T 'i . HTORM ||tS QRORGIA SAVANNAH, (fr. f Oct II (A?) A, vlcloui hurrtcftno irMlvMl tMfinf o> to M mllta an hour •IrMh tha Uaorvia ( oa.t today, bowline ovar traaa and amaihini window*, Thar* wart no rapor of aoMMltlao. SAY CLAYTON IM1GNED WASHINGTON, Oai II (AP)- Wllllam L. Clayton of Houiton, l'ndcraarrotary of 8tat* for aao- noaalt afthlra, waa raportad to bar* raalfiiad today, P, RAYBUIN POt YP L08 ANGELES, Oct 15 (API A DamocraUe alato of Harry 8. Truman for pmidont and K. t . 8am Rayburn of Toxaa for vie* E iaidont waa propoaod by former p. Robart Ramapack of Gaorfia, ■■^■■yiltoSant of tha Aaaoeiation of Battalion PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A AM COLLEGE Volume 47 OOLLBQI STATION (Afftoltad), TEXAS, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 15,1»47 Number 47 ■ m Laura Sessions Named TSCW Sweetheart Army Advisory Committee To Form in Bryan—Pibum now axacutivc vka Air Tran* port America PRAISES TU PACCLTY AUSTIN, Tex., Oct 15 (APl- Praaident T. 8. Painter yestarda] commended the Uni vanity of Tax aa faculty and Other member* of the ataff on “tha aplendid way" they met the demands of veteran* during the past year. • AFL GIVES PLATFORM SAN FRANCISCO, Oet 14 (AP) —la a sweeping and sharply word ed indictment of Soviet Foreign Policy, the American Federation of Labor yesterday endorsed the Manhall Plan for European re lief, demanded abolition of the United Nations veto, and called for government neeulative curbs in the grain marteta if voluntary co operation faila. f END EXPRESS STRIKK NEW YORK. Oet 11 -(API- Some 4.000 AFL toamatera return ed to their jobe yeetarday, ending a crippling ?j.jay ■trike agalnat ‘Citizens Interested in National Defense to Comprise County Group" By JOHN T. MILLER in A Civilian Army Advisory Committee will be eetaklished Bryan within a month, Brig. General E. W. Pibum, deputy commander of the Texas Military District, announced Tuesday. I’TwfkMitial and public-apirited dtiaen* who are interested in national defease” will compote the committee, Gen. Pibum stated. This include* city and county officials, member* of the Chamber of Com- ♦ meiee, civic clubs, veterans orga nisations, representatives from A" En« Seniors To Make Inspection Trip to pallas Forty-three seniors taking agricultural engineering at A. A M. will visit Dallas October 16-17 on their annual (All in spection trip, according to an an nouncement by Fred R. Jones, bead tha Railway Express agency which ‘ > had tiad up tha company's air and ^ *‘>1 »P* n<1 »h* firat rail ahipmanta throughout tha day at tha Stat* Fair impacting Metropolitan araa. the various Jsrm, machinery and araa. CHARGE FPHA FRAUD WASHINGTON. Oct 15 -(APg —Two Rapuhltean Senator* • tended yesterday that aaeoynta of the Federal Public Housing'A thority Indicate “fraud” and pan- •Ibly "dafalration" In the 1P45-4S oparations, but a former chief of the agency said there shortages or wag*. NBW INCRBAIBBtI BOSTON, Oct. l^(AP)-Sae. war* no "price increases have conalstant- ly moved ahead of wage Incrs and eailad for a 7!e hourly mini mum wag*. - MORAL: TAKE BATH DALLAS. Oct. 15 -(AP)- A Dallas woman, soaking a divorce, testified her husband just would n’t take a bath. Judge Jack Thorn ton wrote on his docket: "Divorce granted.” NIMITZ RETIRING DALLAS,-Oct 15 _ " ^ ** Ajnerkan I week for'the benefit of those em- ."Mdecoratton*, Gen. P.bum received ployee. who ere unable to attend th* Trench Legion of Hortor and j this week, Shuffler stated. Two films will be shown at each ses sion with two sessions daily on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, at 10:90 a.m. and 9:90 p.m. The films shown include Short fete ia Typing, Telephone Cour tesy,, a aerie* of Dele Carnegie strip films, The Secretary's Day, and The Htenoxr»t)ber Takea Dic tation. While the showings are primari ly for employeoa, attendance Is not limitod to this group, Shuffler stated. The film* are shown in the j YMCA chapel. Aiplrtntk for Rhode* Scholarship! art reminded that their credentials most Foret office here on the campus tfc» secretary of th» about the programs. committee of ■election by IwvWIDW A* Prospective candidates should consult within the next few day* T. F. Mayo, Deportment of Eng lish, local representative of the Rhodes Trust. He will discuss with them mattora of eligibility and pro cedure. Forty-eight Rhode* Scholarships, tenable at the University of Ox ford, are to be offered in the Uni ted States this year. The appoint ments will be made for two years in the first instance, with a pos sible third year for those whoee record at Oxford and plan of study make such an award advisable. No restriction is placed upon a Rhodes scholar’s choice of studios. The basic value of a Rhodes ScholarthiD ia 400 pounds (91600) per year, W this sum is for the present supplemented by * special allowance of 100 pounds (9400) per year. Scholars are advised to augment the sum of the stipend by at least 50 pounds (1200) per year from their own resources. The committee of selection ia looking for excellent students who have shown that they are the tort of men who will profit moat—for themselvas and for society—b studying several years at Oxford It'" I AURA SESSIONS ] to* • flg /. K. B. NELSON Developer of Rust-Proof Wheat Gets Monument in South Dakota TEAGUl BACK IN ATHENS ATHENS. Oct 15 - earlier four thf sooner curt Medical science has now demonstrated that climate ia not impor tant in the cure ofHO-* berculoai*, as was for merly thought to be I, tree. Medical science SI has also determined 11 that the moot impor tant factor it finding the case in an early •tag*. The rarest way to do this is by an X- ray of th* chest