The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 15, 1947, Image 1

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'i .
SAVANNAH, (fr. f Oct II (A?)
A, vlcloui hurrtcftno irMlvMl
tMfinf o> to M mllta an hour
•IrMh tha Uaorvia ( oa.t today,
bowline ovar traaa and amaihini
window*, Thar* wart no rapor
of aoMMltlao.
Wllllam L. Clayton of Houiton,
l'ndcraarrotary of 8tat* for aao-
noaalt afthlra, waa raportad to bar*
raalfiiad today,
L08 ANGELES, Oct 15 (API
A DamocraUe alato of Harry 8.
Truman for pmidont and K. t .
8am Rayburn of Toxaa for vie*
E iaidont waa propoaod by former
p. Robart Ramapack of Gaorfia,
■■^■■yiltoSant of tha
Aaaoeiation of
Volume 47
Number 47
■ m
Laura Sessions Named TSCW Sweetheart
Army Advisory Committee
To Form in Bryan—Pibum
now axacutivc vka
Air Tran* port
AUSTIN, Tex., Oct 15 (APl-
Praaident T. 8. Painter yestarda]
commended the Uni vanity of Tax
aa faculty and Other member* of
the ataff on “tha aplendid way"
they met the demands of veteran*
during the past year.
—la a sweeping and sharply word
ed indictment of Soviet Foreign
Policy, the American Federation
of Labor yesterday endorsed the
Manhall Plan for European re
lief, demanded abolition of the
United Nations veto, and called for
government neeulative curbs in
the grain marteta if voluntary co
operation faila. f
NEW YORK. Oet 11 -(API-
Some 4.000 AFL toamatera return
ed to their jobe yeetarday, ending
a crippling ?j.jay ■trike agalnat
‘Citizens Interested in National
Defense to Comprise County Group"
A Civilian Army Advisory Committee will be eetaklished
Bryan within a month, Brig. General E. W. Pibum, deputy commander
of the Texas Military District, announced Tuesday.
I’TwfkMitial and public-apirited dtiaen* who are interested in
national defease” will compote the committee, Gen. Pibum stated. This
include* city and county officials, member* of the Chamber of Com-
♦ meiee, civic clubs, veterans orga
nisations, representatives from
A" En« Seniors To
Make Inspection
Trip to pallas
Forty-three seniors taking
agricultural engineering at A.
A M. will visit Dallas October
16-17 on their annual (All in
spection trip, according to an an
nouncement by Fred R. Jones, bead
tha Railway Express agency which ‘ >
had tiad up tha company's air and ^ *‘>1 »P* n<1 »h* firat
rail ahipmanta throughout tha day at tha Stat* Fair impacting
Metropolitan araa. the various Jsrm, machinery and
—Two Rapuhltean Senator* •
tended yesterday that aaeoynta of
the Federal Public Housing'A
thority Indicate “fraud” and pan-
•Ibly "dafalration" In the 1P45-4S
oparations, but a former chief of
the agency said there
shortages or wag*.
BOSTON, Oct. l^(AP)-Sae.
war* no
"price increases have conalstant-
ly moved ahead of wage Incrs
and eailad for a 7!e hourly mini
mum wag*. -
DALLAS. Oct. 15 -(AP)- A
Dallas woman, soaking a divorce,
testified her husband just would
n’t take a bath. Judge Jack Thorn
ton wrote on his docket: "Divorce
DALLAS,-Oct 15 _<AP)-Ad-I
mira) Cheater W. Nimits said 1
here yesterday he will retire as|
Chief of Neva! Operations in mid-
December (pnd had recommended a I
nVT *
farm equipment exhibits. These ex
hibit* consist of tho latest typos
of macMnea introduced by leading
manufacturers of farm equipment.
Other equipment and exhibits re
lating to agrleeKwa and agrlcul
torsi engineering will be inspected
by the group
I The second day will b« ipant In
epacting the Podd Motor Company
Intemationsl HarveeUr Company,
and tha Steward Company, distri
butor of Ford Motor Company
farm aquipmant, all of Dallas. Tha
aaarrh foundation at Southern
Mathodiet University.
