1 - LIT ^ •T S B ait a lio n O PORTo WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, mi ; Quarterback Gub Contest Blank MorZ h U^H l 7 l S" t 3? 5'"“* e * 0 ~ rt K> ik ttMt 527.^ AAM^ir 1 ^ f,*** 4 " 1 ~*<» f n» le\A> A\M-TCI1 football famo on October 18. lM ^ '"“Wk.il dur- LknnKTk *?*— lr '„ C< ! 0P * r * tl0 ® Wl ‘ h tht "r. - Tk« Win«.r wiU ht wununred it tlw reftalar mectlnf of the Quarterback Club on Thurs(i a > nik'hi Texas A A M Taxaa U. Arkansas ra. Ok la. vs. Tulane . vs. Baylor . vs. Ok la. AIM lomlottf- 7 PERFECT MITES' Pock your Curtombih pipe with Curtom-Mi* tobocco lor real snekino pleawre. Custom-Mix is on exeknive blend of the finer to baccos. For every type ... there's a Custombilt pipe . . . b* dividual at a thumbprint ... no 2 alike . . , each hand-crafted from aged, imparted briar. eeUThreagb Stiff Veriest On Kyle Field Tues. Coach Homer Norton aant the Aggie football team through a rugged two-hour drill Tuesday afternoon, fin ishing up under the lights with the fliet teun drflUat on running plsyn “We’ve «os e tot of herd yroHr to do brfero tb* conference gsmoo come oroend”, Norton explained ax ha watched hit atarten running against a spirited Fiah team “This team is in good best, in fact, of any Aggie team I’ve ever coached, but you saw what that »0 degree weether did to them at Oklahoma last weak. Yes, we’ve got work to do, plenty oi it, ee- pocialiy with that L. S. U. bunch coming up." The Affgiee appeared in good Physical condition after the 0. U. game G.-orgc Kadara is still out with an injured ankle and Bobby Goff remaini sidelined with an ailing kidney but both may break into the Baton Rouge tuasie Sat urday night The “B" aqaad threw L 8. U. paaees at the varaity during Tues day’s play, with an uncomforting degiw of success. The fire! team, running off the double-wing, found the going a bit rugged against the “Fish*. The starters made steady, but alow progress inside the tackles with Jimmy Cashion providing the day’s neatest tet of artistry, a twisting U yard win after being trapped trying to pass. Norton said He planned to use the same team as against 0. U. with Bobto Dsw starting if the Aggies biokoff and Cashion slated te open if the Cadets rerelw. Joe ••era, a converted guard and Jim Tulls, will share the duties at one tackle, with Sacra operating on defense and Tulit on the attack. The Aggies will have another stiff workout Wednesday, easing up Thursday before entertaining for Baton Rouge Thursday night. monoplT BATON ROUGE, U., Holder of! IlmtB M Smm "t certmoniea at nporta functions acraoa tho aUti. Consolidated, Allen Pec wees Meet Tbiirsday Tht Consolidated Grad* School Patwtti will tangle with tht Alltn Academy Pto- wwa Thursday evening at 7 ► el Tiger Field, Peek Vaea, Aggie •U*