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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1947)
1 . ^ • - t Americans To Meet Tonight a itadent from Dm Utin- tho Awmbly TMCA at 7:30 p. m Union ScJrvke At Annex Scheduled .jr* Tha Sacrawnt of tbc lord's 1 Supper will be administered Sun day memint at 11 a. m. to fmh-l RMn students at the Little Affie-1 land Cbapel lee. Carloe Deris, assistant pas-1 tor of tbe A. A M. Methodist deliver the communion | the subject, “Hun- little Kids With Big Dogs And Strange Pets Seen at Pet Show If ims AVALON CLUB M Ml W. Bryan—Hwy. H U«»rd BoawoQ, Proprietor The Boat Of •BA VOOM IN aBAlOM k. a stbaxi ■OUTKEIUf ntlMD CMIOXBM Air Oondtthwed — < I ' < T BeaaUful Danoe Floor . MISPIl for RaaorvaUone V Church, will del metiitation on WTAf SUNDAY Ite >%« Oe TiN Mlm C«Mart ■ see Church School will bo at 10 a.1 J ^ c2* b«. m., and rrtninf worship at 7 p. m. J n OfficenToMBOth IS « iiiii ’!S ow refukr monthly troop I 2 for ednaero of ths woth \ Composite Group will be held et i • a. m.'Monday, November 10 in y Court Group to Meet The A**. aefUrt Ctevsh JV-M. K»» Nr. the County in Cor I Subject te discussion wH) bo:| "Military Inteltiftnce." BCE . EL WHITLEY, R , *• for Good Used Can Phone 2-7009 \ r Brjrnn, Texas I i L - *1 PRE-WAR FIVE ROOM HOME facing a paved street near the Country Club. This houae is vacant and the buyer can have immediate poaMeaion. ! e • FURNISHED TWO-BEDROOM HOME facing paved street Situated m a large lot near the campua. Cash equity and buyer can aaeuma exiatinK loan at payment! of $80 per month. 0 0 0 BEE UB FOR BEAUTIFUL BUILDING BITES . . J. C. CULPEPPER REALTY CO. < Aseociatee: Mrs. Joes Henaarling Mr. Claude Bearden Mr. Charlea Armstrong till MeeCes tUmUs NseSHew iiM aw* Oft MONDAY IiM Sloe Oe IiM Jtesisel PisoHi (<M Tessa Vans ee4 Naets Yfw Ilil Osffta Chib f iSS Mania AswaUr fit* nr aem TtN Mrs* of Afftakee TiU TIS Tak Tkea liOS Nsea|fesl Clot firTset (Mr • M Waaoaa’a WssM * S:U IMmle> real S IS :SS NnsSfal k NaH»vaa4 IS :M Golan Drok* IS :4S TsS lUksa 11 :M Wakosa TroooWrt 11 iM NaaaH Beak . 11 iSI Bnroo Nava ISAS BauSSaea TsISIbs If :ll Htawaaat IS liS Maak Has Monday IiM Waltar XtaTMa 1:11 llhai tad A kart l .M Brtda and Groom t :St Ladtaa Ba Baa tad l .M PmI WSttaaM* Club S :M T> tally 8 Wow 1 :«$ Folk Muata af PrMca 4 St ConaUnt I a radar 4:11 Tour A mar Iran Maak 4:41 Harry Hartkk IV# Bportamaa 1:11 Tan* Bad the Flrataa »:M Slrn Off In the sifhth emiuel Dof end P-t Show, spooeored by the AAM Cornoluiauu: School Mothers end Deds Club, hold last ni(ht Ann Schlesselinsn took first honor* in the lonf-haired pore bred doc petition. Second and third pieces ' to Joe Steen end John Cecil Culpepper, respectively The feature of the evening wee e trend parade of the pets load by their young master*. Pint prlae for the moat novel unit of the pa rade went to little Jeen Adam* second to Lee Adcock, and third to baby David Potter. Harold Lee Page won flnt priie for large ehort haired dags, Paula Pserton won ascend prlae and Jeck Debitor* third. Other elaeeea