Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1947)
mminiinmimiiiiniiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiim j Announcement | WE ARE HAPPY to | | announce the opening of [ \ CONWAY & CO. | MEN’S STORE | We carry a complete line of— Furnishings—Hats and Clothing. We invite you to stop in and see I our New Store. We can give you prompt delivery * on Made-to-Measure Suits and Slacks. J. H. CONWAY H. A. McCLURE J. H. CONWAY, JR. 1 CONWAY & CO. Across From Post Office —Bryan liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiif m Watermelons! COLD — HOT — SLICED — WHOLE PARTIES and PICNICS Our Specialty (Free Delivery on Such Orders) ALL MELONS GUARANTEED Lou’s Melon Patch Phone 4-1179 North Gate College BOB MORRIS, 47—Manager BILL SOYARS, 47—Distributor s Battalion PORT s FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1947 Page 3 PREPARE NOW fob cmm% &XAMS We have ’em... The essentials of your courses highlighted and packed .into a nutshell, for quick thorough review! Ask. to see the famous COLLEGE OUTLIOE SERIES ACCOUNTING. Elsmentory ALGEBRA. College .... ANCIENT HISTORY ... ANCIENT MED ond MOD. HISTORY BACTERIOLOGY. Prin. ond Pros. <J» BIOLOGY. Generol .... BOTANY. Generol AW ..... BUSINESS LA' CALCULUS. The CHEMISTRY. Fir.* Y«or College . CHEMISTRY. Mathematic* for G*i CHEMISTRY.' Organic .... CORPORATION FINANCE . . DOCUMENTED PAPERS. Writing ECONOMICS, Principle* of . . EDUCATION. History of . . . ★engineering drawing . . ENGLAND. HUtory of ... . EUROPE. 1500-1848. History of . EUROPE. 1815-1944. History of . EXAMINATIONS. How to Writ* Bette FRENCH GRAMMAR . GEOLOGY. Principles of 4 AR . GERMAN GRAMM4 GOVERNMENT. American , . . GRAMMAR. English. Prin, ond Rroi HYDRAULICS for Firemen . . . JOURNALISM Survey o. . LATIN AMERICA. History of LATIN AMERICA in Mopi . . «. LAT AMER. Civilization. Readings id •To Be Publithed LAT. AMER. Economic Development LITERATURE, American i $1.00 1.00 .75 1.00 1.25 .75 1.25 1.25 1.00 *.75 1.25 1.00 .75 .75 .75 1.25 .75 .75 .75 .25 1.00 1.00 1.00 .75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.2$ US 1.50 LITERATURE. American ..... LITERATURE. English, Dictionary of . LITERATURE. English, Hist, to Dryden LITERATURE. English, Hist, since Milto LOGARITHMIC S Trigonometric Table MIDDLE AGES. 300-1500, History of MUSIC. History of ^ PHILOSOPHY: An Introduction . , PHILOSOPHY: Readings in . . . PHYSICS. First Year College . . . POUTICAL SCIENCE POLITICS. Dictionary of American PORTUGUESE GRAMMAR . . PSYCHOLOGY, Educational . . PSYCHOLOGY. General Diet, of SHAKESPEAREAN Names. Uict. . SHAKESPEARE’S PLAYS. Outlines of SLIDE RULE. Praeticol Use of . SOCIOLOGY. Principles cf . SPANISH GRAMMAR . . . STATISTICAL METHODS . . STUDY. Best Methods of TRIGONOMETRY. Plane & Sphen'eol TUDOR AND STUART PLAYS. Oullin U S. in Second World War . . . UNITED STATES, t 0 I86S, History of UNITED STATES, smee 1865. History -• 1014 ZOOL( ' LU. since 1914. History of ,OGY. General 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.00 1.00 .60 .75 1.00 1.00 1.25 .75 .75 1.25 1.25 .75 .75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .60 1.25 1.50 .75 .75 .75 1.00 1.00 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANCE THE EXCHANGE STORE Recreation For College Station Made Abundant The College Station Recreation Council is sponsoring several ath letic activities for the residents of College Station this summer. In cluded in these activities are in struction in golf and tennis and softball. Instruction for adults as well as children will be given in golf by Marty Karow. Those interested should report to the drill field south of Duncan Hall Monday at 5 p.m. This is not limited to men and boys alone, for the women and girls are invited to come out for the instruction. Bring your own clubs; balls will be available at the drill field. Plans are to have these lessons on Mon., Wed., and Fri. at 5 p.m. W. M. Dowell, Aggie tennis coach and physical education in structor, will hold a tennis clinic for all who wish to improve their game. This instraction will be held on the varsity courts every evening at 6 p.m. starting Monday. The Recreation Council is also sponsoring a softball league con sisting of six