The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 06, 1948, Image 2
W ft 1 •• —- ' \ -‘Page 2 1 rf , r N'i ■I ' hm Eliiniiia ( Rai j'fffT In 1947, tyq pqop] dents. The d ai gehc iis raised-^^ffelj l[n been done ab !’ A mder the tri 1 taken to.eqni rohds with p Will more action ? ? it. M m hei cjrbs ;m ntjper lifel ts lleof)le b( kill ell Establisl For somb K'earls, M M N . These studenjf'hqv|},“; pii ic i|i student pubH|cli)ituui|s| been good, agricultural ai trained nerso di'dartnieut o Qui'A. &j j\l'. a d jengi.i ee tel iajei optijip, Improved 11> fo s U-(> How nran nil Kyle Field t -by South fir d. Hat exc( . thipi a v,arm- sectional game , Fortuhati tie| night gap- id f| to c(ome to KMJe Also (luriftg 'i.dtjs deliirtment. tie AUihi'c ii) raising the jstAmljir Appomt during tjbis v w Field Athl.ilic ’ years Fan Up vek dV >t jfo -ia Ht a ’ll k i 1 ver bonditi StaJ IT ht and :’I1 tar ai ; t >w i|Mividlifai.s are concerned, bull the punhber of students willing (he years nip tep stories. Uuntie of| President c.ilbb Gilchrist, y, the es ci n 1 e tdv Hecj at the College Station hulfoad depot, in separate acei- of this station has long been recognized, but nothing has 1 ! | • '|j ' i I L ! ^ ' j On, serving bqttrrailroads kul allo^'ingipeople to pass safely eal a dution. Bpt unless this can be done spun, steps should be (lie depot, at the\ Ka$terwood Field road, and other important Tds.i ■ 11 ' j ! . "| i ■ iff this depot in 1948, or will we save their lives by timely Trampling Out the AP Kditors Select Top Texas Stories of ’47 j. ' ' p ’ . ill i liisiijt Departiiieiit . i j j - " . i _ i Aggieland Rates 6th I A. & M.|s student-administration floods in the fall, and glided with I fight which raged through the severe (Add in NoVenjher .and De- t j l j A. « »iuujein.-aumuusnauon flopds I fight which raged through the severe chid in NoVeniber and De ls been .trainirig'technical jtjuWalistsj by a left-hand method.; S’^^st^lm courses, majoring in spljie teChnijcal field, working on Texas Associated: Press member tilfXANI) On Jim nil rg 29,' stu- f- UFgctt enough English courses |on} the side. Results have; papers voted in tqe annual poll jderlts af a.&m. ninrjfh^d on the the Number comber j 6, STE DENT KfAOliT AT AG- to studi in ( sijicji (jvii)v ays la^fjion lias 1 been'too small to juunialists nic !ivp( jhc <;<>. A. & M. jcfiuld He |hj \ H m\ ets vi h' i| l not t| as i ore i i ft re ajj >rt at i th: sSOl aifly i Ivc u6m {s ' %veral niijiibco . denfs in dbrmiforjeil h; ,a;fs|st studentsi w|0 it j v^uch |a n jin ftyUi and umlerstai dingAijuk' ihem. | —rtr'iT '] ‘ These men vfoiId specific class-itoom i{ ■■ j If it is in pojsil)! in the college practjici each gr-inip of (loiimjitil i contact bet weep facjiUt. Present A ^Stij : at . : M r Aiuny aw ip-d.4 ^re proficiency. Hut we ig Once we Inul ai art ritiatenship, by tltd pa ; sill pro “Kold^rs.j-sjtp |;Whv not pnajjle who; hfit (j^lh member, aijd ’ ' 1 ' ' 'in Tfie Battal 'Indent. ' This is a Enlarge (une'U aiji on kjrisi rosibi ifii Caii^j) L jStudent's whq ka' klass|e.s:A\ itli, v'fldj giaz tion weekHmt -isist) mil ing a fuller kecrea ioil cease JThe qiraltfy ,qf t.h jn tips neck tf the The problem} of jfi but headway has b nm MGM picturesyTlu _—-'i\U the fiolld of dlatkcal taleri 1 here, Hut it is : u.iorga fornfed during 1!94K t<f till The .gecrjatilonal the sfiows