Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1947)
i * V , "V ' | ON KYLE FIELD By DOM KNOBJLIMG S.M. U.’i MuiUno WU1 Be leaded With Power; Roush Schedule (lives AftKiee Nod In lUurtlnf down th« Hat of cont«mi»*r« for tha Bouthwaat Confartnea football crown wa immediately n»n Into trouble o four toama who all rank at ims, namely, Tha U„ Klee and Ark- are all fall. by many to hold a of the field, waadi^ laaua 90 to S M U. when we realiae that than an at the top Unlveiplty of Texaa, anaaa, the defendli capable of la Rice, who la Blight edge over the euaaed in thla column In the will deirota our a|>Mca today Tha Ifuatanga from Southern llethodlat Univaraity thla fall will be boaatlng their beat football team tinea 1940 when thay wen conference co-champa along with tha Akrip* Matty Bell, S. M. U.’a veteran mentor and one of tha greateat football coaehea in thia part of the country, will be at the helm for hie tenth year with the Mustangs. Work inf from the ainfU andt 'll ■ ■ ( Ti Thia aurtina Wkfirld will be r»»cke4 np by lettermen Bob Ram- ‘ Oeeroll Park- BUI Weather Golf, Horseshoe, Tennis and Bridge Tourneys Begin 'A fl double wing formations this yaar the Mustany baekfieM will be led by Doak Walker, AD-Coaferenee er, who started the aeaeoe late la '45 was only able to play in the last four fames. If Walker can per. form as expected the Mustangs will bare no worries about the tail back job this fall. Completing the 8. M. U. back- field will be Paul Pate and Prank Payne at the winy bark slots and Dick MeKissaek at fullback. Payne will be remembered for bis sensa tional passing last year while at tempting to pull many of 8. M. U.’s games out of the fire. McKis- sack, who was also s first stringer last year, will be a great asset to the Mustang baekfield with his powerful driving ability. The 8. M. U. Mas will also be of high caliber this fall although the loss of all-conference end Eu gene Wilson will be felt badly. [ The ends will be lead by Sid Halliday with Dick Re Zohn Milam, and Raleigh vying for the slot left vacant by Wilson. The tackles will bt strengthened by Mg John Hsmberger, who will have to be considerwd when say all conference team is selected, sad letterman, Joe Ethridge. Earl Cook, Brownie Lewis, and Claude Hill will battle it out for the two guard positions while Cecil lag held for the second Unit dur ing this summer have proved as- citing and Interacting to all their participants The matches in all of these tourneys are played at a time agreed upon by both content ants so long as the match la played before a certain deadline First Round matches in and tennis end horstshne singles must be played on or before Aug ust 11. Pint rounds in doubles of Tennis and horseshoes must be played on or before August 15. la golf the first round matches in the singles tournament must be played on or before August 15. while la doubles the first matches must be played before August 14. The horseshoe matches will all be played on the Drill field south of Dorm 11. TTis tennis matches rfvould be played on the concrete courts while the golf matches will be played on the Bryan Country Chib coum AGGIELAND STUDIO FOR YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC NEEDS— Portraits, passports, photostats, aid film finishing plus frames in all Prompt aarvice in products to products YOU H 97 Yam* la A||ts Rsr Martfe Gats Sutphin and Fred Goodwin will si temate at the center spot 8. M. U.’s hUsnsctional oppon ents this year will be Missouri, Ok lahoma ASM, and Saata Clara and U. C. L. A. on the Pacific Coast The Mustangs will he favored in all of these gamee except the one with the U clans at Los Angeles A hard time will be given the Mus tang herd when they encounter Missouri’s Tigers in the Cotton Bowl on Oct 5th. One catch in the 8. M. U. sche dule ta that they meet Rice, U. C. L. A. and Texas on successive week-ends, but the good part about this (at least