Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1947)
An^MfeiMiatoteed. . , t nhhi \ b I Job Calls for Graduates'Vr “'‘‘I tM 7’. TW »UI Ibt tk. current Job „/m*y b« of inUroai to rraduating aenior. Dotaila Mo^ trmn W - R H'^ley or Locian T.ZSL 1 n P ^ n ^ nt 6ffk * ‘n^Room 126, Adminiatration Building reachera—American School Foan> dation of Monterrey, Mexico, wanU a man and wife to aerre m Bupcrintendant and tofjAar. Salarv $4,600 to $6,600, effoe- «to July t Many other call, “j* k**® rocoirad from collegea and unireraitiea all over tho country. Biology, Chemiatry, Agronomy American Smelting A Refining Company. Joba open in both United State* and Mexico. Engineer*, Industrial Education, 5** 1, I*M* — American Viscose Corporation. \ Mechanical Engineering, Architec ture, Electrical Engineering. En- fine*ring Drawing, Agricultural Engineering. Agronomy, Dairy Husbandry, Chemiatry. Physics Several teaching positions open in September in California colleges. Also, many other teach ing positions open. Geophysical (foreign and domes- Many openings in this field, both with major oil com panies and contracting firms. Research physics, , moriai 1 ory Committee on Aeronautics, Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Farm and Ranch Management — Several calls for men to manage w K Jl ST IN McCARTY’S little dress with demure high round collar wears Fash ion’s yoke lightly with siripes and tucks. The fabric, a beautiful coUon chambray by Henry Glass, is so simple and easy to launder, so pretty to wear. Sizes: 9 to 15 $12.95 Smart Shop farm and ra profit sharing Air Condition tion—Carrier Company, Yort Chemiatry—Celanhoe Du Pont Compah pany. Management E: tainer (will interview tore), Dellas Sales E ngineerin her Company, er Industries. Corpora km h property on isia. and Ref rig* ra- Corporation, >y, Swift A Cora- n^neering ra km of — Con- America here in near fu- Company. T ink d—Cuffman Lum- Ajfme Brick. Dreaa- ;y Engineering- City of Denison, on, Gregg Coun- ilen. business Adminis- 1 Electric Com- t Company (will » near future), » Company, Ma- ork, Sears, Roe- y- 11s, International $Ma, International pany, Standard y, Tex - Tan of interview in the Sanitary and Cii City of Dallas, City of Galvesi ty. City of Mc4l Accounting and tration — Gem^a pany, W. T. G interview in Price-Waterlw cy’s of New buck A Compap Sales—General k Business Mach Harvester CoA Coffee Compai Yoakum (will near future). Landscape Archjtecturo—Griffing Nursery, Texai Nursery Com pany. Electrical Engin wring — Gulf States Utilitiei, Radio Corpora tion of Am# lea, ~ Btrombsrg- Carlaon Compi ny, U. 8. Navy Electronics La toratory. Insurance^ Many openings in the fields of lift aid casualty Insur ance. appraisA and Inspection work. Chamber of Commerce Work - . Openings for I'hamber of Com meree managefi in the following cilleti Wilis IVini, New Boston, i.m.rgetown, foup. la Grange and Hchulenbuni, .Civil Enginesr1iir«.Illlnola Bute Itepartment ofTpuhlie Works, U, 8. I*uhllc Heath Service, Teaaa Highway hepto-tment Agricultural Engineering, Horticul ture, Agroooriy, Entomology Ubby, McNellJand Llbhy, Pos- 111 n n ojien fpr man Interested In the (tcvelnament of canning equipment, rr+arch in crop dis- ease and soil j projects. Veterinary MMIcine—> Dr, C. L. Smith (private practice), U. 8. Public Health Service, Texas Phenothiasine Company. Veterans Vocstiinal Schools — Many opening* for men to teach ■a the variou^ Veteran* Schools over the *Utei Senior* who plan to gradaate this .iimmer -hould Ole a regis tration record with the Placement Office if they have not a I read) done so. Ha|i ptirit Student j Secretary Arrives The new Baplist student secre tary at A AM. j Rev. Prenti* W. Chunn Jr., had taken over his work