Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1947)
4^* .si Battalion EDITORIALS Pag* 2 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1M7 Let’s Show Southern Hospitality... 'Southern honplUIKy” hia born tht key note of Inter-rollege rel«tlonn thin yeir *o far an A. & M and tts opponents are con- cerntSl. We hope It can be kept on thi* cam- pun aa well ar It ha* been wherever we have been • , vlnlt^^| ,, with our football team the pant month. Port Worth proved a splendid host last week-end, although o*e unfortunate M lncl- dent” did occur an a result of over-liquida tion," the effect of It wan wiped out by sin cere apologies. For the rest, Aggies and Tussles were house-guests in many homes, cars roamed the streets offering Aggies rides to the HomW Frog stadium, ano the A. A M. uniform was an "open sesame" everywhere. This week will b* the first Southwest Conference game here, and we hope we can prove ourselves good 'hosts. A reception com mittee has been set up by the student assem bly. We would like to treat visitors much as the IjSU Tigers treated us at Baton Rouge. A royal welcome was given viaiting Aggies. -A dance to which all Aggies were invited was held. In fact, you could say that the welcome mat was out all the way at LSU. | I Corpus Christi Station Adds Texas Farm and Home Hour’ By CARL H. CATER KI We would like to aae an information booth set up in the center of the campuw-^MBmY in front of the YMCA—where visitors may go for questions and answers. We would like iee t place where visitors can gojbr rest and relaxation both before and irter the game. The YljfCA would probably serve the nurpbse until the student Memorial Center is erected. We would like to aee coffee and doughnuts available for out-of-town viaitors. N< w Mexico A. k M. put such a practice into effect, and it ia proving quite Worthwhile. We would also like to see the welcoming committee send invitation* to visiting stu dent bodies, extending them a hearty w«i- the A. k M. campus, and lastly, we would like to see a welcoming ceremony, per haps conducted on the steps of th* YMCA, where thepresident of the Student Assembly or Cadet Colonel presents the opposing Stu dent Body president with a “key to the campus.” Well, there you have our suggestions. Let's haW yours! Let’s make “Aggie hospitality” synony mous with “Southern hospitality!” Teaching or Propagandizing?... What’s wrong with Texas education? The answer seems to depend pn who you are and who you listen to. School administrators in Austin were told this week they have failed to “aell" public schools to the public and cannot expect full •upport until they go out and aak for it Paul Bolton, member of the Austin Pub lic Schools Board of Trustees and news edi tor of radio station KTBC, suggested to the Texas Asadciatioh of school administrators in convention that it should hire the mogt promising young journalist ill Texas to I the peopk, “so they will understand", wbat schools have done, are doing, and can do with the support of even’ citizen. He said that the Texas Stabe Teachers 7 Association had made a wise move in Wr ing Charles Tennyson as executive secretary "who organized as effective a lobby 1 guess as there hss ever been in the htHtory of the j legislature" (for the support of teacher pay nfc**>. T *1 - With the help of a journalist, Bolton sug gested three initial steps in "a selling pro- gr*m r for public scWsds: Ij Hire fine, sympathetic, responsive teasers and weed oi* All without those qualifications. X Pay good salaries and be sure the teaefle? drawing the salaries are worth every cent of it. .% Cooperate with local papers and radio stations. —s ★ Quite a different story was told in Hous ton, when the Texas Manufacturer’s Asso ciation last week spent much of its time dis cussing how to conduct a propaganda cam paign in the Texas putdic schools, aiming for a return of the doctrine of "state’s rights,” and hoping to “teach ’em young", according to newspaper reports. The TMA also discussed the low rating of Texas schools as compared to those off,] other states (Texas bring listed as thirty- seventh among the 48 states in national standing.) It has been generally believed that the cause of Texas’ low rating is underpaid teachers and substandard equipment, and that the remedy would be a per capita ex penditure more in line with other states. But James E. Taylor, who ahocked many Texans by retaining his state senatorship after accepting a poet as public relations di rector for the Texas Manufacturer’s Asso ciation, has a different answer. Taylor’s chief job with the TMA is presumably -to prevent any additional taxation of his clients, and therefore it is up to him to find Y’sbM chrtstJ lias bsm uktad to rtw H«t of statloM carrying the Tons Farm and Home Program. Tht Farm and Home Program, which is alrtd each weekday morn