Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1947)
j] : ' . . | EDI Battalion TO RIALS fiiti TUESDAY, NOVEMBBR 4, 1947 tw LOM-MORf f» Will Rogers—An Institution... America will pay tribute, to one of its most beloved sons Tuesday when a life-sized statue of Wiil Royers is unveiled by General Dwight D. Eisenhower in Fort Worth before wf auditorium and coliseum named in his honor.-The great humorist and philosopher ▼ip killed in a plane crash in 1938 while fly ing to Alaska with Wiley Post. Will Rogers became an institution during hia life-time and his iK.pularity has not a bat ed with his death. He still survives in his humor and his great'love for his fellow man. He is still remembered for his home-spun philosophical outlook on life, his draw- love for horses, hia carelessness with mopey, and his Kenon.aRy endeared him to all hil fellowmen. Neither Will Rogers’ philosophy of life, nor his religion were of the formal type that could be traced to some school of thought. Once when he was asked by a minister to give him his philoeoph^ of living. Will Rog ers replied. "I was raised predominately a Methodist, but 1 have traveled so much, mix ed with so many people in ail parts of the world, I don’t know now just what I am. I know 1 have never been a non-believer. But 1 can honestly tell you that I don't think that speech, awkward walk, and the gum. any one religion is the religion. Which way seldom left his mouth. you serve your God will never get one word His native pride, his dps ire to travel, his of argument or condemnation out of me." 1? Hollywood Rff«d.ty One Thin Ray of Hope... Fear of a world collapse hangs over our , aibility of building a universal security sys- Aa MaeKeozie Sees It heads Every day as we read the news, we get that brown taste in our mouths. Are we headed, inescapably, for a new world war, one that will be worse than the one juat finished? Optimism is hard to find. But Cord Mayer, Jr —no Pollyanna—dot* not believe | R Is too late to establish an effective world government, which will head off catastro phe. Mayer, who loot one eye in the battle for Ouam, is president of United World Feder- aliats, and was aaatstant to Harold E 8ta»* * sen at the Ban Franelwe meeting which ffifted the UN chsrtar.. Be left Han Fran* -uluru convinced that Worlij Wat ill was in* ffritabl'’ unlnut the UN wb» "substantially •trengthened," Ills virwa are eapreassd in I ndw lM>k 'Teace or Anarchy ’ fsiule Fisher, reviewing the httok In the Melordsy Review id Idteraturv, took the poaltlon that It Is already too late to create, an effective world govemm#nt, Util Mcyrr sera one Ihln ray of hope. He aav*. W»*ld government la often attacked as utopian by those who believe that many gen- erslioga must pas* before ao great an In* ttlUttlOnaf Change shduld even be attemp ted Howevrj*, Mr. Flartirr’a criticism comes from exactly th*' opposite, direction. He admits tha immediate necessity for world government, but bellove* that w is too late rather than too early to achlevo it. He con cedes that two yean ago there was a poa- tem of enforceable law but is convinced now that the actions and designs of the Soviet government have obliterated that hope. 'The first step toward peace is one that the American |>eople must take for them- •elves. Led by an informed and insistent public demand, our own government must demonatrats its willingness to accept with others the necessary restrictions on nation al independence "The Russians then will have an oppor tunity to choose betwivn a continued arms race and a reliable system of ascurity. If | they choose to accept, Institutions to ad* I mimatei and enforce world laws can be | ximfd by common consent to amendment i of UN. If the Soviet government sees fit j to refuse, a