Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1947)
ggies Tie Razorbacks 21*21; Take on Mustangs Here Saturday KSmCtyie From Behind Hold Lead Until Final Period By Art Howard Ttxa* fW Th f J 1 * 48 foU S ht 1 Clyde Scott took the boll around the_ Arkq^sa* Razorbacks to | hll( QW „ nght cod on s thrilling side-line run for the second Ar & 21'21 tie In a cold misty rain at Fayettevine Saturday. Pkscticolly storting the game with a 14-point dsficit, the Aggies ohtated the fans by racking up 21 points in about half that many ntihutaa. [Clyde Scott was the rohl show, npttind 115 of Arkansas' 124 yards by rosning. He kept breaking loose fer runs when the Atfb line held bbek waiting for a pans. On one play be ran off the weak side all by himself for a twelve yard gain, using speed to outrun the Aggie line on the soggy turf. The Aggie’s Stanley Ht>Unrig also added some thrills to the gamg with his su- * perk pub ting. Oae of his shots went out on the three and another punt bounced on the Arkansas one-foot line. ♦ The fans had hardly settled In ttfrir eeats after the opening kick off before McGaha of Antansas intercepted a flat-sone pass on the Aggie 47 and tweed across the goal untouched. Aubrey Fowler con verted for the eitra. point The Aggies then received and punted to the Arknnsts 4*. On the fiNt piny from scrimmage, kanaas touchdown in the first four minutes of play. Arkansas had touched the ball > twice and had made tiro touchdowns. Fowler again converted and the score stood 14-0 against the Aggies. ^ Deep In the firnt quarter Stan Hollmig McfceO tut-oq the Ar- ks!»>«*, unt-foot One. Aggie (■ uard Charles Overly Mocked Fowler’s punt In the end sene and tackle Joe Sacra fqU on the ball for • score. The W-man Aggie cheering section breathed n little deeper. Early in the second quarter A AM started from its own 24 and threw four out of five pass completions to score from the Arkansas 35 on s clicking Baty-to-Welch com bination. After the kickoff, end Charlie Wright intercepted a pass from Arkansas' Ken Holland and S B a 11 a 11 o n P 0 R T 5> MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1947 Pi«e 8 CH ARLIE WRIGHT. 21-year- old third string left end of Beau mont, played a bang-up gam* against Arkansas Saturday, in tercepting a pass that act ap aa Aggie tally and netting the op posing ball carrier for loanes on two occasions. Last yaar against Texas, the Md-poand. • foot three inch end with two varsity letters to hia credit, snagged a pasa from Stan Hollmig to be come the first Aggie to ev*c score on a piny from scrimmage on Memorial Held In Austin. FROM THIS ANGLE ■by LAKIO (iOODWYN- Men, wf'N bal you } »a I iKat fAt Hollow 0«P«nd blade*, thpwfh easap ihixnlly Ifw In prtgt, Will flee yp* (he kind el (having lotMatHan yae've bee* looking lot I Million* of men kf*gw hel l qvkk, rieon, epol, economicol thpvei ftwt vou both# ledge I Ge* o pock today end H you don t agroo. teturt em to et end we II Mnd yoq COUM your money bock I Kbu win either way '• T I ■'* l 4 lor 10< • 10 «4r 2S< • 2$ for Sfc took it to tho Rasorback eleven. Ed Dueok drove to tho all and Baty passed to Whittaker for tho TD. Bqllentins again-kicked to mako it 11-14 in favor of tho Ag ftoc. i i . Arkaneae was AM town the whole second quartarl when the hogs could not got tyylixl thoir |»wn IT-y»rd Mnc. Tho final scoring pf the day yam# when Seott paasori to Prltrh- Aid who. with perfect Uloching, ihn the bsll oyer from the AAM twenty. Thontmm hAh*-*! the Att< imnoriAnt point And ttml the more up, 11.11. The Agglea thr*»Alened Again In the fourth quarter when Baty threw a pane to Whlttaher to Aetj the Imll up on the Kasnrhach thn ' ty-eeven. But the Arkansas de , fense held and ,the Aggies were forced to hick. The crucial play of the game came in tho last four minutes when Arkansas made its final bid to win. On third down, two to go, I from the Aggie 45, Clyde Scott faded back to pass and the crowd Two of Top 20 Teams to Clash In Alamo Bowl Jan. 1 Aggies Force Forecaster to “Eat” Pre-icame Predictions With Unexpected 21-21 Tie Having iuat polished off the words of last Friday that an alert fighting Aggie