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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1947)
K--*' ' ! i ' % * . '* 4 I T , . . f y,..TT Fr EDITORIAL PAGE 2 “Arc We Blinded ? i/' ; jif. iV7 7 / EDITORIAL PAGE 2 By Tradition?” PUBLISHED IN THE OF A GREATER A AM COLLEGE U-- ** Volume 47 COl STATION (i >. TEXAS. FRIDAY, JUNE 20. 1947 Number 4 Billie Barron Play* Lead ‘Mikado’ Cast Named For Sum mer Operetta Billie Jean Barron (Mrs. Joe Barron) of Bryan will •ing the leading role of Yum-Yum, Japanese bride, when the Aggie Players and Singing Cadets present “The Mikado” here this summer. Mrs. Barron is a former member of the Deslaa A Capslla Choir end Um+ TSCW Modem Choir, end wee with the Teeeie group in their test ep- pee re nee here et Qeioti Hell. She U the 4 „ wife of an Aggie graduate. The leading male role ef Men- hi-Po, >trolling minatrvi, will be eung br Harry Doram of the Hing ing Cadeta Doran, from Man Hebe, •ang Captain Corcoran in laet yeara aumtner operetta, M H M • Pinafore *' He wee a eoiuiat with the Denton A (’npella Choir before coming to A. A M. Doran la a veterinary medicine etudent. The Mlbade himeelf will be ; eang by T, I). Carratt. of gees* nonl. who haa previosaly ap peared with the Reaamest light Opera and the Reeement Male Caoraa. Ko-Ko, the tiord High Rxecu ttoner, will be played by Marcua Mahan, who appeared In a produc tion of the Mikado at North Texaa Agricultural College, Arlington, aa Nankt-Po. Two other Japaneee dignltariea, Piah-Tuah and Pooh-Bah, wiU be aung by D. L. Boyd of Fort Worth and Burl Ervin of the M.K. fac ulty. Ervin waa a aololat with the Singing Cadeta for four yeara and haa aung with the Great Lakea Blue Jacket Choir. Pat Kirkpatrick, who haa been featured in several productions of the Aggie Players, will take the character part of Katiaha, a Jap anese equivalent of Vera Vague. Yum-Yum’a sister, Peep-Bo and Pitti-Sing, will be played by Cath erine deMontel and Vanda Ervin Mrs. deMontel, wife of student Ed mund deMontel, is from Corvallis, OrS., works at WTAW, and has ap peared with USO shows. Mrs Ervin, wife of “Pooh-Bah” Ervin, studied at the Sherwood Institute of Music in Chicago Bill Turner of the Singing Ca deta is directing the musical fea turea of the show, and Arnold Biello of the Aggie Players will take care of the dramatic features. Milt Frenkel, president of the Play ers, heads the technical crew. PAT KIRKPATRICK, shave, will play the pari of KAT1RHA. the Nippon version ef Vera Yaga*, la the forthcoming operetta. “The Mikado'', scheduled to be held this summer by the Hinging Cadeta and Aggie Players. City Development Association Objec .s to Bunting's Plan To Abolish Senior High School Th« Boat 1 of Diractora of the Coll**K*t Station Develop ment Aaaocia ion. Chamber of Commerce adopted a resolu tion which d< dared that W. D. Bunting, County Superin tendent, prop med a plan to abolish the Senior High School at College Stition without consulting the officials of the A. k M. Codaolidated School or members of the School Board. This action waa takeiv at the Thursday meeting of the Board. The reaolution In full la aa followi: In rvapomw to numerous expressions of concern by patrons of the A. A M. Consolidated Independent Srh.»ol District about County Super nlendent W. D. Bon ting's plan to abolish the Benior High School it College Station, the Board of Directors of the College StatU n Development AsaociaMon stated: f That lupt. Bunting made his proposal without ronaulting officials of tla A. A M. Consolidated School or members of the School Board I. Thatj ny change In the status of the A. A M. Consolidated Independent t hool District can be authorised Italy by the A. A M. Consoltdsted UslrK-t and does not fall wlttin the •cope of the authority of 1 he County Superintendent. I. That the Board of Directors of tho College Station Do- veloomsnt At mrlatken feels that the ncsdenlir rating of the A. A M Consoli loted School, os revealed by reront report of Huts B«>erd of Kdu otion. and the recorda being made by IU