and award* werei dsdlum *iae, long hair, ftr*t prise, Emeet Tanaer, Meond, Beeei Luth er. and third, Lanclla Haupt. Me dlum *i*ed short hair, first, Patsy Varval and aeeond, * Don DlUhr. Small, long haired, pure bred doga, flnt, Sue Hopper, isoond, David Potter and third, Beto Perryman. Small, short halnd pun brad dogs flrat priM, John Harrintrton Long halnd, eroM-bnd dog*— », Gall per Battalion FRIDAY, NOVEMBER t, 1947 WILL KBIT CHI •wa Is aMsai •MM cit-a X. Cause* Vker. CLASSIFIED ADS ELL wm A HAYTALTON CLASS1- i^jr. w r JLgty ar*: gWittA n wm Miop'r mum. m*iM. I— Mm. imi ^ fr.i,::.: WWM TwM, VFyBVt in IS esies sr were Sparks, James Mangrum, Mn. E. Elmquist and Dr. George What’s Cooking? AGGIE WIVES CIRCLE of col- lege station Methodist Church, 7:30 t m., Monday, et home of Mrs. S. Mogford. 214 Lee St AVC, 7 p. m., Priday, YMCA. Party in Bryan. BRAZOS ftOA, 7:30 p. m.. Tuee- day, Petroleum Engineering Lec ture Room. BAA SOCIETIES, 7:30 p. m., Tueaday. Agricultural Engineering l ^AFTirr*irruDENT union, after Jamboree, Saturday, Pint Baptist Chunh. Hayride. CAMERA aUB, 7 p. m„ Mon Conversational german 4 p. m., Priday, Room lift, Acs demio, ENTOMOLOGY CLUB, tilO p. MmAiooday. Reap I, BeWiwe Hall. LATIN AMERICAN CLUB, 7t30 ^.^m., Priday, YMCA Asaembly MARKETING AND PINANCB LUB, 7:30 p. m^ Tueeday, Room 7i30 p.m., Tues. Heins Varieties, flrat prlae, Henson, second, Arthur S end third, Jack McNeely. halnd, eroaa-brad 4 rietiee first prise, ry, second, Janice H third, Lee Juania Martin Special—dog tricks demonstrated fint prise, Berry Belcher and sec ond, Janice Hildebrand. Other pets: cast—flnt prise, Bill Anniatead second, Lee Adcod and third, Joan Walker; rabbit*-first prise, Do lores Lanicek. Miscellaneous fim prise, Barbara Ann Neathery, see ond, Fred Anderson and third Carieton. Pete weighing over 200 ounds—first prise, Bobby Weet. The Judges for the show were A K. Edds. Pauls Pearson won the ticket selling competition for the grade school and Ann Copeland for the junior high. The room prises were won by Mn. Leighton’s third grade and Miss Neelley's fifth grade. A contest was conducted for the beet advertising posteiv- winners wen Jimmy Simpson, third grade and Virginia Hickman of the fifth grade. Awards for ticket sales and posters wen do nated hy College Station mer- chsnta. E. M. Hlldebnnd was genenl chairmen and was see is ted by C. O. Spriggs, production; Ray Oden, business manager; Meaning Smith, ring matter; Charles U Motto, judging and awards; Marty 0. Ka- rvw, ngietntioni C, 0, "Spike” White, btunta and features; P A. Vaughn, food: Raymond Reiser, publicity j and P, I. Dantberg, prop, ttfty. Tie Boy Stout troop assisted the committee at the show. isgsz VTUtrar iseeFwfe. sfua FM m baim. cesismsw — pe ss ass FersFtM*. Oeueet Fssa. oa sau wuMel OsNsssSSS tsO eetSeSk UMblBe. FfBMkenr es« S*M4. N. B. Crmliy, An [• viee. 55b uto a IM. 1S-SSS 4M-1*. - .■—■I.! ■ i-. . LOST— Fvikrr ll pm. Nuee pHettf. FkMM NSM* « Mm Ttepk. Bm ism. When farming i used Hah for ateng 1 undertook linn they g?