Jones and Richard L Patrick,
assistant profbaaor In the depart
ment, will accompany the group on
the tour.
Air Reserve To
Meet Thursday
Air Reserve personnel will meet
in the Petroleum Engineering
Building Thursday night, 7:90.
ASHVE fill Meet
Thursday Night,
Hear Houston Men
the National Guard, Officers Re
serve Corps, and the ROTC. Cler-
will be asked to aid in the
establishment of the committee.
The move to create the commit
tees arose in the office of Secre
tary of War Robert P. Patterson.
Army representatives all over the
United States are arranging with
local loaders the details of admin
istration and functions of the com
mittees. V
As listed by Gen. Pibum, a Civi
lian Army Advisory Committee
will fulfill three functions:
(1) To improve “cultural" re
lations between all branches of
the armed fortes and the commun
(S) To report to the commander
of the Fourth Army cases in which
certain military policies ere con
trary to popular opinion.
(!) The committee will dissemi
nate factual information regarding
military policies and project* and
will assist the armed forces in
furthering those policies.
“National defense is a citlaen's
responsibility—not merely that of
tho armed fortes, the Secretary of
National Defenso, and the Presi
dent of the United State#." Gen.
Pibum stated in a Kuttnlion ia-
can Society of Heating and Ven
tils ting Enicm<-*T* will hold its
ond meeting of the year in Me
chanical Engineering Lecture
Room Thursday night at 7:10 p.m.
Speakers from the United Gaa
Corporation of Houston will be on
hand to discuss the subject of gaa
air conditioning and its promise to
compete with the other more wide
ly used types of cooling systems.
The ARM chapter of the ASHVE
waa fint organised in the fail of
19t< by Key W. Ryan and other
mechanical engineering student*.
In its one year of existence the
ARM society is the only such stu
dent chapter in the United Statee
The ASHVE provides students
in the field of air conditioning
much needed link between class
room work and theory. Daring the
pe*t year the three senior chapters
nave provided speakers for tha
meetings, and this year the na
tional aaaoeiation has promised
nationally known spoakera.
FFA to Sponsor
Scholarships For
High School Grads
A. k M. Collegiate Chapter
of the Future Farmers of
America will sponsor a $78.
scholarship to A. A M. for a
worthy and needy high school
graduate. The graduate must have
completed at least two years of
vocational agriculture before he is
elegible to enter A. R M. to major
in agricultural education.
Each of the ten areas of tho
■tate may submit one applicant,
and the final choice will be made
by a committee of the A R M
Collegiate Chapter of the Future
Farmers of America with tho as
sistance of faculty advisors on the
of outstanding leadership
ability, scholarship achievement*,
and evidence of agricultural initia
tive. The winner will be awarded
the scholarship at the next annual
■tate convention of the Future
Fenner* of America next May.
The local F. F. A. Chapter ex
pects to finance this scholarship
by the tale of candy and drinka at
the annual convention of vocation
al agriculture teachers which is
held on the campus every summer
Private contributions, some
which have already been
will also assist greatly ‘
uating this worthy pro
Waxahachie Junior Will Be
. . , .i 4 3
Presented at Half Saturday
During the summer the place . .
ment committee of the local chap- III 1 Cl L 1
ter furnishes employment to atu- flllOClC# ^OllOl8rS
dent members.
The policy of combining the atu- I\_._ 1\I__
dent chapter with kaal assocla* I/UC 110’
lions for frequent meetings will be
continued this year.
Air Force Need!
Officers, Says
10th AF Colonel
Applications For
Due November 1
Secretarial Film
mL'tw. on «.iw«rwrir«.
i huainee* and profeeeional lead- IjOUPSO 1j\I( 7100(1
' Novhjf
an Mtinaao and pn
era Monday n ight, was a visitor
on the campus for several hours
TueoRay His visit was merely a
side trip this time, but later this
year he expects to be present for
an inspection of the Cadet Corps
and installations on the campus.