gradooten, indicate very High atandnnla of eduratinn The Board pledged IU wholehearted support to Hupertnteitdont A. M. Whltla end com mended him (nr the greet progrenn mnde this year under his ad ministration. Social Problems Not Out Of Science Realm, Says Briton r irchaae of thro* traffic lightn. One Stoto Highway • and Farm Highway to, another at ih* Eaat Gate entranOo to the College, and the third ot the interaectl mi of Jeney Street Kxtemoon end Hute Highway 6. The**- signs la will he installed and maintained by the City accord ing to the plan if the Development Association. AVC Plans Chapter At Prairie View VA Guidance Center Open This Summer The Veteran’s Testing and Guidance Center, a free serv ice of the Veteran’s Adminis tration, will remain open dur ing the summer./ Veterans and non-veterans currently enrolled in A. A M. are welcome to this terv ice, according to R. H. Hughes, director. The center is also avail able to veterans of Brazos and ad joining counties. The object of the Testing and Guidance Center, according to Extension Radio Editor Resigns To Kansas (jiity Post C. W. Jackson, extension radio editor, aeaigned his pos ition June 15 to become radio farm directoi of Station KCMO, Kansas City, Missouri. The team of “lack" and “Claire" has been heard by the listening audience of the daily Texas Farm and Home Progi am and the weekly A. A M. Farm Review for more than three yean. Since that team ha* now been br iken, the program* will be continu id by Mias Sybil Claire Banister until someone is engaged to worl t with her. J. F. Jackson, New Methodist Pastor, To Preach Sunday Gty Residents To Discuss Issues Monday Intortstcd College Station residents will meet Monday evening at 8 In the Consoli dated High School gymnaaium to air the affairs of the city, Mayor Ernest lungford stated Wednes day. Amoqg the subjects up for dis cussion will be the continuance of ih* present system of garbage col lection and dlapoeal which will ex pim July I. According to Mayor iMngford, reaidonta wilt be shewn how the majority of them ran ben ••fit more by having taxes Increased slightly than by continuing to pay both the prvwnt city tax and gar tiegv collection fee. The city cemetery will also discusaed, regarding the aale of lota and work being done toward the beautification of the cemetery. Local and city offices and the Bryan Junior Chamber of Com merce are to cooperate in initiating a fly and other inaect control cam paign, Mayor Langford stated. Gar- t>age cans and all breeding places will be sprayed with DDT in an effort to reduce the number of in sects now menacing the common ity. By Vick Undlcy Sociological science* need not be handicapped by the fact that they are not baaed on measurement. Dr. W. H. George of London told the Sigma Xi and AAUP at a joint meeting Wednesday nlfht. Dr. George, head of the phyaic* depart ment at the Chelsea Polytechnic lehool. Univeraity of Lon don, haa boon a guest on the campua this week atudying American method* of teaching phyaica. The phyakal sciences, which are usually thought of aa ♦baaed entirely on measurement, are Jingo Games, Free liovie Highlight irove Activities ’Rural District* Progress With Locker Plants’ ‘•Great progrvan has been matte in establishing locker plants in ru ral communities and in r taking them available tn Dm farmer stated Profeaaoi O. D. Butk-r the Animal Husbandry Depart- aatually baaed on anangstaent, »'"! rm-M»u..m,.„( >• uuidenlal, Df. George pointed out. M MMR- •tratad 'tbt the '<)warmest of a •quart, Mta softneas of graphite and the hsrdne** of g 4t*n»w>d de pend net on quantitative measure- umm but on arraagwaant. ^Understanding this, we aee that A aTh # L? t, Tl l ‘2 ■ Urtln « the iS2£ June III ha* been planned for the tifta taaljw^*, By,Tfladiwa stated Grove, according to Grady BImh, "Worker* la the natural science* aeaialaAl manager of Student As- have long believed that aoelologtcai pheMtaMa MUM m WjBafil Ou Monday night binge game* taWntlflsally, heoaqaa of Mm Us- with free priasa start at Till with yoaslbillty