The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 08, 1947, Image 3

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    1 -
S B ait a lio n O
; Quarterback Gub Contest Blank
MorZ h U^H l 7 l S" t 3? 5'"“* e * 0 ~ rt K> ik ttMt
527.^ AAM^ir 1 ^ f,*** 4 " 1 ~*<» f
n» le\A> A\M-TCI1 football famo on October 18.
lM ^ '"“ dur-
LknnKTk *?*— lr '„ C< ! 0P * r * tl0 ® Wl ‘ h tht
"r. - Tk« Win«.r wiU ht wununred it tlw reftalar
mectlnf of the Quarterback Club on Thurs(i a > nik'hi
Texas A A M
Taxaa U.
ra. Ok la.
vs. Tulane .
vs. Baylor .
vs. Ok la. AIM
lomlottf- 7
Pock your Curtombih pipe
with Curtom-Mi* tobocco
lor real snekino pleawre.
Custom-Mix is on exeknive
blend of the finer to
For every type ... there's
a Custombilt pipe . . . b*
dividual at a thumbprint
... no 2 alike . . , each
hand-crafted from aged,
imparted briar.
Stiff Veriest On
Kyle Field Tues.
Coach Homer Norton aant
the Aggie football team
through a rugged two-hour
drill Tuesday afternoon, fin
ishing up under the lights
with the fliet teun drflUat on
running plsyn
“We’ve «os e tot of herd yroHr
to do brfero tb* conference gsmoo
come oroend”, Norton explained ax
ha watched hit atarten running
against a spirited Fiah team “This
team is in good best, in
fact, of any Aggie team I’ve ever
coached, but you saw what that
»0 degree weether did to them at
Oklahoma last weak. Yes, we’ve
got work to do, plenty oi it, ee-
pocialiy with that L. S. U. bunch
coming up."
The Affgiee appeared in good
Physical condition after the 0. U.
game G.-orgc Kadara is still out
with an injured ankle and Bobby
Goff remaini sidelined with an
ailing kidney but both may break
into the Baton Rouge tuasie Sat
urday night
The “B" aqaad threw L 8. U.
paaees at the varaity during Tues
day’s play, with an uncomforting
degiw of success.
The fire! team, running off the
double-wing, found the going a bit
rugged against the “Fish*. The
starters made steady, but alow
progress inside the tackles with
Jimmy Cashion providing the day’s
neatest tet of artistry, a twisting
U yard win after being trapped
trying to pass.
Norton said He planned to use
the same team as against 0. U.
with Bobto Dsw starting if the
Aggies biokoff and Cashion slated
te open if the Cadets rerelw. Joe
••era, a converted guard and Jim
Tulls, will share the duties at one
tackle, with Sacra operating on
defense and Tulit on the attack.
The Aggies will have another
stiff workout Wednesday, easing
up Thursday before entertaining
for Baton Rouge Thursday night.
BATON ROUGE, U., Holder of!
<me of Louisiana's finest prep I
coachin grecords is Jules Roux.
|L 8. U.'s trainer, who master
minded Baton Rouge high to nine
state track titles in ten years prior
to joining the Bengal staff.
v f
♦' f *
. College and Bryan
O.U. Gaimi Picture!, Clark Ntalon
To Feature Q-Back Club Thursday
The third edition of tho weekly A. A M. Quarterback
Off IkuiBiteg AiRJit at the A urn Mr
Muib of Uw oyMtemm-Aifla fttMl pml
ht program. Tht amtUag Iwglna at 7:»i p.
Nimioa, Hporta KxtHor of tilt Houaton Prtaa,
wt! be gutat agMlNr fir tlmt occwlon. a.ddy known th
IrvaM sports tirrlea. Nealnn h«* appeared nUUt> IlmtB M
Smm "t certmoniea at nporta functions acraoa tho aUti.
Allen Pec wees
Meet Tbiirsday
Tht Consolidated Grad*
School Patwtti will tangle
with tht Alltn Academy Pto-
wwa Thursday evening at 7
► el Tiger Field, Peek Vaea,
Aggie •U*<Wnt-ooach, announced
Admission will be free for all
who want to ate tkc U-year-olds 80 LID BACK (.ROUND
and below play fbahr first in a 1AT0N ROUGE, U - Ed Wal-
eariae of gradf school tilts. Haw- kar, Louisiana State’s widely-tra-
evtr, donations wig be accepted at yeled aasiataat grid roach, propped
|hs ^jpite to^cow lighting eoate ior his chosen profession by play-
The boys, all members of the
sixth, seventh, and eighth grades
at Consolidated or the equivalent
at Allen Academy, avevage in
weight from 106 te 116 pounds.
Quarters will be cut to about 10
minutes each.
Vasa, baseball star for A. A M.,
ts coaching the junior gridmen.
receiving only lab credit for his
lag Mx fall years ef college f
hall, three at Louisiana Tech sad
three at Louisiana tack sad
three more at Stanford, where he
attgiaad All-America stetaa as an
end la 1026.
Aggie Fish Team Meets T.C.II. Frosh
In Second Game of Season Tonight
Thu Text* Aggie Pith will play their aacond football
game of the currant aaaaon when they meet the T. C. U
freahmen In Ft. Worth, Wednaadgy night, October 16th.
