Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1947)
il jwk’'" •- .. la , , Beekeeper Conferences Slated Early in November Arrangement* for the Public Utility Short Coum for electrical metermen to be held on the campus November have been completed, according to Lucian M. Morgan, as sistant director of the placement office. Under the sponsorship of the electrical engineering de- psrtmtnt, the abort cotom will* coot * per per* will be held on the Saddle & Sirloin To Sponsor Rodeo October 24,25 ■’ i The Saddle and Sirloin Club of A. & M. College will pre sent its annual Rodeo at the Bryan Arena on October 24, 25, at 7:30. The club, coosUtiaf of the ond aemeeter aophomoree, junior*, end aeniora taking Animal Hus bandry, preeente the rodeo for the purpoae of raising fundi to finance the tnpe of the A. A M. Liveatock Engi neering Building from 8 to 11 a. m. November S. A banquet haa been echeMsd for 7 ip. m., November « in Sbi»e Hall, Morgan stated, with tickets aetling for $1A0 at regiatration Approximately 100 persons are expected to attend the coum. ★ The Tessa Beekeepers* Associa tion annual meeting w§) be held on the campus November S-4. Mor gan also announced T , Registration will he held in the YMCA lobby from I to IQ s. m^ November I, with a bifoquet slat ed for 7!l5 to, m„ that evening, Henuget tlsUts will be On eale for at mglstration. «The Beekeepers meeting will be aponaored by the entomology de- imrlment, srnl all eesliona will be £ conducted in the YMCA Chapel. An estimated 71 men and SI women are expected for the t-day affair. H JACK'S r :PASTRY 8IIO P 9 Machines Added" To Metallurgy Lab . The capacity of the physical metallurgy laboratory baa been in creased by the addition of six new polishing machines and three met allurgical microscopes, C. W. Craw ford, bead of the mechanical en gineering department, atatgd frt- %. increased capacity wQI al low more students to take the coum in the future. The capacity of the labors tor y wai Increased from ten to about twenty men per Smmi . -ALL vrr DAY" OCT. u Austin, Oct. I —(ADwdfe*. eanferd H, JeeUr Belerdey (Wt, 14 sa oil vet- la Tssae v»d tried la pay irtlnu ta the "bendrede of IheMa^b ui an* “Wxvwrwwm WPWI^PBNHI uw WW eervieemen and eemea wbe have done steal honor la thin elale “ The'Bdttalion MONDAY, OCTOBER 6,1947 Veterang Vi ives Honor Newcomers With (?pen House Judging Team. AU Aggies will be eligible to enter. Prises, donated by merebaata, will be aararded to the tup men in each event A new innovation will be the en try of a cowgirl representative, from each Southwest Conference school and other ■ mailer college*, ta ess^pils la a “ladiea barrel ee". Men’s events will include: calf roping, saddle and bareback bronc riding, brahma bull riding, wild mule races and wild cow milking A western daace will be held at Shies Ball immediately after the Matarday sight performance. - TWfcoU for the rodeo will be E laced on tale la each dormitory y the end of this week. Details for entering the rodeo may be re ceived at the Animal Huihemirv office. ! Lennon Elected (Chairman of ASME or CakcN A T* and Pastries N, NORTH GATE WINN1K RXPKTI BRKIHTON, KNU lAFle-Winatan Churel annual ronfervnee of the Conserva tive Party here ta ha ready for • new national election -at any Urns this year or nnt. M CLASSIFIED ADS m scant nor vretaa. . «*a*ktas. PWr MleS. ■aat SSrS. Srr«fe. ATTCNTtOM KNCINKCSS •etaMr** mU • tW Ok Jnfi +1 t 4^1 The Amariesn Bsatoty of Me ehfaieal Raginoen held tholr first meeting Tuesday and eiwsnf for the eurrent year. C. t. Uni Itonlsr front Dellas, was el* Chairmen and will ba ably saelat *1 by Tommy Umlwrih. another ■enter itudent from Dallos, who wss elected ta the offke «>f vise- chairman. Eddy Tala waa named •ecretary of the organisation. Pels Is a senior from Victoria. The treasurer far the current year will It 0. T. Mtadrieka, a junior from Dnllas, and John R. Oraco, a sophomore from Dallas, was choaan to asm aa reporter Following the buRinese session refreshments were sawed. Tuesday th Club