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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1947)
Battalion o> PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OP A GREATER ARM COLLEGE Votamt 47 COLLEGE STATION (AfgUUnd), TEXAS, TUESDAY, JULY 39,1947 1ft Homesteads to $3000 Exempt From College Huilding Tax Con Forrestal Named Defense Seeretan Of Unified Forces West Texas Chamber of Commerce Hite Texas Tech Appropriation Homesteads valued up to $3,000 will be exempt from the proposed 5c ad valorem tax for the coileee building fund, At torney General Price Daniel declared Saturday. Since the levy is for state purposes, the exemption will apply to those hom—torii under property tax law*. The question of emption was raised by Ceunty At torney Jobs Steele, of Lubbock. It was in West Texas that opposition to the plan at financing a twenty- year roll* ye building program a roe*. The West Texas Chamber at Commerce foufht the resolution while it was before the Unhrersitv of Texas’ permanent fund with which to finance the long-range program. Legislator* from Lubbock point, od out that the propoeed plan, which will be submitted to the voter* of the state in a special election August tS, would rot allo cate sufficient funds for Toxas Technological College. As the mea sure standa the Unhrereity of Tex as will nseeivt approximately $10 million; Texas A. A M. will be allowed around $6 million, and Texaa Tech's portion of the $00 million bond issue will be about $1 million. Income from the University's permanent fund would bo pledged againat the Issuance of the rnllrge liuildmg fund bonds. At Present the ' Mmaamt fund totals $ao million lines the University and A. A M. are prohibited by tne constitution from securing legislative appropn * lions, enactment of the proposed amendment la neceasary if perma nent improvements are to bs mads at state lastltutions Titus Co. Home Agent Joins A&M Extension Staff Glxdya L. Darden, Titua County home demonstration agent atnee April, 1945, has been appointed assistant home management specialist oa the headquarters staff of the A. A M Extension Service. Maurine Hearn, Extension vice- director for women and state borne demonstration agent, stated in an nouncing the appointment that Miss Darden will take over her new duties effective September Her headquarter* will be College Station. ' A native of Georgetown, Mies Darden ia a 1936 graduatp of East Texas State Teacher* College at Commerce, where she received a BS degree- Before entering Exten sion work, she was employed by the Farm Security Administration, from 1937 to 1944. During that time she served as county ind district home management super visor, area home management specialist and district FSA aupet- visor. Miss Darden was made home Asanonstration agent for Titus County hr April, 194b, with bead miarters in ML Pleasant, when she has remained until the present tract Students Receive Allowance In Summer Months Three Aggies Are Appointed Cadet Officers at Bliss Unification of the armed o r c t a became an actuality Saturday when President Tru man named Jaznee V. Forrea tal as Secretary at Defense. Tru man was so safer to sign the bill that be delayed departure to hie dying mother for seventeen min utes in order to sign the legislation aboard his plana. AfMh two years of urging. Con gress finally gave Truman the bill to sign into law. Hm President acted promptly for » reason ao that the Senate could confirm ForroataTs noantna lion to the MW Cabinet poat before it* tt'ljoumment. Chairman Chan Gurney (Bop.) of South Dakota of the Senate armed services commit tee took stops to win speed) con firmation after Me committee ut, ammouely approval Korreetul Hut ia aay ease Favrsatal weld serve ler a reoeas appointment until the next asaaioa of Coagn KorreataL as Secretary of the Navy, la Vm last member of the 1st* President llooeevelt * ( a>.ir.«-t still in office. His selection as Sec retary of Defease had been gener ally expected. |While the law and the executive order setting forth the functions and responsibilities of the three co equal branches the Army, Navy, and Afar Forces official* said that extensive conferences among the departments will be necessary ha- fere the program can ha translated Into terms of offices, functiona, and men. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ar All advanced ROTO cadets who hold contracts, and have completed two or three semes ters at advanced Military Science r on nee will receive a sub sistence allowance for the summer months, it was announced Satur day. This allowance will be com puted at the rate of sixty-six cents per day for the three sum mer months, minus the time a pent in summer camp. The deduction will be made in all cssee, whether the student did or did not attend l> this year. The Military Science Department expects to re ceive the checks on, or about, Sep tember 16. Students must be re gistered for the fall semester to pick them ap. The distinctive ROTC patch will it be worn after September L according to LL CoL William Me- Blhenay, Adjutant. This well- known patch which has been de corating Aggie shirt pockets for yean will be replaced by a newly a.lopted Shoulder Patch. The Ground Forces KOTC insignia will be a red, white, and blue di*k with a gold torch superimposed. The letters US ROTC will appear tm mediately below the torch. As yet the U7i. Air Foree ROTC petch has not been agreed upon. How ever, it will probably be similar to the Ground Ferae emblem. Charles W. Mattox, A. A M student, was appointed cadet lieutenant colonel to serve ns battalion commander for RO- TC cadets in their fifth week of training nt Fort Bliss. Two other Aggies, Edward D. Bateman and George A. Whitten, wen Mso nam ed to serve aa officer* for the same period. Bateman was appointed ca det captain to serve as command ing officer at Battery B, and Whit ten was appointed cadet 2nd lieu tenant to serve as executive officer far the second platoon of Batten. B Gadet Mattox was formerly in the Marine Corps and served over sea* for two yean in Midway Is land and the Territory of Hawaii A resident of Bay City, he waa a member of the student court and major in the Cadet Corps during the past school year. A cadet battery commander in A. A M., Cad-t Bateman waa a cap tain in the ROTC, and a member of the Economics Club and the Qansarn ciub hi* hometown is Will* Point. Texas. Cadet Whitten, whose home is ia Beaumont, ia a former athletic star of Beaumont High School. He lettered in three sports, football, baseball and track. Last spring he WM a staff sergeant in the Aggie ROTC Veteran Students Association Meeting Set For Wednesday Speak; Free Movie Follows Meeting Introducing my Chief at Staff, in a message to all Army ronsasaAdsn throughout the world, said that there will be no change in the official status of the Army and the new indepen dent US Air Force until "special order* are issued.* Marines opposed the original provisions of the bill, but Gen. A A. Vandegrift. Marine Corps com mender, called open "every Marine to carry out not only the letter but also the spirit of the unification law." Similarly, Admiral Chester W. Nimits, chief of naval operations, in n dispatch to his service that "such differences of opinion as were expressed in the naval In the past with respect to the merits of the new organ nation are resolved by the President's approeal at the act" Other than Forresters nomine tion, Truman made no immediate move to fill other posts set up un der the law. Honor Cadet At Randolph Field Fred Thurmond, Electrical Engineering student frees Den ton, was named Honor Cadet Of the Air Foree ROTC sum mer camp at Randolph Field. Thurmond waa the editor of the camp newspaper and took part in various other camp acthritiea. He entered A. A M. in Sep tember, 1940, transferred from North Texas State Teachers College. The Honor Cadet re signed from A. A M. in 1942 and spent the following three vears in the Armed Forces. Upon returning to Aggie lend last September, he assumed the duties of cadet major on the Cadet Corps staff. Parker Instructing i At UT Geology Camp Travis Parker, associate profes sor of geology, has taken a sum mer position aa laaimttor la sab- ■arfaoa gsolagy at a summer camp ' Sat mm by the UaHavriM of Taxaa at Brady. Hs will refe to A. A M. In September. Graduate of 1943 To Join CE Staff Appointment tag staff has bean announced by Dr. B. a Wright, head of the 4a- pertinent. Jones currently io on active duty la Hawaii as a captain In the Corps of Engineers, but expects to be •e pars ted from the service) la time to aasome his T Livestock, Dairy Contests Aug. 5-6 The School of Agriculture will conduct a practice judging contest for about 600 agricultural teacher* on August 6-6. On Tuesday after noon, August 6, a livestock judg ing contest will be held, and the next afternoon a dairy judging contest will be conducted. About 200 Texas Future Farm ers will judge livestock, meats, dairy cattle, milk, poultry, and eggs on Thursday morning, Aug ust 7. The winner* of the livestock of Truman R. and meats teams will represent Jones, 1941 Aggie graduate, as an Texas in a national livestock and instructor on the Civil Fwgtascr- meat judging contest in the Kansas City Royal Uvattock Show at Kan- ‘Fairy Owl Aggie’ Named Tested Dam By Jersey Office The reflate red Jersey cow, Petry 0*1 Ante 1138909, owned by the Ttous Africul- turxl Experiment Station, ham been announced by The American Jersey Cattle Club offices in Col umbus, Ohio m a Tasted Dam, he ring throe offsprings with of ficial production recoHs. Then* teats ware authenticated bgr the Bute College of Agriculture end The American Jersey Cattle Club and exceeded by more thaa two times the butterfat production at the average dairy cow in the United States. Fairly Owl Aggie's tested pro geny, with all records computed to a 305 day twice daily milking mature basis, averaged 8JM0 pounds of milk, 6.21 