football team made us this week end, this corner officially goes on record as conceding the point that forecasting isn’t one of our stronger t>oints. Not only did we manage to miss the Arkansas-Aggie score (we picked Arkansas 18-0) but our hunches on Texas and Baylor failed to pan out. Only on the Rice-Texas Tech game did we score a bulls- eye which couldn’t have been very hard in view of the fact the Owls were no less than a four-touchdown favorite. SMU Has Unbeaten Record; Clash With Cadets Saturday PAUL MARTIN J By virtue of a 14-18 victory over the visiting Texas University Longhorns in the Cotton Bowl Saturday after noon, the Southern Methodist Mustangs now hold the only unbeaten and untied record in the Southwest Conference. This leaves the Ponlfe bringing an unblemished record to Kyle Field next Saturday against the Aggifes who sport one leee aai one tie hi nuimimmAt — pMy BAN A! .NTONIO- TcmtbAll faux of South teiAX need no longer Ukn i WRAY WHITTAKBR. right end from HeuMoa. kae a vanity letter to hie credit and three yean of eKgihiltty left. The 21- ye*r-«ld ex-oailer avenged 11 yards gained per pan lam year. Agaimtt Arkanaaa last Saturday. Whittaker carried the hall over for aa Aggie teoebdewa aa a pan* from the eix. A special train baa beam prov id ed it convey SMU fane aid at h :'.0 Saturday morning and return ing at 5:15, arriving hack In Dal las at 9 p. ax SMU'a AJl-Amencen Doak Walker piloted the top place hi IwC ranking*, penoa ally arcoontlng for the two com er aiona that spotted the difference aa well ah setting up the e M-: I setting up th< i b* tnagghm rifle-armed Gi l a back seat to IWdena, Dallas. Now Ortmna or Mtautl," C. C. Krueger, football chairman of the i . Ran Antonia Uhambar of Cam- ,* 4 .r*,il. mere#, declared thla week with hln announce men I that tha Chamhei will •imiuor an Alamo Bowl Ham* on New Yenre bay In Bnn Antonio With all the major howl game* •old out. v lei tor* »l|iectlng to come to Ban Antonio wero miiiMiml to write lmm*Mllately to the Han An ton In Chamlier of Commerce, 7tm Inaumnre BalMlng for tlthcl re 1 act ration* which will he filled In order of receipt. Money order or ! check must atwompany reaerva- lion. I'rirea for the game are 97.20 for bea arat*. 14.M for rc*cr*cd 1 neata on cither aide of the field. 13 for aeat* In the anuth artftton and end rone htoachera. ★ ■ For a while in the first quarter, the Razor- I ___ • backs made us think m* were justified in IMSC ID VD|Kypul picking them to win, but the Aggie aerial * 1 • dreus began clicking like never before this | The Newman cia year as Hollmig and Raty, operating behind AAM aa<l Texas tint a stout line that gave good protection, {mas- uratef a seriea of ed with remarkable accuracy in the high aportd an the Aggie day, Ndremhar 2. Onl New manites Beat i Tl) Football Team ward wall contributed umtt share af Texaa 7 Inaug- l atfU (,iH*d»*o ed with remarkable accuracy in the high i aporM pn the Aggie cMpoi gun-1 ind. day, Ndbemher 2. Onlv t ro aporta' There are nome on both sides who'll doubtlean take ianue war* *aga««d iai v..i|*i ball wa* with u> on thla point but from thlaV playod In the morning and foot- the jRRM. leshed wJ 1 lu .* 0 °# ik W iy* W, i!' **•!' i" the afternoon, victory with both team* be- on tho eventa of the afternoon, . „ The UMveraBy of Tma Maw- to the viotory. ( Teraa' Bobl«v Layne Was ered by a hriak wind when he game * Showed hy th and rpal Itoen* Box During; ArkunHiia-Agfie Tilt play, B«i ..and for teal economy 50 M Blade, ‘I 00 I - T »T” i Alamo Stadium, with a normal stood up. expecting to •« » touch- . eapacity of 22.418. wil? en- down. But before Scott had time ^ ^ uke ( . gn} of thr warn teJwmlirt, £t *“r.