcii'st but have no vote. 3 - : ’l 't It ’..i ! -, ^ While th t prCsidt nfijil'pl'dion if the most heavily publiciz^fi aii(j;lin|| j:s out the largest, numbers of-votej\s, f it iiJ only issue tijjj'which tjhe |h>|i Arid As seeiii ilfist year, bond issues and con^, . stitutiohal t(njiCi)flments fan be of vital impor- f' 1 : 1 .' - ' rotational maujier. tancp to all! citizens’ and property holders. Ifoll taxes ijnriy bje payed locally in the Tax: Assessors Office, County Court House, at thp (corner:of College and 26th streets in BryUn. 1’heiamoimt is tihe custonaary $1.75 | j r ‘. 1 'j: j | G ]• I • j;' i h, ■ ' the ••cost, isi sjmail and the attendant pub licity slight Don’t delay your payment. No H ATING 4 .{()LESSORS Fditor, The Battaliorj: RecentJy a certain professor in the math department became the subject of many discussions among students, especially among senior and graduate studeiils in the EE and ME department^. Few, if any, professors have received as many compliments as he lias. It sWms as though Dr. E. C. Klipple inis been visiting many senior and graduate classes in the engineering departments in order that he might disebyier and rectify the weak points j.n tllf variousgnath Courses. In doing UiifS, he not only stimulaUs Jii.s own interest, but also he brings the inpplieation of this and use a little jrommon sense math to the student, ithereby arous- ou this thing. Aggip are always , ing. an interest in .the student for willing to play fair) about things i the eourse—fomithjng the math like thi. (witness the Aggie lines) ) department is‘very Weak in. As and even those who jgot th** break math is the most iniportant part don't feel that• they ueserve it and of. the foundation of an ettgineer- would not he resentfjit of a, corree- ! ing career, and it JH of great i.m- tion in the usurill.vj Aggje (fair j gortanee to any college student, I you can easily see w hy Dr. Klipple, Sincerely, j through his interest'; in, improving ARTHUR WRIGHT himself, the math department, and 40 DAYS FAtS'llNG 'Editor. The Batt r I “Still it was not until the year r -ally grasped In that year, Garden, the College bas- tlierefore the student, is being talk ed about. As I aiq tio "graduate in a few days, I fed that I will not have fulfilled the requirements, to .be a successful Aggie graduate if I do not; express my appreciation as well as the appreciation of the Ghostly ^d\ Word htlsj corriL fijomjiji! tain ratheiGquc.rtjji.MiaJiV ik r -Percy AllenilcIaimiB jhiiti hyi t? -Percy Allenf ^.(through w - the late W voaled that tjhe Srijtht'ripjMTj joint prbdiu ts»of!.'V T il|ianh ■ Earl of Oxford. rat mihlium Hiam [S iak(. , d|.'(| hti ndoji that a cer- .soilality named as been in touch didij't say) with , ft .„irejthe late Sir eiU'dluiard de Vera, ■ tliet mev r i e rather re- hat icloudetj, "Francis Pat pn anjl thA Earl of Okiprd. j] ! ] / The;evje]jts.sujrr)ij|HlB|)^ markable jejents rcmAipHse . -.rbui Mr. All An coijpcs .qqt! fijl' enough to •'(isCiosje that | )«' “rather lerfctHy j; C') rj bfj r]: .q fjt ° n sf "j] i t h the atbrm'ontibijed’gt|dlfj|n|t i(Jf iH' stage. The cofiversatjoijs, majC'tairid } Passing I'over jtjhllj in l-jrfittetjMy startling piece of iniArmatjion fojf: th analyze further th • reji Allen’s hull hessioftid wit] writer may prodijib*. d thing., with; Shake.-pearf 1 j For ofu thdrship of cap.sir] untjjld lo.'jjs of sj trie past s up’, some o slice of democracy severity-five. nb means thf* ax Offers a domj. Y 1 ice Wan tec .. 1967 that people what was going oh at .Madison Square. ...... r w,. .. — v * . Misiissippi Women’s OfHeb investment assures vou so large a re- ketball team, of Hatjtlosburg, Mil*- ,stiidOfits who havr expresswl ' • - 1 '• T - - - sissippi, beat (ae j^exas Aggies J heirs id tlnfir iliWpssioijs for. a (an all-male -teahir bv the as- i “real■ profe^or’’—Dh Klipple. founding score of R. M. I NAME \V ITHHELD February jE.siluiiiy- |~ turn!from an equal payment. Even with the (leya|uatiqii( of the ruble, you can’t buy a in Russia for a buck 1 1 ijv. his I reverie long fib: iN has) had severnil Alien, have rti- clas ' -;ic:,s' were t he her with llie moment, let us iskirins that Mr.