ing at < a. m., hi prepared by D. A. “Andy’* Adam and Clarfe Bum* Ur, Bxtcnakm Service radio edt- addition to KRIS, the pro gram la carried by four Other ita- Uona of the Teitaa Quality Net work including WOAI, San An tonio, KPRC, Houston, WRAP. Dallas, and WTAW, Col tion. A. A M.’» Farm A Home Pnv gram will celebrate iU nineteenth anniversary next month and of those nineteen yean the peat fif teen have been on TQN. h it the oldest farm program in the nation and hss run the longest time con- tinuouily over one network. Actually, the Texaa farm and Rome Program could claim 1922 as Its aurting point. In that year A A M. offered the program over a little tUtion which aerved Bryan and College Station. Gees on Network Other commercial aUtiona want ed to air the program, but no net work facilKiee were available un til 1928, When the Magnolia Pipe line Company offered the college use of iU pipeline telephone lines. The first programs were broad cast by WFAA, Dallas, and KFDM. Beaumont. In 1930, arrangements were made to add WOAI, San An tonio, and KPRC, He—teu, te w* chain. Although this system wasn't too satisfactory, the pipeline compan ies assured continuation of the program until 1932, when TQM was established and the College leased s line to Heame to tie in with Jhe network. In the program’s early days, it had the voluntary attention of Dr. F.. P. Humbert, head of A. A M.'s department of genetics. By fall of 19S9, the program needed a fulltime guardian, and the late John 0. Rosser, who had worked with both Tbias and New York -ution*. was brought in. Rowling Ralls aqd Ragles ■ Harvard (graduate (Seeks Advice From Successful Business Men By JAMES MARLO^ • | rT3gu \ A bright character, a rtudent iA the Harvard Busm. ss School, decided the top is the best place to go for advice when you pick a career. He ll graduate in February, tramwlto go into bute nes*, but what business? He wanted the best infor- matKH «a t what hu.'iuett*? 1 — all kinds of businesses sa he could ebooar »fc« as a stort ing piact- for hlmawL . He wrote tetters to 16 of the ost ffreminert teen to the roun- trq, i nr hiding Bernard Mkrtich tad Henry Morganthau. Jr., former secretary of the He told them ‘'Tnxw ANDY ADAM Homo Hour'’ SYBIL CLAIR BANISTER cast with “rcvcillf" and closod They hold down mail by urging fifteen minutes later with “fall- listeners to go to their county and te". home agents for details, but SBR Jackson Takas Over draw around 200 cards and letters After Rosser s death in early a month. Claire counfe it a dull 1942, the program ran into the month that doesn't bring in two manpower shortage and survived or three proposals by mail. Out- several tetepskift arrangement* of-state mail is also common. One G. Byron Winstead, dReetor of card came in from Maine: *1 information at A. A M., filled the gap with WTAW announcers and English professors. To head ite radio activities C. W. Jackson, Harris County Agent and formerly teacher ef vocational agriculture at Oak wood, Columbus and Bryan, was transferred to headquarters. Then Jackson brought in s radio partner—Sybil Banister, a young Texas University graduate. As “Jack and Claire,’’ the team was so successful that on January 1. 1945, the extension service assum ed full responsibility for the pro gram, junking the practice of ro tation of time among department* and agencies and going on a straight information basis. “If you’ve got something farm n go in and ranch pe<s,)| f need, you studios of the | on every dak/ be told J — A***’ nvWMIMIIIg l«» uvvt * Wivv llllg Mill'}. A 11X711 I >g . * {)|| So Ttylor blames the the broadcast time of the 1. •mg.” program from noon to six o'clock 1 1-7: >" the morning and Rosmr, RMp ] t«te superintendent of t t the early hour, ws» fit heard you talking this morning about planting spring gardens. Up here we’re cutting ice and storing it against summer.’’ And an Aggic-cx wrote in from the Aleutians to say he had heard the program at 1 a. m. over WOAI, “First Texas voice I’ve heard eighteen motnha.’’ Adam Replaces Jaeksoa I-ast June Jack was offered the E dition of radio farm director of CMO, Kanaaa City, Missouri, and upon his departure “Andy" Adam, who has been connected with the A. A M. Extension Service's (arm labor program since 1944, was a|K pointed Extension radio editor Andy is i 1926 graduate of A. I M. and served as field represents tive of the Texas Farm Bureau Cotton Association cooperative, 1926-28. county agent for Lamb County, 1928-35; and fog Yoqng (kiurty, 1935-44. tiwneury. bew'Jih* te talk te them and get their Thirteen of the 16 said “mre, come on” and promised to telx to him. He met Baruch, talked with him 1ft minute* on banking, and Baruch invited him to lunch. Morgenthau Is nest oti his list. But that iaa’t the way all, or even any others, of the 1.400 stu dents in the business school will go