already ] resfnijed such las the Lnivjerkity taink-s to Austin}, voiji|l .1 Tbe eyes have lit,' s()!vejrl. C< jo .4n gi|mpij ;o g p s (h L v ac I fill the requests for technical i •I I wl ichool ields Ut .w .irrieulun takivthe erwlieliningly selected the Number mW regtilations. '.Freni! there', 6ne story, with only one A:P editor situation 1 developed ijti> a n the nation for tqi^ing technical journalists’in the placing Texas City anywhere hut Briefly, hen' are tli<'T|iglilight.s df the top ten stories of 19t'7: l TEXAS CITY EXIT-DSION— t Apnl id, 1917, burning: tanker ich are the very fields where the need for specially e-eah be the leader only if we establish’ a journalism specially designed for such framing, cad, where it has ; 8it<th a tiptural advantage 7 loliings bit I hazing, the near- st rike, ijrotests, hearjilnts by the toliege bfiard, a vote of confidence in (lie adnvlm.stration, punishment of | the ■ student ’jeadprs, and a Hoilist'-St lyite I’nvestigijitiion. 7. EAST TEXAS FOREST here rportififit fhe ;fn si eil, t 1 A. & ap important non-cionl't!*rence game jeeit since! A. & M. plavtu jenibe r ? j [ ■ j ; ,: i 11 i rithc, half the conference games dire played on the home !j at the opening of the seasejn, wfiich is usutilly little more Im and White, do other gantes. arc .played here. Our inter- makipg i r t jleikir hard for many sKudeiits Th attend, m,ei|it is considering p|utt|ing lights onl Kyle Field so settled wiihm-a week he'major 1 0,:! Q ccliodido ic 1 1 li\ r /,r S' U>aded with ammonium nitrate Slimier ly exploded, caused.( hain of ptiier . xpltikions and fireij, t aused risk deaths dUri|ng ah'nost;week of tiofror! unt'ipiallcd in Texas smut : Galveston hurricane and tflobd at l.tjurn of century. 1 - ! 2 THE jt-DAY TELEITIOXE •STRIKE This was proceeded b\ a local strike at Odessa | ill March I | \yhich Ssprdald over Tcxa; 1 hut was EIREs Tdey broke 1917, mil'e March 2Hj luofe sejously in. th they raged out hi' kept. 21 to Oct IP Sevilla s. I'RI SIHKNT T II \ M A N’S iju). twice in later and •j 'fall when drtjlrol from Djapiagc was urse by l^fevl’ Yor A program the Evening ' mittce adoptloh at meeting 6f the Board f)f A board spokesman hgid the course would be open, only to those already employed iin Hie brew ing industry, ' 1 •' !| \ # HE LIVES, BUT HE’S THIN Fiftytyeaij-old John Anderson waa"thanking his luckV stprs today that he has kiept a tiarrow waist line jUl pis life. Anderson fell off tiff platform of the I.R.T. subway station; at Broadway-West AS?th Street ip New Yofk cjty recently but railed injo the trough and lay so flat that he was untouched by the two cars of p traiih that passgd ovea - him.} Aiir ambumnee attendfint fnom Mother Babnni Hosjjitali examined him, found no injuries, and sent him to his home at 151 East 137th Street in the Bronk. SHARK PILOT [ J A nr^n calling hinrself the world's j-hampion oceap sWimnler hals iinvgiled liis plan shark-power at Palm Beach. Ppil (j'hotjeau staid redently he plans jo'‘‘pilot" a spark j harpassed to a pontoon-like craft front Florida Bimini. Ill miles away. ; Said Chotteau: ‘‘It isp't as cragy as it sounds. After all, if a man Tan switjn the idistanqe, it ought to btj easy for a shark " liarnass ; Florida Asspcikl (if the United SKF The Wrtific buttled sharks ; Chotfeauj o' tjo nvak(f a tjhal . Only i hitifh tfcau ak'hmere And (j'hotteau says hej has swum the distance. ^ nesspig, :i;t sha He packs hjsj claim up with a certificate from the for th*' tr|ip. f * tihe Wi nbd ; ttfatl H)o ih« wky Work, ntiseid Ishfuiigbd off People Will Eat More Fish, Turkey i—I—h—r—f VISIT T > \V \( (> T flew to Texas March •; honor ury degive i ift president fi; accepted ifom Baylor with the 1948 schedule is laWiafivi;se|t, of course, hut pur.