Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1947)
, v IIV ■H -7 m*2m •W-. llli^ries Beating Brooklyn 5 to 2 • 'i * fjl* ’ * 1 * J<><‘ P^tfe HoMm Bnmklyn RaUerM \$ Yanki Take 7th Canre Victory „ »y W. N. M iomtitn fUNl «Mh cun- th* New York tkoir Utk World ronk«wii woo ta II lUrta by downliu HimiVlyn Dodfort V| boblnd •Hot karUnc of Joe tba tho ouporb roHbt ■X., . WM tho MVOnttl W«4 deciding game o( the 1947 Serin end for a few momenta In the eeeond inning it) though there might be celebration! la Klutbinh tonight. The eeeond man up tor the Dod gera in the eoeend waa Gene Her maneki. He greeted Pitcher Shea of the Yanks with a triple off of the right field wall, and Edward* and Furillo immediately followed with two clean •Ingles which acor ed Hemanakl That wae all for Shea, and he was replaced by Bill Bevena, a righthander. The Dodgers were not through however. Jorgensen lined a ground nite double into right aCoring Ed wards and no doubt sending chills up and down many a loyal Yaakoe’a spine. At this point though Bevens rose to the occasion and retired the side with no far ther damage After scoring one run in the sec ond the Yankees came to life and pounced on the Dodger’* starting pitcher, GregL in the fourth Uk ing a 3-2 lead that they never re linquished. They added another run in the 9th and one in the 7th to ice the game away. The Dodger* used fiv* pitchers in a futile ef fort to halt the Yankee hitting hut had not too much success. -Probably the outstanding player on the field was Pitcher Joe Page of the Yankees who allowed the Dodgers only one hit after he rn tared the game at the start of the 6th Inning. Had It not been for him the Heries flag might he in the Dodger ramp at this momentJ Hero's the game play by a)»gt| * Pint Inning Daggers! funky punched e single Into right field Hunky we* taught itsaling on e BUm WWW Ixil A| wdwnson in ■lag mM Dimaggio (Bed eat to Perlite. md jfk. two 1% turn i4rr NumwelM who mails the |»uuvii R«»«« wnlksd. |, Boblnsnn lined U it. j .. also wae veught __ lo tUesulu. runs, one hit, no srruM, nan» Henrish ’ I mT ' Yenkses) Rtlmwsise Welker In shnii right •j ihenaki rams In feat r | ilfh's fly In abort ann tooh tWrra’R ill who cover Ni runs i f Wt . * 1 Hecond Inning — Dodgers | Welker foe led out to Mc4)aiaa. *4 fit no h left. ret for the imR it«, no error*, ndns end FOR THOSB WHO DEMAND x THE BEST . . T i- Collegf Shoe Repair t ' U North Oate ATTENTION— Veteran^ Vt ive« LOOK YOUR BEST— Make an appointment today with The College Hills Beauty Salon Walton Drive PHONE East Gate 4-1174 iNWMmkl sweated a Use drive he rtfht mU waH aad skipped past lom lermeimkl U make a gar. Edwards rapped • ereriag Heraianskt. Partite ed t atagle into crater ftetA Ed wards stopping at second. That waa all far Shea and ho waa replaced by Bill H^eaa. a eighthsader. Jorgeaoro lined a I round rale double which mEp* ped iota the right (n M stands els (We hop scoring Biwards and -r ruling Fun Ho to booacod to Bissau who whl U A Boblnaon cal at the plate. SUaky raised a high pop to Bitsato Two nsao, four hits, ae error*, two bit. Yankees; FerilU gathered la DimsgfU'e Ugh fly. Gregg wafhcT Mrtduina. SUnky hsubd la Johason's high pop. A Rohm son walltd Ki/ruto bounced a siagle Jast inside the third hnae- Hae, Mrtjumn scoring aad A. Robinson going to second. Sev ens was q»t on strikes. Oae ram. one kit, ao error*, two left Third Inning—LHxfgon* Bevens ■truck out Hems. J. K. Robinson also went down swinging. Walker lined directly into the hands Johnson. No runs, no hit*, no errors, one left Yankees; Sttrnwem* walked. Uennch *ent a high fly to Walkor Berra filed out to Furillo. Diatag gio filed out to Hermanski No runs, no hits, no errors, one left Fourth Inning-hodxrrs; Ed wards smashed a gTSaWdsr through Johnson's legs Into Wft for g Blagk. Furillo popped to BUrnwokm. BUmweiss takes Jor gsiwen's high pop. Urogg ed out, Bllraostaa to Mc4|ulaa. No roas. one hit, ao errora, on* Wft. Yaakees, Mrifulnn was celled aut no strlkos, Johaswn welhod A, Rukiuina *as celWd out oa etrlhoe, NWrata etagWd ta Wft iftM (i w> •!uNmeiiH I# d##hnI fc^aoa, • Wft headed Mttoc hallod far