W ft 1 •• —- ' \ -‘Page 2 1 rf , r N'i ■I ' hm Eliiniiia ( Rai j'fffT In 1947, tyq pqop] dents. The d ai gehc iis raised-^^ffelj l[n been done ab !’ A mder the tri 1 taken to.eqni rohds with p Will more action ? ? it. M m hei cjrbs ;m ntjper lifel ts lleof)le b( kill ell Establisl For somb K'earls, M M N . These studenjf'hqv|},“; pii ic i|i student pubH|cli)ituui|s| been good, agricultural ai trained nerso di'dartnieut o Qui'A. &j j\l'. a d jengi.i ee tel iajei optijip, Improved 11> fo s U-(> How nran nil Kyle Field t -by South fir d. Hat exc( . thipi a v,arm- sectional game , Fortuhati tie| night gap- id f| to c(ome to KMJe Also (luriftg 'i.dtjs deliirtment. tie AUihi'c ii) raising the jstAmljir Appomt during tjbis v w Field Athl.ilic ’ years Fan Up vek dV >t jfo -ia Ht a ’ll k i 1 ver bonditi StaJ IT ht and :’I1 tar ai ; t >w i|Mividlifai.s are concerned, bull the punhber of students willing (he years nip tep stories. Uuntie of| President c.ilbb Gilchrist, y, the es ci n 1 e tdv Hecj at the College Station hulfoad depot, in separate acei- of this station has long been recognized, but nothing has 1 ! | • '|j ' i I L ! ^ ' j On, serving bqttrrailroads kul allo^'ingipeople to pass safely eal a dution. Bpt unless this can be done spun, steps should be (lie depot, at the\ Ka$terwood Field road, and other important Tds.i ■ 11 ' j ! . "| i ■ iff this depot in 1948, or will we save their lives by timely Trampling Out the AP Kditors Select Top Texas Stories of ’47 j. ' ' p ’ . ill i liisiijt Departiiieiit . i j j - " . i _ i Aggieland Rates 6th I A. & M.|s student-administration floods in the fall, and glided with I fight which raged through the severe (Add in NoVenjher .and De- t j l j A. « »iuujein.-aumuusnauon flopds I fight which raged through the severe chid in NoVeniber and De ls been .trainirig'technical jtjuWalistsj by a left-hand method.; S’^^st^lm courses, majoring in spljie teChnijcal field, working on Texas Associated: Press member tilfXANI) On Jim nil rg 29,' stu- f- UFgctt enough English courses |on} the side. Results have; papers voted in tqe annual poll jderlts af a.&m. ninrjfh^d on the the Number comber j 6, STE DENT KfAOliT AT AG- to studi in ( sijicji (jvii)v ays la^fjion lias 1 been'too small to juunialists nic !ivp( jhc <;<>. A. & M. jcfiuld He |hj \ H m\ ets vi h' i| l not t| as i ore i i ft re ajj >rt at i th: sSOl aifly i Ivc u6m {s ' %veral niijiibco . denfs in dbrmiforjeil h; ,a;fs|st studentsi w|0 it j v^uch |a n jin ftyUi and umlerstai dingAijuk' ihem. | —rtr'iT '] ‘ These men vfoiId specific class-itoom i{ ■■ j If it is in pojsil)! in the college practjici each gr-inip of (loiimjitil i contact bet weep facjiUt. Present A ^Stij : at . : M r Aiuny aw ip-d.4 ^re proficiency. Hut we ig Once we Inul ai art ritiatenship, by tltd pa ; sill pro “Kold^rs.j-sjtp |;Whv not pnajjle who; hfit (j^lh member, aijd ’ ' 1 ' ' 'in Tfie Battal 'Indent. ' This is a Enlarge (une'U aiji on kjrisi rosibi ifii Caii^j) L jStudent's whq ka' klass|e.s:A\ itli, v'fldj giaz tion weekHmt -isist) mil ing a fuller kecrea ioil cease JThe qiraltfy ,qf t.h jn tips neck tf the The problem} of jfi but headway has b nm MGM picturesyTlu _—-'i\U the fiolld of dlatkcal taleri 1 here, Hut it is : u.iorga fornfed during 1!94K t a n the nation for tqi^ing technical journalists’in the placing Texas City anywhere hut Briefly, hen' are tli<'T|iglilight.s df the top ten stories of 19t'7: l TEXAS CITY EXIT-DSION— t Apnl id, 1917, burning: tanker ich are the very fields where the need for specially e-eah be the leader only if we establish’ a journalism specially designed for such framing, cad, where it has ; 8itaded with ammonium nitrate Slimier ly exploded, caused.