- -itrike.} a sympathy ijtnio itortHern or other llistjaijt teams can be persuadetj iM^rii v M ! ! nl *’ oasoH bef n-e confureuce pUtMbfigiijs.i. • jmuS|tS ex«.pt P in !Ss with e signs t|f greater coctpemtuh) between the athletic dial systems (including all long iu Formpr Students Associtftipn., and th4 ; .student body b:t 4 dr t\I] jithlptics to new high levjels. S(‘ltf)!\S lich ‘d thcqybfn of haying a couriselor ftLyje in each dormitory, to es and personal problems. Wnv not at A. & M.' ) lie . ‘ [ 11:1 ’ " ’ dor. < an Umvi'r.sjtjv 9. I.E<qs|,\ n RE ^iREI I S VI T(» VOTE TAX MEaLsI RES — Governor! liemifoi d 11 i.I.estcr was tntruguniU'd tins . ycii. finances looked go(.d; and he nnd the leg islature alcdged fo lie w taxes. They voted no nfu tp^es, but , went; xt to adopt'irccoifd-breaking- ...I..; 10 IOIR-DVV (HASH THE PHANTOM BANDIT distance calls) I 3. FRYING DISKS* ! homenpn. pccurred in the heal 'of S qummOr and every tenth person 'in Te)fas seemed to see s^' :,I) X e . 1>h - u , t( ,m| bandit (ifiasj . f , . . ’ii j [. . j , ;• i . ! living disks shooting through the ... . J -n ex . |g prohibit living-traternitiex and house all their sfll- Sky. It was a national ,tjraze, not 'Ihrongh t.iudli '(T that confmed to Texas, and yhed out sta ,v ; in ,i nhfdlv dude (juietly m August. Tnere was ,».«• j,’,.,, , , ,L a rix * ( . r bai ¥\ ^P-notch calibre—i)tjoadlj\'j!|educated. sympathetic, SiMplS hiU ' 1 ' aw 1 such men be founq? Other schools have found | ageing tmpgs, or were pasta king - ■! }"**■' . j .J j ’• j jf . I repl objects for unusual; objects. ‘spies” or jj roc tors, but would be teachers without: 4. dR. boss mtrder case • ■ * 1 ... . Four persops of one family wore' Leap Year Will See Skirts Hit New Low; Necklines Next i!v I, A RIO GOOPWYN llejialdii liliother Icaiji year, a pi csillciiti; 1 election and'pew won ders in tin field of science, 194k, less than i wreck old, also caiTtes the promise of bigger thilngs both good I and had, on the home front- Foj- woineii, it means another look lit the “ijew look”, another 12 months th it promise to ■ s kirts fontnue to drop,* I OR The started in ! it, raged jiart of the ! iii capture kj near Bon- pno Ttem) No jyheru id sittduuts ng their full time to cbunselling and tutoring. , , , . , a each dormitory (odr tlorms aj:e .smaller than those ! Ilea” Nmv^rijunfds^ May's?. Dr counsellor " 2 j 'ltd <)f i sntufK ' . vt ' t;ip t|| Akgie iidtut* s .Eij {aroflBffA&M on- the \v«?k-ends invarialiH" appear 1:1 qfik.-f* 1 •' . : - !( din in 1 program so that the aforementioned eirei may have some sur- Coh|ii oj vje it rap The Battalion, oT'icia of College Slat on, Texas, afternoon, gxcot dui 'Ushedj semi-weekly. itewa contr win tlall. Clasiifii 209, <|oodwin‘Hjall. ibutior Clarified 4tdk'4 ia i’ hi oodwin AlFAmerican ted Right it of .not Entci Office fat d-aa sccond-clasB’ CnjlcKL' otherwise of repubihcatiib i ,of jir it might be {fossible to is such a service needed rn is so limited. t • vard | assi fired ■ii . 