Erma, aad ewod a double In Wfl scoring John* end seadlai NWiuta ta third, Neak Hebraiea, a rtghthaador, repleced flrogi far the IWdiers atlrnoriM oelhrd Mcnrlch slag led ekirply ta Hght scoring Nil- ^lAk km |klr^ HBEV- w^Ei EDmwWED ~ W mWH •ad BtiraweWe to second, J. Rebiaeon made a spWadM gloved head stop of Herrs'* hopper to his right end threw to Rehrmaaa who rot seed first. Two ruae. three kite, ao er rors. thro* Wft. Fifth Inning—Dodgers; Joe Page took over the pitching dutiee for the Yankees. Stanky bounced out, Stirnweise to McQumn. Berra caught Reese's fly. J. Robinson lined to Henrich. No runs, no hits, no errors, none Wft. Yankees; Dimstrgio walked. Mc- Wumn sacrificed. Stanky threw out Johnson, Dimaggio moving to third. A. Robinson filed to Walker. No runs, no hits, no errors. Yankees; Mikais weal into Wft field for the Dodvcr*. Riizuto booted alohf Jh« first baseline then Rissuto stole second. Psgc ■track out. SHraweiss wafted. Joe Hattea. a lefthander, replac ed Behrmaa on the hill Henrich Sir nek out. At Clark, a right- banded bitter, hatted for Berra, sad poached a single iate short router scoring Rizxsto. Stint- nd. UaS- Rex Barney, a i po errors, none ON KYLE FIELD w PAUL HASH* Tilts Getting 1 Play Nears; U T( th Innlnm—Dudgoni Oarh right field for the Yenkees fouled to lUMh^ EMV to. > rtfhthandod hitter batted for Jorgonoeti, end poopot utEnritwoWe in short ngbt field GU Hedges, another nghthandod hitter, made hie fret appoaraiwe of the eoriee when he waa sent up to piachCAt for B„rney. Hodgoo wont down ewinglnt No num, no kite, g Wft Yankees; Hugh Casey made his sixth appearance of the series, a nortd eoriee record for pitchers, when he came In to hart for the Dodgers. Lavagetto went to thtod base for the Brooke. Reese threw out McQuinn. MikaW misjudged Johnson's long drive to left-center field and the bell bounced behind him for a triple. Miksie caught A. Robmson’e fir-In Wft on which Johnson eoeily scored Stanky raced out and caught Rixsuto’s pop h, hind eeeond. That was the first run scored off casey in 9 1/9 in- ainga. One run, one hit, no errora, none Wft Eighth Inning—Dodgers; Clark backed op ta take Bono's smash in right. J. Robinson become tho 12th straight maa retired by Page whea he filed to Disxaggto ia short center. No ruae, ao bka. no errors, aone Wft Yankon; A RoMaaea snagged Page's hopper aad easily beat the batter to first Furl Ho eaam ia fast to got oador Slim w etas' fast dropping fly ia short eeator. Miksis roced into left-tea ter to take Bn rick's fly. No rone, ae bite, ae errors, aoac Wft Ninth Inning- Dodgers; Walkur bounced out weakly, Btirnwe is* U MrQuInn Miksis slngtod over sec end. Edwards hit into' a game-end ing double play, RWauto to Bttm- woise to McQuinn Ne rune, one hit, np errors, none Wft. r rvi||pMnpi j fray are non I tbt ws enderdog Ueorgia • rlsven ta w it. YhW fob d a eonvhw- Ing I1-14 win over Rico oa t wooh before. reW Moor*'* charge* hat a baan rated among the first five teams la the nation by nearly all fon-- caster* to date but the recent loss, coupled , ■ with victories ■ SartW by Texas, Army, I'alifornle, in dother teams dowi the list should move th< B<-ngsl« town several notches. Texas, incidontly, should swamp Rice when the two Seem* moot in Austin October 28, according to the spoeuWtions of one Aggie fan with a mathematical turn of mind With the use of sharp insight and his trusty slide rule, he calculated that ae Texas downed North Caro line by 34 points, North Carolina drubbed Georgia by a points, Geor- as Coaftrsees an4 Experienced fto nipped LEU bp Id points, and LIU tumblsd' RW* by 7 points, Teue should dofbat tie* by M points. lattfig back la the eneulng Uutaiapa I lata tuesla, Moore Has •tacked ap efalnet the AggWo i wotl-bulancod, exporimcod grmt of gfldaton. Includod on Um 194 Tiger roster are tight eurvlver of the 19a ell-civilian eWven whlc A. A ||. In the Orange an back* Joe Naguta, ^ Carroll Griffith, and <•* BHrnoyj centers Chuch »U; and Ed CUunch; guard McClelland, and end Abner imbarly. Y. A. Tittle, hueky ijuaru ibsuk with three years experience be hind him will xpark the Tiger offensive. Tittles bullet