According to Flah Coach Charlie DeWare, tl# current
freshman squad of aixty is rounding into form nicely, the
epuattig game loet to N.TA.C. ♦ U...Tr!7. Tl
three jrears at PiedHckabun. He
Probahls starting
tomorrow ni^it is:
Sweeney, Jr.
Sweeney, E.
The prehable starting lineup
will be:
L. K.--L. K. (Butter) Murray,
weighs 176 pounds and la a three-
year letterman from Waco having
made AIl-DistrtcL
L T.—Richard (General) Obre-
gon weighs 201 pounds and lettee-
cd at Thomas Jefferson (San An
tonio) three years and was also
selected on the All-District team.
L. G.-Hubert (Buddy) Molberg
weighs ISO pounds and lettered
A wonderful selection of . , .
ties ...
gabardine slacks
(Twill A Channeen)
Tailor Made Suit*
Delivery now around 4 weeks
•The Store of Peraonal Attention"
was All-Dlstriet and was awarded
the ••Moat Valuable Player In the
District Awa*C*i
c.-iab Bites weighs IN pounds
and lettered three yuan at River
side in Fort Worth;
R. G.—Michael (Mickey) Spen
cer is a three-year letterman from
Paaadrna and wsmhs IN pounds.
Mickey won All-District honors
three years and was All-State one
R. T.-~Wil|iam (BUI) Butler nr
John Long. Butler weighs 816
pounds and lettered three years
at Pasadena, where he was All-
Dftrict one year. Long weighs 208
pounds ,nd won four letters at
Crockett He was also All-District
one year.
R. E.—CedTic (Cope) Copeland
weight 170 pounds and tattered
two years at Waco. Cope was AII-
f District two years and played ser
vice hall on the 2nd Arn\y team,
i .-t H.-J^sniy Hallmark weighs
170 pounds and lettered two yean
j at Lufkin. He was All-District two
years and honorable mention for
R. H.—Dorbandy Barton weighs
185 pounds apd lettered four years
at Ft. Stockton. Barton was All-
Distriet and played in the North
and South All Star Football gams.
F. B.—Doyle Moore weiglu 176
pounds and lettered two year* at
Austin High. He was on the All-
District 2nd team for two years.
T. B.—Edward Lechler weighs
166 pounds, lettered three yean at
McGregor and was All-District two
Although six weeks' rsaidsnee
i» required in Idaho and Nevada
before divorce proceedings may
be etartad, 80-day residence is
required in Arkansas and Wyo
Ak Shnr
If* th# louit
disc for Doccq.m
T hom terrifically popular Andrews Sisters Have an
individual singing style all then; own. When it comes to
cigarettes—well, let Patty tell you: Tut smoked many different brands
and compared, and I learned from experience that Camels suit me best!’’
With thousands aad thousands of smokers who
have compared cigarettes—Camels are the
"Choice of Experience.” j
Try Camels. Let your own experience tell
you why Camels are setting a new record!
Hatchstt, B.
Vadan. P.
Fraa, M
Moms, D
Vincent, H
Walker, R.
HNor, Roy
Karov, I.
Manthic, J.
Batts, J.
Hatvvy, 0.
Odessa Still Tops
State Schoolltoys t
Faculty Members
—Odwsa and Wichita Falla domi
nated high school football for the
ilrd straight weok In the Dallas
oralng Nsws’ poll of tho Tsxas
wtwiH. ’
OdowM. dofondtuf state cham
pion, was msntionsd by all of the
sporta writers taking part and rs-
eahrod 284 points to load tho top
n teams.
Wichita Falls was awntionad by
39 of 40 sports writers and ranked
second with 367 points.
Corpus Christ! held on to tht
third place spot a scant ten points
ahaad of Austin. Both art in Dist
The root of the top ten included
Bracken ridge (San Antonio) Wax-
ahachie. North Side (Ft. Worth),
Longview, Amarillo, and Highland
Park (DaUaa). All but North Side
and Highland Park are undefeat
.Tha second strongest ten teams
.ncked included Marshall, Thomas
Jefferson (Ban Antonio), Waco,
Texariuna, Goose Creek. Austin
(El Paso), Corsicana and Forest
(Dejias). Ties, Port Arthur and
Veteran Augie Galan, now of
Cincinnati, topped the National
L«ague in woricing pitchers for
bases on balls for two consecutive
years, 1943 and ’44.
weep no more
C 1
sure dick
with me/
a i awwtsi t-sms v». »wMe.s«a«. a e.
Is Old Homam mmkhm a fxidiroxi comaback? If go, ifi all
due to Charlie Caldwell, the coach who engineered the moet
hair-raiiing form reversal of 1946. His 17-14 victory over Penn
last fall restored the Tiger* to respectability in Eagtem football
society. Known for trying the unorthodox, he hag parlayed the
power of prayer into the greategt revival of football
ever seen at Princeton dnee the game wa* invented there in
1869. Don't mm the exalting article, "They Weep Ho More at
Princeton,' in this week , a Poet...
by Red Smith
who wu mam fo CaroW
AvorioWon 1847 Al-Axwrlcaaf