Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1947)
V Breeders Plan Contest Production A T the sS^ssi ^SzStSC^ jtrtLiTp^ i-o. j- MI , 0 f P^^et> on cont—t i.« planned to eneooracc farmer* over 21 SSL* 4^^proAai^ mo^ ior,, Empfcaab is planimd for adult* - — «•<»»» wj» ana r uiuie rarmem already have aa extensive , 2* sti !^ ^ otn ^ Tox- M gwin* Broader* Directory was completed form. P7* r ^»®W) copte* have boon print- •d and more are in the making and mAnual <» Hog P ro «»etion i* recognised as the In^hTnaK pabUc * tio ® of T# “* Smin* Brooders As- ■jeiation offered it* Mrvico* to Ha Mrvieo* to the Gov- •' rT ' 0 » - BMamv *<1e<iu»t* govern- prevent foot-and- "’ 0 “«dhll*S from entering Ten ui , 'if A l7.h , *,'k"" a* 1 * 0 , wl11 * mlUl * for YOU CAN AVOID WITH GOOD BRAKES mino tow ford “SACK HOMf FOR A \ Ftl* SAFITY CHICK 1 eRAOf 4 IMHTi ^ net* 4 horn Yow Friendly Ford Dealer BRYAN MOTOR CO. August 14-30. Bach member of the Association was asked to gfve «*>• day toward soliciting new mam- barn. It Is ho P H that as a rasult of this ean psiga, practically every breeder of registered hog* in Texas will become a member of the As sociation. yY* T ' An all-bread suction sal* of hrsd gilts and boars was planned for the Fart Worth Fat Stock Show next spring. The selecting commit- toe win permit only blue-ribbon hogs to be sold In thta sale. Plans weta also made for the improvo- •nsat of the stow claselflcatioo at tHo various hog shows in Taxas. Standing Committee* wars ap- potart^d by Prssidsat Lucian T. joys for the year 1MT-4* in the JrfUmrtaf fields: Show and Bales, hdueattonaly Legislative, and Mem bership. The offieers of the Aseoriation •ro^Udaaf. Jones, pm idmt, Ran Antonio; W. J. Lana, vioo PfSQi- <l-nt. Rlchanlsonj on.l V. M Reg •nbrecht, secroUry-troosurer, Col logo Station. -WINSTEAD- (Continued from Page I) Sugar Bowl gam* in IMS, tho Cot- tim Byrl game, of Hun and 1341, and the oraags Bowl gams in W43. H# WM amoviff thot# rrtDon •IbW for prodootloo of UMftU- lonath tostur* picture -Wehra Nov. •r Bsen Licked*’ hasod on AAM s military program, on* of tan pic turo* selected for showing in lib •rated countries during World War Since 1S40 Winstead alaa h— bean in charge of the college radio pwersnu and guided station WTAW from a five-hour usshlj broadcast schedule to its preaent fuU daytime commercial «^atua. with a ooeond station on frequency modaktion which is licenssd ' operate full time. 27 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE AGGIEIAND STUDIO SowSk. Proprietor PHOTOGRAPHS of DISTINCTION North Gate JOSEPH W. GEPPERT,. M. D. ANNOUNCES discharge from the Army of the United States nd opening of an office at 104-A So. College Avenue over* the Bryan Studio for the J practice of General Medicine and Surgery Office Hours: 0 - It a. m. t • S p. m. Telephone: Office t-MSO Home 1-7070 * The *7 gnad mU. to the faaMue mg devfU.prd by Knefor the r from a mass of obost ration* *0 ands of rocket rocket, a , dup*rior -A is ba- . 8. Armp. wfll corns cu> snswsr to tho V-2 at* smaller Putur* parts that site at White with a 00-mil* rocket on the fa- __ win survive the The V-l Sands, New rang*, is tool that a new and wfll not make it* mow lands near One of tho building 0 hotter sra wisr, | veal the difficulty eon device for problems ia is ths gy- th* missus. 0 astray re in keeping the Aa Ameri- sum imL Another fuel piping ays. in flight to e control from •top too bring tested are Sfe. ^ 0#cpor ® 1 * The WAC-B to a new version of tho now rocket to * light weight ■veel motor. No Information to arallabto an Former Officers Fight for Rights Thane ora rouri “ the Army Ned just r ot budget cute. Look sms culled from the 4 A former army 4 to «»1vmg n Oiuyhou won the suit, and is pr n In Greyhound unb poned in Dallas. 