1 n at A. & M. for athleticprjwyess,!sc one counsellor to lan at A. & M. where hplaitship, and military sic source of tichievument—citizenship A. & M. who' was the empiidimunt (ill' high principles of iwrenve Sullivan Ross. Wclpride oitrse ves* that Aggies today | luloyd I. Koss, San Antonio' sttr- ! geon, |was yrrested, latj'r tried } uonvietjed. m,ven death; fientonee. | Troubly aruke over finances. ' 5. WEATHER ..The jiedr stiart- |. ed w'ittj blizfcjrds in January, piog- ! ressed ;to tornadoes in April. May (Jinrch ol (llirist Opens New Annex The S'. OOd, classroo I in A A-iV . Church m epem u a id Used Sun first turn, although a *ior finishing had Upot j)U*t ed and iJujic, t(t hiirricanes jn August. The t wen t y- by - forty -}fi iot build-. ..... .. . I . . . If ,1.141, • . . ''W V, c* I < V O c ll i *■> O 1 ! nightly gentlemen” as taught by jS'ully Ross. snail reproduction of 'the Sjdly " Aggie citizenship—one to a} situ ey could be selected by yotfe. Ballots could by printed Ross statue to three ent, one to a faculty faculty nominations, and iin Tihe. Te> d do something a’oout ourselves, eric inmetit . . . and w 1 i h 1 as Aggie for the ex- inteud to. Ii'ii 1 hei The their Monday . , , , .- f eyes, synply IteCause the ibpr&dpni of a (’ollege Sta- lUitfaffoq joins vvA h tliese Witldl-eyed creatures i)t seek- Tjown Ixia ft-jriin u tle a 1 ‘ Hall ptesentatiuns can aid shouk be improved Other schools a sta--stlidded agenda! of !krtis|ls. Why not A&M? icUtres at (|iuion.Hall is clouiltKl'with .politics and legislation, wl m or * I cat! j -he ap h| .re by e ra i)la\ solutii should lx*. Already GuiotAHall is on jt bid basis for r. we hope, will see us see, nig: a 11 first-(runs. (1 semi-classjca! music A&M is|i dekfetlf Island. There is ample :ed. The Battal ion makes a {motion that a symphonette be mush al void, *. | | ‘| vl| . ,• ireciubly bridged vtilh a cyhtjnuatlon in quantity of itertainers from other schools.} An exchange system, ing a group of enter ing here in return f<!>j‘ our sept Hi. O :x‘hH >e (fnj iavjejtad it. A full and well-rounded recfejal ional i»rogram is re- 4 Students Attend Christian Meeting Fum } Aggies iitloniled .the Xi rtli Americfin Student Cmiltci'ence. (in Christian Frontiers hi Id on the cumptisj of!the IfniVeisity of Kan sas Jn} Lawrenci', Kansas during the Christmas holidays. Aggies at tending the Coiiftji'enee wyi. J immY Cushioij, of College Station. I.. F. \Vjnkieij Jr., of College Station, A\jlen Eubaijks, of Dallas, and J. VC Roliinsoh, of Herefoid. aecom- panieii by (innton Glay, tissistaiif s 'creta y of the Y.MCA. ChiAtian missions for the future vfiis thi main topic of (iiscussion fj)t lh two thousand"delegates, \yho hi i),rd L)ii W alter Judd, a US cpngi e: siniin and tenner medical njtissjoi airy Jo (ihina, and other niiissuii ajricS.X This fiftet'jHh student missionary quadrenijiial iwas attended by stn- dehts f !