this week^ The ftill-time job is to promote a) program for stu dents of the B4ptist faith in this ares. USED RECORDS New and oltj favorite* 25f Supply of new popular recora*—also Kana, Regord (‘layers, ('ombi nations BRYAN MUSIC CO. 4(12 N*rlh MhIii DYERS FUR STORAGE HATTERS itverican ’OtSL^ 2-158 S' tM-sH-sm! New.' rf % • Hit M TO TV KLU RAINIS tmur (mtm i I MNIVIMM- ISttlSBtlOSAi MOtodlW P«00* POSWW* US* ^ by ths Vmt gtvi ■ yen a It Ost 1 J ly-sy/ / Methodist Youths Scheduled to Meet Here June 23-28 rk odia a w« June 23-28 the Texas Con* ference Methodial. Youth Fel lowship ‘will hold ita annual assembly on the campus. I .Approximately 500 Meth- ist youths will convene for week of study, worship, end re creation, with accredited instruc tors leading discussions of interest to the various age groups. The en tire program is planned to help •trencthe* Youth Fellowship in the local church. Dr. Paul Quillian, pastor of First Methodist Church, Houston, has been cbo*en for the morning guest speaker, and Em me it Dubb- «rly of Branham will serve as dean. Grady Earls will serve as dean of men, and Mrs. Fisher as dean of women JM. First. Methodist Church, Houston, is president of the Texas Conference Methodist Youth Fellowship. She has led the youth council in making plans for tto assembly and will preside at the Ruaineas sessions during the week. OrriCIAX NOTgCX t>Kk ■iMf..* t« Ur City Man Ostoa# auuoe «tll u rm*** ^ C1 *v Umnmgrr until - »m Monday. Juno 10 fur furnlnltinr neprutimntrly TM cubic yum of rand WBvsL Byocificatiun. and drtailo may be obtained at tbr office of Ur City Maa- atrrr uf tha Chy of Collar Slatiun. Baa Bnawrll. Aae t. City lor. Waldrop Changing Loration in Bryan . M Waldrop and Company In nn U to have a new hum* •mplele temraMIng has Imen started o|i the building formerly neettpled by A AP The new hulliT •n# Will provide I.SKM s«,uare feet or mtirt- nf fluu a|iare than the ptiment Ideation. The pew Mote, to have mulerp fiNtures and t*e«'»»ed front win. .o" , w|1 ' two fliMita Slid b'lll be air conditioned, latest •vr "^. >1 * h,, ng eiiulpment will add to tM ea«e and enmfoit of *hon|iin|r. I ft*, ^ w,r '**1* Include the ladle* dopaitment, the hov*‘ He partment, and men’s furnishings. It will s|m> include luggage, hat. *nd shoe dppartmenta. 8«Tond floor plan* call for the military department, tailor shop, snd estra storage space. AHUter Waldrop. Jr., manager, stated that he hoped to have the new location available by early Forestry Course Finishes Thursday The practical forestry course for cotmty agent* conducted at the Sierke State Forest ended yeeter- nnd plan* are being made to extend the course to include vo cational agriculture teachers next summer, S L. Pro*t, chief of the I>1 Vision of Education of the Texas hoivst Service, has announced. This year’s course, conducted by the Texas Forest Service in coop eration with the Extension Ser vk» and the Range Forestry De pat tment, lasted three weeks and was att> nded by 13 county agents. The course was taught by Dr. V A. Young and Bob Rhodes of the Stonagement Department wnd C. JW. Simmons, Extension forraler. Instruction given on the field covered such subjects as timber survey*, cutting plans, tree growth, soils and their effect on tree sur vival. marketing and selling prob- letlts, and special training in ex tension methods. According to Frost, the course was financed by the Texas Forest Service Association, Texas Lumber Manufa.tuiing Association, Kirby Lumber Corporation, Southland lapei and Fiber (ompany, and Hoxk* Hi Thompson, retirmi turn hei man. Camera Club Will Organ i/.e Monday Tho A, A M t'amera (’luh will ba ixHirgaiiiaed at a meeting Mon day In the Physics Building at 7:!H> pm. aMardlng to riaudr Stone, acting president. All studonts In- telested Ip photography are lnv|. U*4l to attend. Stone stated T‘ new rlub will pmliably be on ■ ImiHiler basis than previoualy, with larth advanced and eleatentary gix»ups, the latter Itelng for those who "push the button snd let ** dnig store do the rest" the The Battalion Pt*«4 FRIDAY, JUNE 20. 