A veteran of two war*, Gen. Pi
bum waa in both the Ninth sod
the Tenth Armored Division* dur
ing World War II. He holds the
Silver Star, tho Bronze Star *ith
Oak Laaf Cluster, the Legion of
Merit with Cluster, and the Pur
ple Heart with two Oak Leaf Clua-
originally an-
rhedule to four
"There is a great shortage
of properly trained officers
in the Air Force at the pre
sent time”, Col. Reuben Kyle,
Tenth Air Force Operations Of
ficer, declared Tuesday afternoon
However, the Reserve Officer’s
Training Corps ia expected to ft
niah a large portion of the yaKMy
increment of regular Air /Force
officers, CoL Kyle
Col. Kyle and party Arrived on
the campus Tuesday morning for
a few hours of ipipection of A.
R M. Air Force Cddets and confer
ence with Lt Col. Dexter L Hod^-
He enumerated the various func
tions of his office, including the
supervision of all ROTC units in
state area, those units of
National Guard, tha Air Re-
1, aa well aa other civilian
componanta such as the Civil Air
Patrol, Air Scouts, and a *oon to
be-formed Modal Club.
In a short interview Col. Kyle
disclosed the two ways by which
an A. R M. Air Force cadet could
obtain a regular Air Force com
mission: by applying for «u«h a
commission upon being chosen one
of the Honor Graduates of the
school, and going on through flight
training; or tat serving a specified
length of Unit in a competitive
tour of duty tilth the Air rorree.
He urged every Air Fore* cadet
isider each plan, and to obtain
on from U
The courae of training filma
being shown for stenographic
and clerical employees of the
college this week will be
panded from the oi
notinccd three-day scl
days. R. Henderson Shuffler, di
rector of Information and 1 publica
tions. announced Tuesday.
Additional films will be shown at
10:90 a.m. and 9:90 p.m. Thursday
of this week.
Showings will be repeated next
President Truman
both rated and non-rated, com
missioned and non-commissioned,
may attend. \
A new type unit, to be known aa
a Composite Squadron, that has
m authorised by Air Defense
to cons
morq information
the Air
Col. Kylo, who ie a Command
Pilot, served with the FlftoOUlk
Air Force daring World War II.
He attended Georgia Toth before
tntorihg the Air Foi
—Russia yesterday called Secrv-
tary of State Marshall', program Hradtataitom^ will be organised
to overhaul United Nation, peace- Thursday night Squadron* at this
type will enjoy equal rights and
the Croix de Guerre, plus the Or
der of the British Empire during
the war.
keeping mechinerv e "farce 1 ' and I
declaring it would undermine the|
U. N. by encouraging "warmon
gore and war propagandists.'
(AP)—Dr. B. B Hargis, biologist
and Dean of Administration at
North Texea Stole T*eche»» Cel
lege, told a forum dtaeuasion at the
convention of the Southwest Wat
eiwerh* Association today be re
commended unlimited fiahmi In
southwestern reservoirs
Plans for three major pipe Knee
costing |450,DM,000 to transport
South Texas natural gaa to Phil
adelphia, New York City and
Brooklyn are announced by Cleode
Williams of Austin, President of
the Trenaeontlnental Pipe IMH
^Caotpany. 1 L'. •. |
Some 96 representatives of Hou*
ton's small grocery store and drive
ia Stations have voted unanimous
ty to nmain open on Sundaya in
defianee of Police Chief B W.
Payne'a order that a City ordi
nance, originally adopted in 1955,
bMOllng such operations will be
enforced starting next Sunday.
. Chairman Charles Lock man of the
Citizens Food Committee planned
• to pUdfo Ike Nation’s Bakery In
duntry yesterday to wheat aavings
of 3 MMbOOO beshels a month for
{ hungry Europe
privileges with TORE unite
In svent provision is mode for
inectiv* duty pey, it will bs nec
essary (or one to be a member
of some type squadron in order to
qualify, The use of Bryan FWId for
local reserve flying will also he
discussed et the meeting.
Record Shower For
Grade School Kidt*
To help the A. R M. Consolida
ted Grad* School build e musical
library, a phonograph record show
er will be given by the Grade
Mothers Thursday afternoon from
4 to 9 in the home of Mrs. R. G.
_ _ pH!
