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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1948)
I MINOR SPORTS IN 1947 InR) Basketball Season As AH Teams T ( —jt— . i ■ \ i i ! — 11 '■ —;— ♦' |ggie Cager|^-Giii itinue to Miss Hoop; 'loor ( ajine * ' 1 ” Rpketball |>av| t taken a |iu|ni lor tein(pM were UMop By FRANK ECK AP Newsfeature Sports Editor NEW YORK —While baseball, football, gdlf, ’tennis, and racing enjoyed bapner seasons many mi nor sports and feature events of ten gained a fair share of the spotlight in sports. Rfere’s tjhe alphabetical r u n- down in some minor sports and a From Auto Racing to Weight Rifting ANNYiM^^ijiMiSiiR' 3r iimgMA-no Ucpd by Ohio Buckeyes j seeftif ,:j^( fewi that are Rig time: pyd oiijlthe Ifci.i fa' ■fni H .7 the Martin |wiug f a|}(i; ?giefc|L’i " I’d ifi) \Vt|l fhe *)ie iff tjie; Fort JjWoi tli lj|\ 4iUiti|nal 'lout if a melt, ttiiljy one \ etpryl wis; eihalk' (1 up flu|v ds co iparel ; tjwo li sses. ajs. bli ick {I „ .. may : uliAue'lUi 1 | tlh e *e ulettt brijghf ’splits, jcvijn ii l«Rii|r Against a i hifj|>li'-tiutet| Bahiwi i Wallace quinbeTa, |icoiing»veiit.jw'i :1 Thb Yellow Jaifki ts eiial\e<l i|p '1 points while ■j|hfc \lisitilg C|uk ;i made (54 but Iwlfy 7un||ow, |t foot sophofnoi'd (roip Pj’fin 1 ro ;(j tlnr^coiing re.c»ril ajt th«|t.'levfhiiitl Aituia, dumpij gi in hiii.* fitkltir^ anfl nine chariflqs fjor t-’i’poii tf.| Even the parti stuisj in the sRtnjIHl lauded the floicrigajine if th( iAr| gigs but once i:gaiit, an allea af thb bucket spilll'd ;the iiifei TR^'Seton Hall affair fras a n ifi | lough' one to lose. The final made a final effort to pull lafiead before the clock ran out. Following close, on the jChrist- tnas holidays, Karow’s cagef's, 12 strong, .journeyed to Gowtpwn to. compete with seven other; teams for the tourney crown. After coming from behijul, the L'TO KA( IN(1 the 5Qb-mile Mauri Rose Indianapolis Fiii ijiK! iv ies. Tlf H! vli t(|-J llooirf pliiv 72 Midis' Aggies managed to edge thyii; first opponent, LSU, 45-44 after 1 .Bill Batey had dropped in two charities in the closing seconds. 1 SMU and Nolth Texas State, however, proved too tough, and the maroon and white 'chalked ufl twi) more losses to bring the season ! standing to five wins and seven losses. r Opening conference play with Arkansas Friday night, the Ag gies have picked a tough one) Though the tall Ka/.orbacks have a record of only six wihs and four losses to date. Forwards Geor|^* Kok and A1 Williams are low ing the conference in in dividual scoring. Kok. a six-foot up 2()li points. Williams, running about si\-six or six-eight, is sec- t and with 147 paints. \ A&.\lV Bill Batey is rupning closii third with a total of I KTlhl- tiesM ' . i 'j .. In addition to altitude, -the Hogs :\re Hmg on experience. They didn't lose player from last, seasofl |Iohn Cbbb of London set a wf)fld record of 403 miles per houjr. : , B\I)MINT(»N Lt Dave Free- ihari. Army Medical Corps, won thejmen's national sihglefe title and Miss Ethel Ma|rshall olf Buffalo won the women’s crowd. j BILtlAROS Willie kpsconi of Phijladelphia regained the pocket billiard title while Welker Coch ran,; Ban Francisco, ! retained his 18.2 crown. Willie Hoppe, White Plains, 1 N.Y., won thO three cush ion; and f8-l ballklinO titles. BOATING -4 Danny Foster of Oakland, Calif.,, piloting Miss’ Pedis V, svi-epNRe Gold Cup speed- oi t class racep, winning the In- tr national on Jamitica Bay, the a bona! Sweepstakes at Red anik, N.J., and the President s Cub on the Potbmac. ROB SLEDOINfi Jim Bick ford ; drove his'team to’ the four- man AAU tit lie at Lake Placid. Tufty Latour drove tp the two- mnn chainpioijiship. drjve the respective N in|the Winter piympic (BOWLING Buddy Bo mar |icago&won $17,100 in tourna ments ami was named "bowler of tlhh year.'