of measuring factor* dancing afterwards. Tuesday la- . The Texaa Fa m and Home Pro- _ . , . . . according to gram jumped f om far down the alty. and has had one Hughea, it to give information con- i ine , t iu , Ur1 ^ third place a- work at ceming various vocation*, aa well the natior a farm radio pro- aa to interpret the reaulta of in- gr.,*, j n i»4« phe A. A M. Farm dividual teats In the light of the Review prograr I, first broadcaat man’* aptiturea and hia Intereata | n j u |y t j9 46i j, now by 16 Definite plana were made for the Be ataUHl that teating ia not over- Texaa atationa. ropo^ organljmtion of pn Amer-1 j j M k*on ioin< d the Extenaion p ;: gent in Harria founty. n Veteran* Committee Chapter riment of other important fhatogas I H . r y | c . heailuuarters ataff in at Prairie View Univeraity by the »»*l nK, “7 t , w for a of March. 1U44. bet urn ing radio editor local AVC chapter at their Mon- wllh V™" b-ln t MrtaA. j n m6 At ihf of hl< #p day night meting. The** plan* There are twelve group* of testa pomtment to the ataff, he waa Include the contacting of Nogro available; Achievement, Art Ate serving aa couiKy agricultural veterans attending Prairie View. I praisal, Clerical Aptitude, Intelli who live in the Bryan araa, and genre, lnur»*t Manual Dexterity, tnformiijr them of the AVC pro-1 Mali emcftn, Mechanical Abltlt; gram. Tney will In turn form the Personality ( nucleus of a eampua organiMtion I Its lifventory). ■■.■■■i.a .m, Other plana to a* carried out in ulary, K|tac* Relation*, and Trad* tha near future ar» the renewal of Teat*. Any greup of the**, or comparative food price aurveya of | any rombinatinn of groups, may he local stores and in* procuring of taken, After the leal* are scored, speaker* for campus meeting* de graph* showing abilities, Intereata. r . voted to better understanding of and aptitudes will be prepared ami I Approaimatal| fSOJXM will , Mechanical Ability. | * # .TlK&WV-SlDurais to Receive Slimmer Repairs The Reverend J a m e * F. Jackson of Carthajre, recently appointed pastor of the A. & M. Meth(xli»t Church, will oc cupy the pulpit for the first time Sunday. June 22. He succeeds Reverend R. C Ter ry who haa been transferred to ta* First Methodist Church in Igrikhr ' F - ‘ Jackson, a native of Georgia, a son and grandson of Methodist pas tor*. also ha* a brother in the min- istry. Jackson received hia A. B. r* eiTe n, | ment aa he gave the princlpaPad B D. degree from Duke Umver- dreM ^ the «. venln< t c th V flrrt aa had one year graduate , BX1Tnmtr meeting of the AAM Coi- „ramburg University in i e gtate Chapter of the Future Far ad in burg, Scotland. A year waa mere of America last Monday apent traveling throughout Europe. | night. He came to Texas in 1#42 aa aa- i Continuing with hia discussion, aistant pastor of the Firat Metho- Butler brought out some of the diat Church In Houston, and has new developments in home deep been pastor of the Carthage church j frees ra and some of the problems for the past three yeara. ' {that arise tn the preparation of cured meat. He continued his diaruaaion by outlining what la being taught by the A. H Department In It* two meat cmiraae, A H SOT. Hlaugh. taring Process, and A. H 411, 1/icker Plant Operation "The De- | partment la placing primary Im portance In developing the Vriwll- cal knowledge of the atudent In thee* two coursea," slated Muller J D Rarrett, recently elected president of the Chapter, pi lit atructiona will be given In dancing from T to * p.m. followed by juke box danoing. Mo •paaial program ia achedaM far Wadnea- day olght, but the juka Mm. mi cold drinks will b* available for dancing and re freak ment*. Thursday night -<iaaN dgRahM classes will be held from 7 to I p.m. for students of the college only. Everyone is invited to dance to ‘nicker muaic afterward. Fri- day night a free movie will be shown at 8:S0. Battirday avoahig the juke box and cold drinks wiU again be available The square dancing lessons will be conducted by Manning Smith and instructions in the art of