Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1947)
u — ON KYLE FIELD •y DON KNGRLKma' Dewey Jacobs and Ray Katt Sign Pro Baseball Contracts With Giants ft Reds Th* Afgi* b—ball team for tbo IMS oooooa safforod co n «Hier«b 1 y th.- other day that D«w*y Ja n i n a, tumeo Katt. who ohibbed tho ball at a J40 pace teat *prm« ( was om of tho boot proopects for Marty Ka- row’a nine ia '48. f Tho Now York G teats an < ealprita who tend Katt away fr Ayr island. Tho youthful catck who was famod out to Jack* ▼ills la tha Lone State Leayue, may bo aosn in action next mouth has sicnod a when Jackson rills moots tho Booab- contraJT with on in Bryan. When Katt and Jacobs begin matching swings and pitches with the pros, they will hart with them our boot w taboo tor a raeoooi professional baseball career. man of the ’«T Affte n la pro. Jacobs. It <-mi at the the Cincinnati Bads In 5s Nsiionsl Lsa- rus. The OB- Aggu- pitcher who failed to m a k o his rradoo at tho - - . . . ' "1 Leaders Of Intraitniral Softball Teams - • i ♦-4*- -j* will probably bo farmed out to some minor learve club for seas oning. The right-handed mound artist, having won four games and baring lost only one, wllf enter tho piay-fMay gam# with a good son behind him. Along thoMta ng tho tame lias wo hoard her day that Bayteoud Kota, slugging catcher for the Agate Boos, has also joined tho pro ranks. Moncrief and Dickey To Play With College All-Stars in Chicago Aug. 22 a M. U.'o Mustang Club of Dal las will dtroot the operation of a special traia f*om Dallas to San Francisco this fait whoa tho Mas- tears Moot Rants Clara s breneoe in Kosar •tedium Boptombor IT. This will ba ths renewal of an old Mustang custom, far la tho pre war days B. MTU. followers always took in following thoir f<x't ball team from coast to ooaat Tho special train will tears Dallas at • p. m. Wednesday Boptombor 14. INTRAMURALS By Olff Tho Second seme*ter Intramural Softball program smut into fall ■wing last week with narrow mar- (tea separating moot of tho oooroa. Woiuoodoy s rooaha: Dona f edged out u victory over Done 10, « to i. la the first toning Dorm 10 started strong with Suth- ■ I ortend and Gates dianteg walks. O Mara got on by an error and Fergus collected a hit for a total lof 8 runs. Later thay scored one run to tho third and one in tho sixte inning. Dorm I started out with one run to the first toning when Hovel acorod off a hit by Galfione. In all out to ae tho fifth Texas A. A M. will bo reprr son tod by two potent grid men in tho all-star's lino-up August tl when tho Chicago Boars, champ- of tho National Football League, tangle with the college all-stars. Monte Moocrief and Leonard Dick ey, oar storting tackles last fall, will be the Aggie repri MiiiaMufh With the loss of Dickey and Moncricf the Aggie tackle slot* bars become the weakest points on the team. It will take a lot of grooming on tho part of line coach Bill James to got Jim Winkler and Bloody Tulis into condition to fill the shoes of our ex-tackles. Oipluiui of « on*a - .a Q-a-SA am—ft iswW'nfi uii. vmii. of the rattans Abney, loft to Whoa tho Afgtao gut thoir aost chance to whip tho Longhorns In football on Memorial Stadium, the Tssaa football field will probably hare had a fata lifting. George Dahl, widely known ar chitect from Dalas, already is drawing plana for the addition of some 23.600 soots. With tho addi tion of those seats tha Stadium will hold 84,000 fans. If plana art accepted and car ried out aa planned the ontergod 3tedium will bo ready for use at The beginning of the '48 season Lot's hope that tha alterations ap plied to Memorial Stadium will help tho Aggies break tha jinx. “The BakenT-Vet Wives’ Volleyball Team --r*-—-.M-1- ■ 4r!-r+*-‘ Pittsburg Steelers Sign Zapalac To Boost Total Number of Aggies to Three resigned pi the h The hottest football news con cerning ex-Aggica comes from the Pitta burg Steelers’ football club, who hare just recently signed Wil lie Zapalac, groat Aggie fullback. Zapalac, who last June announc ed that he would pilot his home town High School team, the Bell- rill* Brahmas, has his coaching job to terms of a pro grid contract. I Zapalac, who will ba in tho Stool- m backfiold next fall, will .find of his Aggies whom sx-Aggio rUUDUTf squad. win ioi CHAPMAN’S Tha store front with tha Aggie Ootoru . , . to your source of supply for DBVOB Art MalsHale, Tesoiite water ootoru for your walla TfllMI burgers, Mints varnishes and a bout at i-otorful wallpaper , , aU of thee* thins a to mates your