time limit imould be set at tha expiration of which the United Htale* should join with those who are willing in creating a partial world government. The door must be left open to TtuiMilan entrance, and every effort must be made to prevent the new union fmm hemming • mere military at* Hsm-e agslnst the Bovteta, "A* Dr. Einstein ha* suggested, It I* i reasonable to hops that ths Russians might reninsider an Initial derision to stay out, If they saw a successful federation of the rs*t of the nations being organised without them Should the Rusalsna remain unalterably op posed. as Mr. Fischer predicts, then the new federation should strengthen its military de fenses and prepare to wait for a change In Russian leadership.” England Trii Not Swinging to MIW III* iMilltOally rflt flip mi teWta 0»K rlwomu are Let s Do It Again... Two weeks ago, when Baylor visited A. & M., we proved that we could be good hosts. This week-end we will have an even more, important game. Southern Methodist, now in the lead for the Southwest Confer- i ence crown and victor over Texas, will be playing on Kyle Field and the Aggie team will be out to deliver one more upset Feel ings will run high on both sides. So it’s up to us once more to prove that we can live iup to our best reputation. Here are two letters that came to the desk of Dean W. L. Penberthy, in apprecia- .,tioh for our behavior during the Baylor week-end: 4 all the action required. Of course, the Ag gies had possession of the ball most of the afternoon, but Baylor had the ball on nu merous occasions directly in front of the Aggie rooting section, and in these instances the Corps behavior was very sportsmanlike. “The other game officials, and I am sure your future opponents, join me in prais ing the discontinuance of a practice that has giv^i so much trouble in tne past Sincerely yours, Ab Curtis" ★ We are asking the boys on the football team to "do it again.”'to upset highly-fa vored SMU. Let’s pledge ourselves to "do it again” in maintaining the same high level By DcWITT MacKENZlR AP Foreign Affair* Analyst The •ma»hing eonaervatiaa^ vic tory In Britain’* Municipal tlac- Uon* to the discomfit of tho Labor (hoc is I lit) Regime ahouMnl be takon as indicating that Rngland Is swinging to the extreme right but rsther that the public to in progrsss of trimming tho ship of sUU so that It win list neithor to the wno it»t# nor the other hut w even IikkI The ConporV. itivs* mkR — • a 4 kmh*i<t rightly •■* tMt * rebus# to 4h# PoriollBt Me*to»e‘« management *4 affotr*. The govern own t was not only unohl# to overt tho ftem eronomlr trtol* which grips the country, but In two yenrs of office hasn't been abto to shock It* - Thing* have gone from hod to wore# until Britain to threotoned with one of the free test disaster* of her long history. Moreover, and this is Important psyrhotogtsslig, tho people are umlor erar time fog (mentation, and the austerity of living conditions to ao great that there to even shortage of such ne cessities as food, clothing and fuel. Mind you, the British have amply demonstrated that they can stand any amount of austerity nereatery, but the signs are they are wonder ing whether they are being handed a rough deal. There U. I believe, another aig 4 Even Oscar Can't Keep Frej) March In I lolly wood L My MOH TNflMAn HOLLYWOOD, -<«*)_tf think winning an oscar will l Fradrtoh March la eattle la wood, you have another guess eoming. The Incumbent Aaademy Award whmet Is ba«k In these wilds for "Another Part Of the Pore*,” his first film liner hto award perform ance. But he won’t stay. U 1 was tied down here for aine yearihe said, referring to his servitude at ParaaMMk ] in the thirties. "Never Again.” The Rhcine, Wto., actor keeps a house here but avoids