1 m ■upply of ex-colar mbt enormous. Another colonel, Bmn of the Lichfield 1 a court to compel rm- man to submit K t to the Senate for pr p, ntanent rank of t__ ragular army. 1 tion riatee that Kitten such promotion "b low And recognised e rice to th. anny, * ^3 KUton e conviction nent” on Amerioe the Litchfield cam d. At San Antomo an nounced that w<*t •ire ragular army com the flrat time on an e rtth •tsst. TTie commies sent •r* limited to thi arae eorpa and the wo iical special let corps su 1 to those now mrriag bvl- ■*ona or who asr the mar. 1 ^ w mwwmwm vw mmm rwm TVesIminsler 4Sf to $1.85 LEON B. WEISS Nnxt to Campos TtoonUr Mem bars of the College Em. pterws’ Dinner Club wilM^ve s frae watermelon feast, te be foL b Y fMtoa and dancing, at 4® *0d staff members iHrir famlltos sr# Invited to ^nd. No admission will be chart• ^ pl *" attend must ptok up tieksts at the Aggie- tond Inn nri later the, WsdwaJay. be ^msde n or *" f tbat Ptot* may No one wilt k# admitted with- *ut a ticket r 41 MERCURY Hodnn Coupe 41 STUDKIIAKER Kordor 41 CHEVROLET Club Covpo Charlie Cade, Jr. IJNCOLN . MERCURY BBT A A. TBXA8 Veto Must Apply For Leaves During Training Periods granted to f sbeenes wfll net be Wtom students after n course of adoration or training under Part Vm. Ac- euedtog to tho Veterans Admiai*. trattan TWhnfcaF Bufletin 7-80 (May 10, 194T). a veteran may ha granted lanra *f ohaancu only while in ami gnraaingTeoara. ofmlnratioa or traindag under Part VDIof the GI BfllofWhu, Mb«mknoe allowance will ter- mhmte at the end of the etitoel a a veteran has applied 1, and hie application for such leave presented at Mast thirty day. preceding the end of tiZ school year. If a veteran intends to proceed In a summer term, he ran *t •“ rartify and accompany his certification with his application for seoued leave; ia such a rase •ecnmd leave may be granted to raver the period between the spring aad summer term, or so much toara as he has to his audit In say event if the veteran does m* apply at least thirty days be fore the end of the school year, l**v» ®f *b#ane* following termi nation of the school year will not bo authorised unleoe under excep tional cireuiwtaaoee such as: per- sonal illness and illnras In the Im mediate fsmfly. The samo conditions will apply with vaapeet to the tnterraTW. tw ^ n . ***• of * summer term Md tho bpfftantng of * fall term. Accumulated leav* will net hr fotliwtod through Interruption of tho oouro* and may ho oarrtod over frvto ora portod of enrollment to saaikar. Upon oami>ict,..n of 0 mwm, a veteran's unwed neeu- makted time may he credited to *25!* *pon OubBequcnt enrollment ia another course un der either Part YU or Part VOL * ■ylhe Battalion Page 4 FRIDAY, JULY A 1947 Antlerless Den* Season Answer To Overpopulatii _ ■ 1., Mors and more randunea are raosing to the view that an an tier- son may be the one to the preeent over population of the range in the deer dte-off areas, according to Dr. W. P. Taylor of the Texas Coopera tive Wildlife Reeeareh Unit i One-hundred and sixteen white- teiled deer died in the Edwards FMmu country of Taxas between January 6 and January 14, 1047 oa a 640-acre experimental tract according to Dr. Taylor. Since then • kr*® number of ranchmen have deddsd that there to a need for an antierleas doer season. Accord ing to the ranchmen there are two raasons for an antlerless tea •on: ths range to overpopulated, cawing malnutrition among ths dsor; and hi mast areas ths do* dear greatly outnumber the busks. In on antlsrlsas door season, hunters would have ths opportunity te km doss M well os stegs during tho hunting portod. Under pres- •nt low only the stags or* con- sidorad gams, tho dooo being prs- •orvad to propogato ths apeoio. Apparently the door died os 0 rasult of a tarara norther whtoh doralop^d during the night of Do*, •ahof lo. The mason why they MMhad to that there are to* many dwr on tho rang* go wall as an •XC#M sawing population of ths dwr to starve to death Voice Team Impresses Audience With Popular Request Program in Grove Rotary Officers. Assume New Posts J. J. Woolket succeeded M. C. Atkins as president of the Rotary Club when the new officers of the club were tneUUed by T. D. Brooks at ths regular weekly luncheon Other new