-' p " j; Warlord of Mazelaine w^sjthe first boxer ever named “nesf; in show" when he won the awa|‘id at-‘ the Westminster Kennel (’liub'S 71st show. GVNNACTIOS Frank Cumis- kiy, Union City, N. J , retained all-around title while Helen Both will t>. 1 teams tests. ■ -t •’('< lift r w'ltik a T \ > ngh SV\ (Opener: Fop Fen Scorer j ii;imont, is holding, with eight wins [iuid three losses, a precariini's lead of Baylof 1 . The Bruins bokst eight BUDDY BOMAR "Bowler of Year 0 FIRST BOXER TO BE MAMED *BEST IN SHOW' woman's crown HANDBALL Constantine Swimmers Will Co On Tour Saturday Fliie Aggie Swimming Team will lt|4vc Saturday to start the aquatic scjgson .with meets against Kansas w ins' ami four losses, SMU haf ; ^tatc and Oklahoma Umversity. racked up the most points Hiis ! The Kansas State meet will be season, 585, which is ojie field ( ^hl orii Jahual’y 12t.h.; with Okla- goiil ahead of AtfeM, wljich hay 58.1.-• , I .» ;r Arkansas, with six wins and hjonuv tL’.' on the 1 Ittn The squad will spend a day in Okiahomi City before I’gturnu(ig here 'bn the Itith. La|it year A fcM hunijblgd l>bth ot/ jioll of sports editors and football thesef teams, beating Oil.'56-19 and Kansas '5C-2;>. As virtually the suing. Aggie team will take to the waiter again this year, A&.M will lie the favorites in bqtlh meets. But Ransas State has ad<j|ed two fast (lash men to its tekdi since; last gear and may give tke Aggjies a rough time. A 1 twelve-mah squad will make this trip under the 1 direction of mnligOv. Little Aggfeland lihysi- f v-.W - OF1NTSR s I FOSTER SOLD CUP RACE WILLIE HOPPE AQAIM 3" CUSHION BILLIARD CHAMP WAYNE NELSON OF MUNCIE', IND. n\ak$s/-44 CONSECUTIVE'RINGERS IN HIS FIRST NATIONAL COMPETITION TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS Warlord of Westminster. . Mazelaine^ kennel club show TANLEY 111 CUP WINNERS HIT AP Hawtfeatunt /'''CAf I j. Schifano, Elizabeth, N. J.. won the HO R.S E S II 0 E PITCHING— stay, was the first athlefe chqisgn to lepresefit the US in the 1948 Olympics. ' |! j.,' ' POLO Old WestbuHy^ N. Y., dethroned Mexico in the 31st na tional opeh yvhile in tlje $5,000 hapdioap tournament on Long Island, California triumphed. RACQUETS—J. Richard Leon ard, Cedarhurst, N.Y., beat Rich ard A. Holt) England, ip a five- game final for the national title. ROWING < Navy’s crew con- quertd 10 other colleges in the first Poughkeepsie Regatta since 1941. Harvard won the second Lake Washington regatta. Thgo Dubois, Winnipeg, recaptured the national single sculls title on the Detroit River. John D. Kelly, Jr., Philadelphia, (scored ini England's coveted Henley Diamond Sculls. SKIING -I Wendell iBroomhall, Rumford, Me;, milkman, won the national lO-fnile cross - country championship, Karl Molitor, Wen- gen, Switzerland, took the national ; downhill title, while Miss Rhoda Wurtele, glontreal, wort the "W'O 1111 * | en’s crown. -I SWIMMING Numerous rec ords were yet. Among those breaking pregststroke marks Were Joej Verdjeur, Keith Carter, and Doii de Forrest, while Hairy Hol- 'iday set g backstroke regord and Wally Rig niade one in the free style. Among the women record breakers were Ann Curtis, Nancy Mefki, and Nel van Vliet of Hol land. , TABLE TENNIS Dick Miles, NeW York, won his third straight national singles crown while Leah Thall, Columbus, O., scorpd in the women’s jfinal. WATER POLO The Beilfuss Natatoripm of Chicago defeated Mo 4L- in r Weekend Wayne Ndsbn, Muncfig, Ind., set