call- ing the dance will also be given. The Grove waa officially opened last Monday night with a free bin- go game in which several hundred people took part. Prizes of boxes of candy, cartons of cigarettes, and cans of tobacco were given the winners. The nightly operation erf the Grove aa an entertainment lounging cantor waa established by the Student Activities Office for the benefit of atudent* attending college during the summer term* MAN “Wo can study the arrangement, the circumstances Wt whieh event# orrur'*, and thia ia just as scientific ta MSliHf meMBliSMMI with a mator atlrt or with a aeaia balante. Dr. George pointed out "The great Mror made |n aa* rleiegical etadiea ia ef otadylag facta, Cmiperation Asked For X-Ray Service Hickman Clarifies Parking Lot Areas facta ts justify oar This la exactly eg aeieaUflc method, fee as ta ahaervi prejudging • a r ^ Georg* stated. “Ui it ia mack easier tq i ions and facta." Dr. George quoted Michael Fara day aa eotabliahtag the scientific method* in these few words; “Find the facts.” tbmk aboqli you are basis tot ad. Tho war or (acta about the circumstance* in which they occur. W# do not need to to able to say. *01 van this par- tknlnr cause, the effect will bo calls without Dr. Italy, opia te find •a* are fun to kite time, when bat they are no Dr. George stat- way we con prevent ia to study all particular poverty.’ to aoc complex But we are therefore hese pro- too Atomic energy, United Nations Or-i Interpreted by the ataff of thia dormitory repatre during ganliation, and Labor. |department, Haghe* stated ^ww dumb and con- H. K. Robard*, chairman of the A. A M. chapter emphaaiaed that AVC la not only opened to members and fbrmer members of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, but also to members and former members of the Merchant Marine and various woman branches of service. Second 4-H (lul) Round-Up Sept 4 The primary objective of thr Riaao* County Tuberculosis A* •nriatinn this year ia to aecure thr cooperation of tin re«ld*nta of thl* munty in taking advantage nf the free X ray tervire that will be of- fered beginning November It of tkiD year. y>' Thia *tatement wa« made by J, C. Jone«, Executive Secretary «f the Association, a* he spoke to Ike Physical Education cl*** in Health Method* Tuesday, cm the subject of tuberruloaia. He also showed filma of the dla- RegiMtrar, Visual Aids lo Occupy Print Shop Rooms The State 4-H Club Round-Up,, me miior«i ui roster, no**, the biggest event of the year for and Pfeuffer Halls, now being Texaa’ 4-H Clubbers, haa been aet i used aa office and storage apace*. crete floor* entered with asphalt tile are In ordeV for Law, Leggett and Mitchell H^l*- Convenient phig*. plumbing re pairs, and imptovements In room furnishings have also been ordered j ease and discussed IU prevalence so that all studgnU, in ok] or new in this area. He *aid that there dorms, will hate equal accommo dations for the Jail seen aster. The removal of Foster, Roaa, and storage spaces, (or September 4-8 on the campua. j ia being recommended aa soon as J. W. Potts and Lorene Steven*, additional apace for these facili | atate 4-H Club leaders of the Tex- ties can be provided, according to as Extension Service, have an- A. C. Baker, college architect. The Plan* tor the exbtinr vacant nounced that each county may send I building program to provide thia rooms in the basement of the Ad- to the Round-Up two 4-H boys, reconstruction will be financed ministration Building were dia- two 4-H giria, one woman club through the f r 000,000 bond issue closed by E. L. Angell, assistant leader and one man leader. | «> be voted on August 28. t0 R 1 x!m P 7fl ,d fo^m»rlv nreunied hv Th * 1944 f ‘ret of that thP A & M f pl^a^wdTto taken type » ToMI. waa y A *. M J?** r’Lg.”**^ I aLiiaad by and for 4-H’er«. who ™.?' f ^! th * whole show for three days Ih. .ffW oJ IkJ SU .