‘.r w ' 1 ot “• 00 ° Top team* in the first twenty of the nation an- being scouted preliminary to feeler bids living *ent out. The Chamber will offer Oreuponte «*f the IV« Bus atop Kaaorbaek Htadlum were IroaUd to a apeclal attraction during (he tam*> which rnu**d no »inall amount of laughter from the •|M»ri* •enhea and a •hocked baik nr two from the wome.n or*'cent. Thla one-man *now wa» in the •omewhat imnderou* form of Mot ehey Koch, Aggie line eoaflh who •pent the afternoon telephoning defensive instruction* to the Aggie beach. Hardly a play passed that Koch didn’t make an off-hand and high ly nartiai rtmark. tehey kept IhU up the real of the gam* hut the najji'ff came In the final peri«al when Arkanaaa ■rttivd the lying tnuoldnWP. x A few nlay* before;U»e Bcott-lo Crttchard paaa tied uf the game, Arkghsa* pulled a similar play on Ml garnet out of the three play I, 'tile Aggie* won th* flr*l gam*’ ‘ #| the neat two ta a (Wlar- Ti MMM whlcn Pritchard got Hi the clear behind Bob (Inode, the Aggie safe- ty. However, the pa**’was thrown to another Porker receiver and wa* incomplete. But Eiotchcy, real-, ixing what would hawe happened had the paa* been t Known to Prit chard, informed the bench in no uncertain terms that Gtoode wasn’t the Sian to. bc-in>thf!)p when tb< Roc* Were toeing b-mg aerials. ★ Goode was promptly taken out. A* for Good^ persoSally, Koch, of course, meant to take nothing away from the/big wmfhack'* per formance. He played a good de fensive game, especially against short passes, but he’s not the best man A. & M has to guard against aoueu U>Cl| UNGK EDOI PAL •(OUOyV GROUND RAZOR BLADES Pof Hollow Ground Me "edge’' | ty, stopping the last serious Ar kansas scoring threat A few min utes later Jesse Burditt intercept- | ed a pass on his own twenty. With the unofficial scoreboard showing | no time left in the game, the Ag- ; gies drove down to the Arkansas 33 where play ended a few minutes i later. Late In tfcw*wc<*«d i**n*d whdh Arkansas launched a drive Into A. A M. territory, Koch began squirming around in his seat try- ing to watch the scoreboard clock and follow the game at the same slightly lower than the cash in ducement* of other major bowl* but will attract most of the good er Norton. Said thutj football teams of the country. he is satisfied and happy with his Krweger extended a hearty boys performance. , Nq new in- welcome to all out-of-town viqi- juries or rehurt old ones came up ( tor*. He stated: *Thi» Bowl gaiac except for a charlieshorsc acquir- each team $.'«).000 or forty-five per tllM finally, with five minutes cent of the receipts. This figure t* regaining in the half the ex-Bay lor great could stand it no longer and blurted out, “I don't believe that clock is running. It said four eleven Texas a score of 24 ed hy Ed Dusek. COME by for BREAKFAST! Open 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. _j TRY Ol R LUNCHES, STEAKS, and HOME-MADE PIES i North Gate CKKAMI.AM) Mra. Ridgeway, Owner will stand on it* own feet a ;national attraction. The teams jfrlerted among the na tion'* best.” The Elk’* Crippled Children Hos pital at Ottihe, Texas will share in the net receipts, Louis Sien, publicity chairman of the Alamo Game committee, announced. minute^ to play a while ago.’’ Then the long -owe*, when Arkansas substituted the The play of several as yet un fleet Aubrey Fowler into the game,] sung Aggie* showed up well in the Botrhey all but hail kittens. Oftlgame. Jet third down, Fowler dropped back in punt fermation. Bote hey im mediately screamed into the phone that Fowler wasn't going to kick. “Tell the end* to get wide; if Fow ler get* around them, it’ll take a 30-5HJ to stop him.’’ Fowler ran all right, hut the Aggie*, properly rehearsed by Koch, stopped the Ivmi *m| hui Insl the n*«t two mined Tevas sextet, On the football field the rolgned supreme, Whil. • of the AAM intramural handled play, (he AAM apmpletelv outplayed the team and to 4. Jim Tel lev was responsible for the single Texas tally. He took a pass early In the game and step ped over the double mark for six points. The point-after wa* no good. The Aggies soon arofbd as R. B. Longman, end, tael gie pat* and gnllohed ne TD. There wns no stoi Aggies after that. Frank Wagenhauser quarter- hacked the Aggies to three more touchdowns before the plays ran out He threw another paydirt pats, this time to Maurice Zerr who run the hall over from the Texaa three yard line, and shot another pass to Longman for the last score. None of the conversion attempts were successful. / take to the glr completed nine for- II try*. tkq indicate