to ss Aggies) la that we play the Mustangs on the fol lowing week-end here at College Station. If the Mustangs think thay will b# takina a breather when they steel the f>ia| Aggies an Kyis Fisld thay will hs in far a Mg disapytainlstsnl TWi ssmsr mp< M A9¥ ever R, M V m Nas •, ififF (Hps timaminf t), llrldgr Tournsment v* Trailer Camp Leads In Softball As Champs Fall aM the S Battalion O PORTS KKEDAY, AUOUiT B, 1947 Pac«S Second Water Carnival to Be On Tuesday in P. L Downs Pool The eecnd waftdr carnival of the summer will be held at the P. L. Downs, Jr swimming pool on Tuesday night, AaguM IS, at t :50 The water carnivals are being sponsored by the Raceation Coun cil of Cbtlege Station, the purpoet of which la to obtain funds to mast the expenses of sending the team to the various swimming mee Also, to purchase badges that win be awarded to the different boys and girls. The first carnival waa witnessed by a large crowd and from the re sponse, it was evident that it was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Plans are for the second to be even more Bin ceaaful and it la hoped you will be back and bring all of yi 80 far the College Station team has competed in at least four of the out of town swimming meets in No Undefeated Teen Left in League; Five Teams Have Lost Only One Game >/• ' A ? / X ^ ‘' By CMff AakanM' Tha Intramural softball race bacama A Jumhlad mass durinf tha past wash the .tef.-iuling champions, I)orm 8, lost thair aacond gams of ths current ssmsatar. Tha two eo»> quarors of Dorm m are Dorm 10 and Dorm •, Tha lAttar taam having alraady auffarad four dafaata. With aa asMsstsd tsams Writ* Um Trailer Is ths rasa. Is at pressst on tap sf by virtue nf five wise against SM lone Other lest enly sash of them Van 4 is mesa i mard Byfan. Oollegs Atat is style swimmer*, broke two meet records in ths ssnior division nt the Houston T.M.C.A.’s fourth annual swimming meet Also, a record was broken by Oall (Clippie in tha Junior division at the asms meet At the Oulf A.A.U meet in Houston, ths College Station ewtmming team won txro out of the four dlvtaioM. The council feels that it is a wonderful opportunity for the boys and girls of this community to be able to comt>rte in these swimming meets and it is hoped that each of you win be out to see tha carnival Tuesday night and give them your MMorf. Tickets may be purchased at the door or from members of the swim mlng cl—sS. , • Admission prices are twenty-five cents for adults and nine cents for children. Patton, and Plock and Leach va Marble and Strlckel. Horseshoe Singles First Round Dixon vs. Endnui, Lind burg vs. Marble. Oeaham vs Cobb. Scog gins v» Cough ran. and Biehltr va Strlckel. Pairing For Golf Singles First Round Ftckey vs Autry, Capps va Uets. King va Onatott, Ard va DeMontel. (Uvesiss va B a sgh, Osrdner vs. Bm|th, T r, and Hrsc whovy Paii vs Smith, vs. Smith, J. C. | ring For Golf houlilm The Urn hetuiv* Sheila. Tha AMfHi Jack Andtwwn The tlnfceH Fhf rests vs The A C Poxs and The Oebrgs Meeds vs The Wayn Purse I‘airings For Tennis Doubled First Round Thompson and Ltvsey vs Raper aad Ramsey. Reed and Buck va Gilchrist and Wendt, Stone and At- klnaon va Shelby and Koeur. and Cox and Knight va Hunt and Hud dleston. Horseshoe Doubles Bowdoin and Scoggins va Dix on and Ballard. Oeeham and En drisai va Hovel and Cobb, Cough ran and Woraat va Lindburg and Flfsl Houad •a* hum sad Furrwd •mi iinahaw. 