~1 inBtnwtion S itaSSr z; room 21, formerly used for cm '‘ . or * aimilar program, with MnJin, ot poblio.Uon.'rtl b. •cbMM,. the dtpoaal of the new photo. for the youngsters. . afUrnoon graphic Visual Aida Laboratory, Potto and Mias Stevens explain Arts aIM j Cref^ to be directed by Howard Berry; that in addition to the county at offered for the and room 22 will be uaad aa a ator- tendance quota. 4-H members who I College Station age room for filet of the various) are taki administrative departments. at the meeting and mmmlUeea <m finance. ' entertainment, refresh ment*. program*, and membership were appointed. Those appointed to a committee were: program. J. M Prtddy, C. M. Huckabee. and K W. Clayton; finance, V T Jonea, P. B Hall and i. O. Walker; entertainment, P. D. Kiel, A. O. Bordeaux, and Two parking Iota, one located behind the Petroleum Building and the other south of the main drill field, are available to day students, according to Fred Hickman, chief of campus security. Dormitory atudent* ore alas re quested to use Utoir 104 pert IV. parking lota. Students living in Ihirma I, 3, and 8 should park in the let east of Dormitory I. Stu dent* living In Denaitory 7, 9, and II ahould use the paiking lot behind Dorm 11. Student* in tanas I, 4, and 4 should park on Troll street, west of the dormitory area; for atudenia living In Dorm* 10, ami II tba proper jprktng lut ia behind Durmltory If, Hiekman urga* ill students to park in their toaifnated parking areas. If the proper lot* are used, traffic conge*tion will lit reduced, and the removal of vehicles will be facilitated, or ‘Give* the OflM The cirrumstancas iological problem to pin down that wrong if wt say w* can do nothing about blcms scientifically. "Evaa math, maticiana now have non-motrieal mathematic*, in which 1 from 4 equate 1, net 8, said Dr. (,**orge, demonstrating Ma mean ing by removing on* of four He- menta of symetry m a amiar*. but destroying three out of four lines of symetry. ‘'We are wren* when wo can- fuse the teaching of arteaUfk W R Peeic: refreshments, Loftta, were flO case* of tuberruloaia re- c. B Chandler, and T D Scrog- parted in Braxoa Countv in 1942 jgtna: membership B R Ferguaon and 27 reported in 1946. the ma m M Boyd, and W 8. Chamber* jority of which were found through j ar |j Tlmmona waa appointed re- the Foo«l Handler* ( Imic. preaentattve of the (Tiapter on the Jonc* *taU-d that the association 1 Agricultural Council will have a mobile X-ray unit at its disposal in November. In connection with this W. More than S.200 permissible ex plosives and new tynes of Indus Dowell, instructor in the physical trial explosives utilising surplus education department, said that i military stocks were tested by the Classes in Arts, Crafts Under Way Texas University now has com- pulsory X-ray examinations for its students, and that Baylor. TCU, and SMU have requested them. as held Wednes the courses in which are being ys and giria of Oaaaas — w-w include sking part in the atote dree* photography, wp.,iworking, leath , rin* matches, or who are L.r craft, model i airplane bui Fee InstallmenlH for Fall SemeNter ilding. sketching and liities. to register late of these course* the G. Hehrey at Houae, Chapel on Jersey Movement into thee* reoms will on any other part of the scheduled I tin-can craft, he done at the convenience of the program will attend the get-togeth- modeling pom departments concerned. |ar. Anyone wish! for one or to be taught should contact Fees for the fall aameeter have been announced by the Registrar’s hind fit Tho Office, Total for the semester, payable to the Fteoal Office, is |4t.04. | Street. ng section will he . - ,— — _ce of Jack Walter ahd ia Aaaiffned brimarily far teen IU-10 •Rwa. Other MtMban of the Arte w . . .. _ IJMS • ml Crm ^ la po «»q» | ttwe and inatnw tor* are Mrs. Jt M. WhHte, Mias Tba above fare are for Veterans; torp* members and other non- Bernice Jensen, and Author Ed veterans will pay a total of 2282 48, also payable ia I ns tallmoaU. | monds I - * . . : u t. 1 i amount* may b* paid i<v installmenta, however, and the following are the) Jhe w.Kalworii nu due aa eaek taatoBoMMlt ,1 under the nM pB3|MM|»Tftept( IB, BaaoaA IqgMrtmert, Nov. 