Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1947)
* H * \ I i ; Teams Meet Colts Here Friday Afternoon at 3 pm Twice Defeated Aggie Fiah-B Teams Clash With Thrice Victorious 8MU A *» ie rUh-Bw aquada tangle with SMU Colts at 3:0° p. m . this Friday on Kyle Field. Like JT S1 i t i’ the 5^ Rote * ted "port an all victorious record including wins over the Texts B team and the Rice “tB taain. fha Coyotes Now Top Team Says Scribes DALLAS, Nov. 4 —— Tho Wichita Palis Coyotes took over as tbs top team in Texas high school football by the slender mar gin of one vote In the Dallas Morn in* News’ poll of sports writer*. Odessa, defending state cham pion and leader until last week when H tied Wichita Palls, was second. The 84 writers participating gavs the Coyotes *28 points snd Odessa **7. One listed Wichita Falla as third, lowest the team has been rated UnjvWw, Corpus ChrisU, Mar* •hail Corsicana, Irackenrtdgc (Ban Antonio), (loose OcceV, Amarillo and Austin rounded out las first - (sn tnm«. C ... the aeleet circle for tk« ftcnl time Wnet and Acii ••retenna, ana af els uadsfaaied lied taama m the state, tamet ■■Mi (■ Fish-Bees have loet t* NTAC aad the TCU PoUywogs. 1 he Fi*h-Bees is composed of the team and the Pershman team During the game, the Freshman team plays three quarters, and the B team pinys the other. At no time are the two teams mixed and either team may start the gamh The Freshman run from either the double wins hac|'or the box formation, while the from the T formation. Kyle Rote and Sonny Payne from SMU will be playing against forum high school teammates Bu be Wilson, Tuck Cahpin, and P < h ard Obregon, who all played for nas Jefferson High last year ^-Captain fey the Freshmen is Bates front Carter-ftivetM.ic High of Pt Worth. He ploys conter run Battalion * A PfO R T S WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1MT PM* t ON KYLE FIEL By PAUL MARTIN Ponies Slated’to Arrive"At SSaturday Morning for Tilt 4 Both MusUmgi and Aggie* Said to Be In Top Shape (or Fourth SWC Battle Untied, Undefeated Mustangs But Aggies Are Ready and Willing cult, cal AAM to Starting ARM left halfback. High of Pt. Worth. He plays < and weigh* 1 ( .»8 i>ouivie. ‘nis other eaptain in Doyl« Moor*-, from Aus tin High. He is g 171 pound b«ck. ""Tee ' ■" ■■■■■ p - yi DENY DISCRIMINATION Lover* Jeetsr today made » Wller from I* J Dodwm. •uiwrintendmit of Bastrop Puidlr Behools, (ionyihg m»w\ rhnrgoa l»y IhrM univeraity of Teiaa sludom orgsMiseiions knot Utin Ameriwm Muilenii are dleeriminau>d avalnsl in Bastrop AUBTJN, Nov, • nor lesuford It Jot public a Wtler fro* WaeaandArliufMm Mei|hta(h. j(Vt*rU»| dhtptmd from ike t*«p wn Two Ffo* HokHto Kuf U innoro . Quarterback Huh (Iontent Blank Itaaki The rnnteetant Who comes rloeeet to gUMetng the MtodApcores nf l the gsmes Hated bqlow will be awarded two rveervt tickets to the . Texaa ARM* ttlee tame to be played Hi Houston fpi November 18. The ronteat will be run weekly la Urn during football •eason ln cooperation with the Quarterback Club The winner will be 'awarded his tickets at the t.-^uiar meeting of the club on Thuraday night November 18. Gaimw of November 8 1 Texas A A M vs SMU Texas U vs Baylor i • 1 i 1 i Rice . .^.vs Arkanaaa • Notre Dame uVsArmy* • Denotes non 8WC game. Name Room .._ P. J 1 SEE H. L WHITLEY, JR. for Phona 2*7000 Good lined Cars "T Bryan, Texaa ! j- Karow Lists Cage Schedule For the Season t Pome 40 iiruepeelive sagen, in* iludlm freshmen, United oul Mtm day evenini for ike firai praellee seeeioh of Ow i 047 4k smshm Head tWk Many Kamw iml his rageN Ihrough light ionsenlhg up dims nod roordlhsllng esereis tw »p pfepnrslkHi for Ihr more sirehUmis »rHmmsges io follow Lack*of heifkt was (he m<>«t noUlde element ml*eiog In the Ca* det agfregation though several of the seweemeni and tranafers tow ered well above alx feet Aggie Basketball Schedule Dec. t, 1847 Abilene Christian College College Station w»,|j|. Southeastern Okls Tchrs. ( id lege Station Dec. 8 East Texas Teachers College Station Dec. 13 Sam Houston Teachers Huntsville, Texas Dec. 17 Sam Houston Teacher* College Station Dec. 19 Baldwin - Wallace College ( Cleveland, Ohio Dec. 20 Ohio State — Columbus, Ohio . Dec. 22 Setoh Hail - S. Orange. N. J. Das. 89-31 Invitation Tournament Fort Worth, Tex. Saathwesl Conference Games: Jsn. 9, 10, 1948 v--Arkansas — College Station Jan. IS Baylor — Waco, Texas , . Jan. 17 Texas Austin, Tex. Jan. 21 Rice — Houston, Tex. Jan. 31 Baylor — College Station Peb. « Southern Methodist ' CoHege Station Psb. 7 Tcxa* Christian—Collage Station Ps4., 13 Rice m. Collage Station K.