a world record by tossing 22 consec- Lewis, Hollywood, wort the nation- 1 alive double ringers *|4 ringers in al senior AAU singles title while j suftjession- in his firjst competi- Sarn Haber and Joe (Samson, New itionlfor the national, title. York, took the doubles crown, n. IffE SKATING Dick Button, i Illinois in| the national AAU indoor HOCKEY -The Toronto Maple 17, pnglewbod, N. J, retained the water polo tournament. Leafs won the Stanley Cup, four national senior men's figure skat- WEIGHT-LILTING — The Ear- games to two, from file Montreal ing j championship v,hile Miss bell Club of York, Pa., won its Canadians after the latter won the Gretchen Merrill Bostpn, retained l*6th straight AAU senior crown, league race for the fourth year ,in' the women's! erbwn. Bpb Fitzger- , John Dgvis of the winners re succession. dld.j Minneapolis spejed skating j pealed a|> heavyweight ruler. -r AP Poll Rates Michigan Above Irish Cadet Fish-B Cage Wolverines are Two to One Favorites Squad Slated For (dash Here Friday NEW MOKE. Jan.' 0 CP>—T li e4 1 ’■ i—r — burning sports question ofjthe day i > , ' —which \|vas the greater college ' 1/c; ■ |-j IfniltllflM football power of 19.47, Michigan A ai\a 111 1 UxllUdll or Notre Dame?—never to be set tled on the' field, was answered to-1 daymt the ballot box—and- it’s Mr- cgrgajn almost two to^oue. /Tit a special Associated Press ('bach [Johnny Frankie’s Fish-Ree basketball team swings into action Tilts Don't Happen;^ Says Noted Scribe illy HAROLD Vi RATLIFF writers from coast to coast, Michi gan received 226 votes as the su- perior ream to 119 for the Irish. DALLAS^! Jan. 6 i-'/PI while 12 ot the experts suggesting v, r()(1)tMl |, the two mid-west giants should be H|oni rc 4 llhlg ,w. |mrte lated, equal. _ • Sugar Bowl , football game at A total of 35, writers, trom each 0r L ns la ^ W( ,, k oil , might ot the 18 states and the District^ ^ ^ lK>at Ak ^ na was What is he led of Columbia, took part iiyThe "post-,, . ^ t0l i bdttW1J i b ecause‘it poll poll, Conducted by popular j u 4 y aU {hl . |„. eak . s , demand its the nes.ult of the New Year's'Day game that Saw Michi- , gun’s! unbeaten, untied »\Volvertnes i ,4al education di ret toft The tenta- Tinash Soutirei n California in the ' jive K(|uad to make the trip is: : Hose Bowl. 49-0. j Divers Johnny Hetman. | The new ballot does not siiper- I i Backstroket's—Ed Jyruse, How- sede the Associated press’ regular linl Bpcncer. i | i final seayon nit ing df. college foot- rrecst.Vlci's—DaiinyTirecn, Ber- hall teams, released last Dec.'8, hitj .Sylam, E. J. Fiyhejt, Jack Riley, which napied Notre Dame the iDjaye) Vardanian, Tot Westervclt. mythical national -champion with ■jVi&M. will compete funder differ- .Michigan the ruimerup. w4 C KmisIs^sJ'-ar vLT bring i The 116 writers -.fho cast ballois S ask f Alabama -to Well, let’k analyze it: ■Texas fifst "break'’ .came in thje opening peru^d. The Long- hdrns mack: only three yards in tries at the line IhiI a defensive h,tiding pehalty gave the Long horns a first dbwh. Then Texas drove to a touehduSvit, wjth much of the yardage Coming on an “ijmpossiblij” pass catching chore by Jim Canady; \Yhat (jvere the ireaks"?'Alabama was holding. the first of a nine-game schedule that ha.j just been released. • Accoijling j to a ruling passed down at a meeting of Southwest Conference officials last December 15, men!her schools, by combiMnk FreShmgn and B teams, may play ; nine gjuhes dpring the Season. Pre- 01 , e i vious gashes iof the junior Aggies hav4 been exhibition matches with Allen Academy, between the Fish and Bees, and two inter-collegiate; gajrjes, one with the Sam Houston Beei an(i one with the Northeastern Oklahoma Beeis. Other games in the schedule in clude North (Texas Agricultural College; Saturiday niglit, January 10, Bayjlor B in Waco, Januafo? 