1-16 Third Inatanment. Nov. 1-17 ... MB ■ Bureau of Mine* during 1946. diaauvariag (bore Ta UCStte'JtMSi 1 Episcopal Service Times Announced Morning prayer and Sermon at St. Thomas Eptaropttl chapel will begin at 9 a. m. with Holy Com munion at 7:30 a. tn. and Church School at 10 a. m. each Sunday Confirmation c Isaacs are being held each Sunday afternoon at 4 in anticipation of the visit to the chapel of Bishop C. S. Quin. Thia summer schedule of ser vices waa announced by Rev. O. O. Helvey. ■•(had itaelf, Dr. Georg* atat- •d. "Maifiar aul” ferMate* sad fatto tm Mis are te only • mom* ary funetiaa. Finding thare farts. base farmatea from te whare the "Without aanMBftl i you rant teaiala mum and you can't control phenomana,” Dr. OMijll "Bat R you give up So you must attribute every a specific affoet, or every to * apaeifif cause, you ran sactologka! problems ia a sotenUfie manner." Bible School Fop Children Offered • be A. A M. Presbyterian Church will sponsor a Vacation Bible School for children of pre- school age each Friday Dom 9 un til 10:30 during the summer month*. The Rim* mHck.I classes wfll be held in thr ateond grade room of the A. A M. Consolidated School under the supervision of lire. E. G. Smith. / ^ § Ctbllege to Observe Fourth on Seventh No claaare will be held on Mon day, July 7, in observance of In dependence Day, the Registrar’* Office has announced. Since July 4 fall* on Friday, it was felt that students would rather have the holiday on the following Mon- day. Daan of the Collage F. C. Bol ton has announced, however, that any department of the college other than teaching divisions will bo allowed to observe the holiday on July 4, if suitable arrange ments are made far the absence of the department or division. Friday and Saturday, July Il ls, will bt ' (lamp Hood Leads Pack 290 Aggies to Summer Camps Two hundred and ninety Aggies i John M. Cook, and Major Leon i devoted to final exam inations. The following Monday morning students will register for the second semester, and rinrere will begin that afternoon. will bo attending summer camps, the Military Department announc ed Tuesday. All camps, except the Air Corps which opened June 18, will begin June 21 and last six or right weeks, depending on exist ing conditions, it waa stated. The Air Corps unit, consisting of 88 Aggies, te located at Randolph Field M Sgt Kermlt R Schete- mua and M/8gt. Raleigh M. Sher man, bath instructor* of Urtica, are already at Randolph Field. Of the 290 summer campers, 116 will be stationed at Camp Hood, with Col. Th,.ms* A. Ad cock os Inspector of training. From the college Infantry station attend Ing Camp Hood oral Col 0. B. Matey, Jr., aoMor infantry instruc tor! Lt. Cel. Glenn B Owen. Major srd E. Garrett, instructors of tac tics; and M/Sft. Louik W. Brat ton, M/Sgt. Patrick E. Lynch, T Sgt. Joseph C. Thomas. S/Sgt. Russell F. AUten, end Sgt. Rebert G. McClain, assistant instructor*. Major Norman W. IParsons, of the Covoriy section, will attend as in structor of tactics, and 8/Sgt J. D Mandel will go as assistant instruc tor from the Engineer teetiaa. Eifbty-fhre Aggleo will go to Fort Sifl, Oklahoma for sum; training. From ths FWld Artillery Beotian will be Lt. Cal. William A Backer, Lt. Cal Uaireore E. Bom mare, Copt Robert E. Bimens, Oapt Rov E. Smith, and M/Bgt Arthur W. Sh<h>, all as Instructor* of mollaa. Copt. Eugene U Datre. will leave from the Signal Carpi section fSe Fort Bites, TUxaa 16 Aggies will go tor training, instructed by Major John K. Walker, Jr, and 1st. Sgt. Ralph B, Spencer, both •f the Coast Artillery seetioa. I-t Col Frank R. Swoger. of the Ordnance sectfcn, will go as camp executive to Aberdeen Prov. -ing Qpounda, Maryland, where 1 / students will train. Major A rent 0, Wiken and M Sgt, Claud* Mteenkoimer will (MM!* at tdgew.Kid Arsenal, Maryland, whore v Aggioo will ■Rand. They ore both of ih* Cham- K-ja'orp. section 77^ Twanty-four students will train at Camp Lse, Virginia u,ui.. m. Jar Ulier lanha ■"•; vt \ . tar B. Reland of the Qu*rtcrms.u-r