-h N | Southern Mcthodlat — Dallas, Tea. Pel., II Texas Christian Pt, Worth, Tex. March 8 Texas — College Station LSli-Texas Slated To Renew Rivalry AUSTIN, TEX.. Nov. 4 -<*<- A renewal of football rivalry be tween the University of Texas snd || Louisiana State University will | open the Longhorn’s 1948 season snd dedicate their enlarged Stadi um September 18. I Athletic director Dana X. Bible announced the dedication fame, one of two big intenoctional contests already carded for cooch Blair Cherry’s Longhorns next season. On Sept. 25, Texas meets North CaroUna at Chapel Hill. Before the current grid season began, several experts, including Ouorge White, sports editor of the Dallas Morning News, picked SMU to wind up near or on the top of the heap. Theee same experts In p r e dieting that there would not be a a le u n t led undefeated team in the cir- ealled on be the team to upset the mighty Mus-I tangs. This before a n yone had a chance to Martin see exactly what each school had to offer end many of the pre-sea son forecasts fell through before Ike season was well underway but the Conies hive put In • strong bid for eonferenev honor*, true to the pre-aeesen guessing, U lake# a 1m af upsetting to down • team like Malty Bell's Wslkeriied Mustangs are fielding (Ms year, far looking bark ovet the Jli reeoftk ike Med snd Its* U|. MM I I *«« Ml All- all foes Hare some out MAttdt lu I fttttR I wvifvvl i Butrewi, this may be the time Homer Norton'* thane* will prnb ably enter this contest In the heel physical eondlllon they have keen In ell year, providing husky, IMtt- busting Kd Dusek Is able to start. The 188 pound fullback from Tern-1 grklstere Cadet Gagers Prepare for 1947*48 Season With Play Starting Dec. 1 The lose of only three men from I conference Is ready to go. I last year’s Texas Aggie basket- ^ Adams, captain of laM year’s ball squad have been reported so snd Garcia’* running far and a number of freshn pie is one of the most on the team, offensive and carrying the pigakia through the line time and again. His speaks for itself on this matter, having carried the ball 59 ti to aet 829 yards which places him third among leading ball earners, fat the conferenca. .■■MiMH Quarterback Jimmy Caahion of course ia still out snd will be for another two or three weeks but sQ current injuries appear to coming along eo that the entire team will be ready for the maraud ing MustanfU^HM^^H^^ri Too, the game win be played on the Aggie’s home sod Which always it'cn at (he beginning of the season, the Tetaa Aggies weren’t picked U set the world oa fire or walk off with the honors but they hgve jnevea tkot It doeug’t pay to sell (kern short. A eon* ferene* kwe and ft tie doesft’t leeve ft greet deal but with lbs spirit ll and white ha in date, Ike » right «n lh#ir pwlftle (key may AnkUter Ikm may enter into ike finftl result Is, the net ikni Msll'a charges will run up ugalmt • learn fnr the first Mme this se«* son that uses the dmiHe wing and hot formation*, All romlilrred •pell a tough time Ifortka untied, undefeated Felly date lodefeated and untied SMU. Mustanfi are in Ollefe.Btatkm Saturday Htorninf at to try the Akkk eleven for him*. The opening kick-off will be at 2:80 Saturday after noon in what promises to be a hard The wdefi to arrive Bob Good* Starting ARM right halfback. Cross Country Team Meets TIJ cloven shoulf! be at when they meet thd lay as they came out of last week's tussle with Texad U. without any aorioua wjuriea. Tesiing the Aggiaa for strength will be SMU’e I >osk Welker. Frank D?ck ne Mci^lk P& Gitlrert‘jlihn^n' s.d Hall,day, Kenneth and others that Walker, the red snd tailback. lead* the