Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1947)
*K***a*JBHi • BtmiSn n * • If JWJI ■ -J r r ■ - v't Texas, Texas Quittian, Aggies Top Southwest Grid Statistics Texas and T«x*» Ckristian dWid- tca» honon in the Southweit Ccnferanc* .UtUtic rakesed by Jenuo Stewart, Executiea Secre tary of tbe league'*, showed t.xiay, but player* from Texa* AAM ho K - ged much of the iodividaal glory. The longhorn, led the loop in total ajhift. tasking op 1 h» four ■ana. while the Christian* their opponent* to Ml contest* to lead in Aggie gridden led in percentage of pass completion*, punting, punt l|tum* and were fourth in ground ffining. Jim Cashion, who bowed Battalion PORT 1 week* game, topped the loop’* paaaer* in percentage of coir,, letioi> conntcting so IS of hh 18 tome* for a pt-nomenal .711 average. Texas' Bobby Layne led in number of completion* mid was ■•cond la percentages with 26 ballaeyws on B heaves far 481 5 irda and a Ail average. Stan oltmif, who win shoulder much of the Aggie* peaauw load smee the departure of.Guhioi.. waa •eeond to Laytts in number of completion* and total yards gained hitting 21 time* but of 48 chunk* for t77 yard*. \ , Arkanaaa’ Ken Holland, current ly *uieUned with injuries, lead* the league'* ball carrier* with a net of 263 yards gained on 29 came* WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15,1947 Pig* I The Largest Electrical Appliance Stare la Bryan— * s w " aak .* •tjf A.»» ^ ^ - i Come in and am as for large leat fwthl Oaokera, Ooffag Vaken ., * 4 many uaefula vmm m APPLIANCES. Inc. 88th A Waahtagtoa Mta. Phene f-itss * VW:E TICKETS FOB WINNER ... . . Contest for Arm-Chair Quarterbacks The eontestant who comes close*t to calling the exact scores Hated below will be awarded two reserve seats to the Texas AAM-Baylor football game on October 25 at College Station. This contest will be run woekiy in the Battalion dur ing football season in cooperation with the Quarterback Club. The winner will receive his tickets at the regular meeting of the Quarterback Club on Thursday night. 7 conference. Ed Dueek of AAM is third in yard* per carry with an average of 7J on WVmifB, Uollmtg tent the conference punter* who have kiekad five er more times gitfi a 45.1 average on Kile Rob (inode of the 14 hick*, wh Aggie* leade the circuit in punt return* with an average of tt.t on four returns. Doah Walker of EMI' kada In scoring with 44 oolnU with (HUnry of Tcxa* •eeond al Id and Goode ami Clay of Teas* tied for third with 10 imintd adfe! , The three prinrlpnl reltgi the PhiltpytsMa re R CaibolkUm, Proteetantlsm Sidhammedani*m. tone of omaa and WELCOME AGGIES CMttto- CAMPUS SANDWICH SHOP Ingredients fresh and seasoned right and clean made—will explain why friends who buy hamburgers here always come back again. *P ' . . > ^ . BACK OF LEGGETT HALL j..*.— Geo. B. (Pop) Shaw, Prop. •core \\. ip g,l t aripi m 1 1 ra. TCU . vs. ArkansM vs. HMD vs. Ttx. Ttch Expected to boo la Batarday'i fame i* Bar! Baty. Aggie quarterback who bai to the aeem ( aahioa sol wl mm Jonn .^Hoom » P.O. Box Aggies' Jim Winkler Comments On Frog-Cadet Clash Saturday JIM WINK LIB Rd. Net*'. Plenty ghod at mah- lag new., uteri la* tackle Jim Winkler U aleo not a hod hind it either. Here's the ties' meet- at raportiag it ellhei srSrA* Fort Worth. IX’ Batarday la Starting Lighting Ignition . ^ Specialixed Service on STARTERS' — GENERATORS — MAGNETOS BATTERIES — CARBURETORS — TUNE UP Bruner Battery & Electric Co. - — * 113 East 28th'Street — Bryan . a.. Using Parts From Original Equipment Manufacturers 2 SWC Came*, One Interoectioi Be Aired Saturday An ths Southwest Confsr- •ncs rscs builds up full xtsAm, Humble ON A Refhidry Com pany this Ssturdny] brings radio liatenor* thiwe till* between conference contendere pin* the aln 11* intersection*! match, May Drop Dallas As Annual Site For TT-OU Game