- li/C'entury script iiystery (the at)- ivorks) that inis fob schtflars ()f ^Iveral ] | et|er|ii tldb being cleared j the bed :m(ii t .d-of ritir time cun pow torn tdythe levsidiff leksijng pjrdblem of instructing people how;! <| |i\!e in'the sanie Portland C arid office read and s wojrlt without, throwing knives and atomic bombs at. qnje'another’s’throats. And—ooneerhirig things even nearer the hearts of Aggies]—Mr. Allen might be pert suaded to H I) (Gel Knute Rockne on the line i and t t ilizetthati rienerable gentleman’s talents in 1 beilping iHarry Stiteler produce a winning fobtball teiinji at A. & M. next year. (2) Dial Laj\vifence jSiiilIvan Ross’s/ number and get an] in'terview with the A&M's one-tjrne proxy concerning his opinion oif the developments in hijs school (hiring the last nO years; ($)f cotitijct Mr.l Jordan am) A Guy Named Joe. .And, the.talknted Mr. Allen might well find ithe range of Messrs. Shakespeare, Ba- coji, jetc., ririaiiSi aijd get their opinions, now rijj)ei ed by rTlatiohs with the spirif world, on current world problems, j | Ahhoujgh Shakics])eare is probably so en- gimied -in his numerous stage holes in the i ndhOr lands that! he hasn’t tirne for such j nonsense,-surely; Sir Francis could inform us asj toj Rusjfia’.S intgntious, what’s [wrong with the Ijhiited Nations,, hqw to beat rising prices, who js.gojng to win the S\Y(''basketball race a!|d-t-just;i Tor curiosity’s sake, exactly where Shakespeare and fiicon are hibernating and hqwjtheyijijnd thi rigs there. if \Vho knows? Maybe Mr. Allen may cata pult jhimsOlf into the Man of The Year. M. Coates in For eight long'-ydaire ituw T..TJ has been taking hoiifie-the turkey every Thanksgiving klui the '‘spir it’' has stood up under it. II this clipping is to; be thi' future then something must be done.; I rec ommend 40 days, o: lasting and yell practice every njte so asi to bo prepared for the blow;When it falls.. S. D, Tughes, IT. calorics a da and.” [He fin A few nut] about (he 16 aid: . Jj : - , ’hose IK late. Now it’s, ‘’Be kind to animate, especially the smart ones.” It seems that deer, stalked by hunters in nearby hills, decided to come down to civilization where life would be safer, if less saner. | j So, deer began appearing in, around, and ; on the Officials here were praising the animal’s in genuity, but were scratching their heads over; a new -bid a airport problem^ The deer in the runways, although unicla admittedly adding to the picturesqueness pf the scene, were hindering landings and takeoffs and, garet in general, throwing the entire schedule system off she h: time - M • ':••! / ! M ‘ f f . THAI Only last \yeek, Airport Manager Dick Logan chased four of the fleet-footed animals around the , long nofth-south runway for half an hour iit order 0L ^sS, to enable a big transcontinental liner to make a schedules! stop. j • ‘They may be called dumb animals,” Logan was quoted as saying, “but they’ve outsmarted thi» air port loqg enough.” ■ / (> ROBBERY—AND THEN SOME etes a semii six hundred and fifty tho| xlieen hundred and fifty e* fbr If ter, Rep. Vofys (R-Ohio) receive Ame; fieri,he began. . llfvoide skid, clearly and firml), “I qr. the crpwd at a police} audio i of n a bidhlrisiin Boze d a id v «(aj hiy bidder. vens been at a police auction ot i, jtyontana grew ki eiU. irlinutes later,; eight-year-old lldr- ajlked uiwajf with the bicycle on w if 3 1! / iieri living- 1U miles southeast v(iteii well thatls (\n flhi. h he beHeves is marsh gas caking of his 139 foot'well, has i burning] ab mt sik weeks,) and the farmer has qsing thi wijj surface as (i stove to heat wlater .s hvest ck^ ’ M, j| / . • • ^ : n rill ri w ■ ” if‘d drawing oi Thcj [biggest theft in his career is puzzling" Deputy Sheriff Dorse M. Teagarden o!f Longmont, Colorado. • | Missing: a six-foot marble monument. Its absence 'first was noted by a man making his annual visit to!a family plot in Burlington cemetery near Longmont. Teagarden said he spspedted a rebuilt army bulldozeji‘ or similar equipment to have been em ployed by the ambitious bandit. ectejd W (the well but g Waiter from it .w hilo iut How to pipe the gas in,to that t been, been for hi The pun; he .ha(>'disc< trying] to fi home.I ij | i Hie think! i.n ejei'tm s)>a/k frejm the p mp noticejd streals IT FINALI|Y Aiuthoritilk iij Katnadf Citjy have reported ultimatk in ; tmjevl.qrjv • /;'!