13, Texjis t’niverkity Bees in Austin, January 17, Rice in Houston Jan uary 2j, Baylor here January 31, Biobks! Medical Center here feb- teams in the promises quarter. i , Last flight'd battle bet the Texas Longhorns set the »' j (tion oft. Before; the week is out, all of the SwC will have becon g better Acquainted with efich othi t |on the hardboards. | The Aggies take a wait unt the end of tHg week when the loq five ta^ie on fhe long tall hdys fi|<> Fayetteville the Arkansas RaZo backs. The Aggies have) been j «i the losing (|nd of most I of the r ;pre-season games.! Out i of tJ twelve games that the Maroon ait ——4 The I rtlveraitV of; Texan, chalkinl up; its first vie Mfry tolj ward a second 8puthw< st Con ference basket ball cro x a last! night, coming from behind toil down Rice Institute, 59-44. Big Bill; Tom,; who leid the i game’s >**driiig with 2Ij points, IMU'tsI Rico t(» a 27-25 (uilftiinf hvad, hut the K|»ocidy Linghornn started to click with thfir fast- breaking offense in th«i second half and pulled away steadily. Field goals by Slater Martin and Tom Hamilton put (Texas ahead a few minutes after thi second ' half opened, j — ! —I— i T" 1 —'ll White have participated; in, tip have won Only fiye. Th|eJ Agg|' lost to jsuelj teams;as Ohio Stait 1 East Texas) State' qnd SMlU whli they bekt Slam Hoqston, and L$' among dthei's. H; ; The Razorbacks | in tpgir pn season play; have ncjt beeiji too sijjj cessful cither. Their Ei^st Co» tour gained them! two (Josses j Madisonj Square Gardeni.; On t West Cjoasl; this {fast \jvioek, f quintet ifron Arkansas d^di so|ii better. Theiy beat Pepputline ;<|i! Los Angeles, then ;San jEjranciM U. before 'the Stanford India dropped; them for al loss ithi bo their w.innijng gamds, Thej Raz^ii backs scored at lehst 7(4! poinji They boast! the two top i dhren; the SWC i|n George Ko’c and Williams who have 2061 jjind 1 points respectively. Bill Batey, & M.’s (gujard is third With ! Iioints. i The Texas Longhorns aigairt lug like the team to beat foilfhie 19 champiobship. In the lt| garii they haVe played, the Orange j;i’ White lost only to the Gklahoiir Aggies,; themselves champions' ronflfl out, (the sevc itflrt playing for keer $ek and||the whole affa : [) ' 1 |j‘ t.' \ Nlq«|n Ricei Institute’s Ows I’icir owil right. The Cswhiys luj- seed! the JUtuegA 32 to 3: to kvin the (igMhomal City tournUinert last fwiii. Th» RRe Owls appeijr to be! ini the rel louikl this yeni tad tough dompetitioi j lay. Thfiy Idkt to San S tutie bu( wop a returh In: tpr 'recent OkUhoma (filty i Ik a id have i i early ; toustdn riwnt the Owsibeat Godr; >di(e losi ig ut Wyoming: ahm. Ttjsir tig centei, B as scoix| i 131 points in don-con- lerence play this seusih. t^ednei day iight the SMU Mus- Linigs meat their bitttr Cowtown jivtds, (he (Borned l i 'l'Ot s from ^CU at Baliqi Of the (w< tearnsr \[e the better record, ght games) out! of II ij Fort Wid th Invita- teh. Ur tourna- a Tech .d Ala- 11 Tom, the! 1’onit.M hi I ading run e | ijftMed. lb th jloirt Touifnaiijuit, the^j Idfeatcd loth tlie Narim-Simmcils Cowboy^* lirtili the Texasi Aggies. On of tna «ieven g« nes] (hey have pluyed the | ’'CU fivt has; beaten Onl r Texas | ||jcl and|Utidj. ■ T ' '• The Gri'en ujul Gold Bru ns from j tayior Iqbk ike another lot teanf -l ibis! yeai'l Tui Bears ajro p Waco ; have played (2 games' a id, havp hloi) eight of ihese. Wypn ing and' 1 Alabama |ha "ei been some, of 'the ; • Sears vi.