about looking for jobs when they get out Some have job promises. Some heve spots picked out Rome will be offered joke by business firms. Some will get jobs the beat way they can. Almost ail the students in thff school—it’s a two-year are college graduates. Some few »n* not Some have never gone to college, The non-college men there are handpicked from thoee wanting to get in. t in the class that graduated last June the No. 1 man waa a former Air Corps major who bad never been to college. The' No. ft graduate waa a non-college mad, too. . In the first year all the students must take drilling in these things: Production problem*—how you get work done in s factory; mar kfting- which means getting goods ■old; finance—how to raise money, such as bgr floating stocks or bonds or going to * bank for iL controls —o eptnbmaUon of buainaos sto- ttetteot W«|| and accounting; and < istretiuo practice#— which means how to get ah** with worker*. In tho mond year the students cap ipertettse in what they want. rntrato on sir trana- thor in accounting, snot hep Hi ash a mar ■todeittiiilte ground to fgrtorioe, bank* *sd(aec>'intMt«t« for Infor mation or teochmg niuatratod'teo- tore* art Mod in teg part fur the teaching. , And maw histories of business problems tetete ptvddem* that have coto# up in s curtain busi- t'ess sr* Important in the train- The ttudMte Ste given these problems to try to solve and, through the trying, to train them- selves in handHng situation* which will confront them when they go into husfncii* themselves. Senator Coleman DuPont con ceived and built at hla own ex pense a 96-mite highway from WilfningimR Del, to the Mary- SMe Slite line and then it as a gilt to his state. s h umr *// jm tftm I Taylor points out. "Bimilsrly there is s local ly school lioard and * superintendent." . Oddly enough, most of the states rated above Texas also have state superintendents state boards; local superintendents and l, the FRI. - RAT. >M( A, and Rower used to say, winTtohaar thing* thst will tav« that WTAW was the anly rsdio them time and make them money, ^ 1- 1 ■■ station in the worid with studio* not a build-up about how soma de- andther "goat for Texas poor standing ift over a bowling alley. Then TON pertment or government agency the educational fWd. So Taylor blames the Changwi the broadcaat Ume of the ia Irving agriculture. He and Claire borrowed a leaf rating on "too many bosses [“First there is a State huptrimenuuiu Ui ,t the early hour, WS* I from the experience of successful I Xl’ER. — WED. — THI HN education, and a State hoard of education, happy at the chance to go on the radio farm directors, apent the ThtM two don t even speak to each other, air without the accompaniment of Hally fifteen minutes on chatty, crashing halls and cheer* sad meaty new*, worked ia <x casional Intorvtewa and kit the stole to .-pi* elation was short-lived, for pick up transcription* from farm the Aggie bugler took post out- *nd ranch people, aide the YMCA each morning, aid By 1946 the Texaa Farm and Roaaer wasn’t able to keep th«> Home Program ranked third local boards. Of courae, the boards and the bugle calls out of the program. He among the network shows pat on superintendents do *peak to each other. One lh V on ' . b > h * niri ')* 11 ™ ik# *** th * n • tioB, " l*nd-gr*nt college* reason for this may be that in many of those th# ^ thlV^rom. tr ot her states, school boards are meticulously) Until wtaw moved to the new studio* in the Administration Building, tbr Texas Farm and Home Program opened each broad L.&M. Food Market FHKE Dr.IJVK.RY TO COU.r.<iF. STATION I’h. 2-6189 kept out of politics. No matter how you add it up, the chief trouble with Texas education, from kinder- garten to college, is high-powered political pressure. No matter how much money is appropriated, no matter how many buildings areTwilt or teachers hired, the Texas school system will not lead the educational parade until schools are treated as educational in stitutions, rather than political adjuncts or propaganda agencies. * Credit Plan for Check.less Vets... Many A. & M. veterans have been going to school now for over five weeks without receiving subsistence checks. Some veterans have managed to get by on savings fron> by gone military days. Others have borrowed the necessary’ money to keep them in school, i But then there ar* those who are not quite so fortunate as to have an account to fall back qn/ j. The embarrassing point of the situation ‘is that checks will- not arrive until November 1, at the very>eariiest. According to Taylor Wilkins, checks sibouH arrive November 1, covering 18 days of September and the whole month of October. There will be the usual slip-ups, some veterans will not receive their checks on that date. Instead, they will have to go without until later in November or poasibly till the first of December. 