Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1947)
w i Religious Calendar LITHBRAN STUDENT SERVICE AMembly Room on Mcond floor of VMCA Rev. Fred Mgebroff, Pnotor Sunday Sunday School and Student Bible Cla^a. 9:80 ajn. Worship Service, 11 a.m^ Cabinet Room ! lAPTIfT cimci One block k>nh of North Ofttl Rev. &. L Brown Paator Sunday Bonday School 9:48 a. m. Mornlnff Worship. 10.SO a. m. Training Union, 6:16 p. m. i Evenin* Worahip, 7:16 p. m. Wednealay Prayer Mae tine, 7:16 p. m. I ; Nnraery at ail HILLBL SERVICES YMCA Chapel Kndav Worahip Senriren, 7:16 p. m. WednOMay Cultural Meeting, T:15 p. m. «E , Jo$r;pROMi«pWK)giPJ ,miR>LfWE-MtST WITH CniBTIAN KnmCB OtOANl. Assemhlv YMCA Official meetlne ftnt Thuraday of , each month Diacussion group ovtry Sunday at 11 a. m. THE A. A M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YMCA Chapel Rev. Norman Anderaon, Paator Sunday Bonday School, 9:46 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Westm'mater Student Fellowahip, 6:80 p. m. Evening Worahip, 7:80 p. m. Better Home Appliance Center N. M»ln --f Bryin SAINT THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH South of the cam put acrooa the drill field from Duncan Meta Hall Rev. 0. G, Hehrey, Vicar Sunday Holy Communion, • a. m. Church School, 9:45 a. m. Aggie Coffee Cluh, 9:48 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11 a. aa. YP8L, 6:80 p. m. Nuraery at all aenricea A. A M. METHODIST CHURCH One block oaot and one block ■ north of North Gate Bov. Jamea Jackaon, Paator Sund A) Identical Morning WortHp Sorviooa, 8 and 11 a. m. Sunday School, 10 a. m. WnWy Fellowahip and doir practice, 7 p. ». SAINT MAlYW CHAPEL Taro blocka eaat of North Goto Rt Rev. A. B. Gleiaaner A Rev. T. J. Valenta, Chaplaina Bondny Maaa, Sermon, and Holy Communion 8:80 n. m. and 10 a. m. Newman Coffee Club, 10 un. Confeaaiona before Moae on Sunday mominga A. A M. CHURCH OF CHRIST One block north of North Gate Jamea F. Fowler, Minister Sunday Bible Claaaea, 9:46 a. m. Worship Service, 10:46 n. m. Young People’s Meeting, 6:16 p. m. Evening Worship, 7:15 p. m. N\ ednesda \ Ladies Bible Class, 9:16 n. m. Prayer Meeting, 7:16 p. a^ Tharaday Young Men’s Training Clam, 6:18 p. m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Campus Theater one Mock west of North Gate Sunday Lord’s Day aenricea from 10 a. m. to 11:16 n. m. Four aenlor agrmmunr student* and an hwtructor judged the Field Crops Entries at the American Le gion Free Fair in Bryan Thursday morning. The agronomy majors doing the judging were F. E. Collard, in structor, and studants C. L. Zab- cik, L R. Hendrick, J. P. Trimble, and A. Nowotny. The crop entries judged in« ed corn, cotton, sorghums, peanuts, cow peas, field beans, sweet pota toes, field beans, sweet potatoes, and hay. The students also judged community booths which displayed farm products of all kinds and in cluded farm and home practises and conservation measures. The communities represented all had a fine display of their various farm, and dairy products. The American Legion Free Fair will still he open for visitors throughout Saturday, November L Happy UoaH S.rvLi, 7 p. m. DIAMOND KDOR POCKRT KNIVNH . A • •POMTINO OOODA Hillcrest Hardware MU CoV«|* RotS Deans of Men At Dallas Convention Ttiz'Bdttdlton ■a) fO* 6ALt> RaaNMMfv WM ■mMA ■ I <*~***- * - M -At- —« n m Agas^.^. a * -S I NweTnw, OmA Call MtaTilMe !<« VMI lALIt Om Hats Iwe4 fSasS tiiiki Oft# Vg\AAovy wMhMMha ■m »S4 ColWy* >W»M> A44. Page 4 FRIDAY, OCTOBER Si; 1M7 AGGIES--- 6 J When youVe up for the Sophomore Prom thiM weekend and other class dances soon; HPK('IAL GET YOUR CORSAGE OF GARDENIAS, CARNA TIONS AND OR CHIDS AT — ROBISON Florists \m OAKLAND Dean of Man W, L Penharth and assistants W, Q, Braaaeala an . Bob Money lift yesterday after- noon to attend a meeting of Uta Taiaa AasiN'iaiiun uf Haaiis and Advtaurs Ilf Man trotay and t«n*«t row at the Bahar Hata) in jktUM At no Nowotny, dr an of a' Ufa at tha Unlvaralty of will ha ana af Ota yfiitaipal art. IhMtn Nowotny, Mat areal of I ha association and If Ha ta* tlanal aaaorlatlnn, wilt tell his Ideas for making the Texas cmtncll ai successful aa Ota na Ilona I group. OUtar apaaken will he Dean WlUls M. Tata of BMU, who will dlartma "Trends In Higher Educa tion and Their Effects on the Of fice of Dean uf Men,” and Dean J. E. Williamson of The Univernlty of Houston, who trfll talk on *Th« Place of Moral Discipline In Col- lege.’* Charles V. Dunham, daan of men at Texas University and vice-presi dent of the association, will pre- Y Chapel Filins Itewi jmnl 1. These t Amerl- | What’s Cooking? | AIChE, 7:80 p. Tuesday, Pe troleum Lectors Room. Df. Varvel of education and peyehology de partment to speak. AGGIE AEROCRATS (Model Airplane Club), 7:80 p. m., Wed nesday, ME Shop Building, Room 106. DERATE AND DISCUSSION ' M B, 7:80 p.m. Monday, YMCA Assembly Room. • Economics club, 7:80 n. Tuesday, Room 807, Academic. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CLUB, 7 p. nu, Monday, Academic Building, Room 207, Subject, What Ails Russia? PRE-LAW SOCIETY, 7:80 p. m. Tuesday, YMCA Lounge, second floor, RADIO CLUB, 7 p. In^ Monday, Room 106, EE Ruudmif Three filna will ha shews la the ’•Y" Chapsl Sunday after- neeu at 4 p.m. for the public, aaaouared M. L, . secretary af the YMCA. films will he "Music la Amert- CLASSIFIED ADS KLL WITH A S ATT A LION ('LA MI PVB> AO. Ham .... sc a weei ear laawtiaa «M • UC ahatanua. S| ralca la ClaaaiftaS SmUm ... ««« m S&M toes. an ilmBIlfc »ttS rwahlaae* to tto Btatoat Arttot- Uto Offk*. AI ato alMetS to tataiS ta to I*** A. M. af tto 4ar toCwa atolt- THE SCUM SHOP - Ty*toa. totowa. rrapAiae. Srawtoa. Ptow U91U. isn Baat UrC. Biyan. ATTENTION ENCINEEU • Oto ymm a awtk chart at tto Kactoaea r SaaAea. CcwtedL •• s« «t LOST: Brava i of AftletaaC fouaA rotara to 1M Blaaail far rrwari laa. FOB BALE: Oar art prr-war aaeaUtoe Mir clato. Tra Ma*. duaa woo* aad Wattor toe. lot KllrM Iroaa. Ewolloat coaCittoa. tassala *rto». On* affirar'. •tort cast. Blaa It. BraaiWal cvaC Boom 40 MJtasr. am* feftator Braatoc. 6-t atraa. ai a artoa raa'll toB H aoar. B. E. BWWMS. SSS or P. O. Baa BSSS. w/ The tive Board, today removed an offi- for failing to sign a non-Com- munist affidavit under provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act. L.&M. Food Market J* ■ FREE DELIVERY TO COLLEGE STATION Ph. 2-6189 r * ^litienT "Esmuus ihsr term and a Utlrd Nunad Oair ATTENTION TO U)NG DINTANCE CALLS FROM AGGIKUND ON TMW DENTON PHONE m A <40 ill WE HAVE * ' A 'T'HERE’S no need to be de- ^ prived of your Ford car for lack of esaential parti. We have moat needed functional parti in stock, so necessary replacements can be made promptly. Neither need you run any risk of unsatisfactory work. We use - scalping - J. j r < Continued from Page 2) 160 each downtown,’’ a woman call er stated. “I’ll make you a bargain price of |S0 each. They’re in the end tone hot—." *T have two beautiful tickets on the 46 yard line--how much’ll you give?” A gruff voice wanted to knew. “Ten dollars each," we said, in nocently. “That’s the worst Insult I ever had," the man said angrily, and hung up. Moat of the prospective scalpers refused to give theii names. One man said frankly: “How do I know you’re not with the FBI?" The worst nerve-wearing call was from a fellow who began: “I have two tickets that I got for |8 each and I can't go to the game and Pm trying to make up my mind to sell them to you for i $6 aarh. They’re good tickets—on j the 40-yard Ilna-W it's afaiiul my moral Drincipitt to aall tickets for mort than I paid for thsm and I may just give them away to a' Wa gave that gent a 10 minute •alee talk, rubbing his mural prim sIplM with the old oil But he terminated the eonvarea. lien with' "III juat have ta atruf' ale with my ronsehmee awhile aad l may nail yeti naeh.,, Aa far as we know he la still struggling, That goes for us, tao, llort Club Picnic Plunned Saturday The annual barbecue of the Hor ticulture Society will he held Sat urday afternoon at Henael Park from 2 to 6 p. m., It was announcod yesterday. This affair, usually held during the spring, was changed to the fail upon agreement by members of the club, ao as to enable new mem bers to become acquainted earlier in the yagr. All horticulture major* and so ciety members are invited to Imm. h . Genuine Ford Parts because they are engineered to fit right . . . to give you better service ... to last longer! Use our Authorized Ford Service to keep your car in top condition. EE Instructor to Speak To Radio Club Monday Tom Prickett of the electrical engineering department will apeak 1 to the Radio Club Monday at p. m. on the subject of an ten theory and practice. The meeting I will be held in Room 106, Electri | cal Engineering Building. TRY US FIRST Even with the Ford plants busy on all-out post-war production, our stock of Genuine- Ford Parts permits us to make prompt re placement on moat needed parts — h. BETTER SERVICE Our akiUtd mechanics, special tools sod oquipsnsnt are your assurance of lasting aarvice satis faction. Bring your car "back homo* to ta ... kt ta hslp you ksop it rolling! Mom i. VIKI'I.WI. ^t IT! U S ■lows Sportin" (omhI'* iK< •> Main l*h » ?*»» It per* *• INWIT ON tos vow rota cm Bryan Motor Co. THE AVALON CLUB 10 Ml. W. Bryan Hwy 81 Leonard Boswell, Proprietor Tha Best Of MU FOODS IN IBAflON K 0. STBAK1 •OUTHHKN FHIID CHICKEN Air Conditioned Beautiful Danes Ftoar •48IFI1 far CHESTERFIELD FAN IICAUtl INKY RIAUY SATISFY" 111 BABBARA STANWYCK IN WARNER BROf. PICTURE “CRY WOLF*