( hain of ptiier . xpltikions and fireij, t aused risk deaths dUri|ng ah'nost;week of tiofror! unt'ipiallcd in Texas smut : Galveston hurricane and tflobd at l.tjurn of century. 1 - ! 2 THE jt-DAY TELEITIOXE •STRIKE This was proceeded b\ a local strike at Odessa | ill March I | \yhich Ssprdald over Tcxa; 1 hut was EIREs Tdey broke 1917, mil'e March 2Hj luofe sejously in. th they raged out hi' kept. 21 to Oct IP Sevilla s. I'RI SIHKNT T II \ M A N’S iju). twice in later and •j 'fall when drtjlrol from Djapiagc was urse by l^fevl’ Yor A program the Evening ' mittce adoptloh at meeting 6f the Board f)f A board spokesman hgid the course would be open, only to those already employed iin Hie brew ing industry, ' 1 •' !| \ # HE LIVES, BUT HE’S THIN Fiftytyeaij-old John Anderson waa"thanking his luckV stprs today that he has kiept a tiarrow waist line jUl pis life. Anderson fell off tiff platform of the I.R.T. subway station; at Broadway-West AS?th Street ip New Yofk cjty recently but railed injo the trough and lay so flat that he was untouched by the two cars of p traiih that passgd ovea - him.} Aiir ambumnee attendfint fnom Mother Babnni Hosjjitali examined him, found no injuries, and sent him to his home at 151 East 137th Street in the Bronk. SHARK PILOT [ J A nr^n calling hinrself the world's j-hampion oceap sWimnler hals iinvgiled liis plan shark-power at Palm Beach. Ppil (j'hotjeau staid redently he plans jo'‘‘pilot" a spark j harpassed to a pontoon-like craft front Florida Bimini. Ill miles away. ; Said Chotteau: ‘‘It isp't as cragy as it sounds. After all, if a man Tan switjn the idistanqe, it ought to btj easy for a shark " liarnass ; Florida Asspcikl (if the United SKF The Wrtific buttled sharks ; Chotfeauj o' tjo nvak(f a tjhal . Only i hitifh tfcau ak'hmere And (j'hotteau says hej has swum the distance. ^ nesspig, :i;t sha He packs hjsj claim up with a certificate from the for th*' tr|ip. f * tihe Wi nbd ; ttfatl H)o ih« wky Work, ntiseid Ishfuiigbd off People Will Eat More Fish, Turkey i—I—h—r—f VISIT T > \V \( (> T flew to Texas March •; honor ury degive i ift president fi; accepted ifom Baylor with the 1948 schedule is laWiafivi;se|t, of course, hut pur.- -itrike.} a sympathy ijtnio itortHern or other llistjaijt teams can be persuadetj iM^rii v M ! ! nl *’ oasoH bef n-e confureuce pUtMbfigiijs.i. • jmuS|tS ex«.pt P in !Ss with e signs t|f greater coctpemtuh) between the athletic dial systems (including all long iu Formpr Students Associtftipn., and th4 ; .student body b:t 4 dr t\I] jithlptics to new high levjels. S(‘ltf)!\S lich ‘d thcqybfn of haying a couriselor ftLyje in each dormitory, to es and personal problems. Wnv not at A. & M.' ) lie . ‘ [ 11:1 ’ " ’ dor. < an Umvi'r.sjtjv 9. I.Eh - u , t( ,m| bandit (ifiasj . f , . . ’ii j [. . j , ;• i . ! living disks shooting through the ... . J -n ex . |g prohibit living-traternitiex and house all their sfll- Sky. It was a national ,tjraze, not 'Ihrongh t.iudli '(T that confmed to Texas, and yhed out sta ,v ; in ,i nhfdlv dude (juietly m August. Tnere was ,».«• j,’,.,, , , ,L a rix * ( . r bai ¥\ ^P-notch calibre—i)tjoadlj\'j!