entartained at the home of Preaidont and Mr*. Gibb Gilchrist with an open house in honor of the new veterans’ wives on the '■ampu*. In the receiving line were Presi dent and Mrs. Gibb Gilchrist, Mari lyn Whitehead, president of the organisation; Betty Valentine, vice ; Margaret rpsMM tary; Ann Crook, treasurer; Doro thy Carter, parliamentarian; and Betty Street, reporter. Musk was furnished by Mrs. C. H Grows wan, violinist, and Mrs. Ralph Steen, aecompeniat; Mr. and Mr« B.irl Ervin, duet; Mrs, R. W. Butler, soloist, and Mrs. Irma Jeaa Robinson, accompanist. Mrs. J, T. L McNaw, club span- *or, and Betty Valentine, vice- president, wort In charge of ar- rangonsontt. Aaaisting Mr* Mc- Now and Mrs. Valentin# were Mrs. D. W. William., Mrs, J Mrs. Joe Milford, Mrs. Claude MHcholl, Mss. M. T. Harrington m . s K Wright, Mr*. Dick Mill or, Miss Jsnale Oliver, Hrr. IVr kina, Csssl Carter, Helen 1W Bona Betty Alhrifbt, Bernice 8lnglt-n>n, and Mary worth One httadtsd and forty gueots •Ignod the register. ron LA: TyfawtStr. L. C S M. 8t«n4wr4 bmM wHlt rrtu A. c. Oanwr, Bn AmWTION •aha W ttuH VSTSSANSt UanaUM CMMCfMfikMI, Star«-<rsft' C*. roa SALS: ISS1 iMUaa CAM mM- awPdi-C. on** Vw.. roa BALE OB TSAOS. 1*41 4-Anr k> U. S Air BM* Um. SaaiBwit a*4 M BM 4-eiTS. aa# hair, •eertflaa. roa BALE BY OWWEB: Tm how*, hath. aa4 ammS hark ram rar# fmr—e. haa flaaepiW aa4 e*H MM block frtMM bhM Mb4 roa SALEi On* Aaaht* ha idh^ f WlUhW VtRfB \ uu tt l*eikl^a■ rrtm ISI.W. I D*-X. Caltoea Vlaw. aSfE'Wfinjitiif*- roa SALS i Baaare raSlail, it •0 far It” aai ll a lanria, Maa 1*4 M CaUafa VWw, Apl U m *)+*+*• I** l («aMM*-MA »•**-*•• L «•* I4ni-|*K«« em. . J ■oi»-»*ai lanmMto «M» fllTIRi *. a WW » iintT I It, (eBsmli 5^ » ‘ .Starting IJgfci&Mg' Specialized Service on STARTERS - GENERATORS - MAI BATTERIES — CARBURETORS — TUNE UPi \ Bruner 113 Gut 28th Strut —! Using Parts Prom Original Equip Architects to Meet r The Architectural Society will hold its first meeting of the roar Tuesday at 7:10 in the Architec tural Lecture Room. Officer* will be elected and plans for .he com ing year discussed. All Arehitec tural students are urged to attend. Make Applications Winter Gradutes f* Application* for degrees by students who expect to graduate in January, IMS are now tx-mx accepted at the Ragistrar’a Of fice, H. L. Heaton announced yeaterdny. Any student wtio expacta to complete all the requirement* for a degree by the end of the current aemeeter should call by the Registrar’* Office new and make formal application Applications for degree* to be conferred January ?.i. will not be accepted after December II. ivton to Heed te Fire Board R. Iruyton, dlrootnr of fire- for tho A. ft M. In- Borvtts, hi! _ by Governor Boas ford Jwtef as thairmin of ths |M fighting and service oub-commiltee of a newly organised iMMMM fire prevention committee Also appointed to the sub-corn mittoo wore E. L Williams, dim- tor of tho Industrial Exten.ion Servlet, and Frank William* and Otis Msenator, firemen treking In structors for tho Extension Ser vice. The statewide committee will held its first sne4 Austin. •as?'a*, meeting October 0 in to Howor Neweotners to the A. A M. Social Club arlR be entertained with tea in tike home of Mr* Gibb GU- chrwt Wei S to A VOdneeday afternoon from inK-1 ..uTLs wnr u*aa s. tk roa SALSi Tahl* wo raoea la jh4 saadHiM tu Ml M. Sw *4 (*K*ca VW Art k-m sfue im sn Wlvei Club to Me«t A bushoao mooting of th* Veh- Wives Qhlb will bs held at 7:90 p. m. in th* YMCA y 8tr today. All arhrsa wishing te -mmI m»-mber« are to attend. DR. N. B. McNUTT DIXTIIT Offke hi Parhw Building Over Canady's “ Phone t-10B7 Bryaa, . ■u. 3-BUTTON SINGLE BSEASTEK We Have Your Suit! Casual roll, broader shoulders, deep back vent for plenty of freedom, * ' " , 4 ;! rg , | | * - longer linee -+ j SEK IT TODAY r We sing the praises of the BOTANY SUPERCHAN GABARDINE c ,__i i, II thi* raal oil I III I^Wwk^ pi weer R mm subs « wel « as si reuad < Is glswlng Ml colors. YovT ‘Serving A^iea Since 1896' Smorf Shop I f j'i • *<■ ’•!»»