Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1947)
.. ■ ...1 ?*' ft Voldu to Be I Presented On A&M Campus • Founder To Give l^ecture Tuesday f. f. BUM K ! I •'VoWo" wilt b« pm#nU«<l for .the first Urn* on the A. A M rom- pua TurxUy at 4 p. m , whet Dr. Jotef SU<lelmann, founder of this netr inUrnationat languafr, pro- aenta a lecture in Room 126, Aca demic Building. Dr. Stadelmann, a member of the modern language department, formed “Voldu” after making a studied crltklam of Ita interna- tional foiwnnnera, espeetnlly k> pemnto. It doea not prolend to dla- place national idioma deeply root- «i In tho affeetiona of all pooplaa hut to provide ah auillinry tongue eofdlng rir.mjXUP^ Cnglirh, the moot uaed language internaUonally, arovldaa tho MM for 'Voldu,' but Raa boon furgod of irregularltlea and othor handleope to Ita wide*tread adoption. Thua baaed on a living longue.a to tea Dr, Mtadeimann, "Voldu” ahould be exempted from the reproach fro* quonllv made of artiaticaHy fabri cated language*, namely, (hat they are unable to render certain thlnga connected with atyle, intimacy, gad poetic eemribllity. In addition to the advantage of being naturally born. "Voldu” i* ■impUfled (into 12 loooona}, ia logified, reformed completely in spelling, and cleaned of certain phonetical deficiencies that make Starting Lighting Ignition Specialized Service on STARTERS - GENERATORS — MAGNETOS BATTERIES - CARBURETORS — TUNE UP Bruner Battery & Electric Co. - 113 East 28th Street — Bryan Using Parts From Original Equipment Manufacturers English inaeeeaiibu, even In Ita •kmpleet form lo millions of peopi« noi brought up with fcL The language has already aablev- ad international promlnatwe. Borne •isty libraries in turenty-thrM reunifies have works an it. * Dr. Btadohuann some to A. A M. this semester from Dtnvor Uni* vemity whsrt ho Uusht German and Wtmkn. No baa stbdied at the Gntvpfulty of Tuebingen in Qor- monv. the Borbonne N furis, and the ifnlversHy of Munich. Veterinarians On Trip to Ft Worth * Dr. P. P. Jaggi. head of tha dt* partment of veterinary hygiene, left today with the 4$ senior vet erinary medicine students of his V. H. 492 class for an inspection trip to Fort Worth. the tour, conducted by Port Worth city veterinary inapectora, will include the Swift, Armour, Flueixinnet, Rosenthal, and City pocking plants; tho Globe Labora tories; and various creameries and dairies. The class will be gi Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week. According to Dr. Joggi, the purpose of the trip, "is to give the men first bond information on in- spcct'on methods and to acquaint them with the general operation of these establishments." At Globe laboratories the class will see commercial methods of preparing biologies Is, Dr. Jaggi stated. OfPIClAL NOTICE UMAL Norirr to w m m tor Uw •• sMas and ks fssstom i fcipCWduys WsreiMwo tor Thr-sesssastsl M Ossasd aTtL'dw ~«T' Trss*i hswsm, thr CM* v the rtahl to toiwt say sad A sashtors er ssrttnsA to a Tsaaa psah, mrabto wl 3 QS i s MgaAa CAFETERIA "I** ■■ rK The Battalion Pw* 4 MONDAY. OTTOBICR to, 1(47 : CLASSIFIED ADS ijrmm ■R4% fStw, PPytK "iLi* 1 * tsa. jaL-nca . ATTtWTWM toWBCaa - aa Spar ■ makiiiri naU *ton si ito Sstonaa* iter*. ts th* srUsr to grsr*t taaotarU. Marsr to to* Ohr to Ototaor UtoUM. Tn*., to asset art Usa thsa ft** I Ml I a*r #f Um Urnit paagtolt totol Ikto, ■manssr *eto Mi s* • nsrsats* itot. If Bwar^tod tot cofitrtoet, tilt MMtf 111 trotBpAlp