- lT' TOO MUCH CHICKEN WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 -***- The Agricuiture Department re- . ported today, on the fifth poultry- else Thursday of the Food Conser vation Program, that the nation's markets an being glutted with I- poultry. V Mmsb IiM seC I iM *« Ankleel Ser»- Ffeieel • iiS. ,^"7. 0 * W*T-U, , k beewe t Men te tm BAUt—Aets MBS see* •net mo regakr ffieN | A. MeOeet, t>.n« 14. Seew Bes Ml. — LTI IM, m writs MAKE IT EARLY Itat Sitting for Your . 4 . Aa usual, wo aw going to bo nishod in Dooombor, ao come Uua month and got prompt aorvico. AGG1ELAND STUDIO JM Boaollk, Prop. N. OtW FOl ■A LI 1 Itewee BeH vHfc Wmbo iFteWMM Wit w I vlt ss 1 Meat Cm. •& rib — 1 Mr Teests teem (ssestkekr sew) IMS i-oeT; Acne twees c-s. LsA two block* 4owiu(rmuc from Iho Hm north va Brrsa. Hewari. H O Neoty MT-S 1 Psi wee Fek Bwpe tieeiwi. «ke U- 1 Fee-wer lotto 11—. toe 4*4* 1 Fek Be^HtoB Stool (oierikel to 4Nke) toe 11 1 Gom Feae-Uke Bletkte Beeer whb tt 1 Law-Lee DeeUrk Depke BMr Bek 1 Clarinet JOHN D. THOHFR - tSK WHEN TOl"KE IN A HURRY TOR LAJr, 7:W p. 2 Agriculture H» ■SENIOR CLASiT Room 301, Ooedwinl V rJ L&M. Food Market V- ,r • * ** f ^ ee* * ‘ FREE DELIVERY TO COLLEGE STATION i Ph.2-6189 - RAY’S Snack Bar e TASTY SANDWICHES FOUNTAIN DRINKS Opfen 11 a.m. — 10:00 p.m. North Gate LUNCH or SUPPER Drop By GEORGE’S Fur a Sandwich and Drink (ORRYt HURB aa - . a" C €L«THBS ' * : FEATURES: 1. Hand Stitched Edges 2. Welted Trou&er Scams 3* Hand Stitched Button Holes 4. Patch Pockets 5. Drape, Conservative, Lounge Models 6. Dropped Belt Loops in Rants 7. Zipper Fly 8. Button, Tab, or Flap on Back Pockets You may have any or all of these features on a new suit if desired. LOOK AHEAD FOB THE HOLIDAYS! CORKY & BIRD CLOTHES “The Store of Personal Attention" » *\ Beat S.M.U. Aggies CLEANING — PRESSING WATERPROOFING Repair Work and leraliona AGGIE CLEANERS N. Gate We Deliver Phone 4-4864 All Kinds of Alteral "Lira iNauRANCR A PUBLIC TRUBT'* v i i’ N i Aggies-Let’s Whip S. M. U. !*! Viir.ll-. .'-iv - \ .. v . "v N Be ready (or the big / ;. doings Saturday GREEN OR PINK SLACKS * . .1X60 GREEN SHIRTS . 1160 DRESS AND O’SEAS CAPS i Drau up for the game! r . ' , • ;l : j i JACK’S PASTRY SHOP FULL UNI Of CAKES If ' ] ' Iji '' ' AND PASTRIES .1 : { >■. /. . Come in for HOT DOUGHNUTS afUr3P.lL North Gye ‘dr: ■■ : C PRESTON (Pee Wee) SMITH Wiogbwk hail, from Bryan—Weigh. 180. S' 8*. age 20. Letterman '45 • '46. Completed one pane for 24 yards— Caught 8 paaeea for 90 yards—Returned 7 kicks for 124 yds. in 1946. All-SUte at Bryan High in ’44. Has an other year of eligibility left FORD MUNNERLYN, ’26, Vice-Pretident & Agency Director AMERICAN GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 1 DISTRICT MANAGER CENTRAL TEXAS AGENCY lelOM II i’ •i» Sidney L. Lovelete ’38 Harry Hooker ’35 M. M. Ertklne / ■' Weldon L. Maplea *43 Ray Smith H. B. Burgees 20 INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS - W. N. ‘Flop’ COLSON ’40 _ ® • GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Hounton Texas l I • V . a , , V. — -U i— — — ‘e t ► * j i.m. TTT'