passes ac counted lor 13 touchdowns Inst season plus an enviable gain in yardage. T \ On th* receiving and will be Jeff Adams and Joe Uach who ar* both capable of doing the hun dred in well under 10 seconds These two lade, operating from terminals will prow danger if either manages to get be By Aeeactelod From Ohbhoum bout Toaae in mvon yekrs hat tho BopnonjajiaUp da a pretty good «, Tolas waa ranked No 1 netioaaUy the wook It mot OkWhome in ualWa 1 Cotton Bowl. Ok Is ho ms had made • fmg ihtoHm agahml Amp and when Texes had all emrto of C ubta winning over the loonere 13 and looked prottjr bad at Gama, tbo Longhorn* tumbh-d Urea* the top spot never to rotui Baft lion R T »tunlay, the two bii ilttas clash in tho sir forty-first Texas cxy _ in tho result tas expocta to h he rankings this of its 34 0 com uni Bowl sinm ha pretty aumt of the hind the safety. Ambitious IntramursI Program For 1947 Gets Underway With Barbecue The A A M. Intramural 34-U COMVftW wellrated North Carolina. Hut the fan* and critic* have adopted "Show Me” attitude hweebout.* They want to sue what their fav orite index—Oklahoma— reveals. Texas heat had something to do with the way North Caroline fold ed against the Longhorns In A us. tin Saturday. Oklahoma is to mod to the same kind of weathe ■ ahxae Anyway k will be the major game of the Southwest and a pack cd Cotton Bowl win see it All •eata wore sold a month ego, mean U tter than 46,000 win be in > help a chicken barbecue wae thrown night with some 110 Intramural pro gram, admittedly the largest in the country in number of partici pants, ta trying for an even bigger year to ’47 and '48 To help start to* ball reUinc, a room last 110 aunagors and Officer* present. Th* chicken tailed to asake the rounds but th* poor eoule not for tunate (or fast) enough to got is le the first six hundred yards of lino had to be consoled with steak, with a slab of pie thrown ia. Spike White, acting as m. c. did no politicing for the program (sur prisingly enough) and the most formal a attiro a rod T shirt booriim the inscription “Texas Ag gtas Intramural Manager”. Recently, an ambitions program to promote Intramural activities among the campus clubs was work ed out In such a way at to not interfere wKh orgixational or dor- matory unit Intramurala. Should this go through as plan nod, practically everyone who care* to should bo able to take part •ohm activity. TUIWAY. OCTOBER T. WT fill Be Needed as ’Mural Season Wean On I WUUmmmm I'raUctu UT Rates Fii Nation, A&M In 32 Place ing Sooner* the stadium when the tackle the Longhorns Since the Texae-Oklahoma eerie* •• started, Texas has won 27 times, Oklahoma 11 and there have been two ties. Th* Sooner'* last victory was in 1939 when they clipped the Longhorns 24-12. in A&M Oom Country Team Starts Year’s Competition With Work But No Fanfare One of the unpublicisod ftMMMryi J lm*a»*NwM. Sum battod In wanls, Jorgensen, RUsuto, Him* rish, Brown, Clerk, A, H»blason, I Two has* hits Jnrgenaen. Sr«wn, Throe Hass bits * Hermanski, John son. BtoWn bisli Bknuto, Sign i tao- MfGuinn Double plays- iissuto. Rtirnweias and McGuinn. Earned ruaa Seneklyw (NL) 4| New York <AL) 9. Bases on balls-Off Shea (Room) off Grogg 4 (MeQuinn, A. Robin son, Btirnweiss, Johnson); off 1 vans (Walker): off Behrman 3 (SUrnweiss 2, Dimaggio). 7 Strikeouts- By Grogg 3 (Bevens, McQuinn, A. Robinson); by Bevens 2 (Room. J. Robinson); By Behr man (Page); by Hatten (Henrich); by-Page (Bodges). Winning pitch er—Page. Losing pitcher—Gregg. Umpires—Rommel (AL) plate; Goeta (NL) IB; Mrt.owan (AL) 2B, Pinelli (NL) 3B; Magerkurth (NL) LF; Boyer (AL) RF Attendance-71.548 paid. Time 2:1 A / Brooklyn (NL) 020 000 000-2 7 0 New York (AL 010 201 lOx—570 Gregg, Behrman (4), Hatten (d) Harney (d). Casey (7), and Ed- warda; Shea, Bevens (2), Page (6) and A. Robinson but bardsst working A girls athls lie groups at A. A I, Is rol. Prank Amlsrson'* smss country team •ountry F set ball nfion evoMhadews th* sffsrta ef toe dlstanse naasrs bat this d«»s not lesaen th* ha id work weeetoary for getting and k so ping In cnmlllton fnr the gruel, ini g rases ■ Opening thelrH meet* in Oklahoma •ebedute