‘(})m every state m the Uni- tjed States*, paprulp, and sixty other (jountri.'s to piesciit a sulk mat y of the church wOrk oji all frontiers, lioth ati homu and ah.road. inch by inch, Over the pro tests of a diis- heartened male public. And, tfie new year also offers possible preced.jmts i n the field of edu- catioij with thh familiar 1 tijrm "fed eral rjid for education’’ agj^ n crop ping up in thAnews. IT . -: On} the pessimifetie sithj, 1948 looms} as 52 more weeks of (teadily prices unless favorable it conditions allow farmers a to naryest pi record), prioc- iir- tor the hiwcring cijop of consumer goods, j the inter-1 The issup title "New Look"; been com-1 simmering jit jthc turn of the' yenr after reaching a white hot pitch when legs fjirs^ began to disappem* But; it’s all in vain j annex of f’hrist was rising went I, chanc ,I U; . s.iled with aspestlps shingles. : from View (jarj^in |1947, may flame “imiiSes three cUssfpoiijik. a church 1 anew in 1948 shop amr garage. r l he flbor is .| say the f ishlibn dcsigmers. Th(u i i.ncrete, "and the hu liling is il-! new look In s definitely heeftnie tjie luminated bv‘Ml lighting 1 o''! k'nk unkl the diehard in knee- tliKiughoiit. " . j .length skirts iw-ill look -as j out of The former parsonage garage I place jas a |boj>by Soxer at an ent- willlbe tilrnetj into* a nursery fpr worship services. James F. hpwler. min added jihat use dui'ini (•or.'hng t ister. Hd shop would be avatial |e to menl- hers iiponi appointnten: | and woulji he used this sumiiiier |i) a handi- eraI't pr<jye< t. Cohjtj'detion be gan.on hei- 15. the tiassy [ ball. } Skirts ajre i approximately two inches longer than in the fall when the church the djroppipg heihlinc created a fashion furpreiunniatched'slnce the dawn of the ijobbie skirt. budding llfst Novem- r _ ppwspilj publij idgys e Battalh Siecke Appointed Forestry Offieial But, (it ainlt all bad, mates) as skirts} grow} longer, necklines will go lower, s( me bejng .slashed clear |j to the waist with only the flimsiest '! veiling of lacej Others are designed jo be pulled ('down to reveal the shoulders, lows. K. ( ). Sjreljc of Upll iornier ilifecljor (jf .the es| Soiviijc. has livifn go Station, Texas For- t named one ' of fourtec^i new j,'UTj-presidents of the Texasj Fpre.Jtry; Pi sidcii IF. (i. IT'dd’ : announced! ! , The new vice,-preside er with L).: W. Thom [iso ; previously} ekicted jfijr.s ' (lent, K. l,.'i “Jack” Krps SitibsK rij tion j ite $4 per' school year, si/nifty ' Agricultural and Mecjhanical Cjollege of Texas and the (bit; ery Monday through'T: unimer The Battalion is pub- er of tH .ed five apd examination periods 3IeJ loll Cited For Service in Aavy t reasurer, muko up of fill : The list prc'ddimts the exel'iiitjvj Te as Foresjtny of newly ppi 'includes i .‘I industripl loaders. 2 DrJ A. \Y. Melloh, vic( (if the }TexaJ Kngitiecring Exjvj'ri- itigntjSlationi, has recently received ai certificate of eOmtm ndation from ■-diiV'Ctoi' foi'fSRtr, iliinberlaiifL o ^ngr, nun- erymaii, t-ditor, educ iailroad j'Xecutivc. s liow as the law al- ' Association, ■binme has nts. togoth- j i of Keltys, * 'viec-prosi- secretary- 194(i MERCURY SEDAN COUPE Ritdio, Heater, Scatcovers. A Good 'Buy. Lincoln - Mercury CHARLIE CADE JR. Hw)y No. 6 . - Bryan. Texas and. Frud’l’ >mrne, will ; ejminiittec Astiociation. milted viee- UsitiessniCn] iiankers, a tor, I _ and !a be nulde by tl'lephone (4-5444) or at tljre editorial office, Room 201, Good- iced by ' The lawaril Was made "for imt- standing Sefyice to the I’nitled t ithe editorial office, Room 201, Good- ^ an<llM K ... ,, ..., telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room qtatys Nayy turrtng .\\r»iid war.