mtor Into otntrtd at* hseia a* srtHato la tto aeMlftes- tNt IflBttPBkttlOkkt tt ^kl^^lttt* A srrfamsa** kaai, la aa laisaet to as RuairsS <lto%) a*r amt to to* r*Uto« to to* tosaHtr to «Mto to* w**A t* srrfmesi tor wark to a aheOar rhar- artor. aai art has toaa to* e**«ral pc*- valltoO rate to an- Stem *- -SJ a m mnt tw* to sli 1*4 ii in. wark*. aaS to* foltewins h tor StssaUtoe rate to to* City to Cadam Ste- ttea. Sram Coaaty. T Item waste to heal work. toaU to pa* Carp*aten mu Tte 1% is I* NUMtlY ♦Vrn. WANT TO BUY ISto-lM) PorS mtet. Chaa ar athrrwh*. Sa* 1Y4. Cihas Vto*. FOR SALB—AHtUasat rtsr* *nS hs to*. Apt A-teX, Cotta** Vtew. altar »•**. POt BALI ma* A** Tatasr at Dana t, ar wrtto So* MM. hOUT-Dark ktawa MNtoM. gam wsery. rrtara aatot. Law tot. KINDRROARTKN CLAM tor «MM . . to*. Will kaap rkUSfaa aU Say far M a amato os aay part to Say by .partal arraaowa Vl. Ufa. (rttetea. tto Aytoira. Colhc* Park. Ptoa* 4-SSM OH tAt.K—On* kmaS aew M. (MAI. Oqs nto* rto JasHL »»•.' Taa prate hair aew toaht MS aa* gpwto IIMS mrtu_Usr at to Byh Ptoto. UTw-Taa MMMi. U faato rim- grotto Parr*— MaU, s-H, Is—tor*. rub Ho. r..r. as isa *tto — immTfcai mJETwow. M t U1% • IM 9 FEATURING DISHES OF INTERNATIONAL FAME and Um beat in— SOUTHERN AMERICAN COOKKRY He serve IMstrtrt Rn If giUli Mo ITM of Conditiun of COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK . of Collugw Rt at loti, Texas at tho cloof of builnrua Octobor 6, 1B47 a Htnt# ban hint inaMtutlon organised «nd optruUna under tho honk ing lawa of this BtaU and a member of the federal Reserve gystem Published In accordance with a call made by the Btate Banking Authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bonk of thia Dtstrifft. ... A 8 A E T § T - Cash, balaikceo with olhor hs hk* mrlud i • * _ j '-.ttg reserve balance and cash i,terp» tn procoH of collection. United States Government obligations direct and guaranteed La... -I Obligations of States and political sub- 4Mmm * Other bonds, notes, and debentures ... Corporate stocks (including 11.900.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) Loans and discount* I Including 12.023 24 overdrafts) .7. — Bank prsmtoss owned 612.337 00. fur niture and ftxture^S&OOT.M — (Bank premises —imed are aubiect to t Nofir bens’not assumed by JIMbAb I A' Real estate, owned t^her. than bank premises InveaBneot* and other * sects Indirectly representing bank premises or other rtil estate _• _ , * , Cuatonero' Uabillty to thia bank on ac ceptances outstanding * OBMT aaeets ^ TOTAL ASSETS j ...— kream-Kow Klub To Meet Tuesday Dr. J. H. Quisenbeny, bead of the pouliry husbandry department and lormeriy with the poultry hus bandry department at the Univer- sity of Hawaii, will be the princi pal speaker at the regular meeting of the Krram and Kow Klub Tues day night Wi the creamery lecture room. Dr. Qutaerihrrry will speak on hia experiences while with the Uni versity of Hawaii and will shew colored slides token in Hawaii. Also on the evening's program 1 will he ft alien preview by Pro fe*sor A, V. Monte of Ike National Dairy Product* Judfta t'ontest to be held Ovtoher H ftl Miami, Florida ABM will be repraactitod ! at Ike r on tost bv • team of four I men under Ike dlreetton of Maura. Waco Club To Hold Open House The Waco-McLennan County A A M. Club will make plana for an open house on the campus for week-end of the A. A M-7 game at a called meeting at 6 in Room 301, Goodwin Hall E. 0. Courted*, president, in making the announcement, stated that an open heuae would ba held for Baylor visitors from 6 to 6 p. m„ Saturday, October 26. An in tramural football team to be en tered in campus competition will also be a topic of discussion, Court- ade Hid. Plans will be started for the Christmas dance, he concluded. LOUT ■ Ykteter Mtor Stoi I1IS.SS. M D-1-Y, Otetee* Vtew. —'*. 