nf five is last wsek. ) ho Cadets plaeed sseond and fifth Though tots Isn't spectacular, Col Andp boys and tho veteran men tor biataelf have put a lat into tbe ran, Tbs loss of Joe Vajdes, Ibo num as hurt not lbs •"MMlI.IIS followtiiB end her one man last year, I toss if'tap litMP t Ittalttitaft Lu I •ffto w nrnwr wfiwiwww wwia spirit, Vajdos was juet hark Into hts ntd form •n intern In the army b nf last season. y I he Home Tim s sport* . . . Defeats Cut Down Perfect Records For High Teams wefts tea replaced •topphtf at I'lnccd liv > <tMRY ♦ MURB ^ \ , j : • • wj to UOTHKW * Your ahtiafaction ta our |deaaurc. Lat ua plt’anc you with a . . . . Tailor Made Suit l \ ], '’ i | i — 1 * * j Order now for delivery in October Prison Rodeo Big Success HUNTSVILLE, TEX., Oct. 7- (AP)—Twenty-five thousand per sons watched the annual Texas Prison Rodeo get underway here Sunday as long-term prisoners won two of the top events. Only about 3.000 inmates were among the big Crowd that watched the perform- The contestants included 81 in mates, 12 of which were lifers. A sprinkling of professional rodeo performer* took part Jokn (Snake) Parker, doing 99 years, evn first In saddle krone riding, while Clewtond Davis, doing 101 years, won the haiwback krone riding event. Bill Duncan, of MeKinney, doing M yesm. who was first man out of the ehuto when the redeoa were Attention. t BLOCKS NQKTU OF FOOT OFFICE begun in 1981, placed sseond In | wild hull riding, ftrat was Johnnie Ball Holland of Carthagv, doing 12 years. Special attractions songs by the "Goree Girls, choir from the Geras Prison far >men Winning prisoners receive smalt amounts of prise money. Profits of the rodeo go to tho prison sys tem's recreational and educational NtoL * Th* rodeo will be held each Sun day in October and on Oct IS and and 22. Th* Texas schoolboy football campaign rumbles to the half-way rk this week with only Id un defeated, untied teams to shoot at and with the emphasis shifting from sectional to conference play. Four of the state's unbeaten eleven* tussle with each other Fri day and all of them are in the same district—No. 11. The show down comes early in this district where Kilgore goes to Marshall and Longview to Texarkana. From these two games will come the clubs expected to meet for the MHto Ten of the sixteen districts have conference games with those in districts 4 and 11 the most im portant. Austin (El Paao) plays Bowie (El Paso) in the district 4 game that will determine the champion ship. Austin already has licked Ysleta, El Peso High offers no barrier and victory over Bowie would sew up the title for Austin, sxeept for the formality of finish ing but the distret conference race. Another outstanding clash la that which sends Odessa to Abi lene in district 3. If any team is to stop Odessa K will have to bs Abilene but the Eagles dent ap pear up to doing it Teams with perfect records are) Amarillo, WicniU Falls, Odessa, Austin (Kl Paso), Corsicana, Wax- ahachls, Kilgore, Longview, Mar< •hall, Texarkana, Austin, Bracken ridge (Ban Antonio), Corpus Chris U7 Brownsville, Weatherford and McAllen. Odessa's mighty Brencs, the peo ple’s choke to win the state cham pionship again, are the leading scoring unit in the field with 168 points in four games—an average o* 39Vi points per contest Next is Corpus Christi, which has rolled 144 to a like number of tilts. up Records at Stake In Texas Conference PUy for keeps starts this week in the Texas conference and the team tagged “it" kicks the action off. Abileae Christian Collage, sport ing the only perfect record In the conference, moets Southwestern at Georgetown Friday night to the initial league game. Haturday, Har din plays host to MfMpnL in another loop tilt at BfobNg Falls. The only other booking this week pits Howard Payne agttosi Southwest Texas Mtato Cottage at Ran Herons Haturday ntfbt ' ACC hung up Its third straight victory against ArltoM NUto of the herder Nttferenra last weak, 1I*T, and V, T, Rmllh boosted his season scoring to 90 points, the Wildcat'* chief rival far the abamptoitahip, McMyrry, nhlblted fentenary, 10 II, and m a fasult are favored over Harm. Hardin ■hook off the trouble that has dogged It so far this year and hung up an Impressive 19-7 via- tory over Oklahoma City Univer sity. Howard Payne gets a chance at another Lone Star conference team this week, but It fsred badly ■gainst East Texas Saturday, bow ing 33-0. Austin Collage, still seeking Its first touchdown, takes a wsek off Southwestern will be s definite un derdog against the powerful ACC eleven/The Pirates won their first S ine last week by an 8-2 score. rpus Christi Naval Air Station waa the victim. There will be a sseond meeting <>f Intramural officials and dub athletic officers for the puipo«e of organising a club Intramural program, according to aa an nouneement by Dtroctor of dent Acthrlttas (X G. White, and Hub Manager Grady Elms. Possibilities such as organising *• parate leagues for the differsnt types of dobs as an Engineering Club League, Arhculture Club League, and a Home Town Club League will be discussed. It was emphasised that if suf ficient dubs showed interest in the program to allow Its formation, it would net interfere with the pre sent established intramural sys tem. Arrangemeata would be made allowing the dub league to sche dule games on certain days of the week, while the present league played its games on the remaining The deadline for filing in the opening sports of volleyball and football was announced as October K). Entry cards and athletic off cer's registration cards may be ob tained from Grady Elms to the Student Activities’ Office. There Is no rwjuirvment for eli gibility ether than the chib must be chart rol with the Student Ac- BMM, { REORGANIZE COMMISSION ' loUSTONVTEX. Oct. 7 (AP) —TYis tint m«>eting of the recently reorganised Texas Good Neighbor ( ommission will bo held at 9:10 • m. Wednesday in Austin. Wiltiamaon'a ratings of games reported by 10 a. October 6 lift the Univerait of Texas first in tbe nat with A. A M. is ted as second. Aqcording to Paul B. Wit •on, the University of Texas reived a rating ef 99.9 r ',, Nc Dame second with 99.4%. Georgia Tech third with 99 J%. A M. had a rating of 89.4%. The first ten teams in the of their rating, with other west Conference ratings, are follows: 1 Texas 99: 2 Notre Dame 99. 3Georgia Tech 99. 4 Michigan U. 99. 6 Army 97. d California 98, 7 Penn 94. 5 Virginia 94. 9 SMU 98 10 N. Carolina U. 93 14 Baylor 92 18 Arkansas 91 20 Rice 91 32 Texas AAM 89 46 TCU The WilHamson system through with 79 percent last week—the lowest week's ave age since before Urn war and of the loeraat to Id yean' ei Imma. -. Wagner'a first great success the operetta fi4d was based on book by the Englishman, BuW Lytton, “Rtensl. READY A STORK gm. or NKW THINUS It's grand to he al oUf cuatomers wit will •ensil prices, enjoy your nsw furniture while you pay groupings w furgitto's at In make this statement, and ws're eore'thal I njey seetog the many new lAsas that I ■Quae again we can offer you quality I ■credit plan that enables fit w\ t out of Income. L&M. Food Market VSEE DELIVERY TO COLLEGE STATION Ph.2-6189 JACK’S PASTRY SHOP Lixr^ SUITE Massive pieces ... with interestinf- wood insets, ready to ensemble with th* accseeortee you cherish, regardless of their style.. . it's so adaptable. $118.75 Em? Terms ••I off •• • flying start... Full Line CakfH and Pastries NORTH GATE With the creamy-ftch lather f of Seaforth Shaving Soap, th* heather-freak exhilaration of Seaforth lotion, you're headed for hotter, |dcasaitter grooming. Enjoy them yourself... soon I Those and other Soaforth*'* i essentials, packaged hi handsome stoneware, only $L Seaforth, 10 Rockt/eilm Plata, N. X. 30 FOR SEAFORTH SETS LESTER’S Smart Shop i<n n. Bn an New design, and a we iron from the usual plainness of groups Doubts drawers, •prone, interesttof drawer mnhs tt axceptlgaflL $124.86 T [ ] • > ; -j |[| ■ 1 6 Ft- DINETTE Hie combination of black and red leatherette on the chairs .. a stain proof por celain top table decorated to match, and the gteaming (hromium frames wtl make you want this group to a hurry at T 65.00 HENRY A MILLER CO. Successor of Smith-Turner Co. COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS Two Blocks North of Poet Office ^