All m*mb*r* of Air R^rv. 1 Ur% Ib mdditk> " ^ ** Ajnerkan I week for'the benefit of those em-
."Mdecoratton*, Gen. P.bum received ployee. who ere unable to attend
th* Trench Legion of Hortor and j this week, Shuffler stated. Two
films will be shown at each ses
sion with two sessions daily on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday, at 10:90 a.m. and 9:90
The films shown include Short
fete ia Typing, Telephone Cour
tesy,, a aerie* of Dele Carnegie
strip films, The Secretary's Day,
and The Htenoxr»t)ber Takea Dic
While the showings are primari
ly for employeoa, attendance Is not
limitod to this group, Shuffler
stated. The film* are shown in the
j YMCA chapel.
Aiplrtntk for Rhode*
Scholarship! art reminded
that their credentials most Foret office here on the campus
tfc» secretary of th» about the programs.
committee of ■election by
Prospective candidates should
consult within the next few day*
T. F. Mayo, Deportment of Eng
lish, local representative of the
Rhodes Trust. He will discuss with
them mattora of eligibility and pro
Forty-eight Rhode* Scholarships,
tenable at the University of Ox
ford, are to be offered in the Uni
ted States this year. The appoint
ments will be made for two years
in the first instance, with a pos
sible third year for those whoee
record at Oxford and plan of study
make such an award advisable. No
restriction is placed upon a Rhodes
scholar’s choice of studios.
The basic value of a Rhodes
ScholarthiD ia 400 pounds (91600)
per year, W this sum is for the
present supplemented by * special
allowance of 100 pounds (9400)
per year. Scholars are advised to
augment the sum of the stipend
by at least 50 pounds (1200) per
year from their own resources.
The committee of selection ia
looking for excellent students who
have shown that they are the tort
of men who will profit moat—for
themselvas and for society—b
studying several years at Oxford
to* •
flg /. K. B. NELSON
Developer of Rust-Proof Wheat Gets Monument in South Dakota
ATHENS. Oct 15 -<AP)-The
American Embassy says that Reps.
Olih E. Tbeguo (D-Tex.) and Don
aid L Jackson (R-Cahf.), who
were reported fired on yesterday
by mortars near tha juncture
tha Greek . Bulgarian • Yugoslav
borders, are expected to
here today.
No prophet Is without honor
save in his own country " Be gem
the old proverb, but It haa net been
a* for Edgar 8 MeFadden, agron
omist for the U. I. Deportment of,
Agriculture with the Agricultural
Experiment Station since 1999. Me-
Fadden left CoIUk< Sunion Octo
ber 19 for his birthplace, in Web
ster, South Dakota, to attend the
dedication of a monument which
has bean erected in hie honor.
Grateful farmers of Southeast
south Dakota, in appiecwtion of I
his brilliant work in developing
ru*t proof varieties of wkeet, do- 1
their quarters and dollars
for the granite atone memorial.
I jfVople from miles around the
little Dakota hamlet of 1,500 in
habitants will be in town for the
dedication ceremony on October
II. The governor of the etate aa
well as prominent grainmen of tho
U. S.. Mexico, and Canada wiU
•peak. -
Bom during a Dakota blixsard in
1891, MeFadden m<m-4 to the Pe
cos Country of Weet Texas in
1909. Following (he wheat harvest
north each summer for three years
he formulated the theory that mat
from the south was ceasing de
vastation of the northern wheat
Working on this theory, McFad
den aet about to develop a ruat-
resistaat variety of wheat while
In school at South Dakota State
Collage. He crossed Yoroalav
return mer, a fibrous variety of whaat
resistant to rust, with Marquis or
bread wheat. Scientists of the day
said such a cross would produce la-
fertile seeds. (Something to de
lh e difference in the number
of chomoeomes). Luckily for the
world, MeFadden did not know this
et the time and he eromsd them
Owe vigorous but not so beauti
ful plant waa the result of hi* la
bors, and this one plant produced
about 100 fertile seed that gave
rise to Hope Wheat, named in
1925. Descendant* from this one
plant now cover an estimated 15
million acre* of farmland in the
U. S and Canada. '
Receiving a B.H. degree in
Agronomy from South Dakota
Stole College in 1915, McFaddm
married two months Inter and aoon
afterward* went into the army. Re
leased from service without combat
experience, he was employed by
the U. 8. Department of Agricul
ture to work at the Experiment
Statran in Highmore, South Da-,
koto. The funds for this project P*rtmcnt of Agriculture,
were cut off by Congress in 1920 d™ has “cyto-analysed” «
and MeFadden went back to the
farm. Despite hail, drought and
rust, he continued his experimental
work and was finally rewarded
with success. In 1929 he was re
employed by the USD A and came
to the Experiment Station at ARM
in 1995
MeFadden received the Reader'?