1947 Official Notices ■aka Mm Win be ramtsss la tke Offle* of tbe gitei Maaaasr of tba r~ Praaewtlra bMSws sboolS mmiMcX tb* OffW at Uw BesbMsa Maaacer ASM at Tans. Cellae. BtsUoa. Taaaa, tm furl bar iafoneMtoe am* MS for*. B. M. rr REPAiaa: Rsaie mm* ■etss sad tirvten. All vert toeesrgs V-amt Cm*, pbofta 4-1140. Tho iMbeUm Two are repaired oa all package* being sesrt by Rail way Ex preen, the Ural affka ■toted Taeeday. Drivers will he CLASSinED ADS AGGIELAND STUDIO FOR YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC NEEDS— ] Portrait*. r film finiahinc plua framea in all shea. photoatata. and Prompt service in products to pleeae YOU “27 Years in Aggie Service” North Gate I ® * r A I a at Beat* naa rafrlesrewt dw am* awvtM. AM wort | T— f I^OMABim Brat (Mi. rtuTlri? -^Xlew raurras hi »bratbsn4. lyplnc mm* i boobkarpinc will ba off rrad ibruufhout tba nummar at raonUUr rmlas. etudanta: mar anter snjr Monday. WflfltHint- ■ai.i)win. businteas rotxaoB. tsi bunts Wrablnnton ATTBNTION BNQDfBXM - Uat your asstsaar. math rbnrt at tba Biabsnc# BKl BALK on and tablw. anaktaU labial. ^ Mow SSc wkila tbsp ism. Clartoe fttmltura Co. Meres. Tvptns •« than l» nod I ham— n •pralnhs. Med. Meesa. Pbsaa * 4la* ■»»»? ■ T '""' fuPsHknd kadeuumi with iwin •dtnislns Uth Masntb Mjiae k..m* tW-Mani tut aoltan, pra. BOM MAI.M' I— ha, eta at isibdltMn. u tk MMelt* baa nsv -My tftay l-U kl—i'* **• Nmo— . Jsssrllad Mad. P.tmbMa Cbaat »f Dm ways Dfwwiss Tnbb- M..A -**. rimes I4M4 nftee mme. rob HAI.R i Pra-fsk bnam. Liwhled an J*** to aald b. atudant ar Wrabra. t on tort I. H. Mora. N,.« «S*7 (Mltaso. nr rae atadaat -ward boo- Mu. I by Ian a It noart U»»T! Modal Alrplana CM Xnelon. nraund Colbea Pork, rindan plan- not I- f» J. W. Tnyn, Run 744 r.,|la*n FOM RBNT: H.aan nod bath for roup- w^^na bloek Bt—lh of t'ampua. Coll roacBD TO BBL.L. Mt.V ins tu Annona 4 room boo— built In 1S4S. Hardwood noora. 4-raom rant boo- .ffurdlne MS.- SS ■ n*aith to ba a*M furnlabad. Corner Jo* IM . SS. ISS Hnrvi* 8t n-r Country Club. KOR BALM: Sllnktly uaa* Art lay n«ta •» N. J. Sapp B-S-D. Coll—a Vlaw. roa BALB: Babe bony ■Innntta M.M. D-4-D Collapa Vlaw. (•' i/ i //// // C}Q*p .y* TNI MBT TOC tout # hvrli. brother— We *(|tcc (hat i'Hp ll'a g ni(l> — but therk thcec extra i|tfviMl fnMmrt •' Klip the brim to luit yout taite mid it itayi put. tr Get caught in tht rain and who cam — Flip-H it water repellent. • ^ Take your diokc of six smart tludet iT Tan $1.95—Yellow blue, green or red Red $2.65. QJaidroptfg “Two t Convert a nt Slor. s College IMitlfm • Bryar t i ’ /A , S y SK A w humbie' /tJ m »*SMieMA*hS T^'t/Z/waa *.*!■» Exchange Store “Serving Texas Agfiea” % / / I/] wy/s/ /. '/■/ / f t/s stop at a Humble station Of course you do. You appreciate the clean rest rooms, the ice water, the friendly welcome that await every traveler under the Humble sign. Humble Station operators are on their toes to supply you with the three essentials to comfortable travel by car: spallets rest Totems; courteous, prompt service; products of highest quality. ■ ; j,- As you drive the highways of Texas, stop for refreshing service where you •ee the Humble sign. . • xm* ••fresh yeer ser wttt litre. To* V oetics By* entn lereencs peer cer ftvw ymm yen fi** M bra bhe. Oet ' HUMBLE Year hmti mm Tnm bightmmyt —tltmm tmu rmmmt. frUmdly Ittmitt. prmdmcti mf bigbmtl immlity *t tmmry HmtmUm tigs. wmJ/.y/. /i HUMBLE OIL & REFINING COMPANY