per cent test and 462 pounds of butterfat. Fairy Owl Aggie has also been given s type rating of Good Plus under the Type Classification progra the Jersey Cattle Club. Thi equivalent to a score of 80 per cent or better when compered to the breed's score card allotting 100 points to a perfect animal This cow, through her descen- dents, should do much toward im proving production among the dairy cattle of Brasoe County, Increased Veteran Subsistence Bill Remains Unpassed Fnihire of the 89th Con- grean to puxs the increase in G.I. subsistence before ad journing last Saturday was a disappointment to many veterans. The bill, which had been paeeed by the Senate and gone to the House committee on Veterans Af fairs, wm never reported out of committee. It is generally agreed, however, that the bill has a very good chance of passage when Congress convenes again next January. It will probably be given early con side ration at that time. The un-passed bill provided for aa inersaae from $66 to $76 for single veterans, and au increase from $90 to $10$ tar married vete rans. This increase was to com pensate for the increased living costs of veterans. Although Congress fsllsd to pass this on# measure, it did pass ano ther bill allowing G. I.’s to cash their terminal leave bonds after September President Truman Because of numerous requests from veterans, a special «lled meeting of the Veteran Students Association will be held Wednesday evening at 7 in The Grose. According to E. O. Courtade, treasurer of the association, guest speakers for evening will Include Taytar Wilkins, J.lL VamsU, and William Kailajr, who will speak on veterans' affair*, and a G. "Spike" White, who will present the intramural aet-up for next fall Veterans Adviser WUktas will explain the leave pay system open to vStarans under Part Vm of the GI Bill of Rights. Varnell. can- tact representative for Adi area w hoa# office ia in Bryaa, will pre sent the advantagM and benefits of Notional Service Life Insurance, reminding veterans to reinstate lapsed policies. . Obertad*. trSMUHf, wit! give the ftasnrisl statement at the Veteran Atudents Asaeeiatieu aa it sow stands Veterans are reminded of the key design contest now in progress. With s deadline set for August 8, the contest is: open to all veterans. Entries should be submitted to the Veteran Studaata Association, Box 22, College Station, Texas, or giv en to any officer of the club Dunes Pleas Q Danes plan# for August 28 will also be preeetitod at the Wednee- dtf right meeting The opes-sir, all coilige dahcc, under the spon eorshtp of the Veteran BtudeuL Association, will be held In Retirement System To Select Trustee To Replace Wilcox Members of the Teacher Retirement System of Touts will be exiled upon soon to elect a member of the board of trustees to fill the position at Goorge B. Wilcox whose term ex pires August 81, 1947. Election ballots will bs mailed from Austin in the latter pert of Aagusl Wilcox, who is head of the De- partment of Education sad Psy chology at A A M., was appointed in 1941 by Coha Stevenson, thaa governor of Texas. After six years as a member of the board, Wilcox has said that he will not seek the position for another term. Ballots should bs marked in the customary manner and returned to whs signed 1 Austin. Names of the three per- the bill before flying to the bed- sons receiving the largest number rill be side of his dying mother, asked of votes will be sent to the gover- that veterans net cash thetr bonds nor for his appointment of one aa it wm absolutely nmeaary.l the new member of the hoard. 3,242 Enroll for Second Term Enrollment for the eeoond sumer term at A. A M. numbers S.943. H. L. Heaton, registrar, has announced. Included are '1800 veterans attending under the government praffhM. I A alight Increase ia shown for this term ever the second sum mer term of 1948 when 1068 were enrolled. Forty-five women are attending, compared to fifty-nine last term and thirty-two lor the 1946 summer term. Claaasa will and August 29, with registration for the fall Se- tnester scheduled for the next dap. names will begin Sept. mt>. r 18. sas City on October 21. Winners at the dairy cattle, milk, poultry, and egg teams will com pets in a eon test hsld at Waterloo, Iowa In connection with tha Nation al Dairy Show. This will bs hsld an September $0, and will he tha first eon test sines INI With the Distinguished Conduct Star Philippines Honor Gen. Moore Major General George F. Moose, com mending general of the Phili ppine Islands' Ryuku Command and 11*08 graduate of A A M., was .awarded the Distinguished Conduct Star by PhilippiM Pn-Sid. nt Man uei A. Roxas. According to tbs Bryan Daily Eagle, tbs ceremonies were held at Malacanan False*. the Philippine White House, on July 4, in celebration of the first anniversary of the Philippine Re public. The Distinguished Conduct Star, second highest award of the Phili ppines, was presented to General » Moore for "extraordinary