conference's ■coring with a total of #1 points, having scored I touchdowns and converting 18 points. He ha* turn od in a good performance this sea son and the Aggies should tec him frequently Saturday.. Following Walker at M tBBl back petition is Gilbert Johnson, a passing specialist, who playai a Ores* Gauntry the pawer* and; transfer stud ants go to make up the team for this woming season which starts December 1. Included on the calendar are only three games in the Northern circuit BUI Baty. the speedy little (a mearty six feet in height) forward who sparked the team last year and who paced the con ference in individnal scoring nn- til well into the season is back again snd indications are that Baty will get in his share of the playing. , Sam Jenkins, another forward, i who started clicking in earnest to- 1 ward the end of the year is back . and should the dependable El Paso eager continue dropping those long one-handed shots through the buc ket as before, he will be a valuable member of the team. Mike Gatcia, one of the flashiest ball handlers in this or any other Homer team mate has graduated and his lofts will be felt but there may be one of sever al transfer students who can work with Garcia in the hard job of working the ball down the court to make a try for a goal. Tex Thorntoa Is the other casualty ta the rostef. TV Lanky forward has announced that he is devoting all his time to base ball this year. Other returnees are Buddy Moore, a guard who makes up in speed for what he lacks in height, rix-foot-thm- center Don Voiding who is devoting all his time to basketball- and dropping football „ in which he played end last season, , _ snd Bob Ksmperman, towering center who alternated last year in that poaition with Lynn Smith. The loss of Smith, who transfer red to the University of Houston, is being felt as he. supplied the > mach needed height to the ARM team. ’ T ]• The Teftiift Aggie Ores tmtm will play !H»t to tl Nil URtverelty of Tsiss nggregu linn Friday afternoon m § (wo loftm iroos outifttry ms*t TH# mo*i will bo HsM near tho old rift* rang* smilh (if tit* A AM t're«m*»y MnUV «£m%BM by Boy PtHMom, will W pteied frem tb* fntfcrwlMf ireup’ftf morn Jerry i, J. D, Hambtnn, ('Rfol Royre Raven, P. R. M»*nn. (leeslln, Jsftoe Hargis snd Joe McGlothlln, Only five men ire necessary to form a cress country team. B0 far this season the Aggl have entered three meet*. They Tort to both the University of Okla homa xnd to Onahoma ARM but came back to twe a Ifpsldod vic tory over North .Texas Af ter Friday thu' ontymret left on the Aggie Schedule will be the ( nrift-reiKT Mint In Austin, Nbv- mber 18. The Longhorn Cross Country team is probably the beat in the natirti and they are favored to win 4he NC AH'meet to be held in Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 22. Against such a team, the Ag gies will have only a fighting chance. All of Texas runners are champidns from way back and they are still improving. Noted here of the TV squad are Jerry winner of the NCAA two mile race for the past two years, and Dickie Brooks and Don sharp name against Texas U, kit week. Hft ift also leading in the punting department at BMU. Prana Pftync alee shares the tailback position with Johnson and Walker Nyne planed an ** Houthwest CWereneft’s second conference. They have a perfect season eg ait victories and no de feat*. They have two wins in con ference play, having scored 28 ts ta their opponents 13. A. I. has won one game, Ued one game, and ieet one game, having ■cored 48 points to their oppon enta M in conference play. According to the season’s avail-'. able statistics, SMU has played a good around game, but they have made few yard* passing Although the Mustangs have held their op- ponenta to a minimum in regard to touchdowns, their line has been proven penetrable. . Coach Matty B. 11, of the Mus tangs, mid that hu planned to work n defense this week, sines Texas L R M. will bs the first team em- iloying the double wing and box drmation, they have met this am last year and hft* played rept lot tally Well Util Mftsan •» McKissftri^lM p.iund full tbrnugh