teams. The players are residents of College Station. The league has a game every Mon., Wed., and Fri. night at 6* p.m. on either College Hills, College Park, or Drill Field diamonds. Intramural Softball Schedule Softball games to be played next week with all games starting at 5:30 p.m. are as follows: Monday, June 30 Dorm 11 vs. Dorm 5, Dorm 12 vs. Dorm 4, Trailer Camp vs. Dorm 3, Project House vs. Dorm 2, Dorm I vs. Dorm 7. Tuesday, July 1 Dorm 8 vs. Dorm 6, Dorm 9 vs. Dorm 5, Dorm 10 vs. Dorm 4, Dorm II vs. Dorm 3, Dorm 12 vs. Dorm 2. Wednesday, July 2 Trailer Camp vs. Project House, Dorm 1 vs. Dorm 6, Dorm 7 vs. Dorm 5, Dorm 8 vs. Dorm 4, Dorm 9 vs. Dorm 3. Thursday, July 3 Dorm 10 vs. Dorm 2, Dorm 11 vs. Project House, Dorm 12 vs. Trailer Camp, Dorm 1 vs. Dorm 5, Dorm 6 vs. Dorm 4. Friday, July 4 Dorm 7 vs. Dorm 3, Dorm 8 vs. Dorm 2, Dorm 9 vs. Project House, Dorm 10 vs. Trailer Camp, Dorm 11 vs. Dorm 12. Yale vs. California For NCAA Crown The National Collegiate Athletic Association’s first attempt at stag ing a College world series will take place this week-end in Kalamazoo, Mich. The series, being held on the same order as the NCAA basket ball tournament will pit together the two best teams from the East and the two best from the West. The two teams coming from the west are California, the western champion and Texas the western ruunner-up. California meets Yale, the winner of the eastern crown, to decide the world series champ, while Texas tangles with N.Y.U., Yale’s victim in the east ern finals, for third place honors. Intramural Softball Standings Team Won Lost Pet. Dorm 2 6 0 1.000 Dorm 10 4 0 1.000 Dorm 8 3 0 1.000 Dorm 6 3 0 1.000 Dorm 3 2 1 .666 Dorm 4 3 2 .600 Dorm 7 3 2 .600 Dorm 1 2 2 .500 Dorm 9 2 2 .500 Project House 2 2 .500 Dorm 11 2 3 .400 Dorm 5 1 3 .250 Trailer Camp .... 1 4 .200 Dorm 12 0 13 .000 College Station Softball League Schedule The softball league sponsored by the College Station Recreation Council will hold the following games next week: Cubs vs. In- “Serying Texas Aggies” USED RECORDS New and old favorites 25^ Supply of new popular records—also Fans, Record Players, Combinations BRYAN MUSIC CO. 402 North Main New Coach Two No-Hitters Feature This Week’s ’Mural Softball Play The first no hit game of the current season was turned* in on Tuesday when pitcher Adams of Dorm 10 helped his team to a 9 to 0 win over Dorm 1. The second no hitter was turned in Wednesday as P. J. Doyd pitched Dorm 3 to a 3 to 0 win over Dorm 4. Loyd is al-‘ so leading in the strikeout column as he sent 18 men to the bench by the strikeout route in his no hit HARRY STITELER, formerly Rice Institutes’ assistant foot ball coach has been named to that position here at A. & M. ac cording to Acting Athletic Dir ector J. W. Rollins. dians, Monday at 6 p.m. on the College Hills diamond; Pirates vs. Tigers, Wednesday at 6 p.m. on the College Park diamond; Giants vs. Cubs, Friday at 6 p.m. on the College Hills Diamond. game. Results of Tuesdays games: A tie game of 5 to 5 was played by Dorm 3 and Dorm 6. They battled away for seven innings on ly to have the time limit catch up with them. Dorm 6 took a first inning lead of 3 runs, but in the fifth inning both teams scored to tie the game at 5 to 5. For Dorm 3 third baseman Gregory got 3 hits for 4 trips to the plate and for Dorm 6 rightfielder DuBois and second baseman Booker each got 2 for 3. Dorm 2 edged out a close 10 to 8 victory over Dorm 7. Wil lard was the winning pitcher. Dorm 7 finished their half of the seventh inning with a 2 run lead only to have it shattered by third baseman Robenson of Dorm 2 in a hard hit triple with the bases loaded. Dorm 9 ended up on the long end of a 13 to 7 win over Dorm 11. In the first inning of this game 11 runs crossed the plate, 7 for 9 and 4 for 11 and with that lead pitcher Morris stayed out in front all the way. For the losers shortstop L’Hommedieu was the leading hit ter with 2 hits for 2 times at the plate. Wednesdays results: The Trailer Camp lost a hard fought game as Dorm 7 edged ON KYLE FIELD By DON ENGELKING American League Race Back to Normal As Yankees Take Over First Place Engelkin^ The New York Yankees appear to be on their way to another American League