1114 Mawhids va neM|| Palrlnga For 1 nlnglw nvM litamnd vs. Thoms Reed. Hunt VS ShSlbV. on. Lake va Atkinetm, Antelopes Win One At College View The Antelopea amashed out a 15 to S win over the Bears Monday for their first win of ths current softball season. Trailing by 5 runs, the Bean tied the game on a short rally In the fourth Inning to score their 3 tallies. Coming to bat is the top half of the fifth Inning the Antelopes batted around to More t runt. A airing of tingles by Reed, Thomaa, and Soyd followed by a double by Flowers stavUd the wild running tpree. Thomas led the hatting for ths Antelopes, gst- ting I far I. Rimmont wet ths win- ninf pitshsv allowing only 9 hits Mams that hew but hew as yst Trailer Camp's win ressrd are. Dana t, Derm a, Dorm 11, and Da— 10. Dorm # mowed Dorm T II Is f. UuR Reads y, to win their 3rd game this —Siltr Left field er Hart and first baseman R. lev each knocked a home run for the winners. Crough was the winning pitcher while Steward pitched for the losers. Dorm t was strong nil the way in beating Dorm 3. 11 to I. Ogan turned in the winning pitehir* job allowing 7 bits, striking out 5 men, and walking one. Williaata got home run in the fourth for the winners. Trailer Camp continued their winning streak as they outscored Dorm 4, 11 to 4. Home runs x hit by first baseman Jamell the Trailer Camp and pitcher Pro- bandt of Dorm 4. Lloyd, Trailer Camp left fielder, made severe sensational catches of blows that would otherwise have been extra se hita. Result* of Tuesday’s games are follows: Dorm 4 took an easy 7 to 2 win from Dora 12 as they went all out in ths fourth inning to score 8 runs. Catcher Prince was ths lead ing batter for the winners getting 8 for 5. The Hillel Club held Dora 3 to s 1 run tie game for 8 Innings only to have a barrage of 11 runs scor ed on them In the sixth inning to lose the game It to L Dorm 6 upset Dorm 8 in a 8 to t win. Dona I scored their runs in the first and second inning and ^■hsld iiiiiM ! hs wa/. >baristas I Pam 4 team at (he tod , to— I far the __ „ *Mh got | for I. —iMaalaaM ft 11 jtbimW r»w w rnniiip piicnwr» Rorm 8 on la tha ftoab followed in the see sad with a homer, the bases empty. Again in the sixth Johnson came • round with a home ran with one man on. Tha Traitor Camp team swamped , Dona 5, 14 to ft to give them a slight lead in the softball stand ing. Starting out strong in ths fllOt inning the Trailer Camp batted around for 6 hits to score 7 runs. Dorm 2 never overcame the first inning slaughter as pitcher Sewald hsMthem to 7 ■ Battersi bits. Lead, lag batters were right fielder Coop er for the Trailer Camp sad left fn lder Maxwell for Dorm 1 1 The AVALON CU B i r i It ML W.Bgjma Ifirj »1 Solicits your patronage We serve the best of food-- / SEA POODS IN SEASON K C STEAKS SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN 7 Air Conditions^ — P- auttful Dance Floor. For iReeer. - SSttFtl " Rtims. (tod—« vs tiamh. Thfifl va HuddtotWm aad DtLUXK CArK — Hfyan — Where alt Afttoi matt YfH rsmrw tnr nwipi Form Fashioned and Cuatom Style* . . . SHIRTS and PAJAMAS i . . to please the fashion conscious and thrifty minded. . . . Color* and patterns sanforized and perfect fitting EXPERT^ REPAIRS SHOES No shoe is beyond repair once it gets into the hands of o u r expert mechanics. Put your fall shoe ward robe in order. Bring re pair jobs to ua now. HOUCK’S Eating Out Is Fun. . . . ’ • i -AT- HOTARD’S CAFETERIA llfwtli Main | By ran URI AQowiors NEW SADftlE iPown wed at H»e ftraiat, where eace a*ewd the cor-'pfifet el the tra l herds, lie* Yeakvm, Texot—lend s’ Uather. Here old cm* »oddl* maker* handcraft bah* from »aUd, ’oo gro.n leather which, whan twitted, »qu*ok» like a now *^)dl« Yew w8l b* In owr *to<k of owtheade Teiot Rongtr and Soddlecroft belt* now en display. Tex-Tan Bill Folds Elegantly hand made Bin Folds in a wide variety of Western styles. Fine, calf skin, cowhide, pigskin leathers. See our fine selection: CLOTHIERS I CaDefft and Bryan 17 V FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH REVIVAL COLLEGE STATION* TEXAS W HEAR DE. WEEDON IN HU FINAL MESSAGES SATURDAY NIGHT / SATURDAY NKiNT 'la Christ Coming Again" SUNDAY MOENINO 'Tour Uaa of Ood s Otfta" SUNDAY NIGHT "Our Long Home' ■ For Delicious Ice DR. FRANK WEEDON — Try — Former Pastor Flint Baptist Church Denton and State EvanfeUst A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU 1// ./ / ■ ■