• Someone Ifirully sjtole. the (kitchen sink. Officers sai(l (they were htol mechajntsm stjariled the gas huming. Earlier i ho n; the! water which appeared > eNep STONE WALLS DO NOT A Botjte, Mont, city .jail prisoner was] given permission to use a telephone and walked out while the jailor's back was turned. Picked up a short time later as h<f strolled near the jail, he explained “I just wanted to get a little exercise before dinner.” GOOD NEWS? Good news for the harassed American, alarmed by the soaring price of bread, meat and beer, opines from the d4th National Motor Boat Show pt (Grand Central. Palace in New York. Now, Mr. Average Citizen can buy a brand new 42-foot three-cabin, [cruiser for only (515,985. Last year it cost $17;850. THEY CALL IT STATESMANSHIP Thi men who are threshing ojvpr the Marshall plan Jor European recovery are having trouble'keep ing their billions ami millions straight. For instance: Lewis Douglas, ambassador to Britain, testified to the House of Foreign Affairs Committee that the were h. . „ negro 1 fior qugstjiohirigl in thd i (heft of 12 French cash, a steam radial -from the prop ;rty windows, lead lavatdry—and of Sajn Pitjejlj A BRIEF a cert souri. HI time parfst name E| after took aj part singir from stems ] he tHMsi kl thjihkiiig pastor job at i -adib] station jir a' town inear his' and In ca (sic of personal reasons, he usffd a other tjiai « hfs the 4-0 rd g ip iuit )ur s'jiotj|so mark statio; 5 Taylor & Co. pljiced hj iplkssifieri ad in the for ij proofreader "inust be able to * ! i , iregon .J ourniaj manager i|)ervise whi(b wbnrtri.’: hattan) “fa% Gowh :i TT Thq Battalion, of ficialiji of Collqge Station, Ti xas, E afternoon, except dluting Hot lished siemi-w?eekly. |jub.sci|npi News coijtributmns maV win Hall. C|l|issifiell ad? may M priced by telephone 20fU Godwin (Hell. rr ir i ■ AlLAmerican Entered: ae aHjond-claif Office at - Colljife Statiili the Act of ConCresa of IKl CHARLIE MURRAY, Vick Linlley _i li Farris lilick, D(ijce Hobbs; Bavid Sclix a an Ij Mack T. Nolen | ’ -i- Louis Morgan, IcnTfCtirf M"® A. D. Bruce, J/ Tom Carter, Ted Co; 0 Afa-tjn e|w]i|pap-r of the Agricultural pnd jjlechanical College of Texas and the City nublril cd five times a week And circulated every Monday_ through Friday DuHnglthi Batiali ..I. ■ T3- -TI KiyorlLsqr Dora Gottlieb, Inc. (Man- , At 1 aft! i idebted for the following: o bed iij the Eenie-Meanie-My-Knee -and taki: the rest for granted.” • • * i a ' J» 1: m f .«■ i . ] Ml' j"| 1 4' ' ton : i ! < II Ji iiiys jand examinaition periods. During the summer The Battalion is pub- im rtte P or school ydar.^ Advjertisipj^ rates furnished on request. Pioneer Airlines Add Aew Service Pioneer Air Line-; pkssengers can now make hdttl reservations at tbeir ciestinatioo vhen purchas ing a ticket, Presfri mt Robert J. Smith anhounced tot ay. “This system < liminates the worry of trying to : ind a! room in a crowded city and tmounts to an actual saving to Pi( neor Ipgs.seng ers,” Smith said. “The rejuirvatidn can be mane by notifying the agent.! or reservationist at the (jeparture j point,” he added. Engineers Neteded By Civil Service * - > i Ij ,, The Civil (Service; . Commission has announced an (ilhmediate need fin- engineer.- to bfe;employed by the Bureau of Reelamajtion in the i seventeen western states, accovd- 1 ing to H. X. Yard ley,! executive sec- : ietaiy. \ j j ; j Ha,la lies range from !5:L";97 to ?4,- 1 lii annualiy, and application forms majy be obtained jai any first .or Second class P-ost Office or from, the Regional CiVil; .Service Office. —,— T— Farmers own 20 per cent of all licensed automobiles 1 in the Unit ed States. j ‘ : *1 : I ' 1 \ ' '' t?