Digest Distinguished Service
Award of 12,500 in 1946 for “his
exceptionally meritous fontnh
ution to public welfare.” It has
been estimated by W. W. Erickson.
Aa World War II began, derive-
Uvea of the Hop* grain were Just
beginning to hit the market. Con
cerning the importance of MrFed
den’s work, J. D. Ratcliff, writing
In the September 1949 Issue of the
Farm Journal, aeya, he "has added
hundreds of millions of dollars to
our notional wealth and poMddy
25 million people who would other
wise be deed or dying of starva
tion are alive end eating.”
Ia cooperation with Dr. E. R.
Sean, actantist with the U. S. De
.lysed" our mod
em bread wheat and traced ita
pedigree back to two wiki grasses
of Southwestern Asia. This haa
opened up a complete new field
for research.
Dakota farmer* In 1944 ulor.
conservative estimate places the
amoant of saooey MeFadden has
saved for wheat fanners at 400
million dollars. But MeFadden h* P
not profited e penny beoause wheat
cannot he patented. Net hungry
for giory, ho haa *hip|H-d sample*
of grain to all parte of the world
to speed up his breeding program
Me Fadden’■ development of Aus
tin wheat has mad* productive a
million acres in Texas that could
not be used for wheat earlier be-
of rust A new variety of
wheat he has recently mode known
is called See Br«-eze. It ie expected
that this variety wiU extend the
wheat bait all the way to the Rio
Grande and the Golf of Mexico.
MeFadden lives at 900 Ayshire,
Collage Park. He haa three daugh
ters, two are married, and one sen.
His friends know him as a publici
ty-dodging and industrious little
a cub-
fellow who operates from
byhole of aa office at tha Agricul
tural Experiment Station.
' Whan notifiod of the monument
being erected in his honor, McFad-
den’s only comment waa, “Its not
dead yet"
What’s Cooking?
Monday, home of Mrs. J. M. Inglis.
Lee and Jack tor Street, College
CIETY (ARM section), 8 p.m.,
Thursday, Chemistry Lecture
Room. Dr. W.NUbert Noyea Jr,
national president of American
Chemical Society, will speak.
ASHVE (American Society
Heating R Ventilating Engineers)
Thursday Oct 18, 7:90. lecture
room ME building. Represents
Uvea from United Gaa Corp. will
discuss gas air conditioning.
MEETING, 4:90 p. m.. Wednesday,
Room 208, Goodwin, t
ERAN8, 7:90 p. m., Thursday.
Americai Legion Hall, Bryan.
EL PASO CLUB, 7 p. m., Wed-
nsaday, Room 924, Academic.
m., Monday, Petroleum Engineer
Ing Library.
7:90 p, m„ Thursday, YMCA.
7:10 p. m., Wednesday, Room 225,
A oSaDUAT1 CLUB. 7i9Q n. mj
Wednesday, Assembly ftoom,
ARM Consolidated Junior High
H. h.M.i, 4 n p. m„ Thursday, Home
of Mrs. R. G. Reeves. Phonograph
record ihow.
b m.,p. m., Thursday. Room 107,
eehaaiqal Engineering Building.
m., Thursday, YMCA. .
P m.. Thursday. Lecture Room Of
ME Shops. Movie and plana for
Christmas dance in Brown wood
p. m.. Civil Engineering Building.
Consolidated, 8 p. m., Thursday,
High School Gym.
Wedneeday, Room 108, Academic
p.m., Thursday, Assembly Hall.
life, 6:90 p. m., Wednesday, Grove
TYLER CLUB, 7:»o p.
Thursday, Room 104, Academic
County), 7:90 p. m., Thurajay
Room 228, Academic.