aH entang ling alliances. One of the most de manded actora on stage and screen, he needs a term contract Hke he needs dramatic lessons. Instead, he likes to call his shots, doing film* at intervals between stage appear- sncea, which he usually makes with 11 hto wife, Florence Eidridge. Eh Ris next project to a mammoth one-*portraying Christopher Col umbus in an English film. Mrs. March, w ho is also in hto current picture, will play Queen Isabella or another prominent character. Fred reported that plans are near ing completion and bis Nina, Pint* and Santa MaHa are already being built After Columbus, March may do 1 another play or perhaps the film ! version of hh last atuga hit, •Year* resign Aga.^ Originally Spencer Tracy was to do the part, bat he cooled on it. Fred nixed it hdcause "it's an old character with a Chester Conklin moustache sad I could play it 10 years from now* Ndgr W* reconsidering, sine* his minded him he was < the sersan "Life with Fish • Game Stuflenta Return From Gulf Coast Field Trip h m IHURIINO t ‘ (MKRnmi altukhU of th# Wildlife Mattatfvmenl impart* t. hirom»afil*d by (>rll Haiti, lh*!rufl«»r t returned Hun* front a rUM trip to the marine latioraLnfiai of fM 4 Rockport ment. a«»mnoanl*d by Cedll K«i day frtm a Held trip to the marine OMMr Ffftb, and Oyster (’ommiseinn at flulf roSai The with Uf< fisheritt operations l« general. The claaa. with Reid, i. L. laugh- man, dfctof marine MotofiM for the Text* Game Fish and Oystef Commission. William 8. Heit, di rector of the Texae consul water- fowl survey, and R. L. Singleton Tmas on th« the Socialist government and go to the country for a fresh mandate In a general election Churchill issued a .itat#m«nt de claring that from new on the gov ernment “will govern without tk* morel support and against the will gf the people." However that may be, the to J , b n ‘ ,#r tfl* "t role, clallst decline to consider any »uch ^ move, And w*— they have s House of Cam (kmhmmi iw| kii , to run More a hew general elec Mon will he neesstary, unlese a large namker of his awn faltawer* should desert and vuie siwlnst him with the rnna»rvad*e» which to most unlikely--ar walees the Prim*' Minister for some udfnr#e*n reason should decide t« rpll for a new elect ian. CeHalnly the Indhlstlnns sm that the prcaeht regime dill rsrry on *• usual, barring sothe unesperuul development > to consider any *ueti »hy should they, when > hif MdarHy In the oinsSomT The Attlee went out inta Copana Ray trawling early Saturday morning. A shrimp trawl Was operated from one of the three boats used, f f* Venous kinds of marine fishes, mortly bottom forms, and two dtf. ferent species of shrimp wen caught in the trawl Each of these was pointed out and named for the class by Baughman. Fotlewiag the trawling demon stration, the party Cruised up the inter-coastal canal to 8an Anton*> Bay wtoare a 600-foot seine was put into operation by seven of the men. Sadi common marine fish as mulleti redfish, stingrays, and saw fish were caught. Specimens of each type of fish were preserved and brought hack to be put into the fish oollection at the wildlife museum at A. A M. College. rmng Baughman ' tiu group for 8 hours on t> pi> of marine ftahea, coiuM-rvation of marine fishea, commercial fi»h»-ne» possibilities along the Texas gulf coast, and the pollution problem. Ha pointod out that ths three main factors caus ing harm to marina life are indus trial pollution, sedimentation of hays and bayou* < suted by erosion all over Texas, and harm done to marine life h> the o|*txtlona of commortlal fishermen. A1EK To Hear Guest Speaker E. J. Boling of Lynn, Maasnchu- setts will spank on "Wartime Do- > velopmvnt In the Measurement Pton* at a meeting of the Ameri can Institute of Etoctrtoal