^Un*! On the w<St coast f i week ago, The Baptists weren’t ' lible to overpower a i ta l Ikiiky OalSfornip teujjl but they did mart-^- j, Ugt to defeat the Oaklamd ftitinprs;' II pro team n ade up of former west noast slaps. The Bear?; pay LSU Wednesday, then take on S5NJ ; (!Saturday night. I"' If', \\ j Volldyhall Fea 11F0 jl Temple | Sat iijraav he A(kg « jVolleyba heft today at 7; 15 ioU$e to pig pate for a del to phiiy. agirinst Y^CA Shfurdlay. The tilt rvili_ be pla; leiwfit of \ k*. patients 1 cey Geiutml Hospital Mar i Hub "iii thej I'icUl ri(i tjoi Teiu-’ Waco Aeihirding'/o Nick P(iniiei|x..tlie )!ti(bj spomthis game n iiiill only hiji] Ifirst! ja mt for the Aggit \/l- pyhalleim ibut! is also) the initial tame of the seHson for!tie c ji’i. tl e . for the Mi ( los-i 'Vdmpie'. SPORTS WEAR L ruary [7, Ricei here February 13, 1 Valley rules. This Aill make the i points to 1.289 for the Wolveriiu;, backstroke course 150 yds. instead a " t * awarded Notre Dame 107 first ,3 i. „ir . ....i ii'ui i ,4,.'. i.,a... hImcc' votes, with Michiu-an eettine i ' ; | (jf ,our usjual Kjill, and |lie'breastroke j |d at ' 1 ' 'jofes. with Michigan getting i will be twice as -long jis the South- only _’•> and the other No. 1 tags Iwcst'-Coijifereilcii lOo jyd. ruiji. going elsewhere. The 4X8*0 medley will eurisist j the Irish, who led the nations of Spencer, Summeif and Given • hst thr..ugh »t f veii of the tefi Weeks tfow could bolding be a break? made a great catch. Well, iw'ho. wiiill also pi-e|[onjt sprints),j Ixtnd Bei nifi Syfan in the will take thh distance raeje for the A. & Mi team. > T|ie ijujobahh.' relay team will consist U)f Fisher, RJley, Wester- veil, tnkl IGreoii. ?n Armed was flame J as the Hor.sjp of the Year to}- 191 tihe -fourth such aw;a|rd l'< tpet; Farm. Wbirlaway was named' it was >r Calu- of. the campaign,won in tjhe leg jular poll alter a decisive-38-7 tri umph over tlie same .Southegu Cali fornia Tt'ojahs, . i • Many of the ptiiticlpanM iii the latest loll-call acknowledged their opinions were swayed 'largely by comparative scores which in two other instances swung tlie pendulum toward Fritz (fYiskr's men id' Michigan. Against thq other two Common ih 1-942 .and' M2 ItnJ in 944 the ^ ^ ^ fjtahki had Twilight tear. H 1— i—'i way: Michigan vvalloped Hitt, 69- 0, while Notre Dame did tlje job a ( little moie| mereifuly, 40-|). The fo it: iospes is running fourth while ; Miojverines 'rolled over Noi|thw - cst- AwM trails in fifth Witli five wins . ern, 19-21, while the Irish, ivho anil seven Itytscs. Rice and TGU ' also had a perfect season, jtmine- hold tlu cellar, the OwTs sporting i etl the Wildcats, 26-19. fpir wins and seven |tssc*s and the • Notre Dame supporters argued | Fioga Isave only twojwins agkiinst ( eoanparative . scores should; he no ni ic losses. | gauge hgcaUsc the Irish Were in- Amoiog t|je« tiip ten individual ! cllned to "pull their ipunchijs.” Mi- scorers, A&.M is well represented vWiggn drew its heaviest hacking with Bill. Batey ti'ai|ing Al Will- ! friun tlie mid-west — stamping hugs uf'Arkansas who is in setlond gijtmnds (if the big nine—and even- pliiccv and Billy Turitbow only one] N'|>tie Dame’s home state, Indiana, point behind Slatgr Slartin who is 1 yoited even on the issue, - eight' to in fifth sjait. • I eight. Representing Texak are Martin The Wolverines received 29 votes apd Tom Hamilton ijin fifth and within theif home state. The West Coast, i which saw the two powerhouse^ against; the Trojans, was about equally divid- eighth places! respectively. SMI i; high scorers are R<jiy Pugh anil |; Bob: Prewitt in sevei>Lh and tenth i; rjpots, Bil;l Tojni of l|iee is fourth, and Baylor’s Bill Johiison is ninth. ed in sentiment with California splitting its vote, Men to ten. and Tejxas University hem March ' I 1_L .1 fine.Gifmer trlhd a pass. It was a lobbing throw-j-a poor pass. Lew Holder) who is no speed demon, in, tercl'ptied the pass'" and ran to a touchdown. The next tiine Alabama the Alhbkma toul hdown came on got thb hall (filmer fufnbled and a jpii.