'V * . "". Btwfor riRf, If Pkgnp-Vto-ss wHk ter intemted to y. 1 ** Ort- >.* I I I II loni’s . v |«irtiri^ (<<m I' l > 'i u,i ii # A RAY’S Snack Bar TASTY SANDWICH RH FOUNTAIN DRINKS Opta 11 A.m. —10:00 p.m. North Gate FOR THE RODEO v 1JS I ItJS ertor* I.M I T« Tto *s>tfo«i yrte* will to City I* to tarot tosrkae tteto w»rr**u, •to tto City Csm«t1 will os a* after tto Mb Say rt Ns—tot, IMT ■s— •sttorlttee tto t»—sn rt War- rsaU Is tto Matossi ■■ssst of ttl 999 H. k—Hm latemt st S r*u art to (•%! a Mrtto art » him ttoir MStoS tar** (S'* I tor •to walartaf arrlaliy l nwtolae ftfte** III) tk* Afftea sf tto CmTlIaaaftw «y of Crttee* fttettee, Tnm. at- rt*»« sto to f— to tto CHy sf Caitae* attote*, Tm—, •*- M* —a**H to MM as s ressset- to Iks mA (MM m Tto CSy eft) FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST . . CoOtge Shoe Repair North Oats KN41IIHM TRACNKRH TO RNTRHTAIN Thr Kngllah staff at the Annex will entertain ramgwa '8Mn teachers Tkureday evening at 7:10 ia the Student Center. fas tto VC fks On wfti awto srrsse*—u jwelrsrt— ja^Jiaea— to Jht • tk* •••—st* •( ■eX'artto ia ib* sarty SHS etum tto Cut to* awto «e*fts* " TOtth lAttorwio J Bar— cay to r«ii—• atattea, Tsee* rtt'' I 375,4t3 67 I 403,712.11 14.TMAS NON! 6.900 00 41U02.61 ‘ 20.434 72 hi NONE NONE | * NONE 1.937.30 $i 'j:m yjH M A. A M. GRILL Fee Heme ( oak ad Feed N. Gate . • 61.161.71617 |ft44ft*»t*c *«*(*#»#» si UABIUTTES Demand deposits of Individuals, part nerubipe. and corporations Ttir.e deposits of individuals, partner MU pa, and corporations Deposits of United State* Government (including postal savings i Deposits of States and politics) sub- fipftgftft. ..jv >• 4 Deposits at hanks J Other dsposlta (certified and officeto jittoi TOTAL DEPOMTB ■ Mb payable, regiaoounta ahilitles for borrowed Mortgagee or other liana, hank premises and 6 None <m iAIftfMAft - XecaptanoM eaaculed by or for eei of thia bank add milalandini (Rhar liabilities .-U TOTAL l.!|?(no4 iwM tim aubordinatad akiigailana Mmwn hSHlWI J-J.u. ar -H.| CAPITAL ACCOUNT* pftftHfti* ;L,JL ■ v ■ BsnkM tew,...- wl wwUridftd pndftg ».. .*»■»*. Rasarves land rrtlromeni sccmmt fur ' fMfpm< , 6Mllfti . ... M, OArlTAL ACCOUNT* a .,." TOT At* UABII.ITtr.l AMD CAft ItAL AOOOUMTt *....L77.,w.,.^.te •Tki* hank's capita) cotuMfta to: ; First preferred stock with total par value 6 None T- total ret treble valttf •* $ None , * Bacon(1 preferred stock with total par value at | Nona, total rettrahi# value of I Nans. Capital notes and debentursa I Nows. Common stock wtth total par value sf IM.00A90. MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to aecurt liabilities and (<>r other purpose# Obligation* w.bdrdinated Is claims ha tond other EVERYTHING FOR BABY LINE BED in white, natural, maple. 