Bngt- neers Wednesday at l!gt p. m. (n the EE Lectare Boons. R'-ling to managor ai tha in-, strument seetton of General BMW Mk." > ’ QUEEN TODAY TucMlay A Wedacwday ^ » a- « »•»* Fewer to reixirtad to be aemos the Ailantle this years | Walk in hto «wn plan*. The Edward Ratal! Oampsny says (he " ng h**k some footage of \r*y whtoh Ms fjihad Matoff la filming In s an e* pensive Sbisa to Operate Snaek Bar at Noon The Snack Bar in Sbtoa will be opened at noon on Honda/, Wed nesday, Thursday, and Friday, ac cording to M. M. Kuers, chairman of the Student Senate Mess Com mittee. The Bar arill not be opened on meatless Tuesday. Kuers stated that the Sbtoa Snack Bar was in- ... , , . M stituted on trial basis and Ita con- mfleant element jn the elections, tinuation will depend on the iw- They are held by informed obaerv-1 cepUon o( ^ nUl(kni body. era to be a warning that there is no place in EngUnd for the Com munist which islripping so many continental countries, including France, just across the channel from the Cliffs of Dover. Basically, present day Britain is 1 'IV UfhfM Efo’trlcftJ Applltncf Htort* In Bryan— Como Hi and so* uo for largo or small appllanooa: Radkia, Etectrk I room Sta- deat iminpa, Floor Lounpa, Presto Cookers, Coffee Makers... abd many other uaefuto UNITED APPLIANCES, Inc. Mth S Uaahtagton Sta. Phone t-UM TNE AVAIDN CI4’H mV w ■nw- Mwy it l<o«maiid thwwsli, Froprtotar HMt Of HHA IN SEASON K 01 NTMAKR TO i i Rli KEN Air fVmAttonatf Beautiful Dance Fleer f * •-ftMFII for kedervaltone The Snack Bars hi Duncan and Sbiaa will continue to operate from 8 to 10. If enough students wanted it, a noon bar could be opened in Duncan, stated Kuers. Anyone having suggestions on H "All of us here at Baylor appreciated _ , and enjoyed all of our contacts and relation-, of sportsmanship, shipe with all of you at A.AM. during the * v ■ past week with the notable and important exception of the football game itself. That, however, ife a matter which we hope to re cover before another year rolls around. • "Most sincerely yours, James P. Cornette Dean. Baylor Univeraity" : f “For I he past several seasons those tame* In Which l was an official that were Hayed In Cblk /o Station were Interrupted on nurmw >u* occasions b; Ing whan the ram* It iraa nccmuMiry to take "time-out” ! for tho nMa* to lubaldc NeedleM to oay, thia unuoual situation has been tho main topic of conversation In tho pro-game meet ing with the coach of the opponents. "To those In authority who have t|hen the lead, to thfe yell leader*, and to The stu dents themselves should go a special com mendation for their conduct during last week's game with Baylor. Not once was It necessary to stop play, and the two time* that the noise might have interfered if con tinued a mere hand waving on tny part was T Copy received by the Heady (Tex.) News from a country correspondent: "WU1 be big rodeo and barbecue at Ellis City. It will be given by my brother so will . be there. It be plenty beef and aAusage peiitical moderation when h* shook Bar-B-Q. Plenty Wr In stand. At nitea “ Wl - big dance. Oh, Boy. So don't nobody get sick on that day. Well, so long until next week. Of Murse if I don’t get belliache or die. I hope not.” mi'gc ovaMAWBi wore uiwrrupiru i»*a/4 » e in ( Unions by promiscuous ysll* ^„ lvaQqe ?L, UC( s opposing teant was about to in play. Heveral time* each L WalMr Haudfl ottse ol recently was that of Rsp. ytona Beach. Rep. Ills, who loves his read into ths record an item from Haw kins' home town psnsr, Intending to report ths lawmaksr In btd with a bad cold, a com* iKMltlon error made It read "Rep. Hawkins Is in IMTM ‘ fairly dose to the middle of the operations of the Snack Bars road politically, with a moderate * hould contact one df the