— “ t ~ t S — Con.soii(iatcd High Sdiool Students T« Enter Contest , All junior and senior students in the A.- & M. (Consolidated High School have been invited tio enter llhe essfayi contest currently .bejng sponsored by The National;Society of Colonial Dames of America in the Stitte of Texas, Superintendent •A. M. Whitis stated.- yesterday! ; . ■ i Each: contestant is free to pick his subject'so long as it pertains to;the colonial period of history up he ess y i to 1873, (WHitis said, j must be at; least LOGO but . j than 5,000 words Sn lenglh Essays should be • sutmiUed I school officials in suffi for selection of the three top mewi- uscripts, which will be tuijned b'wr P iPCt ll>5 in c tie kitcheh| sin injl Job Sqttta. *A I’SK FOR ding u 20-ye‘ai*] old nch tor, ji Religion]; nd!bpoadca8(ing )u 8t don’t mix, breth- ern, a id any < ou itier* can receive confirmation f um [iiin rajtllcr ehargrinod. yoihig minister in flis- v his pwnj.whillri on the air. verytbnjg kr&$ fine until one Sunday morjiiii) the cihpjr 5 ajdj'fipiBlrid a ihynfn, he opened prayep booh fndl remiU'k,cd “wC’U continue with t moment: butl-first here is a 7 ! 'T. Ifl The conJie. ration apj)earq(l! startled but notu regained com ioi are apparently considering Thcj patt erajjbf progress. only la Tlhc^ youib jidni^tier q|tiit hi! job with the ritdil i.; not iIh) :ient tij the' (|o| rs. G] Or John S. Caldwell Optometrist Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas r;' t to the locpl chairman of nial Damps Society, M Fraps, on: or before Max'h 28 Three judges will their make live final selection. The winti)ng,(e:(-s|y will get a prize of $1(1 and qn! portunity to compete in: the sjtl®® cop test for a prize of $20, Wnij concluded.j PALACE ■ PHONE 2 - 8 B 79 Today Thru Saturday For Your Visual. (Problems Cumfult \ Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 203 S. Maini — Bryan Phone 2-4662 Opens 1:00 p.m. LAST J -11 Groucho Carme i “It Had to Be You” with tiINGER ROGERS CORNEL WILDE D A armert MARX • MIRANDA Andy Stev® RUSSELL • COCHRAN ^ Gloria JEAN S«« ^,, GINGHAM PLAIDS • 'j ^ . I | . . . foi* the Gibson Girl Blouse it I V tlDAY & SATURDAY !I(; DOUBLE ETA 11 RE! In sn|all plaids — Pique in Pastel colors PATTERNS TOO Pastel colors ' 1 ill! All at- The Fabric Shoppe ‘fYour Exclusive E'abric Center’’ Acnjss from P.O. — Brydn f made by tcleiphhne-(4-r>444) or al! ttic'editorial office, Room 201, Good- priced by telephone (4-531)4) or at the Strilent i Activities Office, Room .• :j ' ' ! | iI'ImI.II f ,1 , 1 ' ■■■■■■ '■ ■ <* 'U—1 1 ■ ' ■ : . . Thej Associated (Pij-eks is te to it or pbt othendse crMi Rights of repjublicatiio i pf aill ot|ier Jnatter hereiri are ajlso fcserveT- irt «if ji]i< i]. tH 1 o i i tied 1 exclusively to the Use tor t2d ip the paper and local news Member of the Associated Press — 1 —j—"P UT"’ r 1 1 1 i'f i 11 '' republicajtidn of all news dispatche i (of spontaneous origin published tterriijiL ] Associated atches credi- herein. Collegia^ leinber e Press R Nelson i. _Wlre Editor ( . ..Managing .Editor* j Feature Editor Feature Writer* .Colli . -H— P»ul Martinj Don Etgclkilr j RepresenCed nationally by National Ad- vjtrtis^ttg Service, Inc , at New York City. I Chicago, Lob Angeles, and San Francisco. in J II ■ ir* j— Co-Editors rt— 1 Sam g, Arthny Hov MaJUila. (Zero Hamfnonc ..... Lknford, W. K. Colvi Maurici HowiU J | ••——■•Sports Editor rdi, Larry Goodwyn, Andy Hcraholl Shelby 4 Sports Writers L. Gray Lit—;.. .Ciarto<>iiista Mauric* Ho^tll } .•U^-.e J. D. Bjarretjt} Pre*to»iD. Kiel „ D, W. Springer L Springer H. Btardsley, r ***** VjtUwcv MuapxrtiW-J It v ? X Jc- M G M s TECHIIICOKH MUSICAL! Rathe EXTRA! FILMED IN Bowl . . . Orabge Bowl! CUI0N HALF LAST DAY COLOR! also Cotton Bowl also feahirette; VWHISTLE IN THE NIGHT’’ If: i ■ j ijj $ j •w