^^. Member e Associr.fced Pi ess is pntitld exclusi' ejy to the use for republication cr^di&'t til; ote id m .the pa p(;r and local n**ws of spontaneotial origin published herein. of all new’s dispatches credi-! <‘ n d 1 Swind Laboratory oris! origin published herein. Diego, working on problems matter herein are also reserved. Static matte ■ ;i t“ Post Tcxpai under the Ac|. of Congres a of ftUrch ■) 1 !70. CHARLIE MURRA Jjlndley Block, Duke (rid Seticman Noted [organ, Ket Iruee, Jr.. nietb Bow-iVlt Spenji er font Carter, Ted tjopelaiji Tr«nai. Mcr'Jn Assoc iated Collegiate Prps i Member Repr vertiumj Chicag JIMM: Ej NB1 Ison. Hobi4 Ii aid if ...Wire Editor! Paul Martin -i-’-j.— -4- J. T.JJMilcr, - f .Managiniri-Editori! .....Feature Editor; -Feature Writer* i .... .Columnists! i } ip. Reporters! I !' .. I- 0f the Associated Press I — Fhoni February lp45, Dr. Jjeilph was with the Uni- of California Division of Nnvy • San per- j tiiining to/ the location of subina-'i rjnes by/stipdrsOnic imans. versjty! War Researth*at the US alien ted nationally by National Ad- * Scrvjte, Jnc , at New York City, j. jLos 'Angeles, and San Francisco.- iii. Co-Editors Freshman Debaters Fleel llearne Head ! .* j > T1« | ISpujglas Hearne. elp't'trical en gineering !freshman fram San An tonio,waU elected | president of the Llttlk Aggieleujid Discussion and Debate Club at the last meet ing of IPljt. ' : j; ; Wade Ff)impton Oliver, engineering, student frop jHi was named vice-p.r,esi|d(M, rt-Veit #fre Member May Direct lies Valley Authority John W. Ncwum Beapinonlt, tlidincering fre Don Enuelking,; Arthur Howard Matula. Zcrp Hammond, Hcrah. Sam Lanford, W.! K. Colville, If. Gray Maurice Howell ■ J. D. Barrett,' I rmfon'D. Kid Z: D, W. Springer! 124-^. - sports Editor JT,. U t : . .f , . - mem bet of t.h<t* A&M Board of I.h- BenhSu'sbel^y ^".’^po^ Writ*™ 'Tctors, may also serve as head of chemical ouston. vice-prjesidbfft' and Phil Gpl(jls(ohi [Tt-vet Ifireshpian from HorOfolftl, stferptary-treas- urcr. i j ,;} : V j M | j. The pat liamenbarian position ‘ iJohri, Ready, i an agricul- 'frelr Opens l:p0 p.m. 4-1181 ^ S - I* - fc - 0 - I - A^ - L S-M-l t vs. ’ . i Penn State j f in the | i. torroN bowl game NOT a Newsreel' WiUon H. Pearualey. Jr. ’ V /U JL -i. Sbelby (Jgrtopniat* A<lvrrtisinf Manager Adv|crti*ing Atsiltanta -...Circulation Manager .Religious' Edstor 8. : i ' ''si ‘1’ ■l ■ ll'h lit McKinnet. head of j the Lower Nejche^ Valley Aid For- ify. Attorney General Price .Daniel' The atierage : odtput^ per man- announced (Airing the holidayk. hour in trte United HtiUes has in- Neither of the two state posi- creased jn average dl ♦jons nip najiijitr iohs. The only item that w ill !> • big i et —in women’j ijas.liions—.will j ' prices. | And prices Wiilleo 0J|i the Ifood front) b i itinui no. Americans willrcohunuc to ( i } ill 19-18, I pr- o spj r AlMHgjh at.. Wi tli^. je |M|t'ti'(l rtjductii im meat ivrodjij tidm will, prjt)» j ably send jthe eokt of nliilaijj’s |)iji k chftps 1 '|t() niiw highs. jj o h.n j Putilie tt ill only he ab e to buy .1 Pi poundk of meat in !’• 8 a* compared td alioi t 15<> 17. (fo fill the breach, be mor4 fish—ja jotjmoju ! more turkeys. The uu.tlook on jthe) i»ou|tri’ fro jit jsj taood, with egjg.jndlk, ahdSebeefe production expectled j to hij id it Apd, if (old man weather ill kiniil 1948 will afld vegetable eatiers'j. . IV1 „„ ilowerfj look for a good yelir, * may see \a» education rooMS 'GKO* 'UCAT/^j Jij; Hi . Uj &iB«i aessggSIgi): iMiu ■■>»! HMVMI