officials assuming their official duties were X. T. Dyal vice-president; Harry Hover, secretary; and Greene Buchanan, ■■rgwst-sf arias The latter two were reelected to their respective office* Visiting RoUriaa* present were VL 1C. Durham. Woodvilte. and Jim Hull of Orange. Other visitor* included Mr* 1C. a Atkin* Mr* J. J. Woolket. George Summey, T. R. Timm, and John Leahy. Martin to Attend Cleveland Meets Tad Martin. Extension Service Poultry has headman, will go to CWraland, Ohio, July II te attend the National Torkey Federation Employees to Have annual maeting,'international Baby Watermelon Feast }S|SWElK£6 For Month of July Poultry Improvement Conferences, and the National Tur- koy Improvement Plan Confir ms*. meetings, sponsored by the Bureau of Animal Industry. United Stotoi Department of Agriculture, will deal with problems relating to th* two notional breeding and pull- orum dtoaaao programs. Each state to to b# represented Policiss and rmpo.wi changes In regulations of these prograau will be rated upon at those conferences By H. W. Spencer Lnet Tuesday night at tho cool, moonlight Grove, a comfortably at- ttovd audience enjoyed a concert of song which ww comparable of the finest of ths winter season Town Hall presentations. Robert 5Ctobss> tenor, and William Wnght, bass-baritone, revived the duo recital for tenor and baritone which was popular a quarter of a century age. It to odd that this type of musical preaantatian ww permitted to lag heretofere w its rejuvenation prov ed to bo * moot Btknlatinf exper- tonra. Sprecher*. and Wright duet* ranged from Verdi's classic "Sotewne in Quest 'Ora" to "We're Called Gandoliari" by Gilbert and Sullivan and included the humorous “A Tenor and A Baritone.” Sengs rendered by Sprecher In cluded “On Wings of Song" by Mendelssohn, Onion's "Sail Away To ths Bio Grande" and the de lightful, enigmatic "Long Ago in Alcala" by Meesawnr Sprechar senwd^the navy dur ing th* war with Intramural Dir ector "SpBce” White. Upon doo- cryinr th* Whites, front-row ran ter, Sprecher encored with “What Shall W# Do With A Drunken SaUori* Wright provided some easy lis tening pleasure when he rang th* Nogro spiritual Th* Brio Canal." His “Big Rock Candy Mountain", arranged by accompanist Nathan Prise, would have made Burl low Lake note. Hto rich, resonant vote* had litti* trouble with the popular "01* Man River". Perhaps th* highlight of tho •▼•ning ww Wright's rendition of what may opiteaito* th* American school of modern muote—"Solllo. quy" from “CarouBri Official Notices aw—m Mi, f ia, —m a— CLASSIFIED ADS BBPAIBSt aa4 r^rW«rMw w»*J>a4 emrim AS ara>% i~ - | inran— a^ omb k. «-u« Sh oes Repaired PROMPT WORK tad OUAUTY WORKMANSHIP 24 Hour Service HOLICK’S IMMIPS GIFT and TOT SHOP Boy’s Sun Suits, reg. $1.79 and $L49—For $1.00 Sixes -1 to 6 years Bobby Suits $1.99—Now $1.00 Site®—1 to 3 yean I Bobby Suits $2.49—Now $1.25 Sixea—1 to 6 yean Girls Shorts $1.98—For 1 fi.oo Sixes—2 to 6 yean Sun suits, Formerly $1.69, $1.99 and $3.25—Now._...$1.49 Sixea 1 to 3 yean HHH Sowtk CMh(« Arena. ^ Phone MB18 s Kldww — J—QW •tort a* Mm Bad TpMa* mt thm* m4 for ttBITi rvr.iateS i roo. MM for July lS*iTaw2am FOE SAL*: Smt sr rttJTStti? te. yps SAjMli Tpap. ■ ■-S. 1 ftink Toxao' poultry indu.try I. on* of ,U )5f kfgaot—worth $100 million doiUr. 5»to *•"**!• w d th* total ▼alw of SovingB Bond* ouUUndlng hao grown olmoot 10 per ,nt A GOOD PLACE TO EAT New York Cafe 118 S. Main Bryan •tetel •■d Moa imioov* I * I . Me. W FW*. W . . . I im. , . . . • • I • f $ # • • o % • ♦ • / • • • • • O • • • # • o h /» • * « # O # s * 0 • s • *•«#•*• • • • S^WP' • e f • . . . B • • V e B 4 e « /,» • e b • • . % • !AdKm4::: o 4 to • o IMP 3 • 0 * • t • to •i): i • • • • E A 4 • 0a «• • • . t *0 CMAMM —// r • */ Exchange Store “Serving Texaa Aggies” Enjoy the Fourth at FRANKLINS ^•“trsur^aR.-— 4 * 5 - Phone 4-114$ for Reservations ' fit SPORTS OR OFFICE urns /'Ww/yf {i .A I Cotton Sanforized $ 4.95 Rayon Sharkskin $ 6.95 Tropical Worsted $12.95 (jflaldrop&fi -Mt*™ ■k ——