|educated. sympathetic, SiMplS hiU ' 1 ' aw 1 such men be founq? Other schools have found | ageing tmpgs, or were pasta king - ■! }"**■' . j .J j ’• j jf . I repl objects for unusual; objects. ‘spies” or jj roc tors, but would be teachers without: 4. dR. boss mtrder case • ■ * 1 ... . Four persops of one family wore' Leap Year Will See Skirts Hit New Low; Necklines Next i!v I, A RIO GOOPWYN llejialdii liliother Icaiji year, a pi csillciiti; 1 election and'pew won ders in tin field of science, 194k, less than i wreck old, also caiTtes the promise of bigger thilngs both good I and had, on the home front- Foj- woineii, it means another look lit the “ijew look”, another 12 months th it promise to ■ s kirts fontnue to drop,* I OR The started in ! it, raged jiart of the ! iii capture kj near Bon- pno Ttem) No jyheru id sittduuts ng their full time to cbunselling and tutoring. , , , . , a each dormitory (odr tlorms aj:e .smaller than those ! Ilea” Nmv^rijunfds^ May's?. Dr counsellor " 2 j 'ltd <)f i sntufK ' . vt ' t;ip t|| Akgie iidtut* s .Eij {aroflBffA&M on- the \v«?k-ends invarialiH" appear 1:1 qfik.-f* 1 •' . : - !( din in 1 program so that the aforementioned eirei may have some sur- Coh|ii oj vje it rap The Battalion, oT'icia of College Slat on, Texas, afternoon, gxcot dui 'Ushedj semi-weekly. itewa contr win tlall. Clasiifii 209, <|oodwin‘Hjall. ibutior Clarified 4tdk'4 ia i’ hi oodwin AlFAmerican ted Right it of .not Entci Office fat d-aa sccond-clasB’ CnjlcKL' otherwise of repubihcatiib i ,of jir it might be {fossible to is such a service needed rn is so limited. t • vard | assi fired ■ii . 1 n at A. & M. for athleticprjwyess,!sc one counsellor to lan at A. & M. where hplaitship, and military sic source of tichievument—citizenship A. & M. who' was the empiidimunt (ill' high principles of iwrenve Sullivan Ross. Wclpride oitrse ves* that Aggies today | luloyd I. Koss, San Antonio' sttr- ! geon, |was yrrested, latj'r tried } uonvietjed. m,ven death; fientonee. | Troubly aruke over finances. ' 5. WEATHER ..The jiedr stiart- |. ed w'ittj blizfcjrds in January, piog- ! ressed ;to tornadoes in April. May (Jinrch ol (llirist Opens New Annex The S'. OOd, classroo I in A A-iV . Church m epem u a id Used Sun first turn, although a *ior finishing had Upot j)U*t ed and iJujic, t(t hiirricanes jn August. The t wen t y- by - forty -}fi iot build-. ..... .. . I . . . If ,1.141, • . . ''W V, c* I < V O c ll i *■> O 1 ! nightly gentlemen” as taught by jS'ully Ross. snail reproduction of 'the Sjdly " Aggie citizenship—one to a} situ ey could be selected by yotfe. Ballots could by printed Ross statue to three ent, one to a faculty faculty nominations, and iin Tihe. Te> d do something a’oout ourselves, eric inmetit . . . and w 1 i h 1 as Aggie for the ex- inteud to. Ii'ii 1 hei The their Monday . , , , .- f eyes, synply IteCause the ibpr&dpni of a (’ollege Sta- lUitfaffoq joins vvA h tliese Witldl-eyed creatures i)t seek- Tjown Ixia ft-jriin u tle a 1 ‘ Hall ptesentatiuns can aid shouk be improved Other schools a sta--stlidded agenda! of !krtis|ls. Why not A&M? icUtres at (|iuion.Hall is clouiltKl'with .politics and legislation, wl m or * I cat! j -he ap h| .re by e ra i)la\ solutii should lx*. Already GuiotAHall is on jt bid basis for r. we hope, will see us see, nig: a 11 first-(runs. (1 semi-classjca! music A&M is|i dekfetlf Island. There is ample :ed. The Battal ion makes a {motion that a symphonette be mush al void, *. | | ‘| vl| . ,• ireciubly bridged vtilh a cyhtjnuatlon in quantity of itertainers from other schools.} An exchange system, ing a group of enter ing here in return fj‘ our sept Hi. O :x‘hH >e (fnj iavjejtad it. A full and well-rounded recfejal ional i»rogram is re- 4 Students Attend Christian Meeting Fum } Aggies iitloniled .the Xi rtli Americfin Student Cmiltci'ence. (in Christian Frontiers hi Id on the cumptisj of!the IfniVeisity of Kan sas Jn} Lawrenci', Kansas during the Christmas holidays. Aggies at tending the Coiiftji'enee wyi. J immY Cushioij, of College Station. I.. F. \Vjnkieij Jr., of College Station, A\jlen Eubaijks, of Dallas, and J. VC Roliinsoh, of Herefoid. aecom- panieii by (innton Glay, tissistaiif s 'creta y of the Y.MCA. ChiAtian missions for the future vfiis thi main topic of (iiscussion fj)t lh two thousand"delegates, \yho hi i),rd L)ii W alter Judd, a US cpngi e: siniin and tenner medical njtissjoi airy Jo (ihina, and other niiissuii ajricS.X This fiftet'jHh student missionary quadrenijiial iwas attended by stn- dehts f !