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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1947)
A M .3 . ■fw* / * ^ r If V 1947 Texas Aggie Football Schedule ^>-Bouthw«Un>MCoUH»SUtk«. ••pt 27—Twm Twch it Ban Antonio. o t. 4—Oklahoma it Nonnia, Okia. *0o t ll—I^U it BaUxi Roufti Li. Oct 1K- TCU it Ton Worth. 0 01 25- Baylor it Cottaf* Station. Nov. 1—Arkanaaa at rayvttevtlla, Ark. Nov. S—SMU it CoUegi Station. No^. 15— Kic« at Houston. Nov. 27—Tncas at Colle^o Station. •Indicate# ntfht gam#. . ILLL I r f i > Aggie Coaches Begin Rough Yearln SWC Play t, Freshman Footluill Schedule likely staff for ths 1247-45 Miaou wtU bo fiood with of tho t.mghsst aasin history. fW psopis If any g vs ths Finnsrs a rhance of oouping ths South- crown In mors than on# qmrt Ths tiro sports that ths Aggiss an most In art Trask Sad Swimming. ting spirit it ths start of a m-a- t of the atudent body ths Aggie •September 26—NTAC at Arlington •October 15 —TCU at Fort Worth November 7—SMU at College Station fiovember 14—Rke at College Station November 22—Texas at College Station •Indicate# night game r~ ON KYLE FIELD if Football which is ths most tmportsnt of all Aggie qwvts, will bs of ths do or diamra this fall The Aggis sievsn has nsvsr bsfors had such a fighu •on a# they have this ysar; with ths whole haartsd support football team will bs hard to boat as far as the will to win is With W. R. “Bill” CamiduMl. Athletic Director of the Collage and Homer H. Norton. Head Foot- boll Coach working hand in hand the Aggie football team may aur- gria# the critic* by upsetting the favorites in the Conference race, i Working with Norton as his assis- mta will be bockfield coach Har- |ry Stiteler, formerly aaeistant to as Neely at Rice Institute; line HARRY STITELER Asaiataat Coach is Just a shade hot fori 4 ■ -a By DON BNOUING Football Squad Looks Great in First Week of Practice; Norton Well Pleased I Prospects for ths 1947 Aggis football team really looked j bright through the first few days of fall football The biggest factor in slowing down progress has been the heat At one time during Tuesday's drill ths thermometer read 106, which t football Head Coach Homer Norton commenting on the bwifca of his eager squad said that ths phyacal condition and ths tsam spirit was as good as hi had ever seen It After watching ths Aggiss going through thsir first four days of grusling drills an yon# would have to have a lot of spirit In order to stand up under ths strain as well as ths squad seems to be doing. The only important togs In the Aggie football machine that atm hav. not shown up are Frank Torn© ami Ntan both basks. Tomo is reported ill with the flu tnd b# *111'report within the star wesR, but NeUmlf'i sass is snefs *nt# i##stfvg puitUrs aps Bsnwy Wtpftfk, MW Ooff and Rob OooSo wMU Joan Bsllontlrw Is ia# fxpsrt point after touchdown g#t tec with hi# aoeurat# placement kick# Norton ha# excused Ballen tin# from all contact work becaoai of a scare laat Tuesday when John was hurt (sot Mdoualy) In a scrimmage The ends shape up like this: first string. Cotton Howell sad Norton Hlggias; second string. Charley Wright and Ray Whittaker; others who wIB see pMUr of action are Oocar Pollock. Mert Prokop. and Ray Hallmark. The tackle situation ha# really improve! with the outstanding per formance# of two first rat# re serves, namely, Henry Hook and Milton Routt Still holding down the first string berth# art Bob Tul ls and Jim Winkler More tackle competition come# from another pair of hefty performers named Jimmie Flowers and Marlon Sette- iML , The guard spot which hi bright s#l spot on the team Is over flowing with experts. Odell Staut- senberger and Herb Turley get the starting berths and Joe Sacra and R#d Overly are the second string. Ths bsst guard performance in WednewlA/s practice went to a third string freshman guard named Max Oretner. Greiner was in on ! Aggie line coach since 19S5; tant B * “ I year as Marty Bi id trainer for It le rumored that a k.» 4— it jirsstI wes_nl flaemk# Issawa Wiens pm imwDVMi r NWiirmt , % nimj lurw iuiii •Way from Ante sports for g^-i Hollmif led the Afglee last year In punting with an average of 4I.I yards psr try. Both HoUmtg and Tom# are returning lettermen from laat year's squad. But getting back to how the boys look In practice we find no leas than three outstanding performers at each post with ths st artlng backftsld already coming into light At the halfback Mots ths beet