touna. though it may be a prefab, a thing of beauty and happtneae i % -% We welcome you to this ouelualvo house of home domra. Ilona ,. Maybe you are Mweomora ... ao are wot CHAPMAN’S Naxt to thu Post Offlcu, Bryan North Main i Philadelphia breaatroke Bruoc State, Threo-meter dire; Dr. Bebuny AC, Un-motor platform dim; Haw attuulumattfl 800-meter free atyle relay team, and Ohio State 300-mr- tor mwiley rolay team. BmMh, Who. hold* right national record*, to ifltely to lower Maffoo and 400-meter free otgli amika and might crack the world’* 800- moter record if ho onion thia Hawaii UidToraity's swim club, defending outdoor team champion, and Ohio State Untetaaity, 1947 indoor title holder*, will bo the two top teams of tho meet com ins in nan LTlo. to tod tha batting gatttat I for 2 tripe to the plate while mmtmm. LUtocb* followed ci <>**e«i home plate. 11 aurprtaed norm 4 to a win. Deem 4 seated « of thsir T runs In tba.ftost inning and was then hold to I soattorad th. For tha hKa bU with I fair 4, Tho HUlel club team loot thoto apaaot by a wide morgia to Dona tiilte iMpff'Ilto 1'o«tbJ -larled .irony to taka tha leed which they nemr gam up. Vonlt<Mi enbarg was tha winning pitcher ~ ^ t t a J A \tehiH Hroofio •n<l Jun*»B to**#*! Tor the loaera. Dorta • gut started with a wta over Dorm It by a 17 to IS count Dorm IS .mas a constant threot M'fkag would aeon- in bttfute, T la the aacoad inning and I to tha fifth. Tho American Legion now has a cord total of 18,428 poets to the 58 departments throughout the world. LACK’S Auto Stores JOE FAULK, *32 Southaidx ] 217 S. Main C oI| eKt‘ i MmB 4-1169; _ 2-1669 -J ii/ RELAX Al KKFRKSH V. Cool Comfort for , ' 11 Mfpgr / i w OEOKG E’S /• We Know How Important Appearance Is • • . • THATS WHY w© do faultless work. For superior cleaning and ptwaiMg send your work to us. loft to HgMi of th* Vet Wives’ aybaB team from “It” row la Osllog* Vtew vtttag* am tram VI* tea Cash, Nan Bad, Verm Ugfctaey, Sarah drown. Foggy Naomi th. Filtehurg am Id Btumkon, 1147 bask on the "B* NRiait adllMpi BjMfe, .ante was the atar of tho Pittsburg line last year. Bomb was ao toes than a mnaa Hon last fall at no played an am rage of a minutes par gams and asked for mom. Bumk, who made a name for kkaatlf at Afgialaaf on tho *41 grid team, has by his enthusiastic tyue of play sauaed the Pittaburg fans to appreciate AAM products. Jerry Mol toy, popular basketball Battalion O P 0 R T IS TUESDAY, JULY 29,1947 Pact 8 p Ita. V [JU i PKIMRI cAnhn RADIO niw atilt ifiin MeasAf JP f / / 'J m f if \j/ff " ? fj,' g|^L|aaltaaitai ImLa taBA and weman I* RADIO, let m adam w #l aaulaaad faaNHtoa, 0.1, ^ratotef/wr^today fur referee to a atra. of Frank National AAli Outdoor Swim Meet To Be Held In Tyler This Week-end IN»ITUIl*i RADIO BROADCMIING 290(1 NO MT/HUUH OALIAS 4 TUAS * AGGIE CLEANERS and DYERS North Gate ? - SHIRTS . ..SO COOL... Y B 8 . . wo have tha perfect Shirt for your summer pleasure, reathorwulgdt malarial .... Short sleeve perfect fitting. Sport Shirt good looking and coot ensp comfortable . . . Priced only |3 Hf. LEON B. WEISS I* Nuxt to Looking For Leather Gifts? W, Hsv, • wu* VMtotjr Of For Delkious Ice Cream — Try — HOUCK’S The greatest collection of swim- ing start to more than a decade will invade Tyler, Texas next week end for the National AAU out door meet At toast two world re cords and ter oral American marks are expected to fall in the field of some 150 tankers. It will require four nights to complete the meet although the first night, Thursday, will be given over only to tho prelims for tho r O-meter freestyle. Sixteen year Jimmie McLane from Now Ha ven, Conn, is the lad who to ex pected not only to wta this event but to sat a new world record in it. Every 1848 outdoor winner will bo there to defend hie champion ship along with moot of this years indoor titlists. Defending champions am Bill Smith Jr„ Ohio State, 100 end 200-motor free-otyU; McLane, 400. 800 and 1,500-metar free stylo; Harry Holiday, Michigan, 100-mot or backstroke and 800-motor todi- Mai medley; Joseph Vordour, HOME OWNERS . WE HAVE uvurythinc for tho small homo m wall ao tha Urga. 3«e at for poor Houtohold Naada. SMITH-TURNER COMPANY Nm* 0*. Mum 4*1 IS 1*15853 k mm Thumb taop hdo osr stem tetar... ww Mgi 9 1 tas oMsIeooy Is J? ZSTlta -wy mw, Yml toSSTitam^sm uJJhio COLLEGE OUTLINE SERIES uttai *' CMewe* r^7 ^ • • •» • •ota fj;::: II f • fW I • o .i • I • • w • o • o • • * . . i • r yrttij; • IMM '*<• M ' '■ «el, ••>•*• 4 tattaiOMC! to CMAMM THE EXGIANCE STORE