‘(})m every state m the Uni- tjed States*, paprulp, and sixty other (jountri.'s to piesciit a sulk mat y of the church wOrk oji all frontiers, lioth ati homu and ah.road. inch by inch, Over the pro tests of a diis- heartened male public. And, tfie new year also offers possible preced.jmts i n the field of edu- catioij with thh familiar 1 tijrm "fed eral rjid for education’’ agj^ n crop ping up in thAnews. IT . -: On} the pessimifetie sithj, 1948 looms} as 52 more weeks of (teadily prices unless favorable it conditions allow farmers a to naryest pi record), prioc- iir- tor the hiwcring cijop of consumer goods, j the inter-1 The issup title "New Look"; been com-1 simmering jit jthc turn of the' yenr after reaching a white hot pitch when legs fjirs^ began to disappem* But; it’s all in vain j annex of f’hrist was rising went I, chanc ,I U; . s.iled with aspestlps shingles. : from View (jarj^in |1947, may flame “imiiSes three cUssfpoiijik. a church 1 anew in 1948 shop amr garage. r l he flbor is .| say the f ishlibn dcsigmers. Th(u i i.ncrete, "and the hu liling is il-! new look In s definitely heeftnie tjie luminated bv fluore.sc‘Ml lighting 1 o''! k'nk unkl the diehard in knee- tliKiughoiit. " . j .length skirts iw-ill look -as j out of The former parsonage garage I place jas a |boj>by Soxer at an ent- willlbe tilrnetj into* a nursery fpr worship services. James F. hpwler. min added jihat use dui'ini (•or.'hng t ister. Hd shop would be avatial |e to menl- hers iiponi appointnten: | and woulji he used this sumiiiier |i) a handi- eraI't prmrne, will ; ejminiittec Astiociation. milted viee- UsitiessniCn] iiankers, a tor, I _ and !a be nulde by tl'lephone (4-5444) or at tljre editorial office, Room 201, Good- iced by ' The lawaril Was made "for imt- standing Sefyice to the I’nitled t ithe editorial office, Room 201, Good- ^ an T1« | ISpujglas Hearne. elp't'trical en gineering !freshman fram San An tonio,waU elected | president of the Llttlk Aggieleujid Discussion and Debate Club at the last meet ing of IPljt. ' : j; ; Wade Ff)impton Oliver, engineering, student frop jHi was named vice-p.r,esi|d(M, rt-Veit #fre Member May Direct lies Valley Authority John W. Ncwum Beapinonlt, tlidincering fre Don Enuelking,; Arthur Howard Matula. Zcrp Hammond, Hcrah. Sam Lanford, W.! K. Colville, If. Gray Maurice Howell ■ J. D. Barrett,' I rmfon'D. Kid Z: D, W. Springer! 124-^. - sports Editor JT,. U t : . .f , . - mem bet of t.h • big i et —in women’j ijas.liions—.will j ' prices. | And prices Wiilleo 0J|i the Ifood front) b i itinui no. Americans willrcohunuc to ( i } ill 19-18, I pr- o spj r AlMHgjh at.. Wi tli^. je |M|t'ti'(l rtjductii im meat ivrodjij tidm will, prjt)» j ably send jthe eokt of nliilaijj’s |)iji k chftps 1 '|t() niiw highs. jj o h.n j Putilie tt ill only he ab e to buy .1 Pi poundk of meat in !’• 8 a* compared td alioi t 15<> 17. (fo fill the breach, be mor4 fish—ja jotjmoju ! more turkeys. The uu.tlook on jthe) i»ou|tri’ fro jit jsj taood, with egjg.jndlk, ahdSebeefe production expectled j to hij id it Apd, if (old man weather ill kiniil 1948 will afld vegetable eatiers'j. . IV1 „„ ilowerfj look for a good yelir, * may see \a» education rooMS 'GKO* 'UCAT/^j Jij; Hi . Uj &iB«i aessggSIgi): iMiu ■■>»! HMVMI