performances on the left hand side of The line seem to be those of Barney Welch, Bobby Ooff and Jen nings Anderson with Anderson get ting the nod. At right half the best of ths lot seems to be a fight to the finish between Rob Goode, Preston Smith. Bobby Dew and Red Burdltt The favorite Is Goods with Smith run ning d close second. The Fullback slots seems to be pretty well settled with big Ed Dusek the best of tbs lot Gtvtng Dusek plenty of competition for his starting berth are Ralph Dan iel. Paul Tates and George Ka- l Bbb. i The all - important quartern*, k position, like the fullback slot has a definite stand-out In Jimmie Cushion Buryi Baty Is Caahion's leading competitor with Babe Hall mark dose on their heels. MARTY RAftOW Betchsy Keck nearty every play regardless ef how he was Mocked Oal Dupree round* out three teams of guaim The renter spot la alee a race to see who la the best with Hub Ellis, Bob Gary. Dick Callender ami Gar ret Duly all vying for top honore Elits and Gary seem to be the beet of the lot Anderson. Dew. Kudrr*. Pollock. Prokop Ray Hallmark. Routt. Hook. Fiowera. Dupree. Greiner. Callender and Ouly are the only msn mentioned above who have not received a vanity letter ia football. Boehey Koch who starts his third year as an Aggie Broussard ns formerly with LBU and the University of Florida. Johnnie Frankie, who starts his third year cR the Aggie coaching staff, will be in charge of the “B” AMUS.1 aa well aa assisting the var sity coaches. Charlie DeWare, who has bsen with ths coaching staff since his graduation in 1937 eept for four and a half yuan fat the Army, will resume his duties as Freshman football coach. Da- Wan will be assisted by Tom Piek zrttzz Essr w * ir ~ Martar larow, who formerly coasksd at Navy end T.U- will be heed seesh la both Basketball and 11 this year. Karow, who the Aflfle staff In INI, ss.l.t.ol t,v Frankie In i.*s end by DsWan in bass- will be ^ zj •4 nr &//< ICeack tfsrst in CHABLIB DEWARE reshmaa Football Ceaek Battalion P 0 R T m VS twiee, nMe tk be Osm- IMMMM inf again te go en •#> tin duty in World War Tl. Andsr- will be assisted by Bel Put nam. formerly a great dtsteaee runner. In addition te his football Ing duties Harry Htitelrr will slso be head golf coach replacing Ka row who held that job last year. W. M. Dowell, physical edueatton instructor, will he head tennis coach for the second straight year. Dowell has pv.t In a lot of time and f prat# HUf ■ nationally known •Ml wetor pale Aggis swimming this year . (Dswgi Dawson, ths member of the Aggie eeeeh- sUff with s whit* roller job, an advisor and a scout for coaches concerning new SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1947 Page 7 Aggie Swimming Team for 1948 Season Looks as Good as Ever WELCOME TO AGGIELAND and to W. S. D. Clothiers j Stautzenberger in All-America Material Sayi Grantland Rice Rips's article was ths sloven Who he predicts as ail-America i In the asptembsr Id Issue of l-ook magasina which is now on the news stands. Grantland Rios, ths noted sport# oom an taler, writes an article concerning the football prospects for ths oaming season As usual Rise rates Notre Dame as the top team in ths nation and aMeneQiuu as the best m the Ths most Interesting parti v y fr for the coming season Odell ■toutssnbsrysr, great Aggis guard together with Joe Btoffy of Army are the two guards on ths mythical team Ths only other Southwest Oenwrenes man on the teem was Wlngsll WilMams ef Rice at end WHh BUuteenbsrur slrsedy at- trartlnx national acclaim, ths 110 pound lophomors grtdstsr may go down In Aggis history as another Jos Routt, who was an ail-Ameri can guard in 'M and ‘ff. As a freshman last year Odell attracted a lot sf attention and eras on one all-conference team •tautaenherger halls from Ban An tonic and Is s tt-yesr-nid veteran student By H. W. Lent year, the Aggie Swimming Teem, in eight dual con tests, bowed to no one. Prior to the culminating conference meet, the closest another team could manage to threaten the Aggiea’ apparent dominance of aquatic competition in the southwest was In the Southwastomf- A.A.U., an annual meet at the Athletic Club. There, the Texas Aquatic Club tuff iced to tis the Aggie aggregation Campus hops* wars high as ths confer*ns* meet spproe team was apparently better than a far aa dual was sense mad. It was that the • IMT would bo ODELL STAnXENBOMU AB-Anorkwam Freshman Football May Be»in Friday; First Came Sept. 26 