Championship. With the American League pen nant chase nearly one third over the Yankees ||gffl | t j i[ .gil [|| * v are comfort ably seated in first place with a two game lead ov er their near- e s t rival the Boston Red Sox. The New York club is ■boasting this year one of, the m o s't potent outfields in the majors today. Joe DiMaggio, Charley Keller, and Tommy Henrich make up this slug ging garden trio with Johnny Lin- dell around for utility roles. DiMaggio and Keller are already hitting their stride, but Henrich has not yet reached his peak. Di Maggio is currently batting .330 plus leading the league in runs batted in. Keller is now the league leader in home runs. The Yankee infield which was not expected to attract attention this year is really coming into the spotlight. George McQuinn recent ly acquired first sacker is hitting the ’ole apple at a blistering clip so far for this season. His pres- net batting average is .330. At third base is Billy Johnson who is going great guns this sum mer. Johnson so far this season is just over the line as a .300 hit ter, and he is second to DiMaggio in runs batted in with 40. He is also a popular favorite to play third base on the American League all-star team this July. ■ Around the keystone bag the Yankees have two very familiar names, George Stirnweiss and Phil Rizzuto. Neither have really hit their stride this year but both are gradually improving as the season wears on. Bobby Brown who hit .341 with Newark last year is ar ound for utility roles. Behind the plate is Aaron Rob inson who was last year acclaimed the best hitting catcher in the American League. Robinson may also be a member of the all-star team this season. Helping with the catching chores is an outstand ing rookie named Yogie Berra. The Yankee pitching staff, badly crippled by the loss of Spud Chan dler, has always been a weak spot on the team. Frank Shea, sensa tional rookie, is carrying the bulk of the load for the mound staff. Shea has already won 9 and lost 2 this season. Allie Reynolds, Floyd Sevens, Joe Page, and D. Johnson are other twirlers who will have to come through with more wins this sum mer if the Yankees expect to stay on top. With the Detroit Tigers resting safely in sixth place after a ten game losing streak, the biggest Yankee opposition will come from the Boston Red Sox. The N. Y. Yankees received a letter from a 27-year-old outfield er who announced that not only was he ready to become a star in the American League, but he was safe from the draft. The Yankees were ready to sign him up when they discovered he had just been released from an insane asylum! COME OYER and PLAY Playground Equipment- Sand Boxes—Wading Pools Swing Sets — Slides and Merry-Go-Rounds JOYCE’S TOY HOUSE College Road, Bryan Phone 2-2864 — ✓2-1585™ DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS merican them out 8 to 5. Shortstop Yan Wagner was the leading hitter for the Camp team getting 2 for 3. Patterson was the winning pitcher allowing nine scattered hits. Dorm 2 over ran Dorm 5, 15 to 2. Ogan was the winning pitcher. For the losers Overly and Ballentine accounted for the 2 runs. The Project House team went down in defeat to Dorm 6 by the count of 11 to 4. The leading hit ter for the losers was catcher Kar- aras with 2 hits for 3 trips to the plate. Birkhead was the winning pitcher allowing only 6 hits. FOR YOUR APARTMENTS— Trimz Paper Drapes „_98£ and $1.49 Texolite for Your Wallpaper . $3.00 Gal. $1.00 Qt. Devo Pake—For Your Panel Walls and Woodwork A One Coat Self-Priming, Self-Sealing Material ... ....$1.10 Qt. “Dex” Borders—Decals and Wallpaper CHAPMAN’S Next to the Post Office, Bryan Keep Cool WE HAVE THE FANS TO BEAT THE HEAT! LeJohn — 8”, 9” $8.95 - $11.95 (Guaranteed 1 Year) Surf — 10” $13.45 Just Received Hunter — 16” Oscillating Fans! Circulators Kisco Circulair— Table Model $27.95 Floor Model $38.95 Vornadofans $57.63 and Up BETTER HOMES Appliances, Records, Record Players * « CARRY 3 INTERCHANGEABLE SPARE* * FOR AN EVER-FRESH SWEETER SMOKE * OFFICE/ HOME OR OUTDOOR STYLES For every iyp© • • • there’s a Cuslombill pipe • • • individual as a thumbprint... each hand-crafted... no 2 alike. U. V Fo». O#. CLOTHIERS College and Bryan