commit- tendency to the right. That was | ^ member*, strikingly illustrated the first part of October when, as this column pointed out at the time, the So cialist government swung a’bit to the nght and the Conservatives moved a little left. Socialist Prime Minister Attlee appeared to recognise the need of palltic up hto cabinet and demoted Eman u*l Shlnwell, Minister of fuel and power, who is one of the most pow erful left-wing leader* and had charge of coal mining operations i which are the crux of the econo mic crisis. Of course the Conservatives art jubilant and are demanding that Lack’s Auto Stores JOE FAULK SJ Whiner Bike Motors Bicycle HuppHra bed with a bad coed." Dr. J. A. Hockaday mayor, doctor and oter of a flak rodeo, recentl: Port babel (Tag.) Pilot, subscribed to a clipping service for storica about hi# 1947 rodeo. The first clipping was from the Pilot. STr ■ l tawvwi misva lently bought weekly, then Southgate College Sta. 4-11W 217 So. Main Bryan I-1M9 ACCURATE REPAIR SERVICE • 4 Week Ooaraatoed R.L McCarty JEWELER North Gate •*, IsTNtNY QUINN it) i— ’" enf MIUI•KNOX Milt IffH iSai g.Awesaoa INI 1 ’f ••••» iwMIw wlvll) YOUR ENTIRE WEEK’S WASH DONE IN . . . H 30 MINUTES: 1. Bring your wash to the Laua- deretU and plae* It In the Bea- dix. 2. Add soap—- wait or shop while the Bendix does your work—automatically. S. Take your wash minutes — Clean, sweet • damp-dry white, LAUNDERETTE TWO LOCATIONS , 106 N Wa < Phone 2-1304 — South Bids — Phone 4-1170 College SUtion The Battalion The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College SUtion, Texas, to published five times a week and circulated every Monday through Friday afternoon, except dpring holidays and examination periods. During the summer Tha Battalion to pub- i-we*kly. Subscription rata $4 pet school year. Advertising Imhed semi-Weekly. Subscription rat* $4 p< r school year. Advc ratal famished on News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office, Room 101, Good win Hall. OaMiftod ads may be placed by telephone (4-5824) or at the Student Activities Office, Boom JJpy, Goodwin Hall. • • . ’ ■ T Member of tho Associated Preen Campiit* Sandwich Shop for the bast HAMBURGERS ’ 31 year* of business GEO B. (POP) SHAW Back of Legett Hall PALACE Theatre MTAKTH TODAY - THRU NATURDAY T TI ES, - WED. — THITR& a MV Open* IKK) |>.m. 4-1181 Piitin I MUURl StaMIsMto mu BIHEV! mm mi BSTsaaar « The Associated Press to entitled exclusively to the us* for republieation of all news dispa’.-hi* eredi- •ted to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. ^Rights of republic*tkm of all othef matter herein are also rast rved. ** Knbrtd a* McowlwlaM suttar at Poet “Dffic. at CoSr«* 8tet*'n. Texae, *4* *kta Act at Coexrvt* ol March a If.*. Associated Collcgutc Press Member 1 pQprttotritt ij BfttionKUp Nittofifrl Ad* vwtiMa* Serrte*. lar.. at New York Cite, I CHie«co, Lm MMd 8sp Fruneiafo. UCHARUE MURRAY, JIMMIE NELSON.. .^Co-Editors -Vick UUkf : —— -fern. Bloch. Dttk* H *he. J. T. Miller. J Deri# Mtk*«a iT, AiWlcH ^ick - A-' ' 1 - , 1 -A<su«» M«c«Mk ta*tr*Ol Hoad —A. L>. AUiaerti tieeacer Wire tatuer Wrtteca Pasl MerUn gsacr Dee Kcwetktes. Aftasir ■easei. tans Guuataps. As# MsSsM, Zero HaeuMSA Meeehetl Statar . Sport, WrMeca Bam UnfnH. W. K OoMH., L Qng .Jj Certowita. t). W. Retinae* Wueoe H B«m4 L&M. . ytt Food IVlarket FREE DELIVERY IO COLLEGE STATION Ph. 24)189 Jr. LAST DAY HRHT NIIOWING IN Bry an - Coll*** i dim Mot C A f E T E R * - LTURING DISHES OF iTIONAL FAME and the beat in— AMERICAN CX)0KERY 1«™ TAYLOR ofonoc 1.1. r ML MUSPtff-SIIMll-KIOII riu. - ui ~~ - Featurea 1:10 • 3:00 • 4:35 • 6:28 • 3:19 " ' 10:00 T VI Ml iG SCENES OF IEKMUDA SKY TOMOHKOVV ‘THIKSD.iy “Les ilisuables’' f—l itClrl iMtolta • coin -1 MMMH Ml iaM