heroism in action on Corragidor on or about . April IS, 1942.” At that time he was in command of the harbor de fenses at Manila. The dtatioo accompanying the award stated that on April It, 1942, S unit of the 1st Coast Ar tillery r fire m> tunnel sheltering the battery sol- tapaed due ta direct hits, trapping 80 men therein. A runner succeed ed ta reaching the Battery Com- maai, Poet with e request that higher headquarters be telephoned for aid, only to be turned down on the grounds that any attempt to render aid would be suicidal Volunteers offered to make the attempt, however, and a request Vm telei'honed to headquarters ta end ltwo of seme It of the en trapped personnel who would Other wise have perished •Moral Moore previously had been sited for his service oa Cor regidor by General MacArthur, re- cervine the Distinguished Service Cross and the Distinguished Ser vise Medal. In July, 1948, the Phili pptae Commonwealth awarded him fte Distinguished Service Star. A native of Austin, General ** , , -, „ _ Moore was graduated from A. Maltata Tunnel for ~u»torfl«to M . ta 1908. On October 16, 1946, enemy fire on the collspsed the college <-onferr*-d the degree Engineer Posts In Civil Service Open TVs U. 8. Civil Service Commis sion has announced an examination for filling engineer positions in the Army Air Forces nt Dayton and Wilmington. Ohio, nt salaries tang ing from $3,897 to $1,976 a year. No written test la required for competitors for theee positions. To qualify, they must have completed an engineering curriculum ta a col lege or university, leading to a b*. helor’s degree; or have had four years ef technical engineering ex perience, or a combination of such education and experience. In addi tion they must have had from on# to four year* of pn)f.-*sional an- f inrenng .xpen.nrr Graduate study In engineering may be sub- ■tltutod far as much as I years ef One Per Cent Of Texas Veterans’ Checks Returned More than 17,000 govern ment checks to Texas veter ans were returned in the per iod January through May be cause of faulty addresses, the Vet erans Administration reported this Although this was only one per cent of the 1,739,733 issued ta Texes during that time, the Vet erans Administration emphasised the hardships caused many vet erans and the additional work-load resulting from the returns. Principal cause of the retu was veterans moving and failing to report a notice of change of address. In all such cases, the Vet erans Administration must verify correct addressee before the checks can be re mailed. Most negligent in reportm* changes of address were World War II veterans taking on-the-job training or going to school. Mors than 80 per ment of the returns wore subsistence payments. As a result of the study, the Veterans Administration has made some administrative shsnges which It is expected will help eliminate some of the returns. But Ike principal factor ta elim inating 'returned checks still ia the veteran, ktamalf, the Veterans Administration said. Veterans most keep paying offices advised of their serrvet and current addreaa to ta- salve prompt and efftolent service Graduate Notice Graduating tavitettcM may he ordered SOW St the Student Ac- tiritie* Office until August 1, Grady Elat*, aaeisteat director, announced last week. Eves though M formal exereiaos will ho hold at the ead ef the sum mer. all sammer graduates are eligible ta erder snnoo ace menu Traackfold, cardboard, and Friday. AufMt 1. is the dead line far ordering announcements Extension Director Goes to Colorado. Ide P. Trotter. Extension direc tor. is attending a joint meeting of the Northern and Souhem ('.real Plains Councils being held at Fort Oolllna, Colorado. July 28 - August 4. Councils are set up to study mn- jor agricultural problems within the Great Plains Area with spe cial emphasis on < onservation Dr Trotter, a council member, Wtl vo on the program convmtttee for this ineotfif.r7 brmstlen and cation forms may bs secured the local poet office, from Civil Service regional offices, and from U. 8. dril Servian Commission. Washington 86, D. A Applications may be filed until further notice, amt should be sent to the Exitathu S>-< rotary. Board of U. fl* Civil Service Examiners, Headquarters, Air Jlgririal Command, WntrHt Field (Area A-XCS), Dayton. Ohio. Persona who wish to he considered for theee positions to ha filled im mediately should file applications by Auguat 26. Research Party Completes Study Dr. Walter P. Taylor, loader ef the Teaas Cooperative Wildlife Re search Unit, wealey W. Reed, and Pat N. Mann, aenior students ta fish and game, have just returned from Mason and Kerr Countiee in the Edwards Plateau country after a six-week study of deer-turkey livestock relationships in the gion When General Moore wm in formed of the situation, ha imnmd lately left the safety of and wa^ of Doctor of Lnws upon General Moore "for distinguished service ns a soldier In the U. 8. Army, for the tunnel distinguished