CLUB. 7:90 p. m.. Thursday.
7:30 p. m., Wedneeday, Room 209,
Laura Seta Lons, beautiful T8CW junior, haa been eelect* |
ed Aggie Sweetheart, according to an annuum rment by
Senior Clan* Social Secretary N. K. (Jug) Leatherwood.
Chonen by a committee of A. k M. senior* from TSC’Wp
12 gorgeous class nominees, Mieet 1 ■: —
Stations la a radiant brunette,!
very personal'll', and fully capable
of charming the entire Aggie Stu-
iIhIMj. .
Cadet Colonel of the Corp* WU-
lien L Brown will present Mis*
Sessions to the student body dur
ing between-half ceremonies of the
Disabled American
Vets to Organize
..JBBH , The state department of the Die.
A. R M.-TCU football game, Sat- abled American Veterans, located
ur rf.».h».r Mr .na lira l » ln W * c0 ’ wU1 hoW organisation-
Sess.ons of WMahachiH^iura,* 1 Thuraday. October 16,
irrmduated from Waxahachie High 7:90, in the Americas Legion Hall
School, where she was High School in Bryan.
Queen, and Stole President of the, To w eUribl€ for ^^raMp
rauirt HomcvnAnn ox Toms* . _
At TSCW, where she is major. I in organ.aat.on a veteran must
ing in Home Economics with a ho v « * n honorable discharge and
minor in Chemiatre, ah* haa been have a aervice-connected disability
treasurer of the rtashmpn Class, incurred in wartime. The aunlica-
Cotton Ball Dutches a. Redbud .. n ,
Princees,'Sophomore Beauty noml- **7* ■ *••*■*• Ijp
nee, president at Alpha Lambda mi-mber*.
Delta (honorary underclassman
fiatoraHx), score tary of Phi Ep-
■i|on Ojnicron (honorary home eco
nomics fraternity), honor student,
student assistant In the home eco
nomics department, and vioa-preel-
dent of the Chapam-I Social and
Literary Club.
During the summer of 1949-49,
Laura represented TSCW and the
Southwest In New York City at
conference of the Junior Cl
The Diaabled American Veteran*
ie an organization bnted on service.
| It ie on* of tha oldest veterans’
organisations in the United State*,
being organised in the aarly twmv
ties. It waa chartered by rnngrwae
in 1998. Tho D.A.V. haa a n,.re-
tentative on every eommiu<« of
j veteran* 1 affair* that itawta in
tor * trend of the New York Dreea ,
I'lrtltUta, i . f
Obviously, the 11 senior judgea 1
couldn't have gene far wrung in!
t hr i r * aetottlon,
fttaoetheart nominee* were
Smith, Patsy Wolfe,
and Mary Jan* To-
real Roberto Hemp
top, Patty Dillman, and fljtaMMi
MrGrew, Juniors; Teresa Hitler,
Kltkryn Blankenship, Norma Wal
ker. and Jean Van Arsdel, Seniors.
Half-time ceremonies will in-
u I, performances by the Aggie
and Horned Frog Hands in addi
tion to th# Sweetheart presenta
tion ceremonies. According to CoL
V. Adame, Band Director, the
A. A M. Band will march on to the
field, form a huge heart shaped
formation pierced by the tradi-
ttytol cupid'* arrow, and Tahn) I
Let Me Call You Sweetheart.”
while presentation ceremonies are
beitiK conducted at tie base of the
Pearson to Speak
To Graduate Club
Paul B. Pearson, dean of the
graduate school, w\!l speak before
the Graduate club Wedneeday night
at 7:90 in the Assembly room of
the YMCA
'Dean Pearson will answer sag
questions pertaining to graduate
WEATHERFORD CLUB. 7:90 students.
Ok, Thursday, Room 909, Ara- Officer* for th* current semes
ter wiU be elected.
jra Co'
fb> earlier four
thf sooner curt
Medical science has
now demonstrated that
climate ia not impor
tant in the cure ofHO-*
berculoai*, as was for
merly thought to be I,
tree. Medical science SI
has also determined 11
that the moot impor
tant factor it finding
the case in an early
•tag*. The rarest way
to do this is by an X-
ray of th* chest