4 s -— 0Every semester such, is th« case. New- to Letters comers to A. & M. are faced with six eight weeks without checks. The going tough. If you don't believe us. just ask a veteran who is entering college for the first time, or oqp who did not go to school during the summer and had his schooling inter rupted. To combat that situation, The Battalion proposes that a credit system be initiated at the mess hall, whereby veterans could sign for meal books upon presentation of proper identification. In this way vets could forestall poverty and famine until their checks arrive. Alao, we suggest that veterans whose checks have not arrived be issued waiver slips from the fiscal office. If such a system could not be devised. jk rhaps a similar credit plan jcould be In stalled. “A frbnd in need Is a friend indeed”. • LSI PRAISES Dear A|ffies: I'm no school official, just a stu dent heri at LSU, but I would like to toll you how much we enjoyed harinjr you all here at our univer sity. Yo« brought with you a spirit that a lot of people would do well to have, and a friendly way that is excelled by none. I think (U the ones who came here foi the game were a fair represeatation of your school as s whole) that you’re all a swell lot of feilowa, and you’ll be vety wel come here again next year and year* to come. Very sincerely, ROSLYN ”RO" 8USSMAN LSU CINDERELLA Portable Clothes Masher NOW. we bring you that power ful midget-washer in a brand- new, improved model. GENTLE aa a baby,, powerful as a giant- - SAFE for sheerest fabrics . . . no rubbing ... no agitation Vacuum-action principle. Henry A. Miller Hardware k Furniture Co. 2 Blocks No. Part Office North Gate ! COMING: FRIDAY—SATtflHkAY 1 f( K I m si W (>M \N \\ I to 1 ‘ 1 " I ON I l»* j .j OPEN* 1*9 P. M. : 4-1181 rt=: QUEEN —tr* EXCfflM mat •U "BIT MtSHRSON S DAYS MON. — TIES. — WED. The Battalion The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Meriisnical Collage of Texaa and the City of Collcfc Station, Tuaa/ la published five timea a week and circulated every Monday through Friday afternoon, except during kolldoyt and examination per lode. During the lummor The Battalion Is pub lished semi-weekly, teeteoriptiun rate 14 per school year. Advertising rates furntehad on roquoat .. News contribultoM May bo made win Hall. Cess *' * “ In Ha DIP, Goodwin Hall. by telephone .(4-M44) or at the editorial office, Room 101, Good- Iflod ada may be placed by telephone (4-ftl24) or at the Student Act mu## Office, Room Member of the ■tod Preae la entitled exclusively to the um for ropublkation etf all newa dispatches credi .. otherwise credited in the paper and local nowe of epontoneoui origla publtehod herein, ibliravion of all other matter hereto an alao rtaerved. Off!** Um Art ColWv* ftetloa, Twna. | of Oeaere** , ( M.rrh i mo AwocUletJ Collegiate Frets 4 ember ReyrrMntf*! vtRtWiptRlIy ktf tvriMn# Smlcc. la#.. »l *e» York CKr CtrtMee, toa Aaertaa. m4 #•■ PtsartM*. CHARLft MURRAY, JIMMIE NELSON- Du,. IMta. J. i MHtat, ^D.'pTu*.. Jr- to"* tm temte - ..Co-Rditore * to Show Movie* hack Sunday at 3 A program of educational aad entertaining movie# has been an- nouwaad for Sunday afternoon*, and will te shown in the YMCA chapel Arrangement* have been made by tbe “Y" cabinet to pre sent a novfc at 8 p. m. each Sun day, consisting of an educational film, a * port* or travelog feature and a comedy. Each program will run from an hour to an hour and a half. Plans art in progress for movies on Wednesday*, In addition to the Sunday programs. If attendance is auffirtentty large to justify the extra dates. These movies are to lie chosen by popular request, and may include any of a large choice of outstanding features «.f went years. In addition to thoee programs, football films are being shown at Bryan Annex on ThunMtoyi or Fri day*, with the dates depending on Corps trine and other student ac tivities. These films are alto avail able lor the main campus, and stu dents are urged to request (Mr favorite fltma, which will be ehown If available and upon demand of tits rtxfcnt body. failure WrHcr* Cetaealrti Um tugrik lag. Arthur H»«u< Larry UuaCwy*. AaSr - Zd*pY) Hummoiid Hef’skbot) RHelby 8poF2s WfIVdyb rS. W. K CoMiu. L. Oruy | CuHkMka* Saai LanforS. O. W. SrrtuQw ..L Wfcro n. pMrtk'-. c. CAFETERIA FEA1 iG DISHES OF 1TIONAL FAME -i < ' and the best IB- southern AMERICAN COOKERY lan-totnr 6-tepWMI Feature* Start 1:10, 3:00,4:45,6:30,8:25,10:15 — Plus — mm CARTOON PARAMOUNT NEWS Of tho normal 24,000,009 tons of paper made annually in tike wnrW. about 15.600.non ton* t»«ed in the tVtod Stote# ■ GUION HALL . TODAY—WIDWESDAY—THURSDAY i-t-gl BISIEST, GtYEST TECHNICOLOR MUSICM. Fall Set Itnd net for f»n la thi* toft flptteriiig bhlrdo,,, with lustrous ■oft curia heeded for the top! Phone 4-0354 e|»|K)intmcnt. for V0CI|E BEAUTY SJH)!’ East Gate ‘S-