DALLAS, Tax, Oct. II <AP)- Th* diacusaion over whether at not Texas scored a legal touch down in that wild aacoad period against Oklahoma here Saturday waa oeanhadownd today hy a mow* launched at the University of Okla- jhoma to take the annual game away from Dallas. Dr. Georg* L Cross, president of Oklahoma University, said he favored playing the game on a home-an-nom* baais, a similar statement to one he made before Iftst week's j ■University of Texas off Mila, [however, had declared they oppoe- led such a move and Athletic Direc tor D. X. Bible said Texas would play some team in Dallas, whether it be Oklahoma or another top | college. M l don't see how wo can go bae^U^ Dallas now," Dr. Cross ■rafernng to bottle.throwl Ing, fighting aim other disorder* during Ml An Oklahoma student peUtloti] to Uk# the gome out of Danas had I sum* iijUOO names and th*H association will taka an ■ stand on the matter at a meetiwl Nov, 1. The Toxae-Oklakomn gam* al way* has boon ono nf the best marl key-makers in tho southwest, For] Instance, this year's gome pa<| ltl.4(>4 07 to each at the echooli -r With an eye to a brighter future the Texas Aggies travel to Port Worth Friday to meet the Texas Christian Homed Frogs Saturday afternoon at 2.30. The Aggies, thirty five strong, will leave Fri day mottling ot 9:60 aiul will ar rive in time to take the usual pre-game loosening-up drill. The squad is in top form except James Cashion, out for stx weeks with a broken ankle, George Kadera, who is still favoring a bad ankle, and Bobby Goff, out with a bad kindey. , After two straight last half sotbarks the Aggies are anxious U> get bock in the win column. T. C. U. “has always been an Aggie .mbiinf block and are picked by some to turn the trick again this year. It was in '44 that a mediocre T. C. U. team upset the Aggie* on Kyle Field; again in '46 the Frogs eked out a one ■point victory aided by several Aggie fumbles *t cru cial points. Last 14-0. I* the one big Pet* Stout will wear for the Frogs Saturday. It was Stout who carriod tho brunt of the FrofL attack when they sloshed to their victory against Miami last week. Lindy Berry is another op and coming lad for the Frogs who operates from the vital Tail back position on the Meyer version of the double and tingle wing*. Coach Norton was well pelasod with the showing of his Aggies last week against LSU, but admits it would have been better if the score had remained 13-12. His boys received a jolt when they learned that the quarterback was out for six weeks with a broken ankle, but the Aggies immediately set to work preparing for TCU. Not as much contact work is on tap this week, with the Aggie* brushing up on pass defense and a defense against T. C. U. spread. year AAM won The **ld Dutchman* Leo Meyer, i* a much respected individual in Southwest Football circles and anything ran happen when he sends his Homed Frogs out on a Satur day afternoon. Coach Meyer i* convinced that he has two teams of about equal strength and plans to wear the Aggies out with from 24 to 36 men. The so-called No. 2 team, made up of Freshmen and Sophomore*, has rscelved the start ing nod in the last two game* agsinat Arkansas and Miami. Says Coach Meyer: "That young line he* looked so good the last two timos out there that Ahey'r* going to carry a lot of thr load from hor* on out.” On* good numlwr to wrila down In the hook is 46. Thai Al 2:18 p.m. the AAM-TO! broadcast *111 he heard from Ti l Btodtsm. with Charlie Jor dan on play-by-play *ml Jerry Dogfett on the color aeelgnmeat. The gam* will he heard over •tationa WRK, Dsllaa; KFJZ. Fort Wartk; KKBC. Abilene; KB8T, Big Spring; KCKM, Mid land; KGKL, San Angelo; KOSA, Odessa; KIl N, I'ecoe; KROD. El Paso; WAC O Waco; KTEM. Temple; KNOW. Austia; KABC. San Anteaia; KXYZ. Houston; K G V L, Greenville; KRRV, Sherman; KPLT, Paris; KCMC, Texarkana; K F