-s. Harry Giliner th'ivw into Holder; recovered on the tide five, the end z(’»ne\Cainjjdy giajbbeti the A penalty set; Texas back—the. ball intercept^ ii Ld W h i te Longhifii ns inight call that a break; Wijcstled it (ml <H' his arms. That except that l-ehas was off-side ami . <*■ — > <■> against the rules. But Texas ,41 hj- s/been ittoing It for \ears. Ibere w as no break thefe. a touchdown anyway. Be- Gilmer dropped, the ball, wijs as big a •’break" as the hold- 1 thaws ink penidiyi against Alabama. made The second Texas toiiybdow n was ! eauge lil-ie this: Alabama was Am its 27-f Alabama considered it a “break” .valid line early in the thirH, period. What is a break? My defini- Mfink Mosley 'was back toVpunt. tion fs this: The only break in Gilorge Pet'jrov'ieh crashed, thiYHigh football is when something out- add Idocked'it. lie and Vic: Vusicek side if the field of play tir the of; Texas both followed the b.aR rules!brings a disadvantage. For .across the goal Jibe. Both fell on instafice. a gust of wind that I it) for a touc'hdo.wn. was; there a ‘'break" theii'? . Alahamaj’s line, wbich all the sports wniters ap peared tq think gave Tejxas liiie a lmighty licking, leouldn’t protect its punter.'It also; didn’t ilo ipuch of! a job of protecting its-' passers, i Hpw can ydu figtn’e a blocked punt ' to! be ii break.? .; The reiTiaim-Jr: of the third period found Texas hammering lit the Alabama ’goal line. The j tjrimson tide never got past mid- flield hut once—r(hen only to the Texas 11-yard line—until the Ijading minutes bf the game. ! Texas had the tide backed up to its goal line most of the time. The tide had to fight very hard lio prevent Texas scoring a couple tjf more tduchdow'ns than it got. jWell, Alabama got desperate. It wits seven points behind and get- tijig nowhere fast and time was miming out. Froth its nine-yard ’ ■ ! -U I ; , i ! 4- eiiryiijs a pass off its course! a pebblie that makes a ball take a crazy hop. The w ind was do ing things with some of Layne’s passes to causje them to fall un- cauglit. Texas'might-jpall that a "break”. TJiere is ot)e consolation for Texas hadkers: The sports writers might! give Texas the victory on the “breaks” but they had to men tion,' the score. A 27-7 victory pret ty wefl indicates that the winmihg team was better don’t you think? Also jmw did Texas keep the ball 74 plays to 45 jon “breaks”? 1947 MERCURY CONV. COUPF^ H^is! Radio, Heater, Over- DDve, Like New and priced to sjdl now.! Lincoln - Mercury CHARLIE CADE JR. ‘Shortee" 1 your fuve —in leaf Marlboro's best-^ellin in all-weather leather! light-weight, waiter-rejKilant N ’Ion and Ztlan fabric also. L ! JUST ARRIVED — SPRING CREPES i *• - Wesley Simpson Custom fabrics . . . in colorful prints, stHpes and soi-ids. SPRUNG; WOOL Crepe, Flannel, Gabardine Solids — pastels'— and plaids SELECT YOUR PATTERN, MATERIAL AND TRIM ATI The FABRIC SHOP rU ' r ; ;[ J i;i;! 1 )! t I j). ! i i \ —•—— liininuHari Coflie in and tFy-on sd* that are so w^ljl-styled : ' • j kind of Texas vveathei| r.-r CLCjjij: Colllej I i ports j icket i f i| Short t*e domes fe jacket i 1 raetjeal :lrv •3 TOME tyiNSB* H 1 of theqd smjart Jalqkets , our for FxlERjS Bryan : li.