3-way adjustment, non-sag springs Price $36.95 One Bide Drop MAPLE BH> Price $19.85 7 Kant Wet *awsi eHHii—eniH ^ i ■■HI ———H——M—MM—M Hair Resigns To Join Houston Post Leon Hale, SMlatant editor sf the AAM Extaasion Bervics for the oast year, has been named Farm and Ranch Editor for the Houston Post. He will report to the Poet on October 21. Hale, a 1946 journalism graduate of Texas Tech., has been in charge of the Extension news service. During hia stay with the Exten sion Service he revived the prac tice of putting oat the weekly press Berries an a regional)ted bes ts and started a weekly column, “Check Plot", which goes to daily newspaper farm aditora. He also wrote the Extensiot! Service an nual report for 1946 and a number of article* which appeared in the Extensioner and other farm maga- tinea. I 844,307 29 V ** i - NONE 39,736.17 INNER SPRING MATTRESS Price |14.95 6) 27111*0 20 NONE * ' Tto I i . NONE NONE t* * 1 NONE | NONE wiftltto *t*4«$g6ftto < s ftOlHiQM |0 IKMI IN) 11.666’T9 B I 960 00 TI.IMTt 11,194.611 M $ 350.871 WS at credltore, not in UabAftlea L W. L#mar Fly. Vice Pros, and Caaf bank, hareby certify that the above statei of my knowledge and beUef. I Signed) Correct AUeat (Signed) R. B. HI TLER. O. E. fOTTER, 8 A. UPBCOME Dtrectora , T , ’ » Stnte of Texna. County of Bratos aa: ± . , fto <>m to and mbsertbed before me this 9th day of October, 1947 MARJORIE WILUAMi , NoUrv I’ubltc r ! ■**.,**■ q..., MMB of tha above, named nt ia true ta the beat W LAMAR FLY V (SEAL) PLAY YARDS d ft.poet, raised floor, aoHftgfttMa, 42x42 Price $n.»5 PLAY YARD PADS Wood nber-ttlled. wet-proo Price $4,15 BASSINETS reed, folding legs Pri" 99.9ft BASSINET LINERS . gsMMijBlIi NSRii. N Bink and Nue fn. * Bt.99 KARRI NET IJNKKM quritad Mtm. ruffled I* link ami blus ^6 1148 KATRINETTER Pnae ftu.iA OimMnatkm 9*way HIGH CHAIRS MnR Price 114.95 HIGHGItAIR PADS • 12 (W BABY PAL STKOIJ.KRS floating springs hall bearing $9.95 STROLLER PADS Price BSe j* USE “OUR ~ LAY-AWAY PLAN IMMIE’S Tot Shop 1001 Sa College Ave. I AJtf to 6 P M -Ph. 2-1618 - AAS Faculty to M«to The fall meetlag of the facehy ef the School of Arts and Science* will be held ia the Phy sic* Declare Room at 7*J6 p. m.. Tae*day. Dean M. T. Harrington Take Yaw Oar To G R A N T * 8 GULP STATION Tw«a(y*Plva Taftra Sendee SUtton Experience With Com plete Line of Service Station A> reaaortea and t ftpactaliat in lubrication" Call and Delivery Service Phone GUM ■AST OATH TOUR ENTIRE WEEK'S WASH DONE IN . . . 19 MiNtrncsi i. Bring your wash to the La un derwit* and place II in the Ben- dtx. ■oap -wait ar ihop ha Bandlx doea your A Take your wash home In 90 minutto — clean, awoot • white, dump-dry. LAUNDERETTE TWO LOCATIONS aahuigton 14 — Hr-, an >l-130t Sooth Mde — Phone 4-llTI Lnllege SUtion The Largest Electrical Appliance Store in Bryan— Come in and aoa us for targe or small appliances: Radios, EfectHe litNM, Stn- fcat Lamps, Floor Lamps, Presto Cookers, Coffee Makers... and many other uaefula UNITED APPLIANCES, Inc. SMh B Washington Sto. Piano 3-14M a CLEANING - PRESSING WATERPROOFING All Kinds of Rgptir Work ind AtUritlons N. Gate AGGIE CLEANERS W« Deliver Phone 4-4054 Giwboy Boots - i* A neoeesity st any Rodeo. - * j— AU sizes — 17.50 ALSO— . } Yellow Ties Plaid or Solid Colored Shirts Westemhata by Dobbs or Stetson Fancy Cowboy Jewelry A PHILIP MORRIS is so much better to smoke! PHILIP MORRIS off on the smoker u-i extra benefit found in no ocher cigarette. For Pi* ^ Morris ia the ONE, the ONLY cigarette recog nized by leading nose and throat specialists n definitely less irritating RamombBr: Leu irritation means more smoking enjoyment for you. Yea! If every imoker knew what Philip Morris smokers know, they’d all change to PHILIP MORRIS. TRY A PACK i..TODAY LSa