leadership a* com- for half n mile or more ( mandant of Cadets and Professor along a shell-swept road which of Military Science and Tactics waa under direct emasy oheerve- at the Agricultural and Machani- tkm, and aided and npervised Ur cal College of Texaa, for heroic “By this—total service as Commanding Officer in „ | ——w-- for his personal safely," the defense of Corregidor, and for Battalion was under heavy the elution read. "General Moore loyalty and devotion to duty ta m the Bataan shore, and a | contributed henoe a i]y to the safety | peace as ta war.” Notice For Englinh Majors Al English asajers are re quested ta leave their same* ta the English office as assn as poftaihl*. Dr. Thsmaa F. Maye, head ef the »r*nin or t$e Veteran Students ■sociattoq,. ,wlll hs held ta IWl Grave. Johniqr Battivan and Ml/, orchestra, of the Houston PfcttlN , tkm. have befn contacted to Mat// This win be Sullivan's second apjj/ pearance on tie campus, hsvtng ap Mated at tho Bontor Ring Danes In May af this year Free Mori# Following Urn business session tha free movie, "Pillow of Death", atarrtaf Basil Rathboim, wtt'tto presented by the Office of Student Activities. It qrfll begin at lilS «* •• »<x>n aa poaaibta thereafter Maritime Service Offers Training The United States Maritime Ser vice offers to qualified applicants who m.-et the regular established •RgibiWty jinufaram—ta a Special « ourse of Ikaining with pay which will fit them for a career hi the United States Merchant HanM. To qualify for enrollment ta the U. 8. Maritime Service for Appren ties Seaman Training, a person meat be between the age limits of 17 and $6; applkaxta under 21 years of axe must produce parent's consent He moat be a eitisra of the United States, and most have completed the ainth grade or its equivalent. In addition, an appli cant must pass a physical and an aptitude examination. Pay while ia training is $76 per month, plus subsistence and quar ters, uniforms, and texts. All ap plicants must submit three tatter* of character tammm, / v • For further taformation on the U. 8. Maritime Service Appren- fiat Beaman .Training Program, persona should write to: Enroll tng Officer, U S Maritime Service, Room 110, C0*tom House, New Orleans, Louisians Figures Prove That Americans Not As Dumb as Some Think Americana eve bright. And theyf- a well ednoaf are well educated. Nearly a million __ af tMa ItavaMB MW pH jpif year* ar mare af college *<>rk. Ftaaras nmm the U. B. office of Education and the Bureau af Census show that tha average Am erican Is not aa "dumb" aa many! in the last seven years, people erroneously believe. / 1 The proportion of 17-year-olds A rough tnd«x to lnl9tll(enoe ta gramiSiHig from high school shows to he found ta the figures of high a attnllar trend aver the yean. Ia school and coliegi in roll mm*, be- 1900. only r,% at the hays and girls idiots don't get as far as of that age completed high school. yean in bstwska ansa fOttawai 1910, iifcjZtteti xi%) lino, 51%. Than was a drun ta 1N4 to •!%, but tkslum* 2f ikindtsa Altai but*# this to the dtvenioa of 17 year-aids to war service rather than say dropping af intelligence high school and the feeblcm■ ■ d, d don't graduate from coUagiy/ ' A survey of the education of Edwards Plateau to becoming I Americana was made by the On- widely recognised for its lto»«toek (cows, sheep, and goats), accord ing to Dr. Taylor, as well as for its big game, and this fact should be considered ta good land manage ment and range conservation in that region, he pointed out The members of the field party have been gathering baste infor mation on this subject, which will assist landowners, the Texas Gams, Fish, and Oyster Commission, and other associations ta conserving and increasing the values and pro ductivity of ranch lands ta the ■[? SOS Bureau ta 1940. More than 18 out of every 100 people ta the United States hove graduated from high school. One out of every 20 has had college studies. Of the 969^63 who have had five years or more of college work. 345 ar* bright enough to be damg post graduate college work while they are still ta their In 1910, the figure was 9%; ta IF-’O, 17%; 1030, 29%; and in 1040. 61%. Here Again a postwar drop to 48% in 1044 is seen. Fdarifeo are usually larger among people of low latottlgmMp level because those of borderline or subnormal intelligence an un able or do not have the oppotxumtv to apply men—ran to jjmte the family. ItafcwHi. it is difficult for feakjtamtnded girls to be protected from having utagMmMt/children. But that does not necessarily mean Now tabout the trend over the that these belnw-norma! people re- years. In 1940, 71 oat of every produce themselves as rapidly as 100 boys and girls of high school were enrolled ta high school. In rapid!) the differences ta birth rate might suggest. Infant and child mortali- !&> , only 11 out of each 100 were ty rates are also relatively high ta high school The fignree for tha I amung the uuiabMHguiiiry