Itei (it ground Mu •peetftlly thft eettor hack, I* seeop 5 wilts this seftson • ivmg Bid mmU ing as • rugged d*fen*ive player The rinuUtertl Melhmllsls, *IM# Bieir win «v*r Te»»*, remain «* (hr Inn* undefeated team In Ut« Hftllltlay, IMU iipUki IkB an end |Nt*i and I* Milslwnd ATTENTION AOOIEBI WB RAVE RRTRIVRD TNR MIU N CANVAR YOU NAYK BERN ANMIND PORI HENRY A, MIUsER M RNITI RR lYir* _ i IL.ttoto ■ i 7 Intramural Basketball Play Flag Football Race Continues Hard The 1947-48 Intramural Bftskft-. bal league play came to an end last week with winner* named a* follow*: i | Military Uaiue«i League A • C Field League R • (1 Infantry Uagus C . It Cumpoalla league D • A Field Veters* Usguest Usgue A • Dorm 18 league H • Derm 14 league C • Tl# between Tfallrr (’amp-vet Village and Leggett Hall. , These teams will compete with t down. A pas* Huff to Goldman made the extra point. A Composi te* first touchdown was scored by Lingerfield as he dalhed right end for 80 yard*. The extra point fail ed, The next touchdown was a short Sparks who were on Thompson’s heel* in both the mile and the two mile events all last year. The cross country course Is 2.7 miles loag. R »sa play of 4 yard*, Thrash to rely. The extra paint was good when Thrash again dropped back and toftaed the hall to Neely, Thrash went Into art Inn again as he took the hsll and fired It Into the hand* of Wsllsrc fnr another A Composite score, The final touehdown was made by Llngure hall fro L&M. I Food Market FREE DELIVERY TO COLLEGE STATION Ph. 24189 . HOUCK’S f ' Hand-Made Booth 'Aa made to order to pleaue the moat exact ing cattleman. Rodeo --ALSO A Very Nice Line of Stock Boots at 823.75 HOUCK’S BOOT SHOP North Gate — College Station .JLj • t ':r- aa he took the ’' Alligator s famous Galecloth rainwear is completely versatile for every kind of weather! Firmly woven to resist Wind snd dust. . Loag-lastingly water repellent for downpour or drisxie. Exceptionally light weight, for warm days. Smart, practical—a real Alligator valua. | . On display today! 1 t" - LK0N 1. VEISS Nni to ( dM/Hi Vtoatot - The Largest Electrical Appliance Store In Bryan— Coma In and see us for large or anall appliances: Radios, Electric Irons, Stu dent Lamps, Floor Lamps, Presto Cookers, Coffee Makers... and many other useful* UNITED APPLIANCES, Inc. Mth R Washington Sta I’Hone I-I4M each other to determine the Col lege Champion. Play in this tour- 1 nament will begin next week. At the completion of these games an Intramural All-Star Team will be picked from all teams that played in the ’47 • ’48 season. FLAG FOOTBALL at PAST PACE Results of Monday's game show that the winner of any league is going to have to be in top shape and condition throughout the sea son. Trick plays, fast Unto, and good passing show up in every con test Monday's ResaHa: B Composite edged out a 7 to 0 victory over B Engineers in a fast, hard ball game. Summers scored the winning touchdown. A Composite smacked B Vet 25 to 7 as they out played the loner* all the way. Compton for the los ers played an outstanding game and scored B Vet’s only touch- trom center and went off right tackle. The dose ball game of the day was the 0 to 0 battle between Mit chell and Dorm 17 with Mitchell winning by penetrations. "1 Fur Vntir S|*or( mit tieod* .Ve-ds K*\KS SHIRTING GOODS 8C3 S. M«iu< 2>i 81SU DIAMOND EDGE POCKET KNIVES , t •,, SPORTINO (MMDS Hillcrest Hardware J013 CoUk* Raid — ■ RAY’S Snack Bar " ***ff lOOTBAUS \ DRINKS Open 11 a.m. -+10:00 p.m. North Cato MS j i. ■ t 41857 PMhtid Walktr, corcIi of ttay W«ko Forott CoNtgo, cooked up ao many upsets in the Southern Football Conference that he’s known as the “Dixie giant killer.” Fabulous stories have grown up about him snd his winning ways... and what s more, he admits every one is true. For the lowdown read {‘Football’sDemon Deacon”... - , _ HHHHtBri ' Collie Small Ml i’ s * ! I Ml» *> » \ I.M.VI. 1 riT ol a aailaae ausrtel he*suss he to totow^w^to ^IWwW WWW toW WW toaMatekag. Me'iatoahMttotap k* ■evtes sad nMe, Mtf he’s Nas I «fck leak* HAMA RVtoi i k w i f 11 Wm RltoAm Ai witw . Rwff fww \l l\ I M ill II II , III I.