that the as aloae as the seer* ■Ml' outatriMoi Texas yards net ghm ing—198 to 199, bit Ah's run nine first dowds to •even. Kvsn though Ateer haMbaih frank duets' aerand try fup the sxtn point W4* wide, the talented toe of the |Z.year old Jiimtrt from Wharton neemtotod fer n 11,5 punt- Ini average In other lilt* in (he Hmilhweat, Bay tor dropped »U Mtend In a row, thla one to TCfl t, the tuny a( 14-7. Though two loaer# do net mathematieally slimlneto a team from i hid Kir the rhancee are Lindey Berry to Bill Moorman in the middle of the fourth quartef cinched the game lor the visiting purple eleven hut until that time, a strong Bruin ground game left the outcome in doubt. With Rice and Arkanaaa already out of the running, this leavugh only SMU, TEXAS, and TCU at strong contenders. One loss and one tie leaves the Agglea with a questionable chance. Rice Same alive in the eecond'’ half of ita scramble with Texad Tuch to edge the Raiders 40-7. The Sad of the first half found tha Sount 12-7. The Owls showed a strong, ground attack, racking up 247 yards on ths sod whil# holding > their foss to a net gain of seven yards. Ri the air however, tha Raiders chalked up 111 yard* to 47 for the Owls. This week-end finds the Horned Frogs lying idle in areparution far th* crucial Tsxaa tilt on November „ II. TCU has also th# tough HMD - gam* to play befors th* teaaan end*. Rice and Arkansas meet to decide which la th* stronger of test yean* ro-champian* but the out. some should nsv* no effect of the nmferone* and Baylor and Tew* clash in Austin. honors, tha re prprtHally nil. from Frog quarterback AMnnctu AmmntwiU’ Mart A T. W, Utend, head of the httab nna* nnd accounting d«u;*rtm*nt, is now attoiuilng tha nsgmnal aan* Venthm of the American Institute of Accountants being held In Miaul Florida, November 8-4. ^ HR In the statistics department, the »mc. Jesse Burditt continued to I University Club managed to make only one 40-yard penetration while the Aggie* pushed over four 40- yard penetrations and four more 20-yard penetration*. sparkle on pass defense, his beau tiful interception of a late Arkan sas p4sa snuffing out Hie Porker's last rhance to win the game. The little red-head nearly gpt away on the return, but was finally brought down from behind. The two sub stitute ends, Charley Wright and Wray Whittaker both looked good There are more can* on Ameri can farms than telephones— 4,150,000 car* as compared to 1,900,000 telephones. Wide-open points..*, Baylor-A&M Film l>ate and Too Long .Students attending the Quarter back Club meeting lari Thursday night no doubt wen- disappointed and wondered what had happened to the-4kAM Baylor football film they haij expected to »e*. The film arrived too late to find a reel large enough Jto accommodate It* 1000' feet. Alt available reel* held only 1400 feet and there (vaa no time fot cutting; The Quartcrlmck Club ia prom- imm| that they will’get to view' the game on the screen next Thuroduy. I <"iv Whlturrr tn Attend lAnd-Umnt (‘oHrgr Miwtlnii l(. D. L*wl«, director, and Dr Jc**ie WhUacrc, head of the dr- rt mi nt of rural home research, exas Agricultural Experiment atlon, win, attend the annual meeting of land-grant rollegc and | univoraitic* in Washington, D. C.. ! November 8-12, it was announced today. HATTERS can s /! M Fset is, Pea, it'll evea be a treat to sledy ever- tiaie-fer e bonus of swell, aifty-tosliag Deatya* Chow lag Cuai! And laa't VergUt, Beaty ae b*lp« hbep my I teeth white, toe.' Deatyge Q»«—Made Oaly By Adam* > d- c; Sl, HANGE Lots ofyrmngtr teat hare 6«w daaaading a Jht ffilfi exert tnder caRSf ptieit. ffwv b Uutekatlam a Jtra uvk-tprtmkng mmtr. fc’i ptrfidty frduoad irith all the unuW JMaahafSaw Udll that hat madt Manhattan the Bier* ef petit} mate Drop Mend teem tethaien ktdey! conway a co. 2JB JC Mth Ht. — Actum from F, 0. , FOR THOSE WHO D2EMAND THE BEST . . Collfgr Shoe Repair North Gate •FI* Il l GORDON Motssn UWM Capitol SalaaM \'1ML G0T JEALOUS’ For VS if S|»ortlng Good* Needs IONES SroRTING GOODS P0,t v. JJ.iln . Itiyxn I'h. 3-iS33 DIAMOND EDGE POCKET KNIVES h SPORTING GOODS Hillcretl i Hardware ms Count* Row More pe^ tn m (j«W!