Charlie DeWare, Freshman foot ball coach, has announced that football practice sessions for Aggie freshmen will probably start aa soon as registration has been com pleted If ths freshmen football team was spparsn the best, at west som petition generally confertMS sure. There was one eaasptton, hetrevec. Ceash Adamson, whs haa the phenomenal talent for pre figuring swimming meets to the fraction nf a point, had some Irk some feelings that ws would bs •haded In ths finals. Aa the final ruse ended, nnd much to everyone etse'a astonish ment, the T. 0. team emerged vic torious by a narrow margin. Ths Steers had done it again, right under our noses. It was difficult for Aggieland to understand why the Aggie team, which had twice defeated the “Sips" in dual com petition, was not the conference champion. Well, it was not because any of the Aggie swimmers had let down that night They all swam as well, or better, than they were expect ed to. The main reaeon for losing the meet was, despite six out of ten first places and three broken T f.» ir Agricullural Students • . • “THE COMMENTATOR’ I!-' v-v ? 1 '''KE- ‘ S Features General Articles Of Interest to You! HI BNTRIBK HEFT EMBER It players are allowed to register on September 11, as planned, practice will start on ths following day. Tbs majority of ths freshmen athletes will bs housed on the campus In Hart Hall, but a large number will be forced to live at the Bryan Field Annex with the rest of the freehmen. If the practice sessions do not start until September 11 this win mean that the freshmen win have lees than tiro weeks to prepare for their first game. The first game for the Flah will he with NTAC at Arlington, Texas. • records, that we lacked divers and depth In the swimming events. Quite obviously the oonferenee meet Is sot won with first places JSf* alone. The way to aseumulaU win- 1F '‘' iwhg point* In tbs confer#*** mast U by taking a sufficient amount of the subordinate place# We went Into the 1947 conference eon test with s II pslal deficit repre ■entitle the first three diving place* the “Rip*' divers were eipee 1 to end did win, We wnnt no repetition sf those occurrence# in the 194* campaign Ths only real loess* ths Aggis ■wtm team has suffered through S sduaUon have been thoec plain Bob Otwlllif and A! Self. Otherwise the team Is sn much Intact with Danny Green, Bernard Byfan, and Jack Riley pacing the freeetylers; with Jim Flowers and Gene Bummers in the breast stroke; and with beckstrok- < r* Howard Spencer and Ed Kruse. Thi- 1948 serim season entails meats on • home-and-hotne b with T. U„ S.M.U., the Dallas A.C., sad possibly Baylor. A trek through the midwest featuring meets with Oklahoma U, Kansas State, gad the Kansas City Ath letic Chib is expected to give the Aggies their start early in 1948. And if all goes well, if the swim- meaa shape up to thsir potenti*]- Ities, roach Adamson will take his crew to the National Intercol legiate Meet, usually held late in We’ve made si>ecial effort to be B complete line of Uniforms and Eqi rvnrv Akku» needs. I ! -v i/i with We cordially Invite you to visit our S you’ll find s well selected Block of Uniforms aa well SB complete flto quality civilian Menaweaf ■tores <>f fla- H lent I or I i>ur S|H>rttnx <><hmI<i JONFS SHIKTIM, (.1 M ms important are in di •rs, and al the prospects look dual maets. But about Story goes for the all conference meet. We w need for diverel (freeetylers, backstrok breast strokere) cssary to round out a tsam that Will bring home the conference p for 1941. the forthcoming swim- water pelo seasons seem ir remote at this early stage, is the time for all swimmers water pole aspirants to ven- down to the F. L Downs Na te set acquainted with Atlsmson. If you have he will geueroualy af nllsnt coaching ability wn and aid In hringim Utl* besb to Ag- Regulation Uniform Klastlque Alsoka, Drew and O des Caps, Shirts, Cotton Khaki Slacks (hUbsok modal), Trsnoh Costs and Rain Costa, Aggie Coveralle. Web Belts, fUf. Ties. ke. CompisU line of ragu* lation Innigniu. Sh'X H Hiid Shoe Polish. Rheeta, Towels. Pillow Cases. / Se our line of College Jewelry, Felt Pennants, Banners, Spots and Aggie Stukem. Aggie “Tee” Shirts and fNoveltie* \ // TWO STORES TO SERVE YOU... College Store at North Gate .... Bryan Store 106 Mala Street, Bryaa ■ ' i - ! ,fV M J/\ vMl 7 / U> WAl i/ m •» t r tv Wcrar CLOTHIERS College And Bryan College and Bryan , Complete Uniform Outfitters A Jtu lyl,