RO. Longview; KMHT, Marshal; KRBA. l.ufkin; WTAW, College Station; KFDM, Beaimont; and KS8T, Sulphur Springs Texas U. and Arkansas meet in Memphis, with the broadcast sched uled to go on the sir at 11:60 p.m. from Crump Stadium. Ves Box will describe the game, with Fred Kincaid handling color. Stations KRLD, Dallas; KTRH, Houston; KTSA, San Antonio; KlfBC. Aus tin; KGNC, Amarillo; aed KGBS, Harlingen, will carry' the broad cast Kern Tips, play-by-play man, and Alec Chesser, color announcer, will be heard from Ownbv Stadium in Dallas, describing the Rice-SMU game. .The broadcast* scheduled at 1:60 p.m., will be heard over sta tions WFAA-WBAP (820 kc), Dal- las-Ft Worth; WOAI, San Antonio; KPRC, Houston; KRIS, Corpus Chrieti; and KVAL Brownsville. Humble'* broadcast of the only Pish will be !<eeking their first | non-conference game of the day, win of the season, having lost their the Baylo-Texas Tech match, starts opening game to NTAC by a score at 2:10 p.m. from Tech Stadium in ef 13 U»7. Lubbock. Bill Michaels will de the Federal Communications scribe the plays, with E«kiie Bark Commission granted WTAW per- er assisting on color. The gam* mission to handle this broadcast as will be heard over station* WFAA- well as the L8U-AAM game of last Saturday night. KVANI . DMills FIGHT AUBTIN, OeL 16-(API Beni Frans and Johnny Dabh* of Age- tin were schethiled to slug It out I here in a couple of weeks for the right to meet Texaa welterweight | champion Bert Llnam. Evana, former Oklahoma welter weight tltllst, earned the right to| meet Dabbs with a 10-round de cision over Tony Chaves here last night. About 80 per cent of U. S. pro-1 ductive forests do not contain more than half as many tree* as ] they could support. "I f •« —Iff P—ly Citowkn G—il w "Rasuse it, please--hut 1*11 •eeseftytaa sat lime •upbedy efers me Dentyae Ckewies Gum I Tlat slesa-Usting, leag-lastiae Saver is eut *1 tlgMeerid, sad Deatyna sure help* keep teeth Dentyae Gem—Made Oaly hy Adame Jkrfa'ufo CAFETERIA FEATURING DISHES OF INTERNATIONAL FAME and the best In— SOUTHERN AMERICAN COOKERY J ^TAW to Air Game Of Fish vh Frogs Station WTAW received permis sion to broadcast the play by play description of the AAM Fish ver sus the TCU Polywog* game, to night at 7:60 pjn. from Ft. Warth. Dick Gootlieh and Milt Frenkle will be on hand to give both a play by play account of the game from Farrington Field and the col or and excitement o fthe content well. Coach Charlie DeWare’s The ancient Egyptian* mad* ar tificial light from metal rods with Pll-suaked rags wrapped around the ends. WBAP (570 kc), Dallas-Ft Worth; KWFT, Wichita Falls; KWTX, Waco; KFYO, Lubbock; KATL. Houston: KMAC, Son Antonio; KVOP, Plalnvlew; KPET, Umesa; KRIG, Odessa; and KWsU, Corpus ChriptL , L E T A N . . . Aggie Student SERVICE YOUR CAR GAS OIL EXPERT GREASING WASHING WAXING A POLISHING STOP ,AT THE GULF STATION j 1 block north Bronco Inn on Houston Hwy. Owned A Operated hy J. W. Schmidt A.AM Btu. Vet — Claaa 'SO JACK’S PASTRY SHOP 1 FULL LINE OF *■ t» > p 11 1 CAKES . - f | i 1 1 I M i ; |j ; AND ' 1 1 ‘ 1 - 1 ^ j • 1 PASTRIES Come in for HOT DOUGHNUTS after 3 P.M. V North Gate — -4—* * »> *■!■! m ■ i iiiiaji i ■■ t- \ M I— WHO HAS THE TOUGHESTCOACHIHG JNMFMIUUL? Some soy it’s Lynn Waldorf, the fourth coach in four years at the University of California — once a renowned football power, but now chiefly known as the " ] , 4 school where the students can, and do, fire their coach. Read this revealing article in today’s Poet COACNKT GRAVIYARD by CMe Small An* ytm raariy fnr th»t tuw I Corv Trt|i t« Fort Worth , , . 1 and y i s g»y wwk-riid with your boat gal from Trssk’liind? WE HAVE WHAT YOU NEED — GREENS and PINKS Green or Pink Slaekn Green Shirts 18.30 13.30 7.50 Dresi Cups L I (VaeaN